2014-04-30 20:24:00 +02:00

1714 lines
89 KiB

// VGA64 Tilemap Engine
// Author: Kwabena W. Agyeman
// Updated: 7/27/2010
// Designed For: P8X32A
// Version: 1.0
// Copyright (c) 2010 Kwabena W. Agyeman
// See end of file for terms of use.
// Update History:
// v1.0 - Original release - 7/27/2010.
// For each included copy of this object only one spin interpreter should access it at a time.
// Nyamekye,
// Video Circuit:
// 0 1 2 3 Pin Group
// 240OHM
// Pin 0, 8, 16, 24 ----R-------- Vertical Sync
// 240OHM
// Pin 1, 9, 17, 25 ----R-------- Horizontal Sync
// 470OHM
// Pin 2, 10, 18, 26 ----R-------- Blue Video
// |
// 240OHM |
// Pin 3, 11, 19, 27 ----R-----
// 470OHM
// Pin 4, 12, 20, 28 ----R-------- Green Video
// |
// 240OHM |
// Pin 5, 13, 21, 29 ----R-----
// 470OHM
// Pin 6, 14, 22, 30 ----R-------- Red Video
// |
// 240OHM |
// Pin 7, 15, 23, 31 ----R-----
// 5V
// |
// --- 5V
// --- Vertical Sync Ground
// |
// GND
// --- Hoirzontal Sync Ground
// |
// GND
// --- Blue Return
// |
// GND
// --- Green Return
// |
// GND
// --- Red Return
// |
// GND
#$FC, Light_Grey, #$A8, Grey, #$54, Dark_Grey
#$C0, Light_Red, #$80, Red, #$40, Dark_Red
#$30, Light_Green, #$20, Green, #$10, Dark_Green
#$0C, Light_Blue, #$08, Blue, #$04, Dark_Blue
#$F0, Light_Orange, #$A0, Orange, #$50, Dark_Orange
#$CC, Light_Purple, #$88, Purple, #$44, Dark_Purple
#$3C, Light_Teal, #$28, Teal, #$14, Dark_Teal
#$FF, White, #$00, Black
#0, Cursor_Left, Cursor_Right, #10, Cursor_Down, Cursor_Up
'# -1, Focus
#8, Backspace, Tab, Line_feed, Vertical_Tab, Form_Feed, Carriage_Return
byte printRow, printColumn, printBoxFGColor[8], printBoxBGColor[8], printStartRow[8], printStartColumn[8], printEndRow[8], printEndColumn[8]
byte win
byte yendwin[8],xendwin[8],yanf[8],xanf[8],cursorx[8],cursory[8]
word puffer[12]
long bufferaddress[12]
{PUB printString(characters) '' 30 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Prints a string to the screen inside of the print box defined by the print settings.
'' //
'' // Characters - A pointer to a string of characters to be printed.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
repeat strsize(characters)
pub printat(y,x)
{pub PlotPixel(color,startColumn,startRow)|punkt
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a Dot on screen.
'' //
'' // Color - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // StartRow - The row to start drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
color := computeFillColor(color)
drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, startRow, startColumn)
punkt := (startRow*40)+ startColumn
pub setx(x)
pub sety(y)
pub getx
return printColumn
pub gety
return printRow
PUB printCharacter(character) '' 26 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Prints a character to the screen inside of the print box defined by the print settings.
'' //
'' // 0 - Move the cursor left one space.
'' // 1 - Move the cursor right one space.
'' // 8 - Backspace. Move the cursor back one space and delete the character underneath it.
'' // 9 - Tab. Move the cursor forward eight spaces.
'' // 10 - Line Feed. Move the cursor down.
'' // 11 - Vertical Tab. Move the cursor up.
'' // 12 - Form Feed. Move the cursor back to the start of the print box and clear the print box.
'' // 13 - Carriage Return. Move the cursor back to the start of the line.
'' //
'' // Character - A character to be printed. -1 to focus.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(printStartRow[win] =< printEndRow[win])
if(character <> -1)
case character
4: printColumn :=0
5: printColumn -= 1
6: printColumn += 1
7: printColumn:=0
printColumn -= 1
character := " "
9: printColumn += (4 - (printColumn & $3))
10: printRow += 2
11: printRow -= 2
printRow := printStartRow[win]
printColumn := printStartColumn[win]
display2DBox(printBoxBGColor[win], printStartRow[win], printStartColumn[win], printEndRow[win], printEndColumn[win])
13: printColumn := printStartColumn[win]
printRow += 2
other: result := true
if((~printColumn) < printStartColumn[win])
printColumn := printEndColumn[win]
printRow -= 2
if((~printRow) < printStartRow[win])
printRow := printStartRow[win]
scrollDown(2, printBoxBGColor[win], printStartRow[win], printStartColumn[win], printEndRow[win], printEndColumn[win],1)
repeat 2
if((~printColumn) > printEndColumn[win])
printColumn := printStartColumn[win]
printRow += 2
if((~printRow) => printEndRow[win])
printRow := (printEndRow[win] - 1)
scrollUp(2, printBoxBGColor[win], printStartRow[win], printStartColumn[win], printEndRow[win], printEndColumn[win],1)
if(result or (character == " "))
displayCharacter(character~, printBoxFGColor[win], printBoxBGColor[win], printRow, printColumn)
printColumn -= result~
printPosition := @chromaBuffer[computeIndex(printRow, printColumn)]
PUB printqChar(character) '' 26 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Prints a character to the screen inside of the print box defined by the print settings.
'' //
'' // 0 - Move the cursor left one space.
'' // 1 - Move the cursor right one space.
'' // 8 - Backspace. Move the cursor back one space and delete the character underneath it.
'' // 9 - Tab. Move the cursor forward eight spaces.
'' // 10 - Line Feed. Move the cursor down.
'' // 11 - Vertical Tab. Move the cursor up.
'' // 12 - Form Feed. Move the cursor back to the start of the print box and clear the print box.
'' // 13 - Carriage Return. Move the cursor back to the start of the line.
'' //
'' // Character - A character to be printed. -1 to focus.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(printStartRow[win] < printEndRow[win])
if(character <> -1)
result := true
if((~printColumn) < printStartColumn[win])
printColumn := printEndColumn[win]
printRow -= 2
if((~printRow) < printStartRow[win])
printRow := printStartRow[win]
scrollDown(2, printBoxBGColor[win], printStartRow[win], printStartColumn[win], printEndRow[win], printEndColumn[win],1)
repeat 2
if((~printColumn) > printEndColumn[win])
printColumn := printStartColumn[win]
printRow += 2
if((~printRow) => printEndRow[win])
printRow := (printEndRow[win] - 1)
scrollUp(2, printBoxBGColor[win], printStartRow[win], printStartColumn[win], printEndRow[win], printEndColumn[win],1)
if(result or (character == " "))
displayCharacter(character~, printBoxFGColor[win], printBoxBGColor[win], printRow, printColumn)
printColumn -= result~
printPosition := @chromaBuffer[computeIndex(printRow, printColumn)]
PUB printBoxColor(fenster,fore, back) '' 5 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Changes the print box colors.
'' //
'' // ForegroundColor - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) for the foreground character color.
'' // BackgroundColor - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) for the background character color.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printBoxFGColor[win] := fore
printBoxBGColor[win] := back
PUB printBoxSize(fenster,startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn) '' 31 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Changes the print box size and position.
'' //
'' // StartRow - The row to start printing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start printing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end printing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end printing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printEndRow[win]:= limitRow(yendwin[win])
printEndColumn[win] := limitColumn(xendwin[win])
printStartRow[win] := computeLimit(yanf[win], printEndRow[win])
printStartColumn[win] := computeLimit(xanf[win], printEndColumn[win])
'printEndRow += (not((printEndRow - printStartRow) & 1))
printRow := printStartRow[win]
printColumn := printStartColumn[win]
display2DBox(printBoxBGColor[win], printStartRow[win], printStartColumn[win], printEndRow[win], printEndColumn[win])
pub printwindow(fenster)
'printEndRow[win]:= limitRow(yendwin[win])
'printEndColumn[win] := limitColumn(xendwin[win])
'printStartRow[win] := computeLimit(yanf[win], printEndRow[win])
'printStartColumn[win] := computeLimit(xanf[win], printEndColumn[win])
pub del_win(fenster)
printStartRow[fenster] :=printStartRow[0]
printEndRow[fenster] :=printEndRow[0]
printEndColumn[fenster] :=printEndColumn[0]
printBoxBGColor[fenster] :=printBoxBGColor[0]
printBoxFGColor[fenster] :=printBoxFGColor[0]
cursory[fenster] :=cursory[0]
cursorx[fenster] :=cursorx[0]
PUB printCursorColor(color) '' 8 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Changes the print cursor color.
'' //
'' // Color - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) describing the print cusor color.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printColor := computeFillColor(color)
PUB printCursorRate(rate) '' 8 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Changes the print cursor (blink) rate.
'' //
'' // Rate - A blink rate for the print cursor. 0=0Hz, 1=0.46875Hz, 2=0.9375Hz, 3=1.875Hz, 4=3.75Hz, 5=7.5Hz, 6=15Hz, 7=30Hz.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printRate := ($100 >> computeLimit(rate, 7))
PUB printCursorRow '' 3 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Returns the current row the print cursor is on.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return ~printRow
PUB printCursorColumn '' 3 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Returns the current column the print cursor is on.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return ~printColumn
PUB scrollUp(lines, color, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn,rate) '' 24 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Scrolls the contents of whatever is in the specified area up and scrolls in blank space of the selected color.
'' //
'' // Color - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use for the background color being scrolled in.
'' // Lines - Number of rows to scroll up. This function will do nothing if this value is invalid.
'' // StartRow - The row to start scrolling on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start scrolling on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end scrolling on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end scrolling on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
color := computeFillColor(color)
endRow := limitRow(endRow)
endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
startRow := computeLimit(startRow, endRow)
startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
lines := (computeLimit(lines, (endRow - startRow + 1)) * 40)
drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
startRow := computeIndex(startRow, startColumn)
endRow := computeIndex(endRow, startColumn)
endColumn -= --startColumn
if(lines =< (endRow - startRow))
repeat result from startRow to (endRow - lines) step 40
wordmove(@lumaBuffer[result], @lumaBuffer[result + lines], endColumn)
longmove(@chromaBuffer[result], @chromaBuffer[result + lines], endColumn)
if rate>0
waitcnt( cnt+=clkfreq / (1000/rate))
repeat result from (endRow + 40 - lines) to endRow step 40
longfill(@chromaBuffer[result], color, endColumn)
if rate >0
waitcnt( cnt+=clkfreq / (1000/rate))
PUB scrollDown(lines, color, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn,rate) '' 24 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Scrolls the contents of whatever is in the specified area down and scrolls in blank space of the selected color.
'' //
'' // Color - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use for the background color being scrolled in.
'' // Lines - Number of rows to scroll down. This function will do nothing if this value is invalid.
'' // StartRow - The row to start scrolling on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start scrolling on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end scrolling on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end scrolling on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
color := computeFillColor(color)
endRow := limitRow(endRow)
endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
startRow := computeLimit(startRow, endRow)
startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
lines := (computeLimit(lines, (endRow - startRow + 1)) * 40)
drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
startRow := computeIndex(startRow, startColumn)
endRow := computeIndex(endRow, startColumn)
endColumn -= --startColumn
if(lines =< (endRow - startRow))
repeat result from endRow to (startRow + lines) step 40
wordmove(@lumaBuffer[result], @lumaBuffer[result - lines], endColumn)
longmove(@chromaBuffer[result], @chromaBuffer[result - lines], endColumn)
if rate>0
waitcnt( cnt+=clkfreq / (1000/rate))
repeat result from startRow to (startRow - 40 + lines) step 40
longfill(@chromaBuffer[result], color, endColumn)
if rate>0
waitcnt( cnt+=clkfreq / (1000/rate))
PUB display3DTextBox(characters, textColor, topColor, centerColor, bottomColor, row, column) '' 35 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a 3D text box on screen.
'' //
'' // Characters - A string to display using the internal ROM font. Each character is 1 tile wide and 2 tiles tall.
'' // TextColor - Text color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // TopColor - Top edge and side color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // CenterColor - Center color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // BottomColor - Bottom edge and side color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // Row - Top right corner row of the text box. The box will be 4 rows tall and 2 + string size wide.
'' // Column - Top right corner column of the text box. The box will be 4 rows tall and 2 + string size wide.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
displayString(characters, textColor, centerColor, ++row, ++column)
display3DFrame(topColor, centerColor, bottomColor, --row, --column, (row + 3), (++column + strsize(characters)))
{PUB display3DpressedTextBox(characters, textColor, topColor, centerColor, bottomColor, row, column) '' 35 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a 3D text box on screen.
'' //
'' // Characters - A string to display using the internal ROM font. Each character is 1 tile wide and 2 tiles tall.
'' // TextColor - Text color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // TopColor - Top edge and side color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // CenterColor - Center color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // BottomColor - Bottom edge and side color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // Row - Top right corner row of the text box. The box will be 4 rows tall and 2 + string size wide.
'' // Column - Top right corner column of the text box. The box will be 4 rows tall and 2 + string size wide.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
displayString(characters, textColor, centerColor, ++row, ++column)
display3DFrame(topColor, centerColor, bottomColor, --row, --column, (row + 3), (++column + strsize(characters)))
'PUB display2DTextBox(characters, forgroundColor, backgroundColor, row, column) '' 31 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a 2D text box on screen.
'' //
'' // Characters - A string to display using the internal ROM font. Each character is 1 tile wide and 2 tiles tall.
'' // ForegroundColor - The color to use for the foreground of the text box.
'' // BackgroundColor - The color to use for the background of the text box.
'' // Row - Top right corner row of the text box. The box will be 4 rows tall and 2 + string size wide.
'' // Column - Top right corner column of the text box. The box will be 4 rows tall and 2 + string size wide.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' displayString(characters, forgroundColor, backgroundColor, ++row, ++column)
' display2DFrame(backgroundColor, --row, --column, (row + 3), (++column + strsize(characters)))
PUB display3DBox(topColor, centerColor, bottomColor, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn) '' 35 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a 3D box on screen.
'' //
'' // TopColor - Top edge and side color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // CenterColor - Center color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // BottomColor - Bottom edge and side color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // StartRow - The row to start drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
display2DBox(centerColor, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
display3DFrame(topColor, centerColor, bottomColor, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
PUB display3DFrame(topColor, centerColor, bottomColor, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn) '' 25 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a 3D frame on screen.
'' //
'' // TopColor - Top edge and side color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // CenterColor - Center color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // BottomColor - Bottom edge and side color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // StartRow - The row to start drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
centerColor := computeTileColor(centerColor, bottomColor, topColor)
endRow := limitRow(endRow)
endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
startRow := computeLimit(startRow, endRow)
startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
startRow := computeIndex(startRow, startColumn)
endRow := computeIndex(endRow, startColumn)
endColumn -= startColumn
longfill(@chromaBuffer[startRow], centerColor, ++endColumn)
wordfill(@lumaBuffer[startRow], $83_00, endColumn)
longfill(@chromaBuffer[endRow], centerColor, endColumn)
wordfill(@lumaBuffer[endRow], $83_40, endColumn--)
repeat result from startRow to endRow step 40
lumaBuffer[result] := $82_80
chromaBuffer[result] := centerColor
lumaBuffer[result + endColumn] := $82_C0
chromaBuffer[result + endColumn] := centerColor
lumaBuffer[endRow] := $80_40
lumaBuffer[endRow + endColumn] := $82_40
lumaBuffer[startRow] := $80_00
lumaBuffer[startRow + endColumn] := $82_00
pub plot(color,row,column)
color := computeFillColor(color)
longfill(@chromaBuffer[(row*40)+column], color, 1)
PUB display2DBox(color, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn) '' 23 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a 2D box on screen.
'' //
'' // Color - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // StartRow - The row to start drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
color := computeFillColor(color)
endRow := limitRow(endRow)
endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
startRow := computeLimit(startRow, endRow)
startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
startRow := computeIndex(startRow, startColumn)
endRow := computeIndex(endRow, startColumn)
endColumn -= --startColumn
repeat result from startRow to endRow step 40
longfill(@chromaBuffer[result], color, endColumn)
wordfill(@lumabuffer[result],32,endcolumn) 'Ergänzung um BS-Speicher zu löschen -> für Tileabfragen
'PUB display2DFrame(color, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn) '' 23 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a 2D frame on screen.
'' //
'' // Color - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) to use.
'' // StartRow - The row to start drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end drawing on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end drawing on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' color := computeFillColor(color)
' endRow := limitRow(endRow)
' endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
' startRow := computeLimit(startRow, endRow)
' startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
' drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
' startRow := computeIndex(startRow, startColumn)
' endRow := computeIndex(endRow, startColumn)
' endColumn -= startColumn
' longfill(@chromaBuffer[startRow], color, ++endColumn)
' longfill(@chromaBuffer[endRow], color, endColumn--)
' repeat result from startRow to endRow step 40
' chromaBuffer[result] := color
' chromaBuffer[result + endColumn] := color
' drawingStop
Pub Change_Backup(tilenr,f1,f2,f3)
BufferAddress[9]:=computeTileColor(f1, f2, f3)
PUB dispBackup(startRow, startColumn,wordBufferAddress)', longBufferAddress) '' 24 Stack Longs
'original displayBackup(startRow, startColumn,endRow, endColumn, wordBufferAddress, longBufferAddress)
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Backups a section of the screen to the provided buffers.
'' //
'' // The word buffer contains the 16 bit addresses of the backedup tiles.
'' //
'' // The word buffer should be ((endRow - startRow + 1) * (endColumn - startColumn + 1)) words in size.
'' //
'' // The long buffer contains the 32 bit colors of the backedup tiles. (4 Colors Per Tile - 1 Bytes Per Color).
'' //
'' // The long buffer should be ((endRow - startRow + 1) * (endColumn - startColumn + 1)) longs in size.
'' //
'' // StartRow - The row to start on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
puffer[wordBufferAddress]:= lumaBuffer[(startrow*40)+(startcolumn)]
BufferAddress[wordBufferAddress]:= chromaBuffer[(startrow*40)+startcolumn]
pub getblock(nummer)
return lumaBuffer[nummer]
PUB dispRestore(startRow, startColumn,wordBufferAddress)' '' 24 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Restores a section of the screen from the provided buffers.
'' //
'' // The word buffer contains the 16 bit addresses of the restored tiles.
'' //
'' // The word buffer should be ((endRow - startRow + 1) * (endColumn - startColumn + 1)) words in size.
'' //
'' // The long buffer contains the 32 bit colors of the restored tiles. (4 Colors Per Tile - 1 Bytes Per Color).
'' //
'' // The long buffer should be ((endRow - startRow + 1) * (endColumn - startColumn + 1)) longs in size.
'' //
'' // StartRow - The row to start on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
pub Backup_luma(x,y):wert
pub backup_chroma(x,y):wert
pub restore_luma(x,y,wert)
pub restore_chroma(x,y,wert)
PUB displayBackup(startRow, startColumn,endRow, endColumn, wordBufferAddress, longBufferAddress)', longBufferAddress) '' 24 Stack Longs
'original displayBackup(startRow, startColumn,endRow, endColumn, wordBufferAddress, longBufferAddress)
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Backups a section of the screen to the provided buffers.
'' //
'' // The word buffer contains the 16 bit addresses of the backedup tiles.
'' //
'' // The word buffer should be ((endRow - startRow + 1) * (endColumn - startColumn + 1)) words in size.
'' //
'' // The long buffer contains the 32 bit colors of the backedup tiles. (4 Colors Per Tile - 1 Bytes Per Color).
'' //
'' // The long buffer should be ((endRow - startRow + 1) * (endColumn - startColumn + 1)) longs in size.
'' //
'' // StartRow - The row to start on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
endRow := limitRow(endRow)
endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
startRow := computeLimit(startRow, endRow)
startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
startRow := computeIndex(startRow, startColumn)
endRow := computeIndex(endRow, startColumn)
endColumn -= --startColumn
repeat result from startRow to endRow step 40
wordmove(wordBufferAddress, @lumaBuffer[result], endColumn)
wordBufferAddress += (endColumn << 1)
longmove(longBufferAddress, @chromaBuffer[result], endColumn)
longBufferAddress += (endColumn << 2)
PUB displayRestore(startRow, startColumn,endRow, endColumn, wordBufferAddress, longBufferAddress)' '' 24 Stack Longs
'original displayRestore(startRow, startColumn,endRow, endColumn, wordBufferAddress, longBufferAddress)
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Restores a section of the screen from the provided buffers.
'' //
'' // The word buffer contains the 16 bit addresses of the restored tiles.
'' //
'' // The word buffer should be ((endRow - startRow + 1) * (endColumn - startColumn + 1)) words in size.
'' //
'' // The long buffer contains the 32 bit colors of the restored tiles. (4 Colors Per Tile - 1 Bytes Per Color).
'' //
'' // The long buffer should be ((endRow - startRow + 1) * (endColumn - startColumn + 1)) longs in size.
'' //
'' // StartRow - The row to start on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // StartColumn - The column to start on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndRow - The row to end on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // EndColumn - The column to end on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
endRow := limitRow(endRow)
endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
startRow := computeLimit(startRow, endRow)
startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)
startRow := computeIndex(startRow, startColumn)
endRow := computeIndex(endRow, startColumn)
endColumn -= --startColumn
repeat result from startRow to endRow step 40
wordmove(@lumaBuffer[result], wordBufferAddress, endColumn)
wordBufferAddress += (endColumn << 1)
longmove(@chromaBuffer[result], longBufferAddress, endColumn)
longBufferAddress += (endColumn << 2)
PUB scrollString(characters, characterRate, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, row, startColumn, endColumn) '' 34 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Scrolls a string of characters from right to left across a specified area. Will not display box characters.
'' //
'' // Characters - A string to display using the internal ROM font. Each character is 1 tile wide and 2 tiles tall.
'' // CharacterRate - The number of frames to wait before scrolling out the next character. 0=16.66ms, 1=33.33ms, 2=50ms, etc.
'' // ForegroundColor - The color to use for the foreground of the string.
'' // BackgroundColor - The color to use for the background of the string.
'' // Row - Row to scroll the string on, row 29 is not valid to use. Each row is 16 pixels tall. (0 - 29).
'' // StartColumn - Column to scroll the string to. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndColumn - Column to scroll the string from. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
repeat (strsize(characters) + (endColumn - startColumn) + 1)
result := " "
result := byte[characters++]
scrollCharacter(result, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, row, startColumn, endColumn)
PUB scrollCharacter(character, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, row, startColumn, endColumn) '' 24 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Scrolls a character from right to left across a specified area. Will not display box characters.
'' //
'' // Character - A character to display using the internal ROM font. Each character is 1 tile wide and 2 tiles tall.
'' // ForegroundColor - The color to use for the foreground of the character.
'' // BackgroundColor - The color to use for the background of the character.
'' // Row - Row to scroll the string on, row 29 is not valid to use. Each row is 16 pixels tall. (0 - 29).
'' // StartColumn - Column to scroll the string to. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' // EndColumn - Column to scroll the string from. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
endColumn := limitColumn(endColumn)
startColumn := computeLimit(startColumn, endColumn)
row := computeLimit(row, 28)
result := computeIndex(row, startColumn)
startColumn := (endColumn - startColumn)
drawingStart(row, startColumn, row + 1, endColumn)
repeat 2
wordmove(@lumaBuffer[result], @lumaBuffer[++result], startColumn)
longmove(@chromaBuffer[--result], @chromaBuffer[++result], startColumn)
result += 39
displayCharacter(character, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, row, endColumn)
PUB displayString(characters, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, row, column) '' 21 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a string of characters starting at the specified column on the specified row. Will not display box characters.
'' //
'' // Characters - A string to display using the internal ROM font. Each character is 1 tile wide and 2 tiles tall.
'' // ForegroundColor - The color to use for the foreground of the string.
'' // BackgroundColor - The color to use for the background of the string.
'' // Row - Row to display the string on, row 29 is not valid to use. Each row is 16 pixels tall. (0 - 29).
'' // Column - Column to start displaying the string on. Each column is 16 pixels wide. (0 - 39).
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
column #>= 0
repeat while(byte[characters] and (column =< 39))
displayCharacter(byte[characters++], foregroundColor, backgroundColor, row, column++)
PUB displayCharacter(character, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, row, column) '' 13 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a character at the specified column on the specified row. Will not display box characters.
'' //
'' // Character - A character to display using the internal ROM font. Each character is 1 tile wide and 2 tiles tall.
'' // ForegroundColor - The color to use for the foreground of the character.
'' // BackgroundColor - The color to use for the background of the character.
'' // Row - Row to display the string on, row 29 is not valid to use. Each row is 16 pixels tall. (0 - 29).
'' // Column - Column to start displaying the string on. Each column is 16 pixels wide. (0 - 39).
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if((character =< 1) or ((8 =< character) and (character =< 13)) or (256 =< character))
character := " "
result := (character & 1)
backgroundColor.byte[1 + result] := foregroundColor
backgroundColor.byte[2 - result] := backgroundColor
backgroundColor.byte[3] := foregroundColor
character := (((character >> 1) << 7) + $80_00) '$8000 ist der Ort, wo der Propeller-Font steht
result := computeIndex(computeLimit(row, 28), limitColumn(column))
repeat while(lockset(lockNumber - 1))
repeat 2
lumaBuffer[result] := character
chromaBuffer[result] := backgroundColor
result += 40
character += $40
lockclr(lockNumber - 1)
PUB displayTile(address, primaryColor, secondaryColor, tertiaryColor, row, column) '' 15 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Displays a standard three colored tile.
'' //
'' // A tile should be formated in this way, example below:
'' //
'' // address long %%1111111111111112
'' // long %%1111111111111122
'' // long %%1111111111111232
'' // long %%1111111111112332
'' // long %%1111111111123332
'' // long %%1111111111233332
'' // long %%1111111112333332
'' // long %%1111111123333332
'' // long %%1111111233333332
'' // long %%1111112333333332
'' // long %%1111123333333332
'' // long %%1111222222223332
'' // long %%1111111111112332
'' // long %%1111111111111232
'' // long %%1111111111111122
'' // long %%1111111111111112
'' //
'' // The tile image should be reversed to display properly.
'' //
'' // The address of the first long is the address of the mouse tile.
'' //
'' // Each tile has has 16 longs and each long has 16 pixels. Each pixel has a value of 1 - 3 using quaternary encoding.
'' //
'' // A pixel of 0 maps to nothing and a pixel of 1, 2, or 3 maps to the color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx).
'' //
'' // Address - The address of the tile to display.
'' // PrimaryColor - The color mapping to pixels that have a value of 1 in quaternary.
'' // SecondaryColor - The color mapping to pixels that have a value of 2 in quaternary.
'' // TertiaryColor - The color mapping to pixels that have a value of 3 in quaternary.
'' // Row - The row to display the tile on. Each row is 16 pixels tall so there are 30 rows numbered 0 - 29.
'' // Column - The column to display the tile on. Each column is 16 pixels wide so there are 40 columns numbered 0 - 39.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
result := computeIndex(limitRow(row), limitColumn(column))
repeat while(lockset(lockNumber - 1))
lumaBuffer[result] := address
chromaBuffer[result] := computeTileColor(primaryColor, secondaryColor, tertiaryColor)
lockclr(lockNumber - 1)
PUB displayCursor '' 3 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Returns the address of the standard mouse cursor tile.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return @mousePointer
PUB mouseCursorTile(address) '' 4 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Changes the mouse cursor tile.
'' //
'' // A mouse cusor tile should be formated in this way, example below:
'' //
'' // address long %%0000000000000003
'' // long %%0000000000000033
'' // long %%0000000000000333
'' // long %%0000000000003333
'' // long %%0000000000033333
'' // long %%0000000000333333
'' // long %%0000000003333333
'' // long %%0000000033333333
'' // long %%0000000333333333
'' // long %%0000003333333333
'' // long %%0000033333333333
'' // long %%0000333333333333
'' // long %%0000000000003333
'' // long %%0000000000000333
'' // long %%0000000000000033
'' // long %%0000000000000003
'' //
'' // The tile image should be reversed to display properly.
'' //
'' // The address of the first long is the address of the mouse tile.
'' //
'' // Each tile has has 16 longs and each long has 16 pixels. Each pixel has a value of 0 - 3 using quaternary encoding.
'' //
'' // A pixel of 0 maps to nothing and a pixel of 1, 2, or 3 maps to the color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx).
'' //
'' // Address - The address of the tile to display, null to disable.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mouseLuma := address
if address>0
longmove(@mousepointer,address,16) 'neuen Mauszeiger verwenden
PUB mouseCursorColor(color) '' 4 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Changes the mouse cursor color.
'' //
'' // Color - A color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) describing the mouse cursor color.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mouseChroma := color
PUB mouseRowBounds(startRow, endRow) '' 8 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Returns true if the mouse is on or between the two provided rows and false if not.
'' //
'' // StartRow - The row to check to see if the mouse is on or after.
'' // EndRow - The row to check to see if the mouse is on or before.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
result := mouseTileRow
return ((startRow =< result) and (result =< endRow))
PUB mouseColumnBounds(startColumn, endColumn) '' 8 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Returns true if the mouse is on or between the two provided columns and false if not.
'' //
'' // StartColumn - The column to check to see if the mouse is on or after.
'' // EndColumn - The column to check to see if the mouse is on or before.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
result := mouseTileColumn
return ((startColumn =< result) and (result =< endColumn))
PUB mouseTileRow '' 3 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Return the current row the mouse is on.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return (word[mouseYAddress] >> 4)
PUB mouseTileRowOffset '' 3 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Return pixel offset from the current row the mouse is on.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return (word[mouseYAddress] & $F)
PUB mouseTileColumn '' 3 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Return the current column the mouse is on.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return (word[mouseXAddress] >> 4)
PUB mouseTileColumnOffset '' 3 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Return pixel offset from the current column the mouse is on.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return (word[mouseXAddress] & $F)
PUB displayState(state) '' 4 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Enables or disables the TMP Driver's video output - turning the monitor off or putting it into standby mode.
'' //
'' // State - True for active and false for inactive.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
displayIndicator := state
'PUB displayRate(rate) '' 8 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Returns true or false depending on the time elasped according to a specified rate.
'' //
'' // Rate - A display rate to return at. 0=0.234375Hz, 1=0.46875Hz, 2=0.9375Hz, 3=1.875Hz, 4=3.75Hz, 5=7.5Hz, 6=15Hz, 7=30Hz.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' result or= (($80 >> computeLimit(rate, 7)) & syncIndicator)
PUB displayWait(frames) '' 4 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Waits for the display vertical refresh.
'' //
'' // Frames - Number of vertical refresh frames to wait for.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
repeat (frames #> 0)
result := syncIndicator
repeat until(result <> syncIndicator)
'PUB displayColor(redAmount, greenAmount, blueAmount) '' 6 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Builds a color byte (%RR_GG_BB_xx) from red, green, and blue componets.
'' //
'' // RedAmount - The amount of red to add to the color byte. Between 0 and 3.
'' // GreenAmount - The amount of green to add to the color byte. Between 0 and 3.
'' // BlueAmount - The amount of blue to add to the color byte. Between 0 and 3.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' return ( (computeLimit(redAmount, 3) << 6) | (computeLimit(greenAmount, 3) << 4) | (computeLimit(blueAmount, 3) << 2) | $3)
PUB TMPEngineStart(pinGroup, axisXAddress, axisYAddress) '' 9 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Starts up the TMP driver running on a cog and checks out a lock for the driver.
'' //
'' // Returns true on success and false on failure.
'' //
'' // PinGroup - Pin group to use to drive the video circuit. Between 0 and 3.
'' // AxisXAddress - Address of the mouse x axis position variable. Must be a word address and not zero.
'' // AxisYAddress - Address of the mouse y axis position variable. Must be a word address and not zero.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
pinGroup := ((pinGroup <# 3) #> 0)
directionState := ($FF << (8 * pinGroup))
videoState := ($30_00_00_FF | (pinGroup << 9))
pinGroup := constant((25_175_000 + 1_600) / 4)
frequencyState := 1
repeat 32
pinGroup <<= 1
frequencyState <-= 1
if(pinGroup => clkfreq)
pinGroup -= clkfreq
frequencyState += 1
mouseXAddress := axisXAddress
mouseYAddress := axisYAddress
chromaBufferAddress := @chromaBuffer
lumaBufferAddress := @lumaBuffer
printColorAddress := @printColor
printPositionAddress := @printPosition
printRateAddress := @printRate
mouseChromaAddress := @mouseChroma
mouseLumaAddress := @mouseLuma
displayIndicatorAddress := @displayIndicator
syncIndicatorAddress := @syncIndicator
lockNumber := locknew
cogNumber := cognew(@initialization, @mouseCache)
if((++lockNumber) and (++cogNumber) and (chipver == 1) and axisXAddress and axisYAddress)
return true
PUB TMPEngineStop '' 3 Stack Longs
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' // Shuts down the TMP driver running on a cog and returns the lock used by the driver.
'' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cogstop(-1 + cogNumber~)
lockret(-1 + lockNumber~)
PRI limitRow(row) ' 4 Stack Longs
return ((row <# 29) #> 0)
PRI limitColumn(column) ' 4 Stack Longs
return ((column <# 39) #> 0)
PRI computeFillColor(color) ' 4 Stack Longs
repeat 3
color.byte[++result] := color
return color
Pub computeTileColor(primaryColor, secondaryColor, tertiaryColor) ' 6 Stack Longs
primaryColor.byte[1] := primaryColor
primaryColor.byte[2] := secondaryColor
primaryColor.byte[3] := tertiaryColor
return primaryColor
PRI computeLimit(value, limit) ' 5 Stack Longs
return ((value <# limit) #> 0)
PRI computeIndex(row, column) ' 5 Stack Longs
return ((row * 40) + column)
PRI drawingStart(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn) ' 15 Stack Longs
repeat while(lockset(lockNumber - 1))
if(mouseRowBounds((startRow - 2), endRow) and mouseColumnBounds((startColumn - 2), endColumn))
mouseLumaBackup := mouseLuma~
PRI drawingStop ' 3 Stack Longs
mouseLuma := mouseLumaBackup~
lockclr(lockNumber - 1)
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' TMP Driver
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' //////////////////////Initialization/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
initialization mov vcfg, videoState ' Setup video hardware.
mov frqa, frequencyState '
movi ctra, #%0_00001_101 '
mov mouseAddCaches, par ' Setup mouse buffer.
mov mouseAddCaches + 1, par '
mov mouseAddCaches + 2, par '
mov mouseAddCaches + 3, par '
add mouseAddCaches + 1, #128 '
add mouseAddCaches + 2, #64 '
add mouseAddCaches + 3, #192 '
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Active Video
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
loop mov tilesCounter, #30 ' Set/Reset tiles fill counter.
tilesDisplay mov tileCounter, #16 ' Set/Reset tile fill counter.
mov activeCounter, #0 '
test tilesCounter, #1 wc ' Set/Reset invisible video.
if_c movd lumaCacheUpdate, #lumaCache '
if_c movd chromaCacheUpdate, #chromaCache '
if_nc movd lumaCacheUpdate, #lumaCache + 40 '
if_nc movd chromaCacheUpdate, #chromaCache + 40 '
tileDisplay mov vscl, visibleScale ' Set/Reset the video scale.
mov counter, #40 '
test tilesCounter, #1 wc ' Set/Reset visible video.
if_nc movs lumaUpdate, #lumaCache '
if_nc movd chromaUpdate, #chromaCache '
if_c movs lumaUpdate, #lumaCache + 40 '
if_c movd chromaUpdate, #chromaCache + 40 '
' //////////////////////Visible Video//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
lumaUpdate mov buffer, 0 ' Update display pixles.
add lumaUpdate, #1 '
add buffer, activeCounter ' Add in offset and get pixels.
rdlong buffer, buffer '
chromaUpdate waitvid 0, buffer ' Update display colors.
add chromaUpdate, destinationIncrement '
djnz counter, #lumaUpdate ' Repeat.
' //////////////////////Invisible Video////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov vscl, invisibleScale ' Set/Reset the video scale.
add activeCounter, #4 '
waitvid HSyncColors, syncPixels ' Horizontal sync.
mov inactiveCounter, #3 ' Update the cache.
cmp tileCounter, #3 wc, wz '
if_z mov inactiveCounter, #1 '
if_nc call #cacheUpdate '
' //////////////////////Repeat/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
djnz tileCounter, #tileDisplay ' Repeat.
djnz tilesCounter, #tilesDisplay '
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Inactive Video
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov mousePC, #displayMouse ' Setup display and mouse PC.
' //////////////////////Update Cursor//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rdword printTopPlace, printPositionAddress ' Update print cursor places.
mov printBottomPlace, printTopPlace '
add printBottomPlace, #160 '
rdlong printColorControl, printColorAddress ' Update print cursor settings.
rdbyte printRateControl, printRateAddress '
add refreshCounter, #1 ' Update sync indicator.
wrbyte refreshCounter, syncIndicatorAddress '
' //////////////////////Set/Reset Cache Pointers///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov displayCounter, #4 ' Reset loader.
movs loadCheck, #mouseAddresses '
movs loadPixels, #mouseAddCaches '
movs loadColors, #mouseAddColors '
movd lumaCacheUpdate, #lumaCache ' Setup to update the cache.
movd chromaCacheUpdate, #chromaCache '
mov lumaPointer, lumaBufferAddress '
mov chromaPointer, chromaBufferAddress '
' //////////////////////Front Porch////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov counter, #11 ' Set loop counter.
frontPorch mov vscl, blankPixels ' Invisible lines.
waitvid HSyncColors, #0 '
jmpret displayPC, mousePC ' Do mouse stuff.
mov vscl, invisibleScale ' Horizontal sync.
waitvid HSyncColors, syncPixels '
jmpret displayPC, mousePC ' Do mouse stuff.
djnz counter, #frontPorch ' Repeat # times.
' //////////////////////Vertical Sync//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov counter, #(2 + 2) ' Set loop counter.
verticalSync mov vscl, blankPixels ' Invisible lines.
waitvid VSyncColors, #0 '
mov inactiveCounter, #(17 - 9) ' Update the cache.
call #cacheUpdate '
mov vscl, invisibleScale ' Vertical sync.
waitvid VSyncColors, syncPixels '
mov inactiveCounter, #(3 - 1) ' Update the cache.
call #cacheUpdate '
djnz counter, #verticalSync ' Repeat # times.
' //////////////////////Back Porch/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov counter, #31 ' Set loop counter.
backPorch mov vscl, blankPixels ' Invisible lines.
waitvid HSyncColors, #0 '
jmpret displayPC, mousePC ' Do mouse stuff.
mov vscl, invisibleScale ' Horizontal sync.
waitvid HSyncColors, syncPixels '
jmpret displayPC, mousePC ' Do mouse stuff.
djnz counter, #backPorch ' Repeat # times.
' //////////////////////Update Display Settings////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rdbyte buffer, displayIndicatorAddress wz ' Update display settings.
muxnz dira, directionState '
' //////////////////////Loop///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
jmp #loop ' Loop.
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Cache Update
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cacheUpdate rdword lumaCacheBuffer, lumaPointer ' Update luma cache.
loadCheck cmpsub lumaPointer, 0 wz, wc, nr ' Load up mouse overlays on hit or miss.
if_c cmpsub displayCounter, #1 wc '
loadPixels if_z_and_c mov lumaCacheBuffer, 0 '
loadColors if_z_and_c mov chromaCacheBuffer, 0 '
if_c add loadCheck, #1 '
if_c add loadPixels, #1 '
if_c add loadColors, #1 '
lumaCacheUpdate mov 0, lumaCacheBuffer ' Update luma pointers.
add lumaCacheUpdate, destinationIncrement '
add lumaPointer, #2 '
if_nz rdlong chromaCacheBuffer, chromaPointer ' Update chroma cache.
cmp chromaPointer, printTopPlace wz ' Check cursor places.
if_nz cmp chromaPointer, printBottomPlace wz '
if_z test refreshCounter, printRateControl wc '
if_z_and_c mov chromaCacheBuffer, printColorControl '
or chromaCacheBuffer, HVSyncColors ' Update chroma pointers.
chromaCacheUpdate mov 0, chromaCacheBuffer '
add chromaCacheUpdate, destinationIncrement '
add chromaPointer, #4 '
djnz inactiveCounter, #cacheUpdate ' Repeat.
cacheUpdate_ret ret ' Return.
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Display Mouse
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
displayMouse rdword mouseRowOffset, mouseYAddress ' Compute mouse Y pixel.
max mouseRowOffset, #479 '
rdword mouseColumnOffset, mouseXAddress ' Compute mouse X pixel.
max mouseColumnOffset, sixHundredAndThirtyNine '
mov mouseBuffer, mouseRowOffset ' Compute mouse row.
shr mouseBuffer, #4 '
mov mouseCounter, mouseColumnOffset ' Compute mouse column.
shr mouseCounter, #4 '
and mouseRowOffset, #$F ' Compute pixel offsets.
and mouseColumnOffset, #$F '
rdbyte mouseColors, mouseChromaAddress ' Get mouse color.
mov mouseAddresses, #0 ' Clear triggers.
mov mouseAddresses + 1, #0 '
mov mouseAddresses + 2, #0 '
mov mouseAddresses + 3, #0 '
rdword mousePixels, mouseLumaAddress wz ' Get mouse pixel.
if_z jmp #displayMouseRet '
mov mouseAddresses, mouseBuffer ' Compute left upper mouse address in luma.
mov buffer, mouseBuffer '
shl mouseAddresses, #5 '
shl buffer, #3 '
add mouseAddresses, mouseCounter '
add mouseAddresses, buffer '
shl mouseAddresses, #1 '
add mouseAddresses, lumaBufferAddress '
cmp mouseCounter, #39 wc ' Compute right upper mouse address in luma.
if_c mov mouseAddresses + 1, mouseAddresses '
if_c add mouseAddresses + 1, #2 '
cmp mouseBuffer, #29 wc ' Compute left lower mouse address in luma.
if_c mov mouseAddresses + 2, mouseAddresses '
if_c add mouseAddresses + 2, #80 '
if_c cmp mouseCounter, #39 wc ' Compute right lower mouse address in luma.
if_c mov mouseAddresses + 3, mouseAddresses '
if_c add mouseAddresses + 3, #82 '
' //////////////////////Cache Pixel Pointers and Colors////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
movs storeBackup, #mouseAddresses ' Reset.
movd storeColors, #mouseAddColors '
movd storePixels, #mouseAddPixels '
movs storePixels, #mouseAddresses '
mov mouseCounter, #4 ' Setup counter.
storeBackup mov buffer, 0 wz ' Cache colors and pixels.
if_nz sub buffer, lumaBufferAddress '
if_nz shl buffer, #1 '
if_nz add buffer, chromaBufferAddress '
storeColors if_nz rdlong 0, buffer '
storePixels if_nz rdword 0, 0 '
add storeBackup, #1 ' Point to next.
add storeColors, destinationIncrement '
add storePixels, destinationIncrement '
add storePixels, #1 '
djnz mouseCounter, #storeBackup ' Repeat.
' //////////////////////Draw Background////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov mouseBuffer, mouseAddColors ' Draw left upper pixels and colors.
mov mousePixelsGet, mouseAddPixels '
mov mousePixelsPut, mouseAddCaches '
movd drawBackgroundLoad, #mouseAddColors '
call #drawBackground '
mov mouseBuffer, mouseAddColors + 1 ' Draw right upper pixels and colors.
mov mousePixelsGet, mouseAddPixels + 1 '
mov mousePixelsPut, mouseAddCaches + 1 '
movd drawBackgroundLoad, #mouseAddColors + 1 '
call #drawBackground '
mov mouseBuffer, mouseAddColors + 2 ' Draw left lower pixels and colors.
mov mousePixelsGet, mouseAddPixels + 2 '
mov mousePixelsPut, mouseAddCaches + 2 '
movd drawBackgroundLoad, #mouseAddColors + 2 '
call #drawBackground '
mov mouseBuffer, mouseAddColors + 3 ' Draw right lower pixels and colors.
mov mousePixelsGet, mouseAddPixels + 3 '
mov mousePixelsPut, mouseAddCaches + 3 '
movd drawBackgroundLoad, #mouseAddColors + 3 '
call #drawBackground '
' //////////////////////Draw Foreground////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov mouseCounter, #16 ' Setup counter.
mov mouseLeftPointer, mouseAddCaches ' Setup loading addresses.
mov mouseRightPointer, mouseAddCaches + 1 '
shl mouseRowOffset, #2 ' Setup loading offsets.
add mouseLeftPointer, mouseRowOffset '
add mouseRightPointer, mouseRowOffset '
drawForegroundLoop rdlong mouseLeftPixels, mousePixels ' Get mouse pixels.
add mousePixels, #4 '
mov buffer, mouseLeftPixels ' Promote %01 to %11.
or buffer, pixelAMask '
and buffer, pixelNAMask '
shl buffer, #1 '
or mouseLeftPixels, buffer '
mov buffer, mouseLeftPixels ' Promote %10 to %11.
or buffer, pixelNAMask '
and buffer, pixelAMask '
shr buffer, #1 '
or mouseLeftPixels, buffer '
mov mouseBuffer, mouseColumnOffset ' Compute column pixel offset.
shl mouseBuffer, #1 '
neg buffer, #1 ' Compute column pixel mask.
shr buffer, mouseBuffer '
mov mouseRightPixels, mouseLeftPixels ' Backup shift pixels.
andn mouseRightPixels, buffer '
shl mouseLeftPixels, mouseBuffer ' Build left pixels and right pixels.
rol mouseRightPixels, mouseBuffer '
rdlong buffer, mouseLeftPointer ' Load left pixels.
andn buffer, mouseLeftPixels '
wrlong buffer, mouseLeftPointer '
add mouseLeftPointer, #4 '
rdlong buffer, mouseRightPointer ' Load right pixels.
andn buffer, mouseRightPixels '
wrlong buffer, mouseRightPointer '
add mouseRightPointer, #4 '
jmpret mousePC, displayPC '
djnz mouseCounter, #drawForegroundLoop ' Repeat.
' //////////////////////Return/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
displayMouseRet jmpret mousePC, displayPC ' Setup to return to display PC.
jmp displayPC '
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Draw Background
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
drawBackground mov buffer, mouseBuffer ' Check if color is... ABABCDCD - lower part.
mov mouseCounter, mouseBuffer '
and mouseCounter, #$FF '
shr buffer, #8 '
and buffer, #$FF '
cmp buffer, mouseCounter wz '
if_z mov buffer, mouseBuffer ' Check if color is... ABABCDCD - upper part.
if_z mov mouseCounter, mouseBuffer '
if_z shr mouseCounter, #24 '
if_z shr buffer, #16 '
if_z and buffer, #$FF '
if_z cmp buffer, mouseCounter wz '
muxz drawBackgroundPixels, #1 ' Change pixel affector.
if_z shl mouseBuffer, #8 ' Edit color.
mov buffer, mouseBuffer ' Check if color is of the form ABCDABCD.
mov mouseCounter, mouseBuffer '
shl buffer, #16 '
shr buffer, #16 '
shr mouseCounter, #16 '
cmp mouseCounter, buffer wz '
muxz drawBackgroundPixels, #2 ' Change pixel affector.
andn mouseBuffer, #$FF ' Edit color.
or mouseBuffer, mouseColors '
drawBackgroundLoad mov 0, mouseBuffer '
mov mouseCounter, #16 ' Setup counter.
drawBackgroundLoop rdlong mouseBuffer, mousePixelsGet ' Get source pixels.
add mousePixelsGet, #4 '
test drawBackgroundPixels, #1 wc ' Change pixels for interleaved characters.
if_c shr mouseBuffer, #1 '
drawBackgroundPixels test drawBackgroundPixels, #3 wz '
if_nz or mouseBuffer, pixelAMask '
if_z mov buffer, mouseBuffer ' Promote pixels %00 to %01.
if_z xor buffer, pixelXORMask '
if_z and buffer, pixelAMask '
if_z shr buffer, #1 '
if_z or mouseBuffer, buffer '
wrlong mouseBuffer, mousePixelsPut ' Put modified source pixels.
add mousePixelsPut, #4 '
test mouseCounter, #$3 wz ' Do display stuff every 4 cycles.
if_z jmpret mousePC, displayPC '
djnz mouseCounter, #drawBackgroundLoop ' Repeat.
drawBackground_ret ret ' Return.
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Data
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
destinationIncrement long $2_00 ' Destination incrementor.
sixHundredAndThirtyNine long 639 ' Six hundred and thirty nine.
visibleScale long (1 << 12) + 16 ' Visible pixel scale for scan line.
invisibleScale long (16 << 12) + 160 ' Invisible pixel scale for horizontal sync.
blankPixels long 640 ' Blank scanline pixel length.
syncPixels long $00_00_3F_FC ' FP, HS, & BP Pixels.
HSyncColors long $01_01_03_03 ' Horizontal sync color mask.
VSyncColors long $00_00_02_02 ' Vertical sync color mask.
HVSyncColors long $03_03_03_03 ' Horizontal and vertical sync colors.
pixelAMask long $AA_AA_AA_AA ' To select every 2nd pixel.
pixelNAMask long $55_55_55_55 ' To modify every 2nd pixel.
pixelXORMask long $FF_FF_FF_FF ' To invert every 2nd pixel.
' //////////////////////Configuration Settings/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
directionState long 0 ' Direction state configuration.
videoState long 0 ' Video state configuration.
frequencyState long 0 ' Frequency state configuration.
' //////////////////////Addresses//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mouseXAddress long 0
mouseYAddress long 0
chromaBufferAddress long 0
lumaBufferAddress long 0
printColorAddress long 0
printPositionAddress long 0
printRateAddress long 0
mouseChromaAddress long 0
mouseLumaAddress long 0
displayIndicatorAddress long 0
syncIndicatorAddress long 0
' //////////////////////Cache Variables////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mouseAddCaches res 4
mouseAddresses res 4
mouseAddPixels res 4
mouseAddColors res 4
' //////////////////////Run Time Variables/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
counter res 1
buffer res 1
displayPC res 1
mousePC res 1
refreshCounter res 1
displayCounter res 1
' //////////////////////Display Variables//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
tileCounter res 1
tilesCounter res 1
activeCounter res 1
inactiveCounter res 1
lumaPointer res 1
chromaPointer res 1
lumaCacheBuffer res 1
chromaCacheBuffer res 1
lumaCache res 80
chromaCache res 80
' //////////////////////Print Variables////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printTopPlace res 1
printBottomPlace res 1
printRateControl res 1
printColorControl res 1
' //////////////////////Mouse Variables////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mouseRowOffset res 1
mouseColumnOffset res 1
mousePixels res 1
mouseColors res 1
mouseBuffer res 1
mouseCounter res 1
mousePixelsGet res 1
mousePixelsPut res 1
mouseLeftPointer res 1
mouseRightPointer res 1
mouseLeftPixels res 1
mouseRightPixels res 1
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
fit 496
' //////////////////////Variable Array/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mouseCache long 0[64] ' Mouse overlay display buffer.
'chromaBuffer_tail long 0[1_200-(@chromaBuffer_tail-@chromaBuffer)/4] 'Trick von Kuroneko um Speicher zu sparen
chromaBuffer long 0[1_200] ' Display chroma buffer.
lumaBuffer word 0[1_200] ' Display luma buffer.
printColor long 0 ' Print cursor color control.
printPosition word 0 ' Print cursor position control.
printRate byte 0 ' Print curor rate control.
mouseChroma byte 0 ' Mouse color control.
mouseLuma word 0 ' Mouse pixel control.
mouseLumaBackup word 0 ' Mouse pixel control backup.
displayIndicator byte 1 ' Video output control.
syncIndicator byte 0 ' Video update control.
cogNumber byte 0 ' Cog ID.
lockNumber byte 0 ' Lock ID.
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' //////////////////////Mouse Pointer//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mousePointer long %%0000000000000001
long %%0000000000000011
long %%0000000000000121
long %%0000000000001221
long %%0000000000012321
long %%0000000000123321
long %%0000000001233321
long %%0000000012333321
long %%0000000123333321
long %%0000001233333321
long %%0000012222222221
long %%0000111111221221
long %%0000000001221221
long %%0000000012210121
long %%0000000012100011
long %%0000000111100001
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// TERMS OF USE: MIT License
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
// Software.