Inkplate 6 Arduino library
Arduino library for all-in-one e-paper display Inkplate 6 can be found in this repo. Inkplate 6 is a powerful, Wi-Fi enabled ESP32 based six-inch e-paper display – recycled from a Kindle e-reader. Its main feature is simplicity. Just plug in a USB cable, open Arduino IDE, and change the contents of the screen with few lines of code. Learn more about Inkplate 6 on Crowd Supply.
Setting up Inkplate 6 in Arduino IDE
In order to get a head start with Inkplate 6, follow these steps:
- Install Inkplate 6 board definition - add Inkplate 6 as a board into your Arduino IDE. Follow the instructions on the link.
- Install CH340 drivers (if you don't have them yet) - instructions here
- Install Inkplate 6 Arduino library - install the library from this repo into your Arduino IDE. If you don't know how, check our tutorial.
- You are ready to get started! Select Tools -> Board -> Inkplate 6, as well as correct COM port and upload!
Optional: if you are planning to use the SD card funcionality, install custom SdFat library into your Arduino IDE.
Code examples
There are many examples in the library that you demonstrate how to use any of the Inkplate functionality.
- Basic Inkplate Functionality 1.1. Basic Monochrome - use the screen in monochrome mode (graphics & text) 1.2. Basic Grayscale - use the screen in grayscale mode (graphics & text) 1.3. Basic Partial Update - do a partial update of the screen on Inkplate 6 1.4. Basic Custom Fonts - add custom fonts and use them to write text on the screen
- Advanced Inkplate Functionality 2.1. WiFi HTTP Request - make HTTP request while connected too WiFi 2.2. Low Power - put Inkplate in sleep in order to save battery 2.3. Battery Voltage And Temperature - measure battery voltage and temperature of the board 2.4. Touchpads - get readings from onboard touch pads 2.5. SD BMP Pictures - show .bmp images from the SD card on the screen 2.6. Inkplate SD TXT File - read .txt file from the SD card and show it on the screen 2.7. easyC - use easyC ecosystem (I2C) and read a sensor value 2.8. MCP23017 Expander - use onboard MCP23017 expander for your own external devices 2.9. Web Server - make Inkplate a web server
- Others 3.1. Slave Mode - mode that enables control of the screen from any external device using UART
Inkplate 6 is available for purchase via:
Inkplate 6 is open-source. If you are looking for hardware design of the board, check the Hardware repo. You will find 3D printable enclosure there, as well as detailed dimensions. In this repo you will find code for driving the ED060SC7 e-paper display used by Inkplate.
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