'' '' VGA scanline driver 400x300 - demo '' '' Based on "Ball" demo for Gameduino '' Copyright (c) 2011 by James Bowman '' '' Author: Marko Lukat '' Last modified: 2012/12/24 '' Version: 0.10 '' '' A few notes on timing. A (double) scan line lasts 2*(100+32) hub windows. '' The background renderer fills the scan line as soon as the video driver '' has read the relevant quad. At the same time the foreground renderer '' fetches its data line. '' '' +-- video driver reads line N '' +-- background renderer fills line N+1 '' +-- foreground renderer fetches data for line N+1 '' | '' | +-- scanline N completely fetched '' | +-- background renderer idle '' | visible line area +-- foreground renderer draws shadow and ball '' | | '' ----------- 100 -----------#---32--- '' ----------- 100 -----------+---32--- '' ----------- 100 -----------#---32--- '' | '' +-- video driver reads line N+1 '' CON _clkmode = XTAL1|PLL16X _xinfreq = 5_000_000 CON res_x = driver#res_x res_y = driver#res_y OBJ driver: "boing-bel-driver" back: "boing-bel-background" ball: "boing-bel-foreground" anim: "boing-bel-feeder" keyb: "bel-keyb" gcon: "glob-con" VAR long feeder ' @scan[-3] long coordinates ' @scan[-2] long frame ' @scan[-1] long scan[res_x / 4] long grid[12] long bflag PUB main | cmd init ' boing repeat case gc 1: pc(keyb.gotkey) 'tastaturstatus senden 2: pc(keyb.key) 'tastaturzeichen senden 3: coordinates.word[0] := gw coordinates.word[1] := gw 4: waitVBL 5: boing 6: bars{gc,gc,gc} 7: grid_on 8: grid_off 9: show_on 10: bar_on 11: bflag := gc 12: grid[gc] := gw 99: reboot PRI init dira := db_in ' datenbus auf eingabe schalten outa[gcon#bus_hs] := 1 ' handshake inaktiv keyb.start(gcon#b_keybd, gcon#b_keybc) ' tastaturport starten driver.init(-1, @scan{0}) ' scanline driver back.init(-1, @scan{0}) ' background ball.init(-1, @scan{0}) ' foreground anim.init(-1, @scan{0}) ' image feeder grid_on bflag := 0 anim.uncompress(FALSE) ' uncompress image CON ''------------------------------------------------- SUBPROTOKOLL-FUNKTIONEN ' hbeat --------+ ' clk -------+| ' /wr ------+|| ' /hs -----+||| +------------------------- /cs ' |||| | -------- d0..d7 DB_IN = %00001001_00000000_00000000_00000000 'maske: dbus-eingabe DB_OUT = %00001001_00000000_00000000_11111111 'maske: dbus-ausgabe M1 = %00000010_00000000_00000000_00000000 M2 = %00000010_10000000_00000000_00000000 'busclk=1? & /cs=0? M3 = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 M4 = %00000010_00000000_00000000_00000000 'busclk=0? PUB pc(zeichen) 'chip: ein byte an regnatix senden ''funktionsgruppe : chip ''funktion : ein byte an regnatix senden ''eingabe : byte ''ausgabe : - waitpeq(M1,M2,0) 'busclk=1? & prop2=0? dira := db_out 'datenbus auf ausgabe stellen outa[7..0] := zeichen 'daten ausgeben outa[gcon#bus_hs] := 0 'daten gültig waitpeq(M3,M4,0) 'busclk=0? dira := db_in 'bus freigeben outa[gcon#bus_hs] := 1 'daten ungültig PUB gc:zeichen 'chip: ein byte von regnatix empfangen ''funktionsgruppe : chip ''funktion : ein byte von regnatix empfangen ''eingabe : - ''ausgabe : byte waitpeq(M1,M2,0) 'busclk=1? & prop2=0? zeichen := ina[7..0] 'daten einlesen outa[gcon#bus_hs] := 0 'daten quittieren waitpeq(M3,M4,0) 'busclk=0? outa[gcon#bus_hs] := 1 PUB pw(wert) 'sub: word senden ''funktionsgruppe : sub ''funktion : subprotokoll um einen long-wert an regnatix zu senden ''eingabe : 16bit wert der gesendet werden soll ''ausgabe : - ''busprotokoll : [put.byte1][put.byte2] '' : [ hsb ][ ] pc(wert >> 8) pc(wert) PUB gw:wert 'sub: word empfangen ''funktionsgruppe : sub ''funktion : subprotokoll um einen 16bit-wert von regnatix zu empfangen ''eingabe : - ''ausgabe : 16bit-wert der empfangen wurde ''busprotokoll : [get.byte1][get.byte2] '' : [ hsb ][ lsb ] wert := gc << 8 wert := wert + gc PUB gl:wert 'sub: long empfangen ''funktionsgruppe : sub ''funktion : subprotokoll um einen long-wert von regnatix zu empfangen ''eingabe : - ''ausgabe : 32bit-wert der empfangen wurde ''busprotokoll : [get.byte1][get.byte2][get.byte3][get.byte4] '' : [ hsb ][ ][ ][ lsb ] wert := gc << 24 '32 bit empfangen hsb/lsb wert := wert + gc << 16 wert := wert + gc << 8 wert := wert + gc CON ''------------------------------------------------- DEMO-FUNKTIONEN LBASE = 0 RBASE = res_x - ball#BSIZE YBASE = res_y - ball#BSIZE MBAR = %00000000_11111111 BLINE = 1 PRI boing : r | bx, by, bxv, byv bx := 0 by := 0 bxv := 2 byv := 1 repeat bx += bxv by += byv if bx < LBASE bx := constant(2*LBASE) - bx -bxv if bx > RBASE bx := constant(2*RBASE) - bx -bxv if by > YBASE by := constant(2*YBASE) - by -byv ifnot ++r & 7 ' add some gravity byv++ repeat 1 waitVBL coordinates.word{0} := bx ' | coordinates.word[1] := by ' update coordinates PRI bars grid[BLINE ] := bar(gc) grid[BLINE+2] := bar(gc) grid[BLINE+4] := bar(gc) PRI bar(level):b b := MBAR b := !(b >> (level & 7)) & MBAR b := b | b >< 16 PRI grid_on|i repeat i from 0 to 11 grid[i] := 0 PRI grid_off|i repeat i from 0 to 11 grid[i] := $FFFF PRI show_on|i,n n := %00000000_11111111 repeat 19 repeat i from 11 to 0 grid[i] := grid[i-1] n := n >> 1 grid[0] := n | n >< 16 waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq/30) PRI bar_on bar_up(BLINE ) waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq/3) bar_up(BLINE+2) waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq/3) bar_up(BLINE+4) waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq/3) PRI bar_up(upline)|i repeat i from 11 to upline grid[(i+1) <# 11] := 0 grid[i] := %00000111_11100000 waitcnt(cnt+clkfreq/20) PRI waitVBL repeat until frame == res_y ' last line has been fetched repeat until frame <> res_y ' vertical blank starts (res_y/0 transition) DAT {{ TERMS OF USE: MIT License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. }} DAT