
177 lines
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Created by Bodmer 18/10/19
Latest version here:
#include "TJpg_Decoder.h"
// Create a class instance to be used by the sketch (defined as extern in header)
TJpg_Decoder TJpgDec;
** Function name: TJpg_Decoder
** Description: Constructor
// Setup a pointer to this class for static functions
thisPtr = this;
** Function name: ~TJpg_Decoder
** Description: Destructor
// Bye
** Function name: setJpgScale
** Description: Set the reduction scale factor (1, 2, 4 or 8)
void TJpg_Decoder::setSwapBytes(bool swapBytes){
_swap = swapBytes;
** Function name: setJpgScale
** Description: Set the reduction scale factor (1, 2, 4 or 8)
void TJpg_Decoder::setJpgScale(uint8_t scaleFactor)
switch (scaleFactor)
case 1:
jpgScale = 0;
case 2:
jpgScale = 1;
case 4:
jpgScale = 2;
case 8:
jpgScale = 3;
jpgScale = 0;
** Function name: setCallback
** Description: Set the sketch callback function to render decoded blocks
void TJpg_Decoder::setCallback(SketchCallback sketchCallback)
tft_output = sketchCallback;
** Function name: jd_input (declared static)
** Description: Called by tjpgd.c to get more data
uint16_t TJpg_Decoder::jd_input(JDEC* jdec, uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len)
TJpg_Decoder *thisPtr = TJpgDec.thisPtr;
jdec = jdec; // Supress warning
// Handle an array input
if (thisPtr->jpg_source == TJPG_ARRAY) {
// Avoid running off end of array
if (thisPtr->array_index + len > thisPtr->array_size) {
len = thisPtr->array_size - thisPtr->array_index;
// If buf is valid then copy len bytes to buffer
if (buf) memcpy_P(buf, (const uint8_t *)(thisPtr->array_data + thisPtr->array_index), len);
// Move pointer
thisPtr->array_index += len;
return len;
** Function name: jd_output (declared static)
** Description: Called by tjpgd.c with an image block for rendering
// Pass image block back to the sketch for rendering, may be a complete or partial MCU
uint16_t TJpg_Decoder::jd_output(JDEC* jdec, void* bitmap, JRECT* jrect)
// This is a static function so create a pointer to access other members of the class
TJpg_Decoder *thisPtr = TJpgDec.thisPtr;
jdec = jdec; // Supress warning as ID is not used
// Retrieve rendering parameters and add any offset
int16_t x = jrect->left + thisPtr->jpeg_x;
int16_t y = jrect->top + thisPtr->jpeg_y;
uint16_t w = jrect->right + 1 - jrect->left;
uint16_t h = jrect->bottom + 1 - jrect->top;
// Pass the image block and rendering parameters in a callback to the sketch
return thisPtr->tft_output(x, y, w, h, (uint16_t*)bitmap, (void*)jdec->_display, jdec->_dither, jdec->_invert);
** Function name: drawJpg
** Description: Draw a jpg saved in a FLASH memory array
JRESULT TJpg_Decoder::drawJpg(int32_t x, int32_t y, const uint8_t jpeg_data[], uint32_t data_size, void* display, bool dither, bool invert) {
JDEC jdec;
JRESULT jresult = JDR_OK;
jpg_source = TJPG_ARRAY;
array_index = 0;
array_data = jpeg_data;
array_size = data_size;
jpeg_x = x;
jpeg_y = y;
jdec.swap = _swap;
// Analyse input data
jresult = jd_prepare(&jdec, jd_input, workspace, TJPGD_WORKSPACE_SIZE, 0);
// Extract image and render
if (jresult == JDR_OK) {
jresult = jd_decomp(&jdec, jd_output, jpgScale, display, dither, invert);
return jresult;
** Function name: getJpgSize
** Description: Get width and height of a jpg saved in a FLASH memory array
JRESULT TJpg_Decoder::getJpgSize(uint16_t *w, uint16_t *h, const uint8_t jpeg_data[], uint32_t data_size) {
JDEC jdec;
JRESULT jresult = JDR_OK;
*w = 0;
*h = 0;
jpg_source = TJPG_ARRAY;
array_index = 0;
array_data = jpeg_data;
array_size = data_size;
// Analyse input data
jresult = jd_prepare(&jdec, jd_input, workspace, TJPGD_WORKSPACE_SIZE, 0);
if (jresult == JDR_OK) {
*w = jdec.width;
*h = jdec.height;
return jresult;