{{ Copyright (c) 2009 Sal Sanci Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Yet Another Forth PropForth is built on SpinForth and is really rev 2 of SpinForth. There have been many changes. As opposed to describing them all, suffice it to say PropForth is really tuned to freeing up as many cog longs as possible. Found this was the resource that was of most limit. Of course this is always traded against performance, and the performance considered was compile performance. This forth is case sensitive!!!!!! BIG CHANGE! By default there are now 161 longs free in the cog. The stacks are still in the cogs, and this takes up 64 longs, 32 for the data stack and 32 for the return stack. Found this tradeoff to be worth it. The core of function is kept small, and functions like debugging can be loaded in if they are needed. There is a forth time slicer available for background tasks, and it can respond to items that are need service on the order of hundreds of milliseconds or more. It is a cooperative time slicer and works by long running routines calling _fslice. The forth kernel words key? emit? all call _fslice. When PropForth starts, cog 0 is the spin cog which starts everything up, and then loads the serial driver (57.6Kb if you need different modify in the main spin startup routine), in cog 7 and starts cog 6 as a PropForth cogs. There is a coopreative time slicer for the assembler, aslicer. An example of this is the serial driver which load into cog 7. aslicer slices up between forth, the bit receive, the bit transmit, and the circular buffer manager for received characters. The forth slicer which runs, and monitors for CTLa, CTLb and CTLc. Cog 7 still has juice left over! 57.6K Baud is ok no delays necessary. THIS IS NOT AN ANSI FORTH! It is a minimal forth tuned for the propeller. However most words adhere to the ANSI standard. Locks 0 - 1 are allocated by the spin startup code are by forth. 0 - the forth dictionary 1 - the eeprom Forth is a language which I like for microcontrollers. It is intended to allow interactive development on the microcontroller. The Propeller architecture is different enough from the norm to require a slightly different Forth. So this is uniquely developed for the propeller. If you don't like it, the source follows. Indulge yourself. Names are case unique in THIS forth, so aCount and acount are NOT the same, in this implementation the max length for a name is 31 characters. Names are stored as a counted string. 1 byte for the length, and up to 31 bytes for the name. The upper bits are used as follows. $80 - 0 - this is an assembler word 1 - this is a forth word $40 - 0 - this is not an immediate word 1 - this is an immediate word $20 - 0 - do not execute in interactive mode if the immediate word flag is set 1 - execute this word in intercactive mode if the immediate flag is set Be sure these flags are masked if you are manipulating names with the counted string routines. The cog memory is used for the assembler code and variables to run Forth, a 32 long stack, and a 32 long return stack. There are about 160 free registers for code and data in each cog running forth. Memory accesses in forth are ! (store) and @ (fetch). All memory access to the cog are long. They are done via ! and @ Naming conventions: cog: a_xxx - a forth word, an address poiting to code which can be executed as forth word c_xxx - cog code, point to code, but can not be executed as a forth word, for instance a subroutine v_xxx - a cog long, points to a variable The execption to this is the special cog registers, which are named exactly as they are in the propeller documentation. eg par, phsa, ctra, etc. Of course given the nature of self-modifying code, these names may be used otherwise cogdata: Each cog has a 256 byte area assigned to it, and this area is used forth cog specific data. Though this are is in main memory there is an agreed upon isolation. When a cog is started the par register points to this 256 byte area. cogdata long mc ex mcCount (main cog) m! m@ word mcw ex mcwCount (main cog word) w! w@ char mcc ex mccCount (main cog char) c! c@ The forth dictionary is stored in main memory and is shared. So updating the dictionary requires it be locked so only one cog at a time can update the dictionary. Variables can be defined in the dictionary or in the cog. In the cog, there is only a long variable. In main memory, variables can be a long (32 bits), a word (16 bits). The most efficient are words. This forth is implemented using words. Longs need to be long aligned and can waste bytes. main memory: Main memory can be accessed as a long, m! m@, a word, w! w@, and as a character c! c@ , There is an area of main memory reserved for each cog, the cogdata area. The PAR register is initialized with the start of the 256 bytes allocated to each cog. This area is where IO communcation is done, and system variables for each cog are stored. Naming convention: cog long a ex aCount ! @ cogdata long mc ex mcCount (main cog) m! m@ word mcw ex mcwCount (main cog word) w! w@ char mcc ex mccCount (main cog char) c! c@ dictionary long ms ex msCount (main shared) m! m@ word msw ex mswCount (main shared word) w! w@ char msc ex mscCount (main shared char) c! c@ This is done to clearly differentiate how a variable should be accessed. Strange bugs happen if these are confused and the naming convention helps. There is stack and return stack checking for overflow and underflow. For the stack, this only occurs on words which access more then the top item on the stack. So using c@ with an empty stack will return a value and not trigger stack checking. However c! with an empty stack will trigger a stack underflow. Trade between size performance and error checking, seemed reasonable. 2009 AUG 14, on vacation had time for a few changes. The assembler divide is now a 64bit divided by 32 bits and yields a 32 bit result and remainder. Very useful in conjuction with the 64 bit multiply, allows scaling of counter values easily. Added underflow/overflow detection, useful for understanding what is going on. Fixed a few minor bugs. }} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 _cogDataSize = 256 _wordMASK = $FFFF _buffer_length = 256 'can be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 _buffer_mask = _buffer_length - 1 VAR OBJ PUB Main | key {{ Start the serial port rx pin - 31, tx pin - 30, 115KBaud If ok start forth, providing we can can a lock resource }} key := locknew key := locknew stPtr := ((@stTop - @a_base) /4) - 1 ' and initialize values for forth rsPtr := ((@rsTop - @a_base) /4) - 1 IP := WORD[ @cm_fstartPFA + 2] WORD[ @mswDictendPFA + 2] := @ForthDictEnd WORD[ @mswMemendPFA + 2] := @ForthMemoryEnd WORD[ @ffcogPFA + 2] := 6 WORD[ @lfcogPFA + 2] := 6 v_bitticks := clkfreq / 57600 v_rxmask := 1 << 31 v_txmask := 1 << 30 v_rxbuff := @serentryPFA v_in := @inCONPFA + 2 v_out := @outCONPFA + 2 coginit(7, @serentryPFA, @cogdataPFA + (7 * _cogDataSize)) coginit(6, @entryPFA, @cogdataPFA + (6 * _cogDataSize)) {{ Stop cog zero, or comment this out to keep spin running }} cogstop( 0) DAT '*********************************** '* Assembly language serial driver * '*********************************** org 0 ' ' ' Entry ' serentryPFA mov task1Ptr,#transmit mov task2Ptr,#task2Code or dira , v_txmask ' ' Receive ' receive jmpret task0Ptr, task1Ptr 'run a chunk of transmit code, then return test v_rxmask , ina wz if_nz jmp # receive mov rxbits , # 9 'ready to receive byte mov rxcnt , v_bitticks mov rxcnt , cnt '+ the current clock :bit add rxcnt , v_bitticks 'ready for the middle of the bit period :wait jmpret task0Ptr, task1Ptr 'run a chuck of transmit code, then return mov t1 , rxcnt 'check if bit receive period done sub t1 , cnt cmps t1 , # 0 wc if_nc jmp #:wait test v_rxmask , ina wc 'receive bit on rx pin into carry rcr rxdata , # 1 'shift carry into receiver djnz rxbits , # :bit 'go get another bit till done if_nc jmp # receive 'abort if no stop bit shr rxdata , # 32-9 'justify and trim received byte and rxdata , # $FF add v_rxh , v_rxbuff 'plus the buffer offset wrbyte rxdata , v_rxh 'write the byte sub v_rxh , v_rxbuff add v_rxh ,# 1 'update rx_head and v_rxh , # _buffer_mask jmp # receive 'byte done, receive next byte ' ' ' Transmit ' transmit jmpret task1Ptr, task2Ptr 'run a chunk of receive code, then return rdword txdata, v_in test txdata, #$100 wz if_nz jmp #transmit mov t1 , #$100 wrword t1 , v_in or txdata,#$100 'or in a stop bit shl txdata,#2 or txdata,#1 'or in a idle line state and a start bit mov txbits,#11 mov txcnt,cnt :bit shr txdata,#1 wc muxc outa , v_txmask add txcnt , v_bitticks 'ready next cnt :wait jmpret task1Ptr, task2Ptr 'run a chunk of receive code, then return mov t1,txcnt 'check if bit transmit period done sub t1,cnt cmps t1,#0 wc if_nc jmp #:wait djnz txbits,#:bit 'another bit to transmit? jmp #transmit 'byte done, transmit next byte task2Code jmpret task2Ptr, task0Ptr cmp v_rxh , v_rxt wz if_z jmp #task2Code mov t1 , v_out rdword t2 , t1 wz if_nz rdword t3 , t2 if_nz test t3 , # $100 wz if_z jmp #task2Code add v_rxt , v_rxbuff 'plus the buffer offset rdbyte t3 , v_rxt 'write the byte sub v_rxt , v_rxbuff add v_rxt ,# 1 wrword t3 , t2 'update rx_head and v_rxt , # _buffer_mask jmp #task2Code v_rxh long 0 v_rxt long 0 v_bitticks long 0 v_rxmask long 0 v_txmask long 0 v_rxbuff long 0 v_in long 0 v_out long 0 ' ' Uninitialized data ' task0Ptr res 1 task1Ptr res 1 task2Ptr res 1 t1 res 1 t2 res 1 t3 res 1 rxdata res 1 rxbits res 1 rxcnt res 1 txbuff res 1 txdata res 1 txbits res 1 txcnt res 1 a_base org 0 {{ Assembler Code entry - abs is effectively a nop on stTOS initialized to zero Assembler routines which correspond to forth words are documented in the forth area }} entryPFA jmp #a_next a_ifunc rdword treg1, IP movi a_ifunci, treg1 add IP, #2 call #a_stpoptreg a_ifunci and stTOS, treg1 jmp #a_next a_ifuncone rdword treg1, IP movi a_ifunc1i, treg1 add IP, #2 a_ifunc1i abs stTOS, stTOS jmp #a_next a_ifunctwo rdword treg1, IP movi a_ifunc2i, treg1 add IP, #2 call #a_stpoptreg a_ifunc2i abs stTOS, treg1 a_drop call #a_stPop jmp #a_next a_at movs a_atget, stTOS nop ' necessary, really needs to be documented a_atget mov stTOS, stTOS jmp #a_next a_bang movd a_bangput, stTOS call #a_stPop a_bangput mov stTOS, stTOS jmp #a_drop a_branch rdword treg1,IP ' the next word add IP, treg1 ' add the offset and IP , fAddrMask jmp #a_next a_doconw call #a_stPush rdword stTOS, IP jmp #a_exit a_dovar add IP, #3 andn IP, #3 ' align to a long boundary a_dovarw call #a_stPush mov stTOS, IP jmp #a_exit a_literal call #a_stPush add IP, #3 andn IP, #3 ' align to a long boundary rdlong stTOS, IP add IP, #4 jmp #a_next a_docon call #a_stPush add IP, #3 andn IP, #3 ' align to a long boundary rdlong stTOS, IP jmp #a_exit a_dup call #a_stPush jmp #a_next ' treg1 - cstr2 (name) ' stTOS - cstr1 (name) ' uses treg2, treg4, and treg5 ' z flag set if strings are equal c_streq c_streq5 mov treg4 , # $1F ' length of cstr2 (name) rdbyte treg2 , treg1 wz ' length of cstr2 (name) - truncate to appropriate length if_nz and treg2 , treg4 wz ' length of cstr1 (name) if_nz rdbyte treg5 , stTOS wz ' length of cstr1 (name) - truncate to appropriate length if_nz and treg5 , treg4 wz ' if either length is 0, move -1 into length of cstr1 to cause a mismatch if_z mov treg5 , fLongMask cmp treg2 , treg5 wz if_nz jmp # c_streq7 a_cstreqloop add stTOS , # 1 rdbyte treg4 , stTOS add treg1 , # 1 a_cstreqlp if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched rdbyte treg5 , treg1 cmp treg4 , treg5 wz if_z djnz treg2 , # a_cstreqloop c_streq7 c_streq_ret ret ' a_nameeq (name name -- t/f) a_nameeq movs c_streq5 , # $1F jmp # a_nameeq4 ' a_cstreq (cstr1 cstr2 -- t/f) a_cstreq movs c_streq5 , # $FF a_nameeq4 call #a_stpoptreg ' treg1 - cstr2 ' stTOS - dict cstr1 jmpret c_streq_ret , # c_streq muxz stTOS , fLongMask jmp # a_next a_fin call #a_stpoptreg mov treg6 , treg1 mov treg3 , stTOS movs c_streq5 , # $1F ' treg6 - cstr ' treg3 - nfa a_finlp if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched ' treg1 - nfa ' stTOS - cstr mov treg1 , treg6 mov stTOS , treg3 jmpret c_streq_ret , # c_streq if_nz jmp # a_fin2 a_fin1 mov stTOS , treg3 jmp # a_next a_fin2 mov treg2 , treg3 sub treg2 , # 2 rdword treg3 , treg2 wz if_z jmp # a_fin1 jmp # a_finlp a_eq call #a_stpoptreg cmp treg1, stTOS wz, wc muxz stTOS, fLongMask jmp #a_next a_gt '( n1 n2 -- flag ) call #a_stpoptreg ' flag is true if and only if n1 is greater than n2 cmps stTOS, treg1 wz, wc if_a neg stTOS, #1 if_be mov stTOS, #0 jmp #a_next a_hubop call #a_stpoptreg hubop stTOS, treg1 wr,wc muxc treg1, fLongMask call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg1 jmp #a_next a_litw call #a_stPush rdword stTOS, IP a_litw1 add IP, #2 jmp #a_next a_lt '( n1 n2 -- flag ) call #a_stpoptreg ' flag is true if and only if n1 is less than n2 cmps stTOS, treg1 wz, wc if_b neg stTOS, #1 if_ae mov stTOS, #0 jmp #a_next a_exit call #a_rsPop mov IP, treg5 ' jmp #a_next SINCE WE ARE ALREADY THERE a_next if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched a_debugonoff if_never jmpret a_dum_ret, # a_dum ' when debug is loaded this address will be patched rdword treg1,IP ' the next word test treg1, fMask wz if_z add IP, #2 ' if the one of the hi bits is not set, it is an assembler word, inc IP if_z jmp treg1 rdword treg1, IP ' otherwise it is a forth word mov treg5, IP add treg5, #2 mov IP, treg1 call #a_rsPush jmp #a_next a_over call #a_stpoptreg mov treg2, stTOS call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg1 call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg2 jmp #a_next a_mpx and stTOS, ina wz muxnz stTOS, fLongMask jmp # a_next a_mpxh jmp # a_mpxex wz a_mpxl test stTOS, #0 wz a_mpxex muxnz outa, stTOS jmp # a_drop a_rot call #a_stpoptreg mov treg2, stTOS call #a_stPop mov treg3, stTOS mov stTOS, treg2 call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg1 call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg3 jmp #a_next a_rgt call #a_rsPop call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg5 jmp #a_next a_twogtr mov treg5, stTOS call #a_stPop call #a_rsPush a_gtr mov treg5, stTOS call #a_stPop call #a_rsPush jmp #a_next a_lparenlooprparen mov treg1, #1 jmp #a_lparenpluslooprparen1 a_lparenpluslooprparen call #a_stpoptreg a_lparenpluslooprparen1 call #a_rsPop mov treg2, treg5 call #a_rsPop add treg5, treg1 cmp treg2, treg5 wc ,wz if_a call #a_rsPush ' branch if_a mov treg5, treg2 ' branch if_a call #a_rsPush ' branch if_a jmp #a_branch jmp #a_litw1 a_swap call #a_stpoptreg mov treg2, stTOS mov stTOS, treg1 call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg2 jmp #a_next a_umstar call #a_stpoptreg mov treg4, #0 mov treg2, #0 mov treg3, #0 a_umstarlp if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched shr stTOS, #1 wz,wc if_nc jmp #a_umstar1 add treg4, treg1 wc addx treg2, treg3 a_umstar1 shl treg1, #1 wc rcl treg3, #1 if_nz jmp #a_umstarlp mov stTOS, treg4 call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg2 jmp #a_next a_umslashmod call #a_stpoptreg mov treg6, stTOS call #a_stPop mov treg3, #$40 mov treg2, #0 a_umslashmodlp if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched shl stTOS, #1 wc ' dividend rcl treg6, #1 wc rcl treg2, #1 wc ' hi bit from dividend if_c sub treg2, treg1 if_nc cmpsub treg2, treg1 wc ' cmp divisor rcl treg4, #1 ' treg1 - quotient djnz treg3, #a_umslashmodlp mov stTOS, treg2 call #a_stPush mov stTOS, treg4 jmp #a_next a_zbranch call #a_stpoptreg cmp treg1, #0 wz ' is the TOS zero? if_z jmp #a_branch jmp #a_litw1 a_reset if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses will be patched wrlong fLongMask , par wrword treg6 , par coginit resetDreg {{ a_stPush - push stTOS on to stack }} a_stPush if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched movd a_stPush1, stPtr cmp stPtr, #stBot wc if_b mov treg6 , # $11 if_b jmp # a_reset a_stPush1 mov stPtr, stTOS sub stPtr, #1 a_stPush_ret ret {{ a_rsPush - push treg5 on to return stack }} a_rsPush if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched movd a_rsPush1, rsPtr cmp rsPtr, #rsBot wc if_b mov treg6 , # $12 if_b jmp # a_reset a_rsPush1 mov treg1, treg5 sub rsPtr, #1 a_rsPush_ret ret {{ a_stpoptreg - move stTOS to treg1, and pop stTOS from stack }} a_stpoptreg mov treg1, stTOS {{ a_stPop - pop stTOS from stack }} a_stPop if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched add stPtr, #1 movs a_stPop1, stPtr cmp stPtr, #stTop wc,wz if_ae mov treg6 , # $21 if_ae jmp # a_reset a_stPop1 mov stTOS, stPtr a_stPop_ret a_stpoptreg_ret ret {{ a_rsPop - pop treg5 from return stack }} a_rsPop if_never jmpret a_stPop_ret, # a_stPop_ret ' when task manager is loaded these addresses wil be patched add rsPtr, #1 movs a_rsPop1, rsPtr cmp rsPtr, #rsTop wc,wz if_ae mov treg6 , # $22 if_ae jmp # a_reset a_rsPop1 a_dum mov treg5, treg1 a_dum_ret a_rsPop_ret ret ' ' variables used by the forth interpreter, do not change the order or size -- or if you do, be really careful and update the forth code ' varStart fMask long $FE00 ' 0 fAddrMask long $7FFF ' 1 fLongMask long $FFFFFFFF ' 2 resetDreg long 0 ' 3 IP long 0 ' 4 stPtr long 0 ' 5 rsPtr long 0 ' 6 stTOS long 0 ' 7 treg1 long 0 ' 8 working reg treg2 long 0 ' 9 working reg treg3 long 0 ' a working reg treg4 long 0 ' b working reg treg5 long 0 ' c working reg / call parameter reg treg6 long 0 ' d working reg stBot ' e {{ These variables are overlapped with the cog data area variables to save space }} cogdataPFA long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' e long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 1e stTop ' 2e rsBot long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 2e long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 3e rsTop ' 4e varEnd {{ cogdata This data area is used for 2 purposes. The first is for inByte, outByte, debugCmd and debugValue - these are used to commincate with the spin program which routes IO to/from the serial port. They can also be used between forths running on different cogs. The second purpose is for variables which are unique to each instance of forth, like >in, pad, etc... Variables can be defined here for each forth or in cog memory. Since cog memory is at a premium, "slow" variables are defined here. }} 'cogdataPFA long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 256 bytes cog 0 ' long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 256 bytes cog 1 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 256 bytes cog 2 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 256 bytes cog 3 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 256 bytes cog 4 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 256 bytes cog 5 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 256 bytes cog 6 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ' 256 bytes cog 7 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 long 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 {{ Start of the Forth Dicitonary Dictionary Entry Structure - there is no code pointer, it is inherent LinkField - points to the previous name field in the dictionary word NameField byte - length of the name field (lo 5 bits) - bit 7 ($80) set if it is a forth word - bit 6 ($40) set if it is an immediate word - bit 4 ($20) set if it is an eXecute word - execute this word in interactive mode as well if the immediate flag is set bytes - the actual name - if the name is a word constant, and it starts with ca_ the spinMaker assumes it to be a reference to the cog data space and sets the constant to be (name - a_base) /4. If it starts with cm_ it is assumed to be a main memory reference and the constant is set to be namePFA +$10 (SPIN BUG? requires the +$10) if the name is an assembler word the address is set to (a_name - a_base)/4 assembler names are not constants, they are a different type of dictionary entry ParameterField - the list of addresses to execute, and literals for a forth word - if it is a forth word one ofthe hi bit ($FE00) will be set - assembler addresses are always < 512 - this of course means that the ForthDictStart must have at least 512 bytes used before it, since this is only 128 longs, and the assembler code, and forth stacks are before this, this is not an issue - if it is an assembler word there is only 1 word and it is the assembler address Generated form forth code from here on in - written in forth spin generated *************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************** }} ForthDictStart word 0 mswHereNFA byte $87,"mswHere" mswHerePFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0000 word @mswHereNFA + $10 mswDictendNFA byte $8A,"mswDictend" mswDictendPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $7FFF word @mswDictendNFA + $10 mswMemendNFA byte $89,"mswMemend" mswMemendPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $7FFF word @mswMemendNFA + $10 vxcogNFA byte $85,"vxcog" vxcogPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $FFFF word @vxcogNFA + $10 ffcogNFA byte $85,"ffcog" ffcogPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0005 word @ffcogNFA + $10 lfcogNFA byte $85,"lfcog" lfcogPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word @lfcogNFA + $10 cm_serentryNFA byte $8B,"cm_serentry" cm_serentryPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word @serentryPFA + $10 word @cm_serentryNFA + $10 cm_entryNFA byte $88,"cm_entry" cm_entryPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word @entryPFA + $10 word @cm_entryNFA + $10 cm_cogdataNFA byte $8A,"cm_cogdata" cm_cogdataPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word @cogdataPFA + $10 word @cm_cogdataNFA + $10 cm_cqNFA byte $85,"cm_cq" cm_cqPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word @cqPFA + $10 word @cm_cqNFA + $10 cm_dqNFA byte $85,"cm_dq" cm_dqPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word @dqPFA + $10 word @cm_dqNFA + $10 ca_a_exitNFA byte $89,"ca_a_exit" ca_a_exitPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_exitNFA + $10 ca_a_dovarwNFA byte $8B,"ca_a_dovarw" ca_a_dovarwPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_dovarwNFA + $10 ca_a_doconwNFA byte $8B,"ca_a_doconw" ca_a_doconwPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_doconwNFA + $10 ca_a_branchNFA byte $8B,"ca_a_branch" ca_a_branchPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_branchNFA + $10 ca_a_litwNFA byte $89,"ca_a_litw" ca_a_litwPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_litwNFA + $10 ca_a_twogtrNFA byte $88,"ca_a_2>r" ca_a_twogtrPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_twogtrNFA + $10 ca_a_lparenlooprparenNFA byte $8B,"ca_a_(loop)" ca_a_lparenlooprparenPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_lparenlooprparenNFA + $10 ca_a_lparenpluslooprparenNFA byte $8C,"ca_a_(+loop)" ca_a_lparenpluslooprparenPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_lparenpluslooprparen - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_lparenpluslooprparenNFA + $10 ca_a_zbranchNFA byte $8C,"ca_a_0branch" ca_a_zbranchPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_zbranchNFA + $10 ca_a_dovarNFA byte $8A,"ca_a_dovar" ca_a_dovarPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dovar - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_dovarNFA + $10 ca_a_doconNFA byte $8A,"ca_a_docon" ca_a_doconPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_docon - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_doconNFA + $10 ca_a_literalNFA byte $8C,"ca_a_literal" ca_a_literalPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_literal - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_literalNFA + $10 ca_a_debugonoffNFA byte $8F,"ca_a_debugonoff" ca_a_debugonoffPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_debugonoff - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_debugonoffNFA + $10 ca_a_resetNFA byte $8A,"ca_a_reset" ca_a_resetPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_reset - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_resetNFA + $10 ca_a_ifuncNFA byte $8A,"ca_a_ifunc" ca_a_ifuncPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_ifuncNFA + $10 ca_a_ifunconeNFA byte $8B,"ca_a_ifunc1" ca_a_ifunconePFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_ifuncone - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_ifunconeNFA + $10 ca_a_ifunctwoNFA byte $8B,"ca_a_ifunc2" ca_a_ifunctwoPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_ifunctwo - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_ifunctwoNFA + $10 ca_a_umstarlpNFA byte $8D,"ca_a_umstarlp" ca_a_umstarlpPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_umstarlp - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_umstarlpNFA + $10 ca_a_umslashmodlpNFA byte $91,"ca_a_umslashmodlp" ca_a_umslashmodlpPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_umslashmodlp - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_umslashmodlpNFA + $10 ca_a_cstreqlpNFA byte $8D,"ca_a_cstreqlp" ca_a_cstreqlpPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_cstreqlp - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_cstreqlpNFA + $10 ca_a_finlpNFA byte $8A,"ca_a_finlp" ca_a_finlpPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_finlp - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_finlpNFA + $10 ca_a_stPushNFA byte $8B,"ca_a_stPush" ca_a_stPushPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_stPush - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_stPushNFA + $10 ca_a_stPush_retNFA byte $8F,"ca_a_stPush_ret" ca_a_stPush_retPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_stPush_ret - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_stPush_retNFA + $10 ca_a_rsPushNFA byte $8B,"ca_a_rsPush" ca_a_rsPushPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_rsPush - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_rsPushNFA + $10 ca_a_rsPush_retNFA byte $8F,"ca_a_rsPush_ret" ca_a_rsPush_retPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_rsPush_ret - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_rsPush_retNFA + $10 ca_a_stPopNFA byte $8A,"ca_a_stPop" ca_a_stPopPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_stPop - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_stPopNFA + $10 ca_a_stPoptregNFA byte $8E,"ca_a_stPoptreg" ca_a_stPoptregPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_stPoptreg - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_stPoptregNFA + $10 ca_a_stPop_retNFA byte $8E,"ca_a_stPop_ret" ca_a_stPop_retPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_stPop_ret - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_stPop_retNFA + $10 ca_a_stPoptreg_retNFA byte $92,"ca_a_stPoptreg_ret" ca_a_stPoptreg_retPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_stPoptreg_ret - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_stPoptreg_retNFA + $10 ca_a_rsPopNFA byte $8A,"ca_a_rsPop" ca_a_rsPopPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_rsPop - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_rsPopNFA + $10 ca_a_rsPop_retNFA byte $8E,"ca_a_rsPop_ret" ca_a_rsPop_retPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_rsPop_ret - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_rsPop_retNFA + $10 ca_a_nextNFA byte $89,"ca_a_next" ca_a_nextPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@a_next - @a_base)/4 word @ca_a_nextNFA + $10 ca_varStartNFA byte $8B,"ca_varStart" ca_varStartPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@varStart - @a_base)/4 word @ca_varStartNFA + $10 ca_varEndNFA byte $89,"ca_varEnd" ca_varEndPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word (@varEnd - @a_base)/4 word @ca_varEndNFA + $10 _cvNFA byte $83,"_cv" _cvPFA word @ca_varStartPFA + $10 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_cvNFA + $10 fMaskNFA byte $85,"fMask" fMaskPFA word @zPFA + $10 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @fMaskNFA + $10 fAddrMaskNFA byte $89,"fAddrMask" fAddrMaskPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @fAddrMaskNFA + $10 fLongMaskNFA byte $89,"fLongMask" fLongMaskPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0002 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @fLongMaskNFA + $10 resetDregNFA byte $89,"resetDreg" resetDregPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0003 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @resetDregNFA + $10 IPNFA byte $82,"IP" IPPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @IPNFA + $10 stPtrNFA byte $85,"stPtr" stPtrPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0005 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @stPtrNFA + $10 rsPtrNFA byte $85,"rsPtr" rsPtrPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @rsPtrNFA + $10 stTOSNFA byte $85,"stTOS" stTOSPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0007 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @stTOSNFA + $10 tregoneNFA byte $85,"treg1" tregonePFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @tregoneNFA + $10 stBotNFA byte $85,"stBot" stBotPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $000E word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @stBotNFA + $10 stTopNFA byte $85,"stTop" stTopPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $002E word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @stTopNFA + $10 rsBotNFA byte $85,"rsBot" rsBotPFA word @stTopPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @rsBotNFA + $10 rsTopNFA byte $85,"rsTop" rsTopPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $004E word @_cvPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @rsTopNFA + $10 blNFA byte $82,"bl" blPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $0020 word @blNFA + $10 minusoneNFA byte $82,"-1" minusonePFA word (@a_docon - @a_base)/4 long $FFFFFFFF word @minusoneNFA + $10 zNFA byte $81,"0" zPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $0000 word @zNFA + $10 parNFA byte $83,"par" parPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01F0 word @parNFA + $10 cntNFA byte $83,"cnt" cntPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01F1 word @cntNFA + $10 inaNFA byte $83,"ina" inaPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01F2 word @inaNFA + $10 outaNFA byte $84,"outa" outaPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01F4 word @outaNFA + $10 diraNFA byte $84,"dira" diraPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01F6 word @diraNFA + $10 ctraNFA byte $84,"ctra" ctraPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01F8 word @ctraNFA + $10 ctrbNFA byte $84,"ctrb" ctrbPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01F9 word @ctrbNFA + $10 frqaNFA byte $84,"frqa" frqaPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01FA word @frqaNFA + $10 frqbNFA byte $84,"frqb" frqbPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01FB word @frqbNFA + $10 phsaNFA byte $84,"phsa" phsaPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01FC word @phsaNFA + $10 phsbNFA byte $84,"phsb" phsbPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01FD word @phsbNFA + $10 vcfgNFA byte $84,"vcfg" vcfgPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01FE word @vcfgNFA + $10 vsclNFA byte $84,"vscl" vsclPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word $01FF word @vsclNFA + $10 mswKeyTONFA byte $88,"mswKeyTO" mswKeyTOPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0500 word @mswKeyTONFA + $10 cnipNFA byte $C4,"cnip" cnipPFA word @mswHerePFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @twominusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @watPFA + $10 word (@a_over - @a_base)/4 word @twominusPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @mswHerePFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @cnipNFA + $10 ifuncNFA byte $05,"ifunc" ifuncPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word @ifuncNFA + $10 ifunconeNFA byte $06,"ifunc1" ifunconePFA word (@a_ifuncone - @a_base)/4 word @ifunconeNFA + $10 ifunctwoNFA byte $06,"ifunc2" ifunctwoPFA word (@a_ifunctwo - @a_base)/4 word @ifunctwoNFA + $10 finNFA byte $03,"fin" finPFA word (@a_fin - @a_base)/4 word @finNFA + $10 mpxNFA byte $03,"mpx" mpxPFA word (@a_mpx - @a_base)/4 word @mpxNFA + $10 mpxlNFA byte $04,"mpxl" mpxlPFA word (@a_mpxl - @a_base)/4 word @mpxlNFA + $10 mpxhNFA byte $04,"mpxh" mpxhPFA word (@a_mpxh - @a_base)/4 word @mpxhNFA + $10 nameeqNFA byte $05,"name=" nameeqPFA word (@a_nameeq - @a_base)/4 word @nameeqNFA + $10 cstreqNFA byte $05,"cstr=" cstreqPFA word (@a_cstreq - @a_base)/4 word @cstreqNFA + $10 absNFA byte $83,"abs" absPFA word (@a_ifuncone - @a_base)/4 word $0151 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @absNFA + $10 andNFA byte $83,"and" andPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $00C1 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @andNFA + $10 andnNFA byte $84,"andn" andnPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $00C9 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @andnNFA + $10 bangdNFA byte $82,"!d" bangdPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $00A9 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @bangdNFA + $10 bangiNFA byte $82,"!i" bangiPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $00B1 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @bangiNFA + $10 bangsNFA byte $82,"!s" bangsPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $00A1 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @bangsNFA + $10 matNFA byte $82,"m@" matPFA word (@a_ifuncone - @a_base)/4 word $0011 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @matNFA + $10 catNFA byte $82,"c@" catPFA word (@a_ifuncone - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @catNFA + $10 watNFA byte $82,"w@" watPFA word (@a_ifuncone - @a_base)/4 word $0009 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @watNFA + $10 atNFA byte $01,"@" atPFA word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @atNFA + $10 mbangNFA byte $82,"m!" mbangPFA word (@a_ifunctwo - @a_base)/4 word $0010 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @mbangNFA + $10 cbangNFA byte $82,"c!" cbangPFA word (@a_ifunctwo - @a_base)/4 word $0000 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @cbangNFA + $10 wbangNFA byte $82,"w!" wbangPFA word (@a_ifunctwo - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @wbangNFA + $10 bangNFA byte $01,"!" bangPFA word (@a_bang - @a_base)/4 word @bangNFA + $10 branchNFA byte $06,"branch" branchPFA word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word @branchNFA + $10 hubopNFA byte $05,"hubop" hubopPFA word (@a_hubop - @a_base)/4 word @hubopNFA + $10 doconwNFA byte $06,"doconw" doconwPFA word (@a_doconw - @a_base)/4 word @doconwNFA + $10 doconNFA byte $05,"docon" doconPFA word (@a_docon - @a_base)/4 word @doconNFA + $10 dovarwNFA byte $06,"dovarw" dovarwPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word @dovarwNFA + $10 dovarNFA byte $05,"dovar" dovarPFA word (@a_dovar - @a_base)/4 word @dovarNFA + $10 dropNFA byte $04,"drop" dropPFA word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @dropNFA + $10 dupNFA byte $03,"dup" dupPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @dupNFA + $10 eqNFA byte $01,"=" eqPFA word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word @eqNFA + $10 exitNFA byte $04,"exit" exitPFA word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @exitNFA + $10 gtNFA byte $01,">" gtPFA word (@a_gt - @a_base)/4 word @gtNFA + $10 litwNFA byte $04,"litw" litwPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word @litwNFA + $10 literalNFA byte $07,"literal" literalPFA word (@a_literal - @a_base)/4 word @literalNFA + $10 lshiftNFA byte $86,"lshift" lshiftPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $0059 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @lshiftNFA + $10 ltNFA byte $01,"<" ltPFA word (@a_lt - @a_base)/4 word @ltNFA + $10 maxNFA byte $83,"max" maxPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $0081 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @maxNFA + $10 minNFA byte $83,"min" minPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $0089 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @minNFA + $10 minusNFA byte $81,"-" minusPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $0109 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @minusNFA + $10 orNFA byte $82,"or" orPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $00D1 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @orNFA + $10 overNFA byte $04,"over" overPFA word (@a_over - @a_base)/4 word @overNFA + $10 plusNFA byte $81,"+" plusPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $0101 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @plusNFA + $10 rotNFA byte $03,"rot" rotPFA word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word @rotNFA + $10 ratNFA byte $82,"r@" ratPFA word @rsPtrPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @twoplusPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @ratNFA + $10 rshiftNFA byte $86,"rshift" rshiftPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $0051 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @rshiftNFA + $10 rashiftNFA byte $87,"rashift" rashiftPFA word (@a_ifunc - @a_base)/4 word $0071 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @rashiftNFA + $10 rgtNFA byte $02,"r>" rgtPFA word (@a_rgt - @a_base)/4 word @rgtNFA + $10 gtrNFA byte $02,">r" gtrPFA word (@a_gtr - @a_base)/4 word @gtrNFA + $10 twogtrNFA byte $03,"2>r" twogtrPFA word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @twogtrNFA + $10 zbranchNFA byte $07,"0branch" zbranchPFA word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word @zbranchNFA + $10 lparenlooprparenNFA byte $06,"(loop)" lparenlooprparenPFA word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word @lparenlooprparenNFA + $10 lparenpluslooprparenNFA byte $07,"(+loop)" lparenpluslooprparenPFA word (@a_lparenpluslooprparen - @a_base)/4 word @lparenpluslooprparenNFA + $10 swapNFA byte $04,"swap" swapPFA word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @swapNFA + $10 umstarNFA byte $03,"um*" umstarPFA word (@a_umstar - @a_base)/4 word @umstarNFA + $10 umslashmodNFA byte $06,"um/mod" umslashmodPFA word (@a_umslashmod - @a_base)/4 word @umslashmodNFA + $10 uslashmodNFA byte $85,"u/mod" uslashmodPFA word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word (@a_umslashmod - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word 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$84,">cog" gtcogPFA word @cogCONPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @disioPFA + $10 word @inCONPFA + $10 word (@a_over - @a_base)/4 word @cogEmitptrPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @cogInbytePFA + $10 word @outCONPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @cogCONPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @gtcogNFA + $10 cogCONNFA byte $86,"cogCON" cogCONPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word @cogCONNFA + $10 inCONNFA byte $85,"inCON" inCONPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0100 word @inCONNFA + $10 outCONNFA byte $86,"outCON" outCONPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0000 word @outCONNFA + $10 ctlCONNFA byte $86,"ctlCON" ctlCONPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0000 word @ctlCONNFA + $10 clkfreqNFA byte $87,"clkfreq" clkfreqPFA word @zPFA + $10 word @matPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @clkfreqNFA + $10 paratNFA byte $85,"parat" paratPFA word @parPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - 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(@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @negateNFA + $10 zeqNFA byte $82,"0=" zeqPFA word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @zeqNFA + $10 ltgtNFA byte $82,"<>" ltgtPFA word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word @invertPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @ltgtNFA + $10 zltgtNFA byte $83,"0<>" zltgtPFA word @zeqPFA + $10 word @invertPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @zltgtNFA + $10 zltNFA byte $82,"0<" zltPFA word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_lt - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @zltNFA + $10 zgtNFA byte $82,"0>" zgtPFA word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_gt - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @zgtNFA + $10 oneplusNFA byte $82,"1+" oneplusPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @oneplusNFA + $10 oneminusNFA byte $82,"1-" oneminusPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @minusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @oneminusNFA + $10 twoplusNFA byte $82,"2+" twoplusPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0002 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @twoplusNFA + $10 fourplusNFA byte $82,"4+" fourplusPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @fourplusNFA + $10 twominusNFA byte $82,"2-" twominusPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0002 word @minusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @twominusNFA + $10 twostarNFA byte $82,"2*" twostarPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @lshiftPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @twostarNFA + $10 twoslashNFA byte $82,"2/" twoslashPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @rashiftPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @twoslashNFA + $10 rottwoNFA byte $84,"rot2" rottwoPFA word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @rottwoNFA + $10 gteqNFA byte $82,">=" gteqPFA word @twodupPFA + $10 word (@a_gt - @a_base)/4 word @rottwoPFA + $10 word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @gteqNFA + $10 lteqNFA byte $82,"<=" lteqPFA word @twodupPFA + $10 word (@a_lt - @a_base)/4 word @rottwoPFA + $10 word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @lteqNFA + $10 zgteqNFA byte $83,"0>=" zgteqPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_gt - @a_base)/4 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @zeqPFA + $10 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @zgteqNFA + $10 wplusbangNFA byte $83,"w+!" wplusbangPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @watPFA + $10 word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @wplusbangNFA + $10 orcbangNFA byte $84,"orc!" orcbangPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @catPFA + $10 word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @cbangPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @orcbangNFA + $10 andcbangNFA byte $85,"andc!" andcbangPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @catPFA + $10 word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @cbangPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @andcbangNFA + $10 betweenNFA byte $87,"between" betweenPFA word @rottwoPFA + $10 word (@a_over - @a_base)/4 word @lteqPFA + $10 word @rottwoPFA + $10 word @gteqPFA + $10 word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @betweenNFA + $10 crNFA byte $82,"cr" crPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $000D word @emitPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @crNFA + $10 spaceNFA byte $85,"space" spacePFA word @blPFA + $10 word @emitPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @spaceNFA + $10 spacesNFA byte $86,"spaces" spacesPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0010 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @spacePFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFFC word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @spacesNFA + $10 dothexNFA byte $84,".hex" dothexPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $000F word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0030 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0039 word (@a_gt - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0007 word @plusPFA + $10 word @emitPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @dothexNFA + $10 dotbyteNFA byte $85,".byte" dotbytePFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word @rshiftPFA + $10 word @dothexPFA + $10 word @dothexPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @dotbyteNFA + $10 dotwordNFA byte $85,".word" dotwordPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @rshiftPFA + $10 word @dotbytePFA + $10 word @dotbytePFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @dotwordNFA + $10 dotlongNFA byte $85,".long" dotlongPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0010 word @rshiftPFA + $10 word @dotwordPFA + $10 word @dotwordPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @dotlongNFA + $10 boundsNFA byte $86,"bounds" boundsPFA 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$000A word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_over - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $000D word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @eolqNFA + $10 bsqNFA byte $83,"bs?" bsqPFA word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_over - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $007F word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @bsqNFA + $10 fillNFA byte $84,"fill" fillPFA word @rottwoPFA + $10 word @boundsPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @iPFA + $10 word @cbangPFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFF8 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @fillNFA + $10 nfagtlfaNFA byte $87,"nfa>lfa" nfagtlfaPFA word @twominusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @nfagtlfaNFA + $10 nfagtpfaNFA byte $87,"nfa>pfa" nfagtpfaPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $7FFF word @andPFA + $10 word @namelenPFA + $10 word 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+ $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_hubop - @a_base)/4 word @minusonePFA + $10 word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @minusonePFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @locknewNFA + $10 lockretNFA byte $87,"lockret" lockretPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0005 word (@a_hubop - @a_base)/4 word @twodropPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @lockretNFA + $10 locksetNFA byte $87,"lockset" locksetPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word (@a_hubop - @a_base)/4 word @nipPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @locksetNFA + $10 lockclrNFA byte $87,"lockclr" lockclrPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0007 word (@a_hubop - @a_base)/4 word @nipPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @lockclrNFA + $10 lockdictqNFA byte $89,"lockdict?" lockdictqPFA word @mydictlockPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0010 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @mydictlockPFA + $10 word 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@a_base)/4 word $FFF8 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0014 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $03E8 word @del_msPFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFF8 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @del_secNFA + $10 gtmNFA byte $82,">m" gtmPFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @lshiftPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @gtmNFA + $10 pxiNFA byte $83,"pxi" pxiPFA word @gtmPFA + $10 word @invertPFA + $10 word @diraPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @andPFA + $10 word @diraPFA + $10 word (@a_bang - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @pxiNFA + $10 pxoNFA byte $83,"pxo" pxoPFA word @gtmPFA + $10 word @diraPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @orPFA + $10 word @diraPFA + $10 word (@a_bang - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - 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byte $85,"_sdai" _sdaiPFA word @_sdaPFA + $10 word @pxiPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_sdaiNFA + $10 _sdaoNFA byte $85,"_sdao" _sdaoPFA word @_sdaPFA + $10 word @pxoPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_sdaoNFA + $10 _scliNFA byte $85,"_scli" _scliPFA word @_sclPFA + $10 word @pxiPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_scliNFA + $10 _scloNFA byte $85,"_sclo" _scloPFA word @_sclPFA + $10 word @pxoPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_scloNFA + $10 _sdalNFA byte $85,"_sdal" _sdalPFA word @_sdamPFA + $10 word (@a_mpxl - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_sdalNFA + $10 _sdahNFA byte $85,"_sdah" _sdahPFA word @_sdamPFA + $10 word (@a_mpxh - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_sdahNFA + $10 _scllNFA byte $85,"_scll" _scllPFA word @_sclmPFA + $10 word (@a_mpxl - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_scllNFA + $10 _sclhNFA byte $85,"_sclh" _sclhPFA word @_sclmPFA + $10 word (@a_mpxh - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_sclhNFA + $10 _sdaqNFA byte $85,"_sda?" _sdaqPFA word @_sdamPFA + $10 word (@a_mpx - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_sdaqNFA + $10 _eeInitNFA byte $87,"_eeInit" _eeInitPFA word @_sclhPFA + $10 word @_scloPFA + $10 word @_sdaiPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0009 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @_scllPFA + $10 word @_sclhPFA + $10 word @_sdaqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word @leavePFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFF2 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_eeInitNFA + $10 _eeStartNFA byte $88,"_eeStart" _eeStartPFA word @_sclhPFA + $10 word @_scloPFA + $10 word @_sdahPFA + $10 word @_sdaoPFA + $10 word @_sdalPFA + $10 word @_scllPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_eeStartNFA + $10 _eeStopNFA byte $87,"_eeStop" _eeStopPFA word @_sclhPFA + $10 word @_sdahPFA + $10 word @_scliPFA + $10 word @_sdaiPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_eeStopNFA + $10 _eeWriteNFA byte $88,"_eeWrite" _eeWritePFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0080 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @twodupPFA + $10 word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @_sdahPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word @_sdalPFA + $10 word @_sclhPFA + $10 word @_scllPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @rshiftPFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFE4 word @twodropPFA + $10 word @_sdaiPFA + $10 word @_sclhPFA + $10 word @_sdaqPFA + $10 word @_scllPFA + $10 word @_sdalPFA + $10 word @_sdaoPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_eeWriteNFA + $10 _eeReadNFA byte $87,"_eeRead" _eeReadPFA word @_sdaiPFA + $10 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @lshiftPFA + $10 word @_sclhPFA + $10 word @_sdaqPFA + $10 word @_scllPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFE8 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @_sdaPFA + $10 word @pxPFA + $10 word @_sdaoPFA + $10 word @_sclhPFA + $10 word @_scllPFA + $10 word @_sdalPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @_eeReadNFA + $10 eeReadPageNFA byte $8A,"eeReadPage" eeReadPagePFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @locksetPFA + $10 word @zeqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $FFF6 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @maxPFA + $10 word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $00FF word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @rshiftPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $00FF word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0010 word @rshiftPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0007 word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @lshiftPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_gtr - @a_base)/4 word @_eeStartPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $00A0 word @orPFA + $10 word @_eeWritePFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @_eeWritePFA + $10 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @_eeWritePFA + $10 word @orPFA + $10 word @_eeStartPFA + $10 word (@a_rgt - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $00A1 word @orPFA + $10 word @_eeWritePFA + $10 word @orPFA + $10 word @rottwoPFA + $10 word @boundsPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @lastiqPFA + $10 word @_eeReadPFA + $10 word @iPFA + $10 word @cbangPFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFF6 word @_eeStopPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @lockclrPFA + $10 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @eeReadPageNFA + $10 eeWritePageNFA byte $8B,"eeWritePage" eeWritePagePFA word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @locksetPFA + $10 word @zeqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $FFF6 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @maxPFA + $10 word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $00FF word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @rshiftPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $00FF word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0010 word @rshiftPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0007 word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @lshiftPFA + $10 word @_eeStartPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $00A0 word @orPFA + $10 word @_eeWritePFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @_eeWritePFA + $10 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @_eeWritePFA + $10 word @orPFA + $10 word @rottwoPFA + $10 word @boundsPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @iPFA + $10 word @catPFA + $10 word @_eeWritePFA + $10 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFF6 word @_eeStopPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0010 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word @padsizePFA + $10 word @mcwgtinPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @bsNFA + $10 tickNFA byte $81,"'" tickPFA word @parseblPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $001A word @padgtinPFA + $10 word @nextwordPFA + $10 word @findPFA + $10 word @zeqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $000A word @_udfPFA + $10 word @crPFA + $10 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @tickNFA + $10 cqNFA byte $82,"cq" cqPFA word (@a_rgt - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @catplusplusPFA + $10 word @plusPFA + $10 word @alignwPFA + $10 word (@a_gtr - @a_base)/4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @cqNFA + $10 cquoteNFA byte $E2,"c",$22 cquotePFA word @compileqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0034 word @cm_cqPFA + $10 word @wcommaPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0001 word @mcwgtinPFA + $10 word @wplusbangPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0022 word @parsePFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @ccommaPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @padgtinPFA + $10 word @mswHerePFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word @cmovePFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @allotPFA + $10 word @oneplusPFA + $10 word @mcwgtinPFA + $10 word @wplusbangPFA + $10 word @herewalPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0018 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0022 word @parsePFA + $10 word @oneminusPFA + $10 word @padgtinPFA + $10 word @twodupPFA + $10 word @cbangPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @twoplusPFA + $10 word @mcwgtinPFA + $10 word @wplusbangPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @cquoteNFA + $10 fl_baseNFA byte $87,"fl_base" fl_basePFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0000 word @fl_baseNFA + $10 fl_countNFA byte $88,"fl_count" fl_countPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0000 word @fl_countNFA + $10 fl_topNFA byte $86,"fl_top" fl_topPFA word (@a_dovarw - @a_base)/4 word $0000 word @fl_topNFA + 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$10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $000C word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $007D word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word @minusonePFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $FFEC word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0038 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0005 word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $005C word @fl_inPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @cbangPFA + $10 word @oneplusPFA + $10 word @fl_inPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @oneplusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @fl_topPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @_eoomPFA + $10 word @clearkeysPFA + $10 word @resetPFA + $10 word @fl_inPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @minusonePFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $FF68 word 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$10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0080 word @minPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word (@a_over - @a_base)/4 word @minusPFA + $10 word @fl_countPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @eeWritePagePFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word @eeErrPFA + $10 word @leavePFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0080 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0080 word (@a_lparenpluslooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFD0 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @_eoomPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @eeErrPFA + $10 word @crPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @f_wfileNFA + $10 FWNFA byte $82,"FW" FWPFA word @fl_bufPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $00B0 word @fl_countPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @fl_basePFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @catPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $002E word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @leavePFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0016 word @fl_basePFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @oneplusPFA + $10 word @fl_basePFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @fl_countPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @oneminusPFA + $10 word @fl_countPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFD4 word @fl_basePFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0003 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0020 word @boundsPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @iPFA + $10 word @catPFA + $10 word @blPFA + $10 word @lteqPFA + $10 word @lastiqPFA + $10 word @orPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word @iPFA + $10 word @leavePFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFEA word @fl_basePFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @minusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0003 word @minusPFA + $10 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(@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0100 word @mcwInbytePFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @zPFA + $10 word @mcwEmitptrPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @fMaskPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @mcwDebugcmdPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @parPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @plusPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $00F8 word @zPFA + $10 word @fillPFA + $10 word @hexPFA + $10 word @ca_varEndPFA + $10 word @mcwAherePFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @lockdictPFA + $10 word @mswHerePFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @zeqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0024 word @zPFA + $10 word @fl_lockPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @lastnfaPFA + $10 word @nfagtpfaPFA + $10 word @twoplusPFA + $10 word @alignlPFA + $10 word @fourplusPFA + $10 word @mswHerePFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $7FFF word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @mswMemendPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @mswDictendPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @freedictPFA + $10 word @rsTopPFA + $10 word @oneminusPFA + $10 word @rsPtrPFA + $10 word (@a_bang - @a_base)/4 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $FFFF word (@a_eq - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0014 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @lshiftPFA + $10 word @cogidPFA + $10 word @plusPFA + $10 word @vxcogPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @cqPFA + $10 byte $04,"boot" word @mcTPFA + $10 word @ccopyPFA + $10 word @cogidPFA + $10 word @mcTPFA + $10 word @cappendnPFA + $10 word @mcTPFA + $10 word @findPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @executePFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @minusonePFA + $10 word @compileqPFA + $10 word @zeqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0014 word @dqPFA + $10 byte $03,"Cog" word @cogidPFA + $10 word @dotPFA + $10 word @dqPFA + $10 byte $02,"ok" word @crPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0008 word @minusonePFA + $10 word @mcwDebugvaluePFA + $10 word @mbangPFA + $10 word @interpretPFA + $10 word @zPFA + $10 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $FFD4 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @fstartNFA + $10 boot6NFA byte $85,"boot6" boot6PFA word @cogidPFA + $10 word @gtcogPFA + $10 word @cogplusPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @boot6NFA + $10 cogqNFA byte $84,"cog?" cogqPFA word @dqPFA + $10 byte $0C,"Forth cogs: " word @ffcogPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @dotPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $002D word @emitPFA + $10 word @spacePFA + $10 word @lfcogPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @dotPFA + $10 word @crPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @cogqNFA + $10 cogplusNFA byte $84,"cog+" cogplusPFA word @ffcogPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @oneminusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @zgteqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $000E word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @ffcogPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word @cogresetPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @cogqPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @cogplusNFA + $10 cogminusNFA byte $84,"cog-" cogminusPFA word @ffcogPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @cogidPFA + $10 word @ltgtPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @oneplusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @lfcogPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @lteqPFA + $10 word (@a_rot - @a_base)/4 word @andPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0010 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @oneminusPFA + $10 word @cogstopPFA + $10 word @ffcogPFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @cogqPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @cogminusNFA + $10 stqNFA byte $83,"st?" stqPFA word @dqPFA + $10 byte $04,"ST: " word @stPtrPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @twoplusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @stTopPFA + $10 word (@a_lt - @a_base)/4 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $0022 word @stTopPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @minusPFA + $10 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @stTopPFA + $10 word @twominusPFA + $10 word @iPFA + $10 word @minusPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @dotlongPFA + $10 word @spacePFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFF0 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0004 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word @crPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @stqNFA + $10 scNFA byte $82,"sc" scPFA word @stTopPFA + $10 word @stPtrPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @minusPFA + $10 word (@a_litw - @a_base)/4 word $0003 word @minusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @dotPFA + $10 word @dqPFA + $10 byte $0D,"items cleared" word @crPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @zgtPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $000C word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word (@a_drop - @a_base)/4 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFFC word 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$10 byte $04,"RS: " word @rsTopPFA + $10 word @rsPtrPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word @oneplusPFA + $10 word @minusPFA + $10 word @zPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @rsTopPFA + $10 word @oneminusPFA + $10 word @iPFA + $10 word @minusPFA + $10 word (@a_at - @a_base)/4 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @twominusPFA + $10 word @watPFA + $10 word @pfaqPFA + $10 word (@a_zbranch - @a_base)/4 word $000A word @twominusPFA + $10 word @_pnaPFA + $10 word (@a_branch - @a_base)/4 word $0006 word @dotlongPFA + $10 word @spacePFA + $10 word (@a_lparenlooprparen - @a_base)/4 word $FFDC word @crPFA + $10 word (@a_exit - @a_base)/4 word @rsqNFA + $10 lasmNFA byte $84,"lasm" lasmPFA word @fourplusPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @matPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word @fourplusPFA + $10 word (@a_swap - @a_base)/4 word (@a_over - @a_base)/4 word @matPFA + $10 word (@a_dup - @a_base)/4 word @mcwAherePFA + $10 word @wbangPFA + $10 word (@a_twogtr - @a_base)/4 word @fourplusPFA 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