Filesys unmounted Filesys corrupted Filesys unsupported not found File not found Directory not found File read only End of File-Error End of Directory End of Root Directory is full Directory is not empty Checksum Error Reboot Error bpb corrupt Filesys corrupt Directory already exist File exist,overwrite? Out of Disk Space Disk I/O Error Command not found Timeout Error Out of Memory Error Delete selected File? Reboot Hive-Computer? NO FILE SELECTED SD-CARD Format Ready Format SD-CARD ? Delete selected Link? Delete all Files? Trash to empty ? SD-Card-Info File-Info Calendar Filename: Filetype: Directory File - Attribute - R/O HID SYS ARC Textdisplay Startmenue Administra: Bellatrix : Regnatix : System-Settings Show hid.Files: Use Trash : Serial-Terminal Set Baudrate Systeminfo Clock-Settings Color-Settings Ram-Monitor Sid-Dmp-Player Copy : Delete: Venatrix : Start-Parameter Venatrix-BUS: Sepia-Card : Cogs About Date Time Col: H-RAM: E-RAM: DCF-77 : HC05 : Explorer Option Detect-Hardware Receive File ... No Response from Host Transmission complete Send File... Timeout failure! Reboot Hive whith TRIOS?