#include "Inkplate.h" #include #include #include #include #include // Include auto generated UI code #include "generatedUI.h" // Declare our Inkplate object Inkplate display(INKPLATE_1BIT); // Fill these with your credentials char ssid[] = ""; char password[] = ""; char clientId[] = ""; char clientSecret[] = ""; #define SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN "" #define SPOTIFY_MARKET "IE" // -------------------------------- // Variables for storing data to be rendered to screen char name[128]; char title[128]; char album[128]; char url[128]; int imgW; bool playing; int elapsedTime = 0; int totalTime = 0; float elapsed = 0; // Define how often to do a full screen refresh #define FULLREFRESH 10 int cnt = 0; // Adjust these for your timezone const char *ntpServer = "pool.ntp.org"; const long gmtOffset_sec = 3600; const int daylightOffset_sec = 3600; // Initiate Spotify API wrapper object WiFiClientSecure client; ArduinoSpotify spotify(client, clientId, clientSecret, SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN); // Time between requests to Spotify API unsigned long delayBetweenRequests = 100; void setup() { // Initialise serial and display objects Serial.begin(115200); display.begin(); // Connect to WiFi WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); Serial.print("Connecting..."); // Wait for connection int cnt = 0; Serial.print(F("Waiting for WiFi to connect...")); while ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)) { Serial.print(F(".")); delay(1000); ++cnt; if (cnt == 20) { Serial.println("Can't connect to WIFI, restarting"); delay(100); ESP.restart(); } } Serial.print("Connected to "); Serial.println(ssid); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // Set Spotify certificate client.setCACert(spotify_server_cert); Serial.println("Refreshing Access Tokens"); if (!spotify.refreshAccessToken()) { Serial.println("Failed to get access tokens"); } // Get time from internet configTime(gmtOffset_sec, daylightOffset_sec, ntpServer); // Display blank screen display.display(); } void loop() { // If Inkplate disconnected form WiFi try reconnecting and if that fails reset if (!display.isConnected()) { Serial.println("Reconnecting..."); delay(100); if (!display.joinAP(ssid, password)) ESP.restart(); } // Get currently playing track info CurrentlyPlaying currentlyPlaying = spotify.getCurrentlyPlaying(SPOTIFY_MARKET); // If all went well display to screen if (!currentlyPlaying.error) { parsePlayingData(currentlyPlaying); updateScreenContent(); } delay(delayBetweenRequests); } void parsePlayingData(CurrentlyPlaying currentlyPlaying) { // Copy data to global variables strcpy(name, currentlyPlaying.firstArtistName); strcpy(title, currentlyPlaying.trackName); strcpy(album, currentlyPlaying.albumName); playing = currentlyPlaying.isPlaying; // Find image whose dimensions are closest to 300 by 300 int mn = 0; for (int i = 1; i < currentlyPlaying.numImages; i++) if (abs(currentlyPlaying.albumImages[i].width - 300) + abs(currentlyPlaying.albumImages[i].width - 300) < abs(currentlyPlaying.albumImages[mn].width - 300) + abs(currentlyPlaying.albumImages[mn].width - 300)) mn = i; // Copy data to global variables imgW = currentlyPlaying.albumImages[mn].width; strcpy(url, currentlyPlaying.albumImages[mn].url); // Copy data to global variables elapsed = (float)currentlyPlaying.progressMs / (float)currentlyPlaying.duraitonMs; elapsedTime = currentlyPlaying.progressMs / 1000; totalTime = currentlyPlaying.duraitonMs / 1000; } void updateScreenContent() { // Initally clear the INkplate buffer display.clearDisplay(); // Display playing info line1_color = line2_color = playing; triangle2_color = !playing; // Limit text to 35 chars and add ... if needed strncpy(text1_content, name, min((int)35, (int)strlen(name))); strncpy(text2_content, title, min((int)35, (int)strlen(title))); strncpy(text3_content, album, min((int)35, (int)strlen(album))); text1_content[min((int)35, (int)strlen(name))] = 0; text2_content[min((int)35, (int)strlen(title))] = 0; text3_content[min((int)35, (int)strlen(album))] = 0; if (strlen(name) >= 35) strcat(text1_content, "..."); if (strlen(title) >= 35) strcat(text2_content, "..."); if (strlen(album) >= 35) strcat(text3_content, "..."); // Functions to center text and image int16_t x1 = 0, y1 = 0; uint16_t w = 0, h = 0; display.setFont(text1_font); display.getTextBounds(text1_content, 0, 200, &x1, &y1, &w, &h); text1_cursor_x = 400 - w / 2; display.setFont(text2_font); display.getTextBounds(text2_content, 0, 200, &x1, &y1, &w, &h); text2_cursor_x = 400 - w / 2; display.setFont(text3_font); display.getTextBounds(text3_content, 0, 200, &x1, &y1, &w, &h); text3_cursor_x = 400 - w / 2; display.drawJpegFromWeb(url, 400 - imgW / 2, 103, 1); circle2_center_x = elapsed * (730 - 70) + 70; // Display time digital_clock2_h = elapsedTime / 60; digital_clock2_m = elapsedTime % 60; digital_clock5_h = totalTime / 60; digital_clock5_m = totalTime % 60; struct tm timeinfo; if (getLocalTime(&timeinfo)) { digital_clock4_h = timeinfo.tm_hour; digital_clock4_m = timeinfo.tm_min; } // Draw all rest auto generated UI mainDraw(); // Every FULLREFRESH do a full refresh if (cnt++ % FULLREFRESH == 0) display.display(); else display.partialUpdate(); }