Updated documentation on loading images from microSD card on slave mode example

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BornaBiro 2020-07-28 15:10:49 +02:00
parent 59fa532d64
commit 09549d0e45
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ example #G(003)*
drawBitmap: #H(XXX,YYY,"PATH")*
XXX - X position of bitmap on display
YYY - Y position of bitmap on display
PATH - path to bitmap image on SD card
example: #H(000,000,"/bitmapName.bmp")*
PATH - path to bitmap image on SD card, where path should be sent as HEX Char (same as for print command). Example: /image1.bmp should be sent as 2f696d616765312e626d70
example: #H(000,000,"2f696d616765312e626d70")* where 2f696d616765312e626d70 means /image1.bmp
response: #H(1)* - Image loaded succesfully
#H(0)* - Image load failed
#H(-1)* - SD Card Init Error