''*************************************** ''* Floating-Point Math * ''* Single-precision IEEE-754 * ''* Author: Chip Gracey * ''* Copyright (c) 2006 Parallax, Inc. * ''* See end of file for terms of use. * ''*************************************** ''*************************************** ''* now with trig and exponential fcns * ''* Author: Marty Lawson * ''* upgrade version: 1.1 * ''* eliminated variables from trig fcns* ''* See end of file for terms of use. * ''*************************************** {obj C : "cordic_obj" 'use to impliment all trig functions '} {var ''these variables are an alternate escape route for information during debugging. long debug long debug2 pub get_debug '' used to export intermediate results of computations for debugging. result := debug pub get_debug2 '' used to export intermediate results of computations for debugging. result := debug2 '} con nan_con_mask = %0111_1111_1000_0000__0000_0000_0000_0000 'exponent is $FF signaling that the result is something special. plus_inf = nan_con_mask minus_inf = %1111_1111_1000_0000__0000_0000_0000_0000 nan_con = $7FFF_FFFF 'largest value of NaN lfsr_scale = 1.0/float(posx) var long sprout long spud pub seed(intA, intB) ''seed the pseudo-random number generator with two 32-bit integers. sprout := intA spud := intB pub random ''returns a random, uniformly distrubuted float within the range of -1 to 1 repeat (((spud <<13) >> 30)+1) 'run the LFSR 1-4 times bassed on center bits of spud. ?sprout repeat (((sprout <<23) >> 30)+1) 'run the LFSR 1-4 times bassed on center bits of sprout. ?spud result := Fmul( Ffloat(spud), lfsr_scale) pub isNaN(singleA) | m ''returns True if singleA is NaN (Not a Number) ''returns false if singleA is a number result := false 'set default answer if (singleA & nan_con_mask) == nan_con_mask 'if exponent is $FF m := singleA & $007F_FFFF 'unpack mantissa if m <> 0 'and if mantissa is nonzero result := true 'singleA is a NaN pub isInf(singleA) | s, m '' returns 1 if singleA is +inf '' returns 0 if singleA is finite or NaN '' returns -1 if singleA is -inf result := 0 'set default answer if (singleA & nan_con_mask) == nan_con_mask 'if exponent is $FF m := singleA & $007F_FFFF 'unpack mantissa if m == 0 'and if mantissa is zero s := singleA >> 31 'unpack sign if s 'if the sign is negative result := -1 else 'if the sign is posative result := 1 PUB Fcmp(singleA, singleB) | single ''exactly compare two floating point values ''returns an integer containing the results of the comparison ''result := 1 if singleA > singleB ''result := 0 if singleA == singleB ''result := -1 if singleA < singleB single := Fsub(singleA, singleB) 'slow and simple way to compare floats. if single & $8000_0000 'if the sign bit is set result := -1 'result of subtraction is negative else result := 1 'result of subtraction is posative if not(single << 1) 'mask off sign bit because subtraction result can be +-zero result := 0 'inputs are the same. con 'exp and log constants mantissa_one = 1<<29 '1.0 expressed in the same binary fractions as the mantissa log_base2_baseE = 0.693147180559945 'result of 1.0/log2(e) log_base2_base10 = 0.301029995663981 'result of 1.0/log2(10) exp_base2_baseE = 1.44269504088896 'result of log2(e) exp_base2_base10 = 3.32192809488736 'result of log2(10) pub exp(singleA) ''evaluate the base 'e' exponential ''uses base 2 exponential and change of base identity. ((x^a)^b) = x^(a*b) with x = 2 and x^a = new_base then a = log2(new_base) result := exp2( Fmul(singleA, exp_base2_baseE) ) pub exp10(singleA) ''evaluate the base '10' exponential ''uses base 2 exponential and change of base identity. ((x^a)^b) = x^(a*b) with x = 2 and x^a = new_base then a = log2(new_base) result := exp2( Fmul(singleA, exp_base2_base10) ) pub pow(singleA, singleB) ''evaluate the base 'singleB' exponential (i.e. singleA^singleB ) ''uses base 2 exponential and change of base identity. ((x^a)^b) = x^(a*b) with x = 2 and x^a = new_base then a = log2(new_base) singleA := log2(singleA) result := exp2( Fmul(singleA, singleB) ) pub log(singleA) ''natural logarithim of SingleA ''uses change of base identity and Log2() result := Fmul(log2(singleA), log_base2_baseE) pub log10(singleA) ''base 10 logarithim of SinglA ''uses change of base identity and Log2() result := Fmul(log2(singleA), log_base2_base10) pub logB(singleA, singleB) ''logarithim with base SingleA of SingleB ''uses change of base identity and Log2() result := Fdiv( log2(singleB), log2(singleA) ) pub log2(singleA) | s, x, m, temp, work, idx', temp2 ''evaluate the base 2 logarithim using an invariant, ''and successive approximation from a table of "nice" numbers. ''bassed on algorythm shown at http://www.quinapalus.com/efunc.html ''valid for all posative numbers greater than zero. ''screws up sub-normal numbers so keep inputs above ~1e-38 unpack(@s, singleA) 'unpack the floating point input if s 'if the input is negative return nan_con 'the result is not a number (well and imaginary number anyway) if singleA == 0 'trap error with zero input. return nan_con 'should output -inf instead m ~>= 1 'divide mantissa by 2 so it ranges from 0.5 to .99999999999 x += 1 'adjust integer portion of result for the mantissa division work := 0 'start with a fractional portion of zero repeat idx from 1 to 24'29 temp := m + m ~> idx 'multiply 'm' by a "nice" number and temperarialy store the result if temp < mantissa_one 'if temp is less than a mantissa of 1 m := temp 'keep the updated value of 'm' work -= exp_lut[idx-1] 'adjust work to match 'adjust for residual work += m - mantissa_one 'add "x + work" 'check if integer portion is negative if x < 0 s := 1 x := ||x 'take the absolute value of the integer portion temp := 0 #> ((>|x) -1) 'what's the msb of "x" m := x << (29-temp) 'justify x to bit_29 work ~>= temp 'allign fractional part with x if s 'if 'x' was negative, subtract fractional part m -= work else 'if 'x' was posative add fractional part m += work 'add fractional portion to integer x := temp 'update final exponent if m < 0 'if mantissa is negative s := 1 'change sign to negative ||m 'absolute value the mantissa result := pack(@s) 'pack and return result. pub exp2(singleA) | s, x, m, temp, work, idx ''evaluate the base 2 exponential (anti-log) using an invariant, ''and successive approximation from a table of "nice" numbers. ''bassed on algorythm shown at http://www.quinapalus.com/efunc.html 'unpack(@s, singleA) 'unpack the floating point input s := singleA >> 31 'unpack sign singleA := singleA & $7FFF_FFFF 'clear the sign bit. aka abs() x := Ftrunc(singleA) 'get the integer portion of the input which is the exponent of the result if x => 127 'if result would excede the size of a float return nan_con 'return NaN for now, should return +infinity? m := frac_int(singleA) 'get the fractional part of the input 'start core calculation work := mantissa_one 'start with a result mantissa of 1.0 repeat idx from 1 to 25'29 '25 rounds is optimal for single precision numbers. temp := exp_lut[idx-1] 'access current table index if temp < m 'if table entry is less than "m" m -= temp 'subtract table entry from "m" work += work >> idx 'multiply work by the corresponding "nice" number 'use small value approximation to correct residual error (only gives 1-2 bits extra so not worth the effort) {m := 1<<29 + m 'relative error is exp(m) which for small values is approximately 1+m. work := (work ** m) << 3 'multiply by error correction } 'move result into mantissa m := work 'pack up result and deal with sign result := pack(@s) if s result := Fdiv(-1.0, result) dat exp_lut long 314049351 '<0> results of log2(1 + 2^-(array_idx+1)) expressed as a binary fraction over 2^29 long 172833830 long 91227790 long 46956255 long 23833911 long 12008628 '<5> long 6027587 long 3019657 long 1511300 long 756019 long 378102 '<10> long 189074 long 94543 long 47273 long 23637 long 11818 '<15> long 5909 long 2955 long 1477 long 739 long 369 '<20> long 185 long 92 long 46 long 23 long 12 '<25> long 6 long 3 long 1 '<28> con cordic_precision = 23 'number of bits to keep when converting to cordic angles. Lower numbers of bits allow +-2^(31-cordic_precision) turns outside of the -pi to pi range. rad_to_subcor = float(1< xb 'shift lower-exponent mantissa down mb ~>= result else ma ~>= result xa := xb 'feed to cordic code ma += 1 'round instead of truncate mb += 1 'round instead of truncate ma ~>= 1 'avoid overflows in the CORDIC code mb ~>= 1 'cor(0, ma, mb, 1) 'feed the inputs to the CORDIC code in Atan2 mode a := 0 x := ma y := mb cordic(@a, 1) result := a 'get_a 'return the angle 're-scale and output the angle result += 1 'round instead of truncate result ~>= 1 'keep the resulting angles in the valid range for FFloat result := Fmul(FFloat(result), cordic_to_rad) 'convert back to radians. pub atan(singleA) '' arctangent '' atan( A ) = atan2( A , 1.0 ) result := atan2(singleA, 1.0) pub asin(SingleA) | singleB, temp '' arcsine '' asin( x ) = atan2( x, sqrt( 1 - x*x ) ) '' only valid with inputs between -1 and 1 inclusive. 'calculate adjacent side of triangle singleB := Fsqr( Fsub( 1.0 , Fmul( singleA, singleA) ) ) 'check for valid range. if isNaN(singleB) return nan_con 'calculate angle result := atan2( singleA, singleB) pub acos(SingleA) | singleB, temp '' arccosine '' acos( x ) = atan2( sqrt( 1 - x*x ), x ) '' only valid with inputs between -1 and 1 inclusive. 'calculate oposite side of triangle singleB := Fsqr( Fsub( 1.0 , Fmul( singleA, singleA) ) ) 'check for valid range. if isNaN(singleB) return nan_con 'calculate angle result := atan2( singleB, singleA) {var long a, xc, y pub Cor(_a, _x, _y, mode) 'calls the cordic algorithm with the given parameters 'returns the address of "a" a := _a xc := _x y := _y cordic(mode) result := @a pub get_a 'gets the results of a cordic run result := a pub get_x 'gets the results of a cordic run result := xc pub get_y 'gets the results of a cordic run result := y '} pub cordic(ptr, mode) | negate, i, da, dx, dy, a, x, y '' CORDIC algorithm '' '' if mode = 0: x,y are rotated by angle in a '' if mode = 1: x,y are converted from cartesian to polar with angle->a, length->x '' '' - angle range: $00000000-$FFFFFFFF = 0-359.9999999 degrees '' - hypotenuse of x,y must be within ±1_300_000_000 to avoid overflow '' - algorithm works best if x,y are kept large: '' example: x=$40000000, y=0, a=angle, cordic(0) performs cos,sin into x,y 'copy in data longmove(@a, ptr, 3) 'move calling a,x,y structure into local a,x,y structure if mode 'if atan2 mode, reset a a~ negate := x < 0 'check quadrant 2 | 3 for either atan2 or rotate mode else negate := (a ^ a << 1) & $80000000 if negate 'if quadrant 2 | 3, (may be outside ±106° convergence range) a += $80000000 '..add 180 degrees to angle -x '..negate x -y '..negate y repeat i from 0 to 26 'do CORDIC iterations (27 is optimal for 32-bit values) da := corlut[i] dx := y ~> i dy := x ~> i if mode negate := y < 0 'if atan2 mode, drive y towards 0 else negate := a => 0 'if rotate mode, drive a towards 0 if negate -da -dx -dy a += da x += dx y -= dy 'remove CORDIC gain by multiplying by ~0.60725293500888 i := $4DBA76D4 x := (x ** i) << 1 + (x * i) >> 31 y := (y ** i) << 1 + (y * i) >> 31 'copy out data longmove(ptr, @a, 3) 'move local a,x,y structure into calling a,x,y structure dat corlut long $20000000 'CORDIC angle lookup table long $12E4051E long $09FB385B long $051111D4 long $028B0D43 long $0145D7E1 long $00A2F61E long $00517C55 long $0028BE53 long $00145F2F long $000A2F98 long $000517CC long $00028BE6 long $000145F3 long $0000A2FA long $0000517D long $000028BE long $0000145F long $00000A30 long $00000518 long $0000028C long $00000146 long $000000A3 long $00000051 long $00000029 long $00000014 long $0000000A PUB FFloat(integer) : single | s, x, m ''Convert integer to float if m := ||integer 'absolutize mantissa, if 0, result 0 s := integer >> 31 'get sign x := >|m - 1 'get exponent m <<= 31 - x 'msb-justify mantissa m >>= 2 'bit29-justify mantissa return Pack(@s) 'pack result PUB FRound(single) : integer ''Convert float to rounded integer return FInteger(single, 1) 'use 1/2 to round PUB FTrunc(single) : integer ''Convert float to truncated integer return FInteger(single, 0) 'use 0 to round con Mask29 = $1FFF_FFFF Pub frac(singleA) : single | s, x, m ''extract the fractional portion of a floating point number. ''translated from F32 and Float32full. {'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' fraction ' fnumA = fractional part of fnumA '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _Frac call #_Unpack ' get fraction test expA, Bit31 wz ' check for exp < 0 or NaN if_c_or_nz jmp #:exit max expA, #23 ' remove the integer shl manA, expA and manA, Mask29 mov expA, #0 ' return fraction :exit call #_Pack andn fnumA, Bit31 'clear sign _Frac_ret ret} unpack(@s, singleA) 'unpack the float if x < 0 'if NaN do nothing, if exponent < 0 there is no whole part so input is already a fraction, return singleA return singleA'pack(@s) x := x <# 23 'if exponent is larger than 23, we have no fractional significant figures m <<= x 'shift mantissa left by exponent m &= Mask29 'mask off extra bits x := 0 'update exponent for fraction s := 0 single := pack(@s) 'pack up and return result. pub frac_int(singleA) : int | s, x, m ''extract the fractional portion of a floating point number. ''returns an integer binary fraction for use in exp2() function. unpack(@s, singleA) 'unpack the float 'if x < 0 'if NaN do nothing, if exponent < 0 there is no whole part so input is already a fraction, return singleA ' return singleA'pack(@s) if x => 0 'input is greater than 1. x := x <# 23 'if exponent is larger than 23, we have no fractional significant figures m <<= x 'shift mantissa left by exponent m &= Mask29 'mask off extra bits else 'input is less than one x := -29 #> x 'no bits left in binary fraction if x < -29 m >>= -x 'justify x := 0 'update exponent for fraction s := 0 int := m 'return fraction of single A as a binary fraction. int/(1<<29) = int/(2^29) = fractional portion of singleA PUB FNeg(singleA) : single ''Negate singleA return singleA ^ $8000_0000 'toggle sign bit PUB FAbs(singleA) : single ''Absolute singleA return singleA & $7FFF_FFFF 'clear sign bit PUB FAbsNeg(singleA) : single ''ABS singleA then Negate singleA return singleA | $8000_0000 'set sign bit PUB FSqr(singleA) : single | s, x, m, root ''Compute square root of singleA if singleA > 0 'if a =< 0, result 0 Unpack(@s, singleA) 'unpack input m >>= !x & 1 'if exponent even, shift mantissa down x ~>= 1 'get root exponent root := $4000_0000 'compute square root of mantissa repeat 31 result |= root if result ** result > m result ^= root root >>= 1 m := result >> 1 return Pack(@s) 'pack result if Fcmp(singleA, 0.0) < 0 'input is negative. return nan_con PUB FAdd(singleA, singleB) : single | sa, xa, ma, sb, xb, mb ''Add singleA and singleB Unpack(@sa, singleA) 'unpack inputs Unpack(@sb, singleB) if sa 'handle mantissa negation -ma if sb -mb result := ||(xa - xb) <# 31 'get exponent difference if xa > xb 'shift lower-exponent mantissa down mb ~>= result else ma ~>= result xa := xb ma += mb 'add mantissas sa := ma < 0 'get sign ||ma 'absolutize result return Pack(@sa) 'pack result PUB FSub(singleA, singleB) : single ''Subtract singleB from singleA return FAdd(singleA, FNeg(singleB)) PUB FMul(singleA, singleB) : single | sa, xa, ma, sb, xb, mb ''Multiply singleA by singleB Unpack(@sa, singleA) 'unpack inputs Unpack(@sb, singleB) sa ^= sb 'xor signs xa += xb 'add exponents ma := (ma ** mb) << 3 'multiply mantissas and justify return Pack(@sa) 'pack result PUB FDiv(singleA, singleB) : single | sa, xa, ma, sb, xb, mb ''Divide singleA by singleB Unpack(@sa, singleA) 'unpack inputs Unpack(@sb, singleB) sa ^= sb 'xor signs xa -= xb 'subtract exponents repeat 30 'divide mantissas result <<= 1 if ma => mb ma -= mb result++ ma <<= 1 ma := result return Pack(@sa) 'pack result pub FMod(singleA, singleB) | tempA ''impliments [a - float(floor(a/b)) * b] calculation of Mod function 'this is likely pretty slow tempA := FDiv(singleA, singleB) tempA := Ffloat(Ftrunc(tempA)) tempA := FNeg(FMul(tempA, singleB)) result := FAdd(singleA, tempA) 'correct the sign if Fcmp(singleA, 0.0) == -1 result := FAbsNeg(result) else result := FAbs(result) pub FInteger(singleA, r) : integer | s, x, m 'Convert float to rounded/truncated integer Unpack(@s, singleA) 'unpack input if x => -1 and x =< 30 'if exponent not -1..30, result 0 m <<= 2 'msb-justify mantissa m >>= 30 - x 'shift down to 1/2-lsb m += r 'round (1) or truncate (0) m >>= 1 'shift down to lsb if s 'handle negation -m return m 'return integer Pri Unpack(pointer, single) | s, x, m 'Unpack floating-point into (sign, exponent, mantissa) at pointer s := single >> 31 'unpack sign x := single << 1 >> 24 'unpack exponent m := single & $007F_FFFF 'unpack mantissa if x 'if exponent > 0, m := m << 6 | $2000_0000 '..bit29-justify mantissa with leading 1 else result := >|m - 23 'else, determine first 1 in mantissa x := result '..adjust exponent m <<= 7 - result '..bit29-justify mantissa x -= 127 'unbias exponent longmove(pointer, @s, 3) 'write (s,x,m) structure from locals pri Pack(pointer) : single | s, x, m 'Pack floating-point from (sign, exponent, mantissa) at pointer longmove(@s, pointer, 3) 'get (s,x,m) structure into locals if m 'if mantissa 0, result 0 result := 33 - >|m 'determine magnitude of mantissa m <<= result 'msb-justify mantissa without leading 1 x += 3 - result 'adjust exponent m += $00000100 'round up mantissa by 1/2 lsb if not m & $FFFFFF00 'if rounding overflow, x++ '..increment exponent x := x + 127 #> -23 <# 255 'bias and limit exponent if x < 1 'if exponent < 1, m := $8000_0000 + m >> 1 '..replace leading 1 m >>= -x '..shift mantissa down by exponent x~ '..exponent is now 0 return s << 31 | x << 23 | m >> 9 'pack result {{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ TERMS OF USE: MIT License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, │ │modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software│ │is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: │ │ │ │The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│ │ │ │THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE │ │WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR │ │COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, │ │ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ }}