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2010-11-26 23:58:06 +01:00
''* Graphics Driver v1.0 *
''* Author: Chip Gracey *
''* Copyright (c) 2005 Parallax, Inc. *
''* See end of file for terms of use. *
'' Theory of Operation:
'' A cog is launched which processes commands via the PUB routines.
'' Points, lines, arcs, sprites, text, and polygons are rasterized into
'' a specified stretch of memory which serves as a generic bitmap buffer.
'' The bitmap can be displayed by the TV.SRC or VGA.SRC driver.
'' See GRAPHICS_DEMO.SRC for usage example.
#1, _setup, _color, _width, _plot, _line, _arc, _vec, _vecarc, _pix, _pixarc, _text, _textarc, _textmode, _fill, _loop
long cog
long command
long bitmap_base 'bitmap data
long bitmap_longs
word bases[32]
long pixel_width 'pixel data
long slices[8]
long text_xs, text_ys, text_sp, text_just 'text data (these 4 must be contiguous)
PUB start : okay
'' Start graphics driver - starts a cog
'' returns false if no cog available
fontptr := @font 'set font pointer (same for all instances)
okay := cog := cognew(@loop, @command) + 1
PUB stop
'' Stop graphics driver - frees a cog
if cog
cogstop(cog~ - 1)
PUB setup(x_tiles, y_tiles, x_origin, y_origin, base_ptr) | bases_ptr, slices_ptr
'' Set bitmap parameters
'' x_tiles - number of x tiles (tiles are 16x16 pixels each)
'' y_tiles - number of y tiles
'' x_origin - relative-x center pixel
'' y_origin - relative-y center pixel
'' base_ptr - base address of bitmap
setcommand(_loop, 0) 'make sure last command finished
repeat bases_ptr from 0 to x_tiles - 1 <# 31 'write bases
bases[bases_ptr] := base_ptr + bases_ptr * y_tiles << 6
y_tiles <<= 4 'adjust arguments and do setup command
y_origin := y_tiles - y_origin - 1
bases_ptr := @bases
slices_ptr := @slices
setcommand(_setup, @x_tiles)
bitmap_base := base_ptr 'retain high-level bitmap data
bitmap_longs := x_tiles * y_tiles
PUB clear
'' Clear bitmap
setcommand(_loop, 0) 'make sure last command finished
longfill(bitmap_base, 0, bitmap_longs) 'clear bitmap
PUB copy(dest_ptr)
'' Copy bitmap
'' use for double-buffered display (flicker-free)
'' dest_ptr - base address of destination bitmap
setcommand(_loop, 0) 'make sure last command finished
longmove(dest_ptr, bitmap_base, bitmap_longs) 'copy bitmap
PUB color(c)
'' Set pixel color to two-bit pattern
'' c - color code in bits[1..0]
setcommand(_color, @colors[c & 3]) 'set color
PUB width(w) | pixel_passes, r, i, p
'' Set pixel width
'' actual width is w[3..0] + 1
'' w - 0..15 for round pixels, 16..31 for square pixels
r := not w & $10 'determine pixel shape/width
w &= $F
pixel_width := w
pixel_passes := w >> 1 + 1
setcommand(_width, @w) 'do width command now to avoid updating slices when busy
p := w ^ $F 'update slices to new shape/width
repeat i from 0 to w >> 1
slices[i] := true >> (p << 1) << (p & $E)
if r and pixels[w] & |< i
p += 2
if r and i == pixel_passes - 2
p += 2
PUB colorwidth(c, w)
'' Set pixel color and width
PUB plot(x, y)
'' Plot point
'' x,y - point
setcommand(_plot, @x)
PUB line(x, y)
'' Draw a line to point
'' x,y - endpoint
setcommand(_line, @x)
PUB arc(x, y, xr, yr, angle, anglestep, steps, arcmode)
'' Draw an arc
'' x,y - center of arc
'' xr,yr - radii of arc
'' angle - initial angle in bits[12..0] (0..$1FFF = 0<00>..359.956<00>)
'' anglestep - angle step in bits[12..0]
'' steps - number of steps (0 just leaves (x,y) at initial arc position)
'' arcmode - 0: plot point(s)
'' 1: line to point(s)
'' 2: line between points
'' 3: line from point(s) to center
setcommand(_arc, @x)
PUB vec(x, y, vecscale, vecangle, vecdef_ptr)
'' Draw a vector sprite
'' x,y - center of vector sprite
'' vecscale - scale of vector sprite ($100 = 1x)
'' vecangle - rotation angle of vector sprite in bits[12..0]
'' vecdef_ptr - address of vector sprite definition
'' Vector sprite definition:
'' word $8000|$4000+angle 'vector mode + 13-bit angle (mode: $4000=plot, $8000=line)
'' word length 'vector length
'' ... 'more vectors
'' ...
'' word 0 'end of definition
setcommand(_vec, @x)
PUB vecarc(x, y, xr, yr, angle, vecscale, vecangle, vecdef_ptr)
'' Draw a vector sprite at an arc position
'' x,y - center of arc
'' xr,yr - radii of arc
'' angle - angle in bits[12..0] (0..$1FFF = 0<00>..359.956<00>)
'' vecscale - scale of vector sprite ($100 = 1x)
'' vecangle - rotation angle of vector sprite in bits[12..0]
'' vecdef_ptr - address of vector sprite definition
setcommand(_vecarc, @x)
PUB pix(x, y, pixrot, pixdef_ptr)
'' Draw a pixel sprite
'' x,y - center of vector sprite
'' pixrot - 0: 0<00>, 1: 90<00>, 2: 180<00>, 3: 270<00>, +4: mirror
'' pixdef_ptr - address of pixel sprite definition
'' Pixel sprite definition:
'' word 'word align, express dimensions and center, define pixels
'' byte xwords, ywords, xorigin, yorigin
'' word %%xxxxxxxx,%%xxxxxxxx
'' word %%xxxxxxxx,%%xxxxxxxx
'' word %%xxxxxxxx,%%xxxxxxxx
'' ...
setcommand(_pix, @x)
PUB pixarc(x, y, xr, yr, angle, pixrot, pixdef_ptr)
'' Draw a pixel sprite at an arc position
'' x,y - center of arc
'' xr,yr - radii of arc
'' angle - angle in bits[12..0] (0..$1FFF = 0<00>..359.956<00>)
'' pixrot - 0: 0<00>, 1: 90<00>, 2: 180<00>, 3: 270<00>, +4: mirror
'' pixdef_ptr - address of pixel sprite definition
setcommand(_pixarc, @x)
PUB text(x, y, string_ptr) | justx, justy
'' Draw text
'' x,y - text position (see textmode for sizing and justification)
'' string_ptr - address of zero-terminated string (it may be necessary to call .finish
'' immediately afterwards to prevent subsequent code from clobbering the
'' string as it is being drawn
justify(string_ptr, @justx) 'justify string and draw text
setcommand(_text, @x)
PUB textarc(x, y, xr, yr, angle, string_ptr) | justx, justy
'' Draw text at an arc position
'' x,y - center of arc
'' xr,yr - radii of arc
'' angle - angle in bits[12..0] (0..$1FFF = 0<00>..359.956<00>)
'' string_ptr - address of zero-terminated string (it may be necessary to call .finish
'' immediately afterwards to prevent subsequent code from clobbering the
'' string as it is being drawn
justify(string_ptr, @justx) 'justify string and draw text
setcommand(_textarc, @x)
PUB textmode(x_scale, y_scale, spacing, justification)
'' Set text size and justification
'' x_scale - x character scale, should be 1+
'' y_scale - y character scale, should be 1+
'' spacing - character spacing, 6 is normal
'' justification - bits[1..0]: 0..3 = left, center, right, left
'' bits[3..2]: 0..3 = bottom, center, top, bottom
longmove(@text_xs, @x_scale, 4) 'retain high-level text data
setcommand(_textmode, @x_scale) 'set text mode
PUB box(x, y, box_width, box_height) | x2, y2, pmin, pmax
'' Draw a box with round/square corners, according to pixel width
'' x,y - box left, box bottom
if box_width > pixel_width and box_height > pixel_width
pmax := pixel_width - (pmin := pixel_width >> 1) 'get pixel-half-min and pixel-half-max
x += pmin 'adjust coordinates to accomodate width
y += pmin
x2 := x + box_width - 1 - pixel_width
y2 := y + box_height - 1 - pixel_width
plot(x, y) 'plot round/square corners
plot(x, y2)
plot(x2, y)
plot(x2, y2)
fill(x, y2 + pmax, 0, (x2 - x) << 16, 0, 0, pmax) 'fill gaps
fill(x, y, 0, (x2 - x) << 16, 0, 0, pmin)
fill(x - pmin, y2, 0, (x2 - x + pixel_width) << 16, 0, 0, y2 - y)
PUB quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
'' Draw a solid quadrilateral
'' vertices must be ordered clockwise or counter-clockwise
tri(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) 'draw two triangle to make 4-sides polygon
tri(x3, y3, x4, y4, x1, y1)
PUB tri(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) | xy[2]
'' Draw a solid triangle
' reorder vertices by descending y
case (y1 => y2) & %100 | (y2 => y3) & %010 | (y1 => y3) & %001
longmove(@xy, @x1, 2)
longmove(@x1, @x3, 2)
longmove(@x3, @xy, 2)
longmove(@xy, @x1, 2)
longmove(@x1, @x2, 4)
longmove(@x3, @xy, 2)
longmove(@xy, @x1, 2)
longmove(@x1, @x2, 2)
longmove(@x2, @xy, 2)
longmove(@xy, @x3, 2)
longmove(@x2, @x1, 4)
longmove(@x1, @xy, 2)
longmove(@xy, @x2, 2)
longmove(@x2, @x3, 2)
longmove(@x3, @xy, 2)
' draw triangle
fill(x1, y1, (x3 - x1) << 16 / (y1 - y3 + 1), (x2 - x1) << 16 / (y1 - y2 + 1), (x3 - x2) << 16 / (y2 - y3 + 1), y1 - y2, y1 - y3)
PUB finish
'' Wait for any current graphics command to finish
'' use this to insure that it is safe to manually manipulate the bitmap
setcommand(_loop, 0) 'make sure last command finished
PRI fill(x, y, da, db, db2, linechange, lines_minus_1)
setcommand(_fill, @x)
PRI justify(string_ptr, justptr) | x
x := (strsize(string_ptr) - 1) * text_xs * text_sp + text_xs * 5 - 1
long[justptr] := -lookupz(text_just >> 2 & 3: 0, x >> 1, x, 0)
long[justptr][1] := -lookupz(text_just & 3: 0, text_ys << 3, text_ys << 4, 0)
PRI setcommand(cmd, argptr)
command := cmd << 16 + argptr 'write command and pointer
repeat while command 'wait for command to be cleared, signifying receipt
' Vector font primitives
xa0 = %000 << 0 'x line start / arc center
xa1 = %001 << 0
xa2 = %010 << 0
xa3 = %011 << 0
xa4 = %100 << 0
xa5 = %101 << 0
xa6 = %110 << 0
xa7 = %111 << 0
ya0 = %0000 << 3 'y line start / arc center
ya1 = %0001 << 3
ya2 = %0010 << 3
ya3 = %0011 << 3
ya4 = %0100 << 3
ya5 = %0101 << 3
ya6 = %0110 << 3
ya7 = %0111 << 3
ya8 = %1000 << 3
ya9 = %1001 << 3
yaA = %1010 << 3
yaB = %1011 << 3
yaC = %1100 << 3
yaD = %1101 << 3
yaE = %1110 << 3
yaF = %1111 << 3
xb0 = %000 << 7 'x line end
xb1 = %001 << 7
xb2 = %010 << 7
xb3 = %011 << 7
xb4 = %100 << 7
xb5 = %101 << 7
xb6 = %110 << 7
xb7 = %111 << 7
yb0 = %0000 << 10 'y line end
yb1 = %0001 << 10
yb2 = %0010 << 10
yb3 = %0011 << 10
yb4 = %0100 << 10
yb5 = %0101 << 10
yb6 = %0110 << 10
yb7 = %0111 << 10
yb8 = %1000 << 10
yb9 = %1001 << 10
ybA = %1010 << 10
ybB = %1011 << 10
ybC = %1100 << 10
ybD = %1101 << 10
ybE = %1110 << 10
ybF = %1111 << 10
ax1 = %0 << 7 'x arc radius
ax2 = %1 << 7
ay1 = %00 << 8 'y arc radius
ay2 = %01 << 8
ay3 = %10 << 8
ay4 = %11 << 8
a0 = %0000 << 10 'arc start/length
a1 = %0001 << 10 'bits[1..0] = start (0..3 = 0<00>, 90<00>, 180<00>, 270<00>)
a2 = %0010 << 10 'bits[3..2] = length (0..3 = 360<00>, 270<00>, 180<00>, 90<00>)
a3 = %0011 << 10
a4 = %0100 << 10
a5 = %0101 << 10
a6 = %0110 << 10
a7 = %0111 << 10
a8 = %1000 << 10
a9 = %1001 << 10
aA = %1010 << 10
aB = %1011 << 10
aC = %1100 << 10
aD = %1101 << 10
aE = %1110 << 10
aF = %1111 << 10
fline = %0 << 14 'line command
farc = %1 << 14 'arc command
more = %1 << 15 'another arc/line
' Color codes
colors long %%0000000000000000
long %%1111111111111111
long %%2222222222222222
long %%3333333333333333
' Round pixel recipes
pixels byte %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 '0,1,2,3
byte %00000000,%00000000,%00000010,%00000101 '4,5,6,7
byte %00001010,%00001010,%00011010,%00011010 '8,9,A,B
byte %00110100,%00111010,%01110100,%01110100 'C,D,E,F
' Vector font - standard ascii characters ($21-$7E)
font word fline + xa2 + yaC + xb2 + yb7 + more '!
word fline + xa2 + ya5 + xb2 + yb4
word fline + xa1 + yaD + xb1 + ybC + more '"
word fline + xa3 + yaD + xb3 + ybC
word fline + xa1 + yaA + xb1 + yb6 + more '#
word fline + xa3 + yaA + xb3 + yb6 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya9 + xb4 + yb9 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya7 + xb4 + yb7
word farc + xa2 + ya9 + a9 + ax2 + ay1 + more '$
word farc + xa2 + ya7 + aB + ax2 + ay1 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb2 + yb6 + more
word fline + xa2 + yaA + xb4 + ybA + more
word fline + xa2 + yaA + xb2 + ybB + more
word fline + xa2 + ya6 + xb2 + yb5
word farc + xa1 + yaA + a0 + ax1 + ay1 + more '%
word farc + xa3 + ya6 + a0 + ax1 + ay1 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb4 + ybA
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a7 + ax1 + ay1 + more '&
word farc + xa2 + ya7 + a5 + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa1 + yaA + xb4 + yb5
word fline + xa2 + yaD + xb2 + ybC ' '
word farc + xa3 + ya9 + aD + ax1 + ay4 + more '(
word farc + xa3 + ya7 + aE + ax1 + ay4 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya7 + xb2 + yb9
word farc + xa1 + ya9 + aC + ax1 + ay4 + more ')
word farc + xa1 + ya7 + aF + ax1 + ay4 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya7 + xb2 + yb9
word fline + xa4 + ya6 + xb0 + ybA + more '*
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb4 + ybA + more
word fline + xa2 + yaB + xb2 + yb5
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8 + more '+
word fline + xa2 + yaA + xb2 + yb6
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb1 + yb3 ',
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8 '-
word fline + xa2 + ya5 + xb2 + yb4 '.
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC '/
word farc + xa2 + ya8 + a0 + ax2 + ay4 '0
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4 + more '1
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb2 + ybC + more
word fline + xa0 + yaA + xb2 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more '2
word farc + xa2 + yaA + aF + ax2 + ay3 + more
word farc + xa2 + ya4 + aD + ax2 + ay3 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a7 + ax2 + ay2 + more '3
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a6 + ax2 + ay2
word fline + xa2 + yaC + xb0 + yb7 + more '4
word fline + xa0 + ya7 + xb4 + yb7 + more
word fline + xa3 + ya4 + xb3 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aB + ax2 + ay2 + more '5
word fline + xa4 + yaC + xb0 + ybC + more
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb0 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb2 + yb4
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more '6
word farc + xa2 + ya8 + aD + ax2 + ay4 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb0 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + yaC + xb3 + ybC
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb4 + ybC + more '7
word fline + xa1 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more '8
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a0 + ax2 + ay2
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more '9
word farc + xa2 + ya8 + aF + ax2 + ay4 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya8 + xb4 + ybA + more
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word fline + xa2 + ya6 + xb2 + yb7 + more ':
word fline + xa2 + yaA + xb2 + yb9
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word fline + xa0 + yaA + xb4 + ybA + more '=
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word farc + xa2 + yaB + a8 + ax2 + ay1 + more '?
word farc + xa3 + yaB + aF + ax1 + ay2 + more
word farc + xa3 + ya7 + aD + ax1 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya5 + xb2 + yb4
word farc + xa2 + ya8 + a0 + ax1 + ay1 + more '@
word farc + xa2 + ya8 + a4 + ax2 + ay3 + more
word farc + xa3 + ya8 + aF + ax1 + ay1 + more
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aF + ax2 + ay1 + more
word fline + xa3 + ya7 + xb3 + yb9
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'A
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybA + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + ybA + more
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + yaA + aB + ax2 + ay2 + more 'B
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aB + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb2 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb2 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'C
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aA + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb0 + ybA
word farc + xa2 + yaA + aC + ax2 + ay2 + more 'D
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aF + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more
word fline + xa4 + ya6 + xb4 + ybA + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb2 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb2 + ybC
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'E
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb3 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb4 + ybC
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'F
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb3 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb4 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'G
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aA + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb0 + ybA + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + yb7 + more
word fline + xa3 + ya7 + xb4 + yb7
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'H
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC + more
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb2 + ybC + more 'I
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb4 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aA + ax2 + ay2 + more 'J
word fline + xa4 + ya6 + xb4 + ybC
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'K
word fline + xa4 + yaC + xb0 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb0 + yb8
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'L
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'M
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC + more
word fline + xa2 + ya8 + xb0 + ybC + more
word fline + xa2 + ya8 + xb4 + ybC
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'N
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more '0
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aA + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb0 + ybA + more
word fline + xa4 + ya6 + xb4 + ybA
word farc + xa2 + yaA + aB + ax2 + ay2 + more 'P
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb2 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'Q
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aA + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb0 + ybA + more
word fline + xa4 + ya6 + xb4 + ybA + more
word fline + xa2 + ya6 + xb4 + yb3
word farc + xa2 + yaA + aB + ax2 + ay2 + more 'R
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb2 + ybC + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb2 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + yaA + a4 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'S
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a6 + ax2 + ay2
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb2 + ybC + more 'T
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb4 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aA + ax2 + ay2 + more 'U
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb0 + ybC + more
word fline + xa4 + ya6 + xb4 + ybC
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'V
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb0 + yb4 + more 'W
word fline + xa4 + yaC + xb4 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya8 + xb0 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya8 + xb4 + yb4
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'X
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb2 + yb8 + more 'Y
word fline + xa4 + yaC + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb2 + yb8
word fline + xa0 + yaC + xb4 + ybC + more 'Z
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4
word fline + xa2 + yaD + xb2 + yb3 + more '[
word fline + xa2 + yaD + xb4 + ybD + more
word fline + xa2 + ya3 + xb4 + yb3
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC '\
word fline + xa2 + yaD + xb2 + yb3 + more '[
word fline + xa2 + yaD + xb0 + ybD + more
word fline + xa2 + ya3 + xb0 + yb3
word fline + xa2 + yaA + xb0 + yb6 + more '^
word fline + xa2 + yaA + xb4 + yb6
word fline + xa0 + ya1 + xa4 + yb1 '_
word fline + xa1 + ya9 + xb3 + yb7 '`
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'a
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'b
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a9 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'c
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'd
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + ybC
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a4 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'e
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb4 + yb6 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4
word farc + xa4 + yaA + aD + ax2 + ay2 + more 'f
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb2 + ybA
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'g
word farc + xa2 + ya3 + aF + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya3 + xb4 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa1 + ya1 + xb2 + yb1
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'h
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + yb6
word fline + xa1 + ya4 + xb3 + yb4 + more 'i
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa1 + ya8 + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + yaB + xb2 + ybA
word farc + xa0 + ya3 + aF + ax2 + ay2 + more 'j
word fline + xa2 + ya3 + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa1 + ya8 + xb2 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + yaB + xb2 + ybA
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + ybC + more 'k
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb2 + yb6 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya6 + xb4 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya6 + xb4 + yb4
word fline + xa1 + ya4 + xb3 + yb4 + more 'l
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb2 + ybC + more
word fline + xa1 + yaC + xb2 + ybC
word farc + xa1 + ya7 + a8 + ax1 + ay1 + more 'm
word farc + xa3 + ya7 + a8 + ax1 + ay1 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya4 + xb2 + yb7 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + yb7
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'n
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + yb6
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 'o
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'p
word fline + xa0 + ya1 + xb0 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + a0 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'q
word fline + xa4 + ya1 + xb4 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + ya7 + a8 + ax2 + ay1 + more 'r
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb0 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + ya7 + a9 + ax2 + ay1 + more 's
word farc + xa2 + ya5 + aB + ax2 + ay1 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb2 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8
word farc + xa4 + ya6 + aE + ax2 + ay2 + more 't
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya6 + xb2 + ybA
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aA + ax2 + ay2 + more 'u
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb0 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb4 + yb8
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb2 + yb4 + more 'v
word fline + xa4 + ya8 + xb2 + yb4
word farc + xa1 + ya5 + aA + ax1 + ay1 + more 'w
word farc + xa3 + ya5 + aA + ax1 + ay1 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya5 + xb0 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa2 + ya5 + xb2 + yb6 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya5 + xb4 + yb8
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb4 + yb4 + more 'x
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb8
word farc + xa2 + ya6 + aA + ax2 + ay2 + more 'y
word farc + xa2 + ya3 + aF + ax2 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya3 + xb4 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya6 + xb0 + yb8 + more
word fline + xa1 + ya1 + xb2 + yb1
word fline + xa0 + ya8 + xb4 + yb8 + more 'z
word fline + xa4 + ya8 + xb0 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4
word farc + xa3 + yaA + aD + ax1 + ay3 + more '{
word farc + xa1 + ya6 + aC + ax1 + ay2 + more
word farc + xa1 + yaA + aF + ax1 + ay2 + more
word farc + xa3 + ya6 + aE + ax1 + ay3
word fline + xa2 + ya3 + xb2 + ybD '|
word farc + xa1 + yaA + aC + ax1 + ay3 + more '}
word farc + xa3 + ya6 + aD + ax1 + ay2 + more
word farc + xa3 + yaA + aE + ax1 + ay2 + more
word farc + xa1 + ya6 + aF + ax1 + ay3
word farc + xa1 + ya8 + a8 + ax1 + ay1 + more '~
word farc + xa3 + ya8 + aA + ax1 + ay1
' Vector font - custom characters ($7F+)
word fline + xa2 + ya9 + xb0 + yb4 + more 'delta
word fline + xa2 + ya9 + xb4 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb4 + yb4
word farc + xa2 + ya7 + a8 + ax2 + ay2 + more 'omega
word farc + xa1 + ya7 + aE + ax1 + ay2 + more
word farc + xa3 + ya7 + aF + ax1 + ay2 + more
word fline + xa1 + ya5 + xb1 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa3 + ya5 + xb3 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa0 + ya4 + xb1 + yb4 + more
word fline + xa4 + ya4 + xb3 + yb4
word farc + xa2 + ya8 + a0 + ax1 + ay1 'bullet
CON fx = 3 'number of custom characters
'* Assembly language graphics driver *
' Graphics driver - main loop
loop rdlong t1,par wz 'wait for command
if_z jmp #loop
movd :arg,#arg0 'get 8 arguments
mov t2,t1
mov t3,#8
:arg rdlong arg0,t2
add :arg,d0
add t2,#4
djnz t3,#:arg
wrlong zero,par 'zero command to signify received
call #setd 'set dx,dy from arg0,arg1
ror t1,#16+2 'lookup command address
add t1,#jumps
movs :table,t1
rol t1,#2
shl t1,#3
:table mov t2,0
shr t2,t1
and t2,#$FF
jmp t2 'jump to command
jumps byte 0 '0
byte setup_ '1
byte color_ '2
byte width_ '3
byte plot_ '4
byte line_ '5
byte arc_ '6
byte vec_ '7
byte vecarc_ '8
byte pix_ '9
byte pixarc_ 'A
byte text_ 'B
byte textarc_ 'C
byte textmode_ 'D
byte fill_ 'E
byte loop 'F
' setup(x_tiles, y_tiles*16, x_origin, y_origin, base_ptr) bases_ptr, slices_ptr
setup_ mov xlongs,arg0 'set xlongs, ylongs
mov ylongs,arg1
mov xorigin,arg2 'set xorigin, yorigin
mov yorigin,arg3
mov basesptr,arg5 'set pointers
mov slicesptr,arg6
jmp #loop
' color(c)
color_ mov pcolor,arg0 'set pixel color
jmp #loop
' width(w) pixel_passes
width_ mov pwidth,arg0 'set pixel width
mov passes,arg1 'set pixel passes
jmp #loop
' plot(x, y)
plot_ call #plotd
jmp #loop
' line(x, y)
line_ call #linepd
jmp #loop
' arc(x, y, xr, yr, angle, anglestep, iterations, mode)
arc_ and arg7,#3 'limit mode
:loop call #arca 'get arc dx,dy
cmp arg7,#1 wz 'if not mode 1, set px,py
if_nz mov px,dx
if_nz mov py,dy
tjz arg6,#loop 'if no points exit with new px,py
cmp arg7,#3 wz 'if mode 3, set center
if_z call #setd
test arg7,#1 wz 'if mode 0 or 2, plot point
if_z call #plotp
test arg7,#1 wz 'if mode 1 or 3, plot line
if_nz call #linepd
cmp arg7,#2 wz 'if mode 2, set mode 1
if_z mov arg7,#1
add arg4,arg5 'step angle
djnz arg6,#:loop 'loop if more iterations
jmp #loop
' vec(x, y, vecscale, vecangle, vecdef_ptr)
' vecarc(x, y, xr, yr, angle, vecscale, vecangle, vecdef_ptr)
' vecdef: word $8000/$4000+angle 'vector mode + 13-bit angle (mode: $4000=plot, $8000=line)
' word length 'vector length
' ... 'more vectors
' ...
' word 0 'end of definition
vecarc_ call #arcmod
vec_ tjz arg2,#loop 'if scale 0, exit
:loop rdword t7,arg4 wz 'get vector mode+angle
add arg4,#2
if_z jmp #loop 'if mode+angle 0, exit
rdword t1,arg4 'get vector length
add arg4,#2
abs t2,arg2 wc 'add/sub vector angle to/from angle
mov t6,arg3
sumc t6,t7
call #multiply 'multiply length by scale
add t1,#$80 'round up 1/2 lsb
shr t1,#8
mov t4,t1 'get arc dx,dy
mov t5,t1
call #arcd
test t7,h8000 wc 'plot pixel or draw line?
if_nc call #plotd
test t7,h8000 wc
if_c call #linepd
jmp #:loop 'get next vector
' pix(x, y, pixrot, pixdef_ptr)
' pixarc(x, y, xr, yr, angle, pixrot, pixdef_ptr)
' pixdef: word
' byte xwords, ywords, xorigin, yorigin
' word %%xxxxxxxx,%%xxxxxxxx
' word %%xxxxxxxx,%%xxxxxxxx
' word %%xxxxxxxx,%%xxxxxxxx
' ...
pixarc_ call #arcmod
pix_ mov t6,pcolor 'save color
mov px,dx 'get center into px,py
mov py,dy
mov sy,pwidth 'get actual pixel width
add sy,#1
rdbyte dx,arg3 'get dimensions into dx,dy
add arg3,#1
rdbyte dy,arg3
add arg3,#1
rdbyte t1,arg3 'get origin and adjust px,py
add arg3,#1
rdbyte t2,arg3
add arg3,#1
neg t2,t2
sub t2,#1
add t2,dy
mov t3,sy
:adjust test arg2,#%001 wz
test arg2,#%110 wc
if_z sumnc px,t1
if_nz sumc py,t1
test arg2,#%010 wc
if_nz sumnc px,t2
if_z sumnc py,t2
djnz t3,#:adjust
:yline mov sx,#0 'plot entire pix
mov t3,dx
:xword rdword t4,arg3 'read next pix word
add arg3,#2
shl t4,#16
mov t5,#8
:xpixel rol t4,#2 'plot pixel within word
test t4,#1 wc 'set color
muxc pcolor,color1
test t4,#2 wc
muxc pcolor,color2 wz '(z=1 if color=0)
if_nz call #plotp
test arg2,#%001 wz 'update px,py for next x
test arg2,#%110 wc
if_z sumc px,sy
if_nz sumnc py,sy
add sx,sy
djnz t5,#:xpixel 'another x pixel?
djnz t3,#:xword 'another x word?
if_z sumnc px,sx 'update px,py for next y
if_nz sumc py,sx
test arg2,#%010 wc
if_nz sumc px,sy
if_z sumc py,sy
djnz dy,#:yline 'another y line?
mov pcolor,t6 'restore color
jmp #loop
' text(x, y, @string) justx, justy
' textarc(x, y, xr, yr, angle, @string) justx, justy
textarc_ call #arcmod
text_ add arg3,arg0 'add x into justx
add arg4,arg1 'add y into justy
:chr rdbyte t1,arg2 wz 'get chr
add arg2,#1
if_z jmp #loop 'if 0, done
sub t1,#$21 'if chr out of range, skip
cmp t1,#$7F-$21+fx wc
if_nc jmp #:skip
mov arg5,fontptr 'scan font for chr definition
:scan tjz t1,#:def
rdword t2,arg5
add arg5,#2
test t2,h8000 wc
if_nc sub t1,#1
jmp #:scan
:def rdword t7,arg5 'get font definition word
add arg5,#2
call #fontxy 'extract initial x,y
test t7,#$80 wc 'arc or line?
if_nc jmp #:line
mov t2,textsx 'arc, extract x radius
mov t3,#%0001_0001_1
call #fontb
mov t4,t1
mov t2,textsy 'extract y radius
mov t3,#%0010_0011_1
call #fontb
mov t5,t1
mov t2,#1 'extract starting angle
mov t3,#%0010_0011_0
call #fontb
shl t1,#11
mov t6,t1 'extract angle sweep
mov t3,#%0010_0011_0
call #fontb
neg arg6,t1
shl arg6,#4
add arg6,#65
call #arcd 'plot initial arc point
call #plotd
:arc call #arcd 'connect subsequent arc points with lines
call #linepd
add t6,#$80
djnz arg6,#:arc
jmp #:more
:line call #plotd 'line, plot initial x,y
call #fontxy 'extract terminal x,y
call #linepd 'draw line
:more test t7,#$02 wc 'more font definition?
if_c jmp #:def
:skip mov t1,textsp 'advance x to next chr position
mov t2,textsx
call #multiply
add arg3,t1
jmp #:chr 'get next chr
fontxy mov t2,textsx 'extract x
mov t3,#%0011_0111_0
call #fontb
mov arg0,t1
add arg0,arg3
mov t2,textsy 'extract y
mov t3,#%0100_1111_0
call #fontb
mov arg1,t1
add arg1,arg4
setd mov dx,xorigin 'set dx,dy from arg0,arg1
add dx,arg0
mov dy,yorigin
sub dy,arg1
fontxy_ret ret
fontb mov t1,t7 'extract bitrange from font word
shr t3,#1 wc
and t1,t3
if_c add t1,#1
shr t3,#4
shr t7,t3
shl t1,#32-4 'multiply t1[3..0] by t2
mov t3,#4
:loop shl t1,#1 wc
if_c add t1,t2
djnz t3,#:loop
fontb_ret ret
' textmode(x_scale, y_scale, spacing, justification)
textmode_ mov textsx,arg0 'set text x scale
mov textsy,arg1 'set text y scale
mov textsp,arg2 'set text spacing
jmp #loop
' fill(x, y, da, db, db2, linechange, lines_minus_1)
fill_ shl dx,#16 'get left and right fractions
or dx,h8000
mov t1,dx
mov t2,xlongs 'get x pixels
shl t2,#4
add arg6,#1 'pre-increment line counter
:yloop add dx,arg2 'adjust left and right fractions
add t1,arg3
cmps dx,t1 wc 'get left and right integers
if_c mov base0,dx
if_c mov base1,t1
if_nc mov base0,t1
if_nc mov base1,dx
sar base0,#16
sar base1,#16
cmps base0,t2 wc 'left out of range?
if_c cmps hFFFFFFFF,base1 wc 'right out of range?
if_c cmp dy,ylongs wc 'y out of range?
if_nc jmp #:skip 'if any, skip
mins base0,#0 'limit left and right
maxs base1,t2 wc
if_nc sub base1,#1
shl base0,#1 'make left mask
neg mask0,#1
shl mask0,base0
shr base0,#5
shl base1,#1 'make right mask
xor base1,#$1E
neg mask1,#1
shr mask1,base1
shr base1,#5
sub base1,base0 wz 'ready long count
add base1,#1
if_z and mask0,mask1 'if single long, merge masks
shl base0,#1 'get long base
add base0,basesptr
rdword base0,base0
shl dy,#2
add base0,dy
shr dy,#2
mov bits0,mask0 'ready left mask
:xloop mov bits1,pcolor 'make color mask
and bits1,bits0
rdlong pass,base0 'read-modify-write long
andn pass,bits0
or pass,bits1
wrlong pass,base0
shl ylongs,#2 'advance to next long
add base0,ylongs
shr ylongs,#2
cmp base1,#2 wz 'one more?
if_nz neg bits0,#1 'if not, ready full mask
if_z mov bits0,mask1 'if one more, ready right mask
djnz base1,#:xloop 'loop if more longs
:skip sub arg5,#1 wc 'delta change?
if_c mov arg3,arg4 'if so, set new deltas
add dy,#1 'adjust y
djnz arg6,#:yloop 'another y?
jmp #loop
' Plot line from px,py to dx,dy
linepd cmps dx,px wc, wr 'get x difference
negc sx,#1 'set x direction
cmps dy,py wc, wr 'get y difference
negc sy,#1 'set y direction
abs dx,dx 'make differences absolute
abs dy,dy
cmp dx,dy wc 'determine dominant axis
if_nc tjz dx,#:last 'if both differences 0, plot single pixel
if_nc mov count,dx 'set pixel count
if_c mov count,dy
mov ratio,count 'set initial ratio
shr ratio,#1
if_c jmp #:yloop 'x or y dominant?
:xloop call #plotp 'dominant x line
add px,sx
sub ratio,dy wc
if_c add ratio,dx
if_c add py,sy
djnz count,#:xloop
jmp #:last 'plot last pixel
:yloop call #plotp 'dominant y line
add py,sy
sub ratio,dx wc
if_c add ratio,dy
if_c add px,sx
djnz count,#:yloop
:last call #plotp 'plot last pixel
linepd_ret ret
' Plot pixel at px,py
plotd mov px,dx 'set px,py to dx,dy
mov py,dy
plotp tjnz pwidth,#wplot 'if width > 0, do wide plot
mov t1,px 'compute pixel mask
shl t1,#1
mov mask0,#%11
shl mask0,t1
shr t1,#5
cmp t1,xlongs wc 'if x or y out of bounds, exit
if_c cmp py,ylongs wc
if_nc jmp #plotp_ret
mov bits0,pcolor 'compute pixel bits
and bits0,mask0
shl t1,#1 'get address of pixel long
add t1,basesptr
mov t2,py
rdword t1,t1
shl t2,#2
add t1,t2
rdlong t2,t1 'write pixel
andn t2,mask0
or t2,bits0
wrlong t2,t1
plotd_ret ret
' Plot wide pixel
wplot mov t1,py 'if y out of bounds, exit
add t1,#7
mov t2,ylongs
add t2,#7+8
cmp t1,t2 wc
if_nc jmp #plotp_ret
mov t1,px 'determine x long pair
sub t1,#8
sar t1,#4
cmp t1,xlongs wc
muxc jumps,#%01 '(use jumps[1..0] to store writes)
add t1,#1
cmp t1,xlongs wc
muxc jumps,#%10
test jumps,#%11 wz 'if x out of bounds, exit
if_z jmp #plotp_ret
shl t1,#1 'get base pair
add t1,basesptr
rdword base1,t1
sub t1,#2
rdword base0,t1
mov t1,px 'determine pair shifts
shl t1,#1
movs :shift1,t1
xor :shift1,#7<<1
add t1,#9<<1
movs :shift0,t1
test t1,#$F<<1 wz '(account for special case)
if_z andn jumps,#%01
mov pass,#0 'ready to plot slices
mov slice,slicesptr
:loop rdlong mask0,slice 'get next slice
mov mask1,mask0
:shift0 shl mask0,#0 'position slice
:shift1 shr mask1,#0
mov bits0,pcolor 'colorize slice
and bits0,mask0
mov bits1,pcolor
and bits1,mask1
mov t1,py 'plot lower slice
add t1,pass
cmp t1,ylongs wc
if_c call #wslice
mov t1,py 'plot upper slice
test pwidth,#1 wc
subx t1,pass
cmp t1,ylongs wc
if_c call #wslice
add slice,#4 'next slice
add pass,#1
cmp pass,passes wz
if_nz jmp #:loop
jmp #plotp_ret
' Plot wide pixel slice
wslice shl t1,#2 'ready long offset
add base0,t1 'plot left slice
test jumps,#%01 wc
if_c rdlong t2,base0
if_c andn t2,mask0
if_c or t2,bits0
if_c wrlong t2,base0
add base1,t1 'plot right slice
test jumps,#%10 wc
if_c rdlong t2,base1
if_c andn t2,mask1
if_c or t2,bits1
if_c wrlong t2,base1
sub base0,t1 'restore bases
sub base1,t1
wslice_ret ret
' Get arc point from args and then move args 5..7 to 2..4
arcmod call #arca 'get arc using first 5 args
mov arg0,dx 'set arg0,arg1
sub arg0,xorigin
mov arg1,yorigin
sub arg1,dy
mov arg2,arg5 'move args 5..7 to 2..4
mov arg3,arg6
mov arg4,arg7
arcmod_ret ret
' Get arc dx,dy from arg0,arg1
' in: arg0,arg1 = center x,y
' arg2/t4 = x length
' arg3/t5 = y length
' arg4/t6 = 13-bit angle
' out: dx,dy = arc point
arca mov t4,arg2 'use args
mov t5,arg3
mov t6,arg4
arcd call #setd 'reset dx,dy to arg0,arg1
mov t1,t6 'get arc dx
mov t2,t4
call #polarx
add dx,t1
mov t1,t6 'get arc dy
mov t2,t5
call #polary
sub dy,t1
arca_ret ret
' Polar to cartesian
' in: t1 = 13-bit angle
' t2 = 16-bit length
' out: t1 = x|y
polarx add t1,sine_90 'cosine, add 90<00> for sine lookup
polary test t1,sine_180 wz 'get sine quadrant 3|4 into nz
test t1,sine_90 wc 'get sine quadrant 2|4 into c
negc t1,t1 'if sine quadrant 2|4, negate table offset
or t1,sine_table 'or in sine table address >> 1
shl t1,#1 'shift left to get final word address
rdword t1,t1 'read sine/cosine word
call #multiply 'multiply sine/cosine by length to get x|y
add t1,h8000 'add 1/2 lsb to round up x|y fraction
shr t1,#16 'justify x|y integer
negnz t1,t1 'if sine quadrant 3|4, negate x|y
polarx_ret ret
sine_90 long $0800 '90<00> bit
sine_180 long $1000 '180<00> bit
sine_table long $E000 >> 1 'sine table address shifted right
' Multiply
' in: t1 = 16-bit multiplicand (t1[31..16] must be 0)
' t2 = 16-bit multiplier
' out: t1 = 32-bit product
multiply mov t3,#16
shl t2,#16
shr t1,#1 wc
:loop if_c add t1,t2 wc
rcr t1,#1 wc
djnz t3,#:loop
multiply_ret ret
' Defined data
zero long 0 'constants
d0 long $200
h8000 long $8000
color1 long %%1111111111111111
color2 long %%2222222222222222
fontptr long 0 'font pointer (set before cognew command)
pcolor long %%1111111111111111 'pixel color
pwidth long 0 'pixel width
passes long 1 'pixel passes
textsx long 1 'text scale x
textsy long 1 'text scale y
textsp long 6 'text spacing
' Undefined data
t1 res 1 'temps
t2 res 1
t3 res 1
t4 res 1
t5 res 1
t6 res 1
t7 res 1
arg0 res 1 'arguments passed from high-level
arg1 res 1
arg2 res 1
arg3 res 1
arg4 res 1
arg5 res 1
arg6 res 1
arg7 res 1
basesptr res 1 'pointers
slicesptr res 1
xlongs res 1 'bitmap metrics
ylongs res 1
xorigin res 1
yorigin res 1
dx res 1 'line/plot coordinates
dy res 1
px res 1
py res 1
sx res 1 'line
sy res 1
count res 1
ratio res 1
pass res 1 'plot
slice res 1
base0 res 1
base1 res 1
mask0 res 1
mask1 res 1
bits0 res 1
bits1 res 1
% TERMS OF USE: MIT License %
%Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation %
%files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, %
%modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software%
%is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %
% %
%The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.%
% %