/* 3-Google_calendar_example for e-radionica.com Inkplate 6 For this example you will need only USB cable and Inkplate 6. Select "Inkplate 6(ESP32)" from Tools -> Board menu. Don't have "Inkplate 6(ESP32)" option? Follow our tutorial and add it: https://e-radionica.com/en/blog/add-inkplate-6-to-arduino-ide/ This project shows you how Inkplate 6 can be used to display events in your Google Calendar using their provided API For this to work you need to change your timezone, wifi credentials and your private calendar url which you can find following these steps: 1. Open your google calender 2. Click the 3 menu dots of the calender you want to access 3. Click 'Settings and sharing' 4. Navigate to 'Integrate Calender' 5. Take the 'Secret address in iCal format' (https://support.google.com/calendar/thread/2408874?hl=en) Want to learn more about Inkplate? Visit www.inkplate.io Looking to get support? Write on our forums: http://forum.e-radionica.com/en/ 3 August 2020 by e-radionica.com */ // Include Inkplate library to the sketch #include "Inkplate.h" // Including fonts #include "Fonts/FreeSans12pt7b.h" #include "Fonts/FreeSans9pt7b.h" // Includes #include #include #include "Network.h" // CHANGE HERE --------------- char *ssid = ""; char *pass = ""; char *calendarURL = ""; int timeZone = 2; // --------------------------- // Delay between API calls #define DELAY_MS 5000 // Variables to keep count of when to get new data, and when to just update time int refreshes = 0; const int refreshesToGet = 10; // Initiate out Inkplate object Inkplate display(INKPLATE_3BIT); // Our networking functions, see Network.cpp for info Network network; // Variables for time and raw event info char date[64]; char data[32000]; // For storing next 3 days info char dates[32 * 3]; // Struct for storing calender event info struct entry { char name[128]; char time[128]; char location[128]; int day; int timeStamp; }; // Here we store calendar entries int entriesNum = 0; entry entries[128]; // Function for drawing calendar info void drawInfo() { // Setting font and color display.setTextColor(0, 7); display.setFont(&FreeSans12pt7b); display.setTextSize(1); display.setCursor(20, 20); // Find email in raw data char temp[64]; char *start = strstr(data, "X-WR-CALNAME:"); // If not found return if (!start) return; // Find where it ends start += 13; char *end = strchr(start, '\n'); strncpy(temp, start, end - start - 1); temp[end - start - 1] = 0; // Print it display.println(temp); } // Drawing what time it is void drawTime() { // Initial text settings display.setTextColor(0, 7); display.setFont(&FreeSans12pt7b); display.setTextSize(1); display.setCursor(423, 20); // Our function to get time network.getTime(date); int t = date[16]; date[16] = 0; display.println(date); date[16] = t; } // Draw lines in which to put events void drawGrid() { // upper left and low right coordinates int x1 = 3, y1 = 30; int x2 = 600 - 3, y2 = 798; // header size, for day info int header = 30; // Columns and rows int n = 1, m = 3; // Line drawing display.drawFastHLine(x1, y1 + header, x2 - x1, 0); for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; ++i) { display.drawFastHLine(x1, (int)((float)y1 + (float)i * (float)(y2 - y1) / (float)n), x2 - x1, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < m + 1; ++i) { display.drawFastVLine((int)((float)x1 + (float)i * (float)(x2 - x1) / (float)m), y1, y2 - y1, 0); display.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b); // Display day info using time offset char temp[64]; network.getTime(temp, i * 3600L * 24); temp[10] = 0; display.setCursor((int)((float)x1 + (float)i * (float)(x2 - x1) / (float)m) + 15, y1 + header - 6); display.println(temp); } } // Format event times, example 13:00 to 14:00 void getToFrom(char *dst, char *from, char *to, int *day, int *timeStamp) { // ANSI C time struct struct tm ltm = {0}, ltm2 = {0}; char temp[128], temp2[128]; strncpy(temp, from, 16); temp[16] = 0; // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/5141, quickfix memmove(temp + 5, temp + 4, 16); memmove(temp + 8, temp + 7, 16); memmove(temp + 14, temp + 13, 16); memmove(temp + 16, temp + 15, 16); temp[4] = temp[7] = temp[13] = temp[16] = '-'; // time.h function strptime(temp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ", <m); // create start and end event structs struct tm event, event2; time_t epoch = mktime(<m) + (time_t)timeZone * 3600L; gmtime_r(&epoch, &event); strncpy(dst, asctime(&event) + 11, 5); dst[5] = '-'; strncpy(temp2, to, 16); temp2[16] = 0; // Same as above // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/5141, quickfix memmove(temp2 + 5, temp2 + 4, 16); memmove(temp2 + 8, temp2 + 7, 16); memmove(temp2 + 14, temp2 + 13, 16); memmove(temp2 + 16, temp2 + 15, 16); temp2[4] = temp2[7] = temp2[13] = temp2[16] = '-'; strptime(temp2, "%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ", <m2); time_t epoch2 = mktime(<m2) + (time_t)timeZone * 3600L; gmtime_r(&epoch2, &event2); strncpy(dst + 6, asctime(&event2) + 11, 5); dst[11] = 0; char day0[64], day1[64], day2[64]; // Find UNIX timestamps for next days to see where to put event network.getTime(day0, 0); network.getTime(day1, 24 * 3600); network.getTime(day2, 48 * 3600); *timeStamp = epoch; network.getTime(temp); if (strncmp(day0, asctime(&event), 10) == 0) *day = 0; else if (strncmp(day1, asctime(&event), 10) == 0) *day = 1; else if (strncmp(day2, asctime(&event), 10) == 0) *day = 2; else // event not in next 3 days, don't display *day = -1; } // Function to drw event bool drawEvent(entry *event, int day, int beginY, int maxHeigth, int *heigthNeeded) { // Upper left coordintes int x1 = 3 + 4 + (594 / 3) * day; int y1 = beginY + 3; // Setting text font display.setFont(&FreeSans12pt7b); int n = 0; char line[128]; // Insert line brakes into setTextColor int lastSpace = -100; display.setCursor(x1, beginY + 22); for (int i = 0; i < min((size_t)64, strlen(event->name)); ++i) { line[n] = event->name[i]; if (line[n] == ' ') lastSpace = n; line[++n] = 0; int16_t xt1, yt1; uint16_t w, h; display.getTextBounds(line, 0, 0, &xt1, &yt1, &w, &h); // Char out of bounds, put in next line if (w > 590 / 3 - 20) { // if there was a space 5 chars before, break line there if (n - lastSpace < 5) { i -= n - lastSpace - 1; line[lastSpace] = 0; } display.setCursor(x1, display.getCursorY()); display.println(line); line[0] = 0; n = 0; } } // display last line display.setCursor(x1, display.getCursorY()); display.println(line); display.setCursor(x1, display.getCursorY()); display.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b); // Print time // also, if theres a location print it if (strlen(event->location) != 1) { display.println(event->time); display.setCursor(x1, display.getCursorY()); display.print(event->location); } else { display.print(event->time); } // Draw event rect bounds display.drawRoundRect(x1 - 2, y1, 590 / 3 - 2, display.getCursorY() + 5 - y1, 10, 0); // Set how high is the event *heigthNeeded = display.getCursorY() + 10 - y1; // Return is it overflowing return display.getCursorY() < maxHeigth - 5; } // Struct event comparison function, by timestamp int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { entry *entryA = (entry *)a; entry *entryB = (entry *)b; return (entryA->timeStamp - entryB->timeStamp); } // Main data drawing data void drawData() { long i = 0; long n = strlen(data); // reset count entriesNum = 0; // Search raw data for events while (i < n && strstr(data + i, "BEGIN:VEVENT")) { // Find next event start and end i = strstr(data + i, "BEGIN:VEVENT") - data + 12; char *end = strstr(data + i, "END:VEVENT"); // Find all relevant event data char *summary = strstr(data + i, "SUMMARY:") + 8; char *location = strstr(data + i, "LOCATION:") + 9; char *timeStart = strstr(data + i, "DTSTART:") + 8; char *timeEnd = strstr(data + i, "DTEND:") + 6; if (summary && summary < end) { strncpy(entries[entriesNum].name, summary, strchr(summary, '\n') - summary); entries[entriesNum].name[strchr(summary, '\n') - summary] = 0; } if (location && location < end) { strncpy(entries[entriesNum].location, location, strchr(location, '\n') - location); entries[entriesNum].location[strchr(location, '\n') - location] = 0; } if (timeStart && timeStart < end && timeEnd < end) { getToFrom(entries[entriesNum].time, timeStart, timeEnd, &entries[entriesNum].day, &entries[entriesNum].timeStamp); } ++entriesNum; } // Sort entries by time qsort(entries, entriesNum, sizeof(entry), cmp); // Events displayed and overflown counters int columns[3] = {0}; bool clogged[3] = {0}; int cloggedCount[3] = {0}; // Displaying events one by one for (int i = 0; i < entriesNum; ++i) { // If column overflowed just add event to not shown if (entries[i].day != -1 && clogged[entries[i].day]) ++cloggedCount[entries[i].day]; if (entries[i].day == -1 || clogged[entries[i].day]) continue; // We store hot much height did one event take up int shift = 0; bool s = drawEvent(&entries[i], entries[i].day, columns[entries[i].day] + 64, 800 - 4, &shift); columns[entries[i].day] += shift; // If it overflowed, set column to clogged and add one event as not shown if (!s) { ++cloggedCount[entries[i].day]; clogged[entries[i].day] = 1; } } // Display not shown events info for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (clogged[i]) { display.fillRoundRect(6 + i * (594 / 3), 800 - 24, (594 / 3) - 5, 20, 10, 0); display.setCursor(10, 800 - 6); display.setTextColor(7, 0); display.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b); display.print(cloggedCount[i]); display.print(" more events"); } } } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Initial display settings display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); display.clean(); display.setRotation(1); display.setTextWrap(false); display.setTextColor(0, 7); // Welcome screen display.setCursor(5, 230); display.setTextSize(2); display.println(F("Welcome to Inkplate 6 Google Calendar example!")); display.setCursor(5, 250); display.println(F("Connecting to WiFi...")); display.display(); delay(5000); network.begin(); // Our begin function network.begin(); } void loop() { // Keep trying to get data if it fails the first time if (refreshes % refreshesToGet == 0) while (!network.getData(data)) { Serial.println("Failed getting data, retrying"); delay(1000); } // Initial screen clearing display.clearDisplay(); // Drawing all data, functions for that are above if (refreshes % refreshesToGet == 0) { drawInfo(); drawGrid(); drawData(); } drawTime(); // Actually display all data if (refreshes % refreshesToGet == 0) display.display(); else display.partialUpdate(); // Increment refreshes ++refreshes; // Go to sleep before checking again esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(1000L * DELAY_MS); (void)esp_light_sleep_start(); }