// Network.cpp contains various functions and classes that enable Weather station // They have been declared in seperate file to increase readability #include "Network.h" #include <HTTPClient.h> #include <WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClientSecure.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> // Static Json from ArduinoJson library StaticJsonDocument<32000> doc; void Network::begin(char *city) { // Initiating wifi, like in BasicHttpClient example WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); int cnt = 0; Serial.print(F("Waiting for WiFi to connect...")); while ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)) { Serial.print(F(".")); delay(1000); ++cnt; if (cnt == 20) { Serial.println("Can't connect to WIFI, restarting"); delay(100); ESP.restart(); } } Serial.println(F(" connected")); // Find internet time setTime(); // reduce power by making WiFi module sleep WiFi.setSleep(1); } // Gets time from ntp server void Network::getTime(char *timeStr) { // Get seconds since 1.1.1970. time_t nowSecs = time(nullptr); // Used to store time struct tm timeinfo; gmtime_r(&nowSecs, &timeinfo); // Copies time string into timeStr strncpy(timeStr, asctime(&timeinfo) + 11, 5); // Setting time string timezone int hr = 10 * (timeStr[0] - '0') + (timeStr[1] - '0') + timeZone; // Better defined modulo, in case timezone makes hours to go below 0 hr = (hr % 24 + 24) % 24; // Adding time to '0' char makes it into whatever time char, for both digits timeStr[0] = hr / 10 + '0'; timeStr[1] = hr % 10 + '0'; } void formatTemp(char *str, float temp) { // Built in function for float to char* conversion dtostrf(temp, 2, 0, str); } void formatWind(char *str, float wind) { // Built in function for float to char* conversion dtostrf(wind, 2, 0, str); } bool Network::getData(char *city, char *temp1, char *temp2, char *temp3, char *temp4, char *currentTemp, char *currentWind, char *currentTime, char *currentWeather, char *currentWeatherAbbr, char *abbr1, char *abbr2, char *abbr3, char *abbr4) { bool f = 0; // If not connected to wifi reconnect wifi if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { WiFi.reconnect(); delay(5000); int cnt = 0; Serial.println(F("Waiting for WiFi to reconnect...")); while ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)) { // Prints a dot every second that wifi isn't connected Serial.print(F(".")); delay(1000); ++cnt; if (cnt == 7) { Serial.println("Can't connect to WIFI, restart initiated."); delay(100); ESP.restart(); } } } // Wake up if sleeping and save inital state bool sleep = WiFi.getSleep(); WiFi.setSleep(false); // Http object used to make get request HTTPClient http; http.getStream().setNoDelay(true); http.getStream().setTimeout(1); // Add woeid to api call char url[256]; sprintf(url, "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat=%s&lon=%s&appid=%s", lon, lat, apiKey); // Initiate http http.begin(url); // Actually do request int httpCode = http.GET(); if (httpCode == 200) { // Try parsing JSON object DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, http.getStream()); // If an error happens print it to Serial monitor if (error) { Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed: ")); Serial.println(error.c_str()); f = 1; } else { // Set all data got from internet using formatTemp and formatWind defined above // This part relies heavily on ArduinoJson library dataEpoch = doc["current"]["dt"].as<time_t>(); formatTemp(currentTemp, doc["current"]["temp"].as<float>() - 273.15); formatWind(currentWind, doc["current"][F("wind_speed")].as<float>()); strcpy(currentWeather, doc["current"]["weather"][0]["main"].as<char *>()); strcpy(currentWeatherAbbr, doc["current"]["weather"][0]["icon"].as<char *>()); formatTemp(temp1, doc["hourly"][0]["temp"].as<float>() - 273.15); formatTemp(temp2, doc["hourly"][1]["temp"].as<float>() - 273.15); formatTemp(temp3, doc["hourly"][2]["temp"].as<float>() - 273.15); formatTemp(temp4, doc["hourly"][3]["temp"].as<float>() - 273.15); strcpy(abbr1, doc["hourly"][0]["weather"][0]["icon"].as<char *>()); strcpy(abbr2, doc["hourly"][1]["weather"][0]["icon"].as<char *>()); strcpy(abbr3, doc["hourly"][2]["weather"][0]["icon"].as<char *>()); strcpy(abbr4, doc["hourly"][3]["weather"][0]["icon"].as<char *>()); Serial.println(abbr1); Serial.println(abbr2); Serial.println(abbr3); Serial.println(abbr4); Serial.println(); f = 0; } } else if (httpCode == 401) { display.setCursor(50, 290); display.setTextSize(3); display.print(F("Network error, probably wrong api key")); display.display(); while (1) ; } // Stop http and clear document doc.clear(); http.end(); // Return to initial state WiFi.setSleep(sleep); return !f; } void Network::setTime() { // Used for setting correct time configTime(0, 0, "pool.ntp.org", "time.nist.gov"); Serial.print(F("Waiting for NTP time sync: ")); time_t nowSecs = time(nullptr); while (nowSecs < 8 * 3600 * 2) { // Print a dot every half a second while time is not set delay(500); Serial.print(F(".")); yield(); nowSecs = time(nullptr); } Serial.println(); // Used to store time info struct tm timeinfo; gmtime_r(&nowSecs, &timeinfo); Serial.print(F("Current time: ")); Serial.print(asctime(&timeinfo)); } void Network::getHours(char *hour1, char *hour2, char *hour3, char *hour4) { // Format hours info sprintf(hour1, "%2dh", (dataEpoch / 3600L + timeZone + 24) % 24); sprintf(hour2, "%2dh", (dataEpoch / 3600L + 1 + timeZone + 24) % 24); sprintf(hour3, "%2dh", (dataEpoch / 3600L + 2 + timeZone + 24) % 24); sprintf(hour4, "%2dh", (dataEpoch / 3600L + 3 + timeZone + 24) % 24); }