''*************************************** ''* PS/2 Mouse Driver v1.1 * ''* Author: Chip Gracey * ''* Copyright (c) 2006 Parallax, Inc. * ''* See end of file for terms of use. * ''*************************************** ' v1.0 - 01 May 2006 - original version ' v1.1 - 01 Jun 2006 - bound coordinates added to simplify upper objects VAR long cog long oldx, oldy, oldz 'must be followed by parameters (10 contiguous longs) long par_x 'absolute x read-only (7 contiguous longs) long par_y 'absolute y read-only long par_z 'absolute z read-only long par_buttons 'button states read-only long par_present 'mouse present read-only long par_dpin 'data pin write-only long par_cpin 'clock pin write-only long bx_min, by_min, bz_min 'min/max must be contiguous long bx_max, by_max, bz_max long bx_div, by_div, bz_div long bx_acc, by_acc, bz_acc PUB start(dpin, cpin) : okay '' Start mouse driver - starts a cog '' returns false if no cog available '' '' dpin = data signal on PS/2 jack '' cpin = clock signal on PS/2 jack '' '' use 100-ohm resistors between pins and jack '' use 10K-ohm resistors to pull jack-side signals to VDD '' connect jack-power to 5V, jack-gnd to VSS stop par_dpin := dpin par_cpin := cpin okay := cog := cognew(@entry, @par_x) + 1 PUB stop '' Stop mouse driver - frees a cog if cog cogstop(cog~ - 1) longfill(@oldx, 0, 10) PUB present : type '' Check if mouse present - valid ~2s after start '' returns mouse type: '' '' 3 = five-button scrollwheel mouse '' 2 = three-button scrollwheel mouse '' 1 = two-button or three-button mouse '' 0 = no mouse connected type := par_present PUB button(b) : state '' Get the state of a particular button '' returns t|f state := -(par_buttons >> b & 1) PUB buttons : states '' Get the states of all buttons '' returns buttons: '' '' bit4 = right-side button '' bit3 = left-side button '' bit2 = center/scrollwheel button '' bit1 = right button '' bit0 = left button states := par_buttons {PUB abs_x : x '' Get absolute-x x := par_x PUB abs_y : y '' Get absolute-y y := par_y } PUB abs_z : z '' Get absolute-z (scrollwheel) z := par_z {PUB delta_reset '' Reset deltas oldx := par_x oldy := par_y oldz := par_z } PUB delta_x : x | newx '' Get delta-x newx := par_x x := newx - oldx oldx := newx PUB delta_y : y | newy '' Get delta-y newy := par_y y := newy - oldy oldy := newy PUB delta_z : z | newz '' Get delta-z (scrollwheel) newz := par_z z := newz - oldz oldz := newz PUB bound_limits(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax) | i '' Set bounding limits longmove(@bx_min, @xmin, 6) PUB bound_scales(x_scale, y_scale, z_scale) '' Set bounding scales (usually +/-1's, bigger values divide) longmove(@bx_div, @x_scale, 3) PUB bound_preset(x, y, z) | i, d '' Preset bound coordinates repeat i from 0 to 2 d := ||bx_div[i] bx_acc[i] := (x[i] - bx_min[i]) * d + d >> 1 PUB bound_x : x '' Get bound-x x := bound(0, delta_x) PUB bound_y : y '' Get bound-y y := bound(1, delta_y) PUB bound_z : z '' Get bound-z z := bound(2, delta_z) PRI bound(i, delta) : b | d d := bx_div[i] b := bx_min[i] + (bx_acc[i] := bx_acc[i] + delta * (d < 0) | 1 #> 0 <# (bx_max[i] - bx_min[i] + 1) * ||d - 1) / ||d DAT '*************************************** '* Assembly language PS/2 mouse driver * '*************************************** org ' ' ' Entry ' entry mov p,par 'load input parameters: add p,#5*4 '_dpin/_cpin rdlong _dpin,p add p,#4 rdlong _cpin,p mov dmask,#1 'set pin masks shl dmask,_dpin mov cmask,#1 shl cmask,_cpin test _dpin,#$20 wc 'modify port registers within code muxc _d1,dlsb muxc _d2,dlsb muxc _d3,#1 muxc _d4,#1 test _cpin,#$20 wc muxc _c1,dlsb muxc _c2,dlsb muxc _c3,#1 movd :par,#_x 'reset output parameters: mov p,#5 '_x/_y/_z/_buttons/_present :par mov 0,#0 add :par,dlsb djnz p,#:par ' ' ' Reset mouse ' reset mov dira,#0 'reset directions mov dirb,#0 mov stat,#1 'set reset flag ' ' ' Update parameters ' update movd :par,#_x 'update output parameters: mov p,par '_x/_y/_z/_buttons/_present mov q,#5 :par wrlong 0,p add :par,dlsb add p,#4 djnz q,#:par test stat,#1 wc 'if reset flag, transmit reset command if_c mov data,#$FF if_c call #transmit ' ' ' Get data packet ' mov stat,#0 'reset state call #receive 'receive first byte cmp data,#$AA wz 'powerup/reset? if_z jmp #init mov _buttons,data 'data packet, save buttons call #receive 'receive second byte test _buttons,#$10 wc 'adjust _x muxc data,signext add _x,data call #receive 'receive third byte test _buttons,#$20 wc 'adjust _y muxc data,signext add _y,data and _buttons,#%111 'trim buttons cmp _present,#2 wc 'if not scrollwheel mouse, update parameters if_c jmp #update call #receive 'scrollwheel mouse, receive fourth byte cmp _present,#3 wz 'if 5-button mouse, handle two extra buttons if_z test data,#$10 wc if_z_and_c or _buttons,#%01000 if_z test data,#$20 wc if_z_and_c or _buttons,#%10000 shl data,#28 'adjust _z sar data,#28 sub _z,data jmp #update 'update parameters ' ' ' Initialize mouse ' init call #receive '$AA received, receive id movs crate,#100 'try to enable 3-button scrollwheel type call #checktype movs crate,#200 'try to enable 5-button scrollwheel type call #checktype shr data,#1 'if neither, 3-button type add data,#1 mov _present,data movs srate,#200 'set 200 samples per second call #setrate mov data,#$F4 'enable data reporting call #transmit jmp #update ' ' ' Check mouse type ' checktype movs srate,#200 'perform "knock" sequence to enable call #setrate '..scrollwheel and extra buttons crate movs srate,#200/100 call #setrate movs srate,#80 call #setrate mov data,#$F2 'read type call #transmit call #receive checktype_ret ret ' ' ' Set sample rate ' setrate mov data,#$F3 call #transmit srate mov data,#0 call #transmit setrate_ret ret ' ' ' Transmit byte to mouse ' transmit _c1 or dira,cmask 'pull clock low movs napshr,#13 'hold clock for ~128us (must be >100us) call #nap _d1 or dira,dmask 'pull data low movs napshr,#18 'hold data for ~4us call #nap _c2 xor dira,cmask 'release clock test data,#$0FF wc 'append parity and stop bits to byte muxnc data,#$100 or data,dlsb mov p,#10 'ready 10 bits transmit_bit call #wait_c0 'wait until clock low shr data,#1 wc 'output data bit _d2 muxnc dira,dmask mov wcond,c1 'wait until clock high call #wait djnz p,#transmit_bit 'another bit? mov wcond,c0d0 'wait until clock and data low call #wait mov wcond,c1d1 'wait until clock and data high call #wait call #receive_ack 'receive ack byte with timed wait cmp data,#$FA wz 'if ack error, reset mouse if_nz jmp #reset transmit_ret ret ' ' ' Receive byte from mouse ' receive test _cpin,#$20 wc 'wait indefinitely for initial clock low waitpne cmask,cmask receive_ack mov p,#11 'ready 11 bits receive_bit call #wait_c0 'wait until clock low movs napshr,#16 'pause ~16us call #nap _d3 test dmask,ina wc 'input data bit rcr data,#1 mov wcond,c1 'wait until clock high call #wait djnz p,#receive_bit 'another bit? shr data,#22 'align byte test data,#$1FF wc 'if parity error, reset mouse if_nc jmp #reset and data,#$FF 'isolate byte receive_ack_ret receive_ret ret ' ' ' Wait for clock/data to be in required state(s) ' wait_c0 mov wcond,c0 '(wait until clock low) wait mov q,tenms 'set timeout to 10ms wloop movs napshr,#18 'nap ~4us call #nap _c3 test cmask,ina wc 'check required state(s) _d4 test dmask,ina wz 'loop until got state(s) or timeout wcond if_never djnz q,#wloop '(replaced with c0/c1/c0d0/c1d1) tjz q,#reset 'if timeout, reset mouse wait_ret wait_c0_ret ret c0 if_c djnz q,#wloop '(if_never replacements) c1 if_nc djnz q,#wloop c0d0 if_c_or_nz djnz q,#wloop c1d1 if_nc_or_z djnz q,#wloop ' ' ' Nap ' nap rdlong t,#0 'get clkfreq napshr shr t,#18/16/13 'shr scales time min t,#3 'ensure waitcnt won't snag add t,cnt 'add cnt to time waitcnt t,#0 'wait until time elapses (nap) nap_ret ret ' ' ' Initialized data ' dlsb long 1 << 9 tenms long 10_000 / 4 signext long $FFFFFF00 ' ' ' Uninitialized data ' dmask res 1 cmask res 1 stat res 1 data res 1 p res 1 q res 1 t res 1 _x res 1 'write-only _y res 1 'write-only _z res 1 'write-only _buttons res 1 'write-only _present res 1 'write-only _dpin res 1 'read-only _cpin res 1 'read-only {{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ TERMS OF USE: MIT License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, │ │modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software│ │is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: │ │ │ │The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│ │ │ │THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE │ │WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR │ │COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, │ │ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ }}