{{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Autor: Ingo Kripahle │ │ Copyright (c) 2010 Ingo Kripahle │ │ See end of file for terms of use. │ │ Die Nutzungsbedingungen befinden sich am Ende der Datei │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Informationen : hive-project.de Kontakt : drohne235@googlemail.com System : TriOS Name : Administra-Test Chip : Regnatix Typ : Programm Version : 01 Subversion : 01 Funktion : Testroutinen für die Administra-Funktionen Komponenten : stringEngine 7/10/2009 Kwabena W. Agyeman MIT Lizenz COG's : - Logbuch : 21-03-2010-dr235 - erste version Kommandoliste : Notizen : }} OBJ ios: "ios" str: "stringEngine" CON _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 VAR byte tbuf[32] PUB main | fnr ios.start ios.startram 'code für test im ram, sollte bei bin-datei auskommentiert werden repeat ios.screeninit(string("▶ Hive: Administra-Test [Auswahl Funktionskomplex]"),1) ios.print(string(13,"1. chip-managment")) ios.print(string(13,"2. sd-laufwerksfunktionen")) ios.print(string(13,"3. hss-funktionen")) ios.print(string(13,"4. wav-funktionen",13)) ios.print(string(13,"99 testprogramm beenden",13,13)) fnr := str.decimalToNumber(fInput(string("Funktion wählen : "))) case fnr 1: menu_mgr 2: menu_sd 3: menu_hss 4: menu_wav 99: ios.stop PUB menu_mgr | fnr repeat ios.screeninit(string("▶ Hive: Administra-Test [Chip-Managment]"),1) ios.print(string(13,"1. getver, getspez, getcogs")) ios.print(string(13,"2. neuen administra-code booten (admled.adm)")) ios.print(string(13,"88 alle tests")) ios.print(string(13,"99 zurück",13,13)) fnr := str.decimalToNumber(fInput(string("Funktion wählen : "))) case fnr 1: \fTest10 2: \fTest11 88: 99: return PUB menu_sd | fnr repeat ios.screeninit(string("▶ Hive: Administra-Test [SD-Laufwerksfunktionen]"),1) ios.print(string(13,"1. mount, volname, free, unused, checkmount")) ios.print(string(13,"2. daten schreiben + lesen")) ios.print(string(13,"3. block schreiben + lesen")) ios.print(string(13,"4. inhaltsverzeichnis")) ios.print(string(13,"5. dateien/verzeichnisse erzeugen, umbenennen, löschen")) ios.print(string(13,"6. positionieren in der datei")) ios.print(string(13,"7. dateiattribute verändern")) ios.print(string(13,"8. verzeichnis wechseln")) ios.print(string(13,"9. format + unmount",13)) ios.print(string(13,"88 alle tests")) ios.print(string(13,"99 zurück",13,13)) fnr := str.decimalToNumber(fInput(string("Funktion wählen : "))) case fnr 1: \fTest1 2: \fTest2 3: \fTest3 4: \fTest4 5: \fTest5 6: \fTest6 7: \fTest7 8: \fTest8 9: \fTest9 88: \loop_sd 99: return PUB menu_hss PUB menu_wav PUB loop_mgr repeat fTest10 'getver,getspec,getcogs fTest11 'administra-code booten PUB loop_sd repeat fTest1 'mount, volname, free, unused, checkmounted fTest2 'daten schreiben + lesen fTest3 'block schreiben + lesen fTest4 'inhaltsverzeichnis fTest5 'dateien erzeugen, umbenennen, löschen fTest6 'seek fTest7 'attribute ändern fTest8 'cd fTest9 'format + unmount DAT 'test 1: mount & unmount t1_s1 byte "Test1: Volume mounten",0 t1_s2 byte "[sdmount]",0 t1_s3 byte "[sdvolname] = ",0 t1_s4 byte "[sdcheckmounted] = ",0 t1_s5 byte "[sdcheckused] = ",0 t1_s6 byte "[sdcheckfree] = ",0 PRI fTest1 | err fScreen(@t1_s1) repeat ios.print(@t1_s2) 'sdmount err := ios.sdmount fError(err) fPrintResultDec(@t1_s4,ios.sdcheckmounted) ifnot err fPrintResultStr(@t1_s3,ios.sdvolname) fPrintResultDec(@t1_s5,ios.sdcheckused) fPrintResultDec(@t1_s6,ios.sdcheckfree) until fAktion DAT 'test 2: daten schreiben & lesen t2_s1 byte "Test2: Daten schreiben und lesen ",0 t2_s2 byte "[sdopen-w]",0 t2_s3 byte "[sdputc] = ",0 t2_s4 byte "[sdclose]",0 t2_s5 byte "[sdnewfile]",0 t2_s6 byte "[sdgetc] = ",0 t2_s7 byte "[sdopen-r]",0 t2_s8 byte "Daten lesen...",0 t2_fn byte "admtest.dat",0 PRI fTest2 | err,i fScreen(@t2_s1) repeat ios.print(@t1_s2) 'sdmount err := ios.sdmount fError(err) ios.print(@t2_s5) 'sdnewfile err := ios.sdnewfile(@t2_fn) fError(err) ios.print(@t2_s2) err := ios.sdopen("W",@t2_fn) 'sdopen fError(err) ifnot err ios.print(@t2_s3) ios.printnl i := 0 repeat 256 ios.printhex(i,2) ios.printchar(" ") ios.sdputc(i++) 'sdputc ios.printnl ios.print(@t2_s4) fError(ios.sdclose) 'sdclose fPause(@t2_s8) ios.print(@t2_s7) err := ios.sdopen("R",@t2_fn) 'sdopen fError(err) ifnot err ios.print(@t2_s6) ios.printnl repeat 256 ios.printhex(ios.sdgetc,2) 'sdgetc ios.printchar(" ") ios.printnl ios.print(@t2_s4) fError(ios.sdclose) 'sdclose until fAktion DAT 'test 3: Block schreiben & lesen t3_s1 byte "Test3: Block schreiben & lesen",0 t3_s2 byte "[sdnewfile]",0 t3_s3 byte "[sdopen-w]",0 t3_s4 byte "[sdopen-r]",0 t3_s5 byte "[sdclose]",0 t3_s6 byte "[sdputblk]",0 t3_s7 byte "[sdgetblk]",0 t3_s8 byte "Puffer mit Werten füllen...",0 t3_s9 byte "Puffer löschen...",0 t3_s10 byte "Puffer = ",0 t3_fn byte "admtest.dat",0 CON blkcount = 256 VAR byte buffer[blkcount] PRI fTest3 | i,err fScreen(@t3_s1) repeat i := 0 ios.print(@t3_s8) 'puffer mit werten füllen ios.printnl repeat blkcount byte[@buffer][i++] := i i := 0 ios.print(@t3_s10) 'puffer anzeigen repeat blkcount ios.printhex(byte[@buffer][i++],2) ios.printchar(":") fPause(@t3_s8) ios.print(@t3_s3) 'puffer --> datei err := ios.sdopen("W",@t3_fn) fError(err) ifnot err ios.print(@t3_s6) ios.printnl ios.sdputblk(blkcount,@buffer) ios.print(@t3_s5) ios.sdclose ios.printnl i := 0 ios.print(@t3_s9) 'puffer löschen repeat blkcount byte[@buffer][i++] := 0 ios.print(@t3_s4) 'puffer <-- datei err := ios.sdopen("R",@t3_fn) fError(err) ifnot err ios.print(@t3_s6) ios.printnl ios.sdgetblk(blkcount,@buffer) ios.print(@t3_s5) ios.sdclose ios.printnl i := 0 ios.print(@t3_s10) 'puffer anzeigen repeat blkcount ios.printhex(byte[@buffer][i++],2) ios.printchar(":") until fAktion DAT 'test 4: Inhaltsverzeichnis t4_s1 byte "Test4: Inhaltsverzeichnis (einfach)",0 t4_s2 byte "[sddir] ",0 t4_s3 byte "[sdnext] = ",0 t4_s4 byte "Test4: Inhaltsverzeichnis (Attribute)",0 t4_s5 byte "DIR ▶ ",0 t4_s6 byte " ",0 PRI fTest4 | stradr fScreen(@t4_s1) repeat fMount ios.print(@t4_s2) ios.sddir repeat while (stradr := ios.sdnext) ios.printnl ios.print(@t4_s3) ios.print(stradr) fPause(@t4_s4) ios.print(@t4_s2) ios.sddir repeat while (stradr := ios.sdnext) ios.printnl if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_DIR) 'verzeichnisname ios.print(@t4_s5) ios.print(stradr) else 'dateiname ios.print(@t4_S6) ios.print(stradr) ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_SIZE),10)) 'dateigröße ios.printchar(" ") 'attribute if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_READONLY) ios.printchar("r") else ios.printchar("-") if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_HIDDEN) ios.printchar("h") else ios.printchar("-") if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_SYSTEM) ios.printchar("s") else ios.printchar("-") if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_ARCHIV) ios.printchar("a") else ios.printchar("-") ios.printchar(" ") 'änderungsdatum ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CDAY),2)) ios.printchar(".") ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CMONTH),2) + 1) ios.printchar(".") ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CYEAR),4) + 1) ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CHOUR),2)) ios.printchar(":") ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CMIN),2) + 1) ios.printchar(":") ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CSEC),2) + 1) until fAktion DAT 'test 4: dateien/verzeichnisse erzeugen, umbenennen, löschen t5_s1 byte "Test5: Dateien/Verzeichnisse erzeugen, umbenennen, löschen ",0 t5_s2 byte "[sdnewdir] : admtest",0 t5_s3 byte "[sdnewfile] : admtest.dat",0 t5_s4 byte "[sddel] : admtest + admtest.dat",0 t5_s5 byte "[sdrename] admtest -> admtest2",0 t5_s6 byte "admtest",0 t5_s7 byte 13,"pause ",0 t5_s8 byte "admtest.dat",0 t5_s9 byte "admtest2.dat",0 t5_s10 byte "admtest2",0 PRI fTest5 | err fScreen(@t5_s1) repeat fMount fPause(@t5_s7) fDir fPause(@t5_s7) ios.print(@t5_s2) ios.printnl fError(ios.sdnewdir(@t5_s6)) fPause(@t5_s7) fDir fPause(@t5_s7) ios.print(@t5_s3) ios.printnl fError(ios.sdnewfile(@t5_s8)) fPause(@t5_s7) fDir fPause(@t5_s7) ios.print(@t5_s5) ios.printnl fError(ios.sdrename(@t5_s6,@t5_s10)) fError(ios.sdrename(@t5_s8,@t5_s9)) fPause(@t5_s7) fDir fPause(@t5_s7) ios.print(@t5_s4) ios.printnl fError(ios.sddel(@t5_s10)) fError(ios.sddel(@t5_s9)) fPause(@t5_s7) fDir until fAktion DAT 'test 6: seek t6_s1 byte "Test6: seek ",0 t6_s2 byte "[sdopen] : test2.txt",0 t6_s3 byte "test2.txt",0 t6_s4 byte "Jetzt Test mit steigendem seek-Wert...",0 t6_s5 byte "[seek] = ",0 PRI fTest6 | i fScreen(@t6_s1) repeat fMount fError(ios.sdopen("R",@t6_s3)) repeat 128 ios.printchar(ios.sdgetc) ios.sdclose ios.printnl fPause(@t6_s4) repeat i from 0 to 64 ios.printcls ios.print(@t6_s5) ios.printdec(i) ios.printnl ios.printnl ios.sdopen("R",@t6_s3) ios.sdseek(i) repeat 128 ios.printchar(ios.sdgetc) ios.sdclose ' fWait(1) until fAktion DAT 'test 7: attribute ändern t7_s1 byte "Test7: Attribute ändern ",0 t7_s2 byte "Testdatei [admtest.dat] erzeugen ",0 t7_s3 byte "admtest.dat",0 t7_s4 byte 13,"Attributstring eingeben : ",0 PRI fTest7 fScreen(@t7_s1) fMount ios.print(@t7_s2) ios.printnl fError(ios.sdnewfile(@t7_s3)) repeat fDir fError(ios.sdchattrib(@t7_s3,fInput(@t7_s4))) until fAktion fError(ios.sddel(@t7_s3)) DAT 'test 8: verzeichnis wechseln t8_s1 byte "Test8: Verzeichnis wechseln ",0 t8_s2 byte "Testverzeichnis [admtest] erzeugen ",0 t8_s3 byte "admtest",0 t8_s4 byte 13,"pause",13,0 t8_s5 byte "..",0 PRI fTest8 fScreen(@t8_s1) fMount 'medium mounten ios.print(@t8_s2) ios.printnl fError(ios.sdnewdir(@t8_s3)) 'testverzeichnis erzeugen repeat fDir fPause(@t8_s4) fError(ios.sdchdir(@t8_s3)) 'in testverzeichnis wechseln fDir fPause(@t8_s4) fError(ios.sdchdir(@t8_s5)) 'und wieder zurück zur wurzel fDir until fAktion fError(ios.sddel(@t8_s3)) 'testverzeichnis löschen DAT 'test 9: medium formatieren + abmelden t9_s1 byte "Test9: Medium formatieren + abmelden ",0 t9_s2 byte "ACHTUNG: Medium wird jetzt formatiert!",13,"Testcard einlegen und bestätigen : ",0 t9_s3 byte "JA",0 t9_s4 byte "ADMTEST",0 t9_s5 byte "[sdformat] ... ",13,0 t9_s6 byte "[sdunmount] Medium wird jetzt abgemeldet...",13,0 PRI fTest9 | stradr fScreen(@t9_s1) repeat stradr := fInput(@t9_s2) fMount if strcomp(stradr, @t9_s3) ios.print(@t9_s5) fError(ios.sdformat(@t9_s4)) ios.print(@t9_s6) fError(ios.sdunmount) until fAktion DAT 'test 10: getver, getpsec, getcogs t10_s1 byte "Test10: getver, getspec, getcogs ",0 t10_s2 byte 13,"Version : $",0 t10_s3 byte 13,"Specifikation : %",0 t10_s4 byte 13,"COGs : ",0 PRI fTest10 fScreen(@t10_s1) repeat ios.print(@t10_s2) ios.printhex(ios.admgetver,8) ios.print(@t10_s3) ios.printbin(ios.admgetspec,32) ios.print(@t10_s4) ios.printhex(ios.admgetcogs,8) until fAktion DAT 'test 11: administra-code booten t11_s1 byte "Test11: administra-code booten ",0 t11_s2 byte "admled.adm",0 PRI fTest11 fScreen(@t11_s1) fMount repeat ios.admload(@t11_s2) until fAktion DAT 'test x: tx_s1 byte "Testx: Beschreibung ",0 PRI fTestx repeat fPause(@tx_s1) until fAktion DAT 'fInput: stringeingabe PRI fInput(stradr1): stradr2 ios.print(stradr1) ios.input(@tbuf,32) return @tbuf DAT 'fWait: wartet eine def.zeit PUB fWait(sek) waitcnt(clkfreq * sek + cnt) DAT 'fDir: Verzeichnis anzeigen PUB fDir | stradr ios.sddir repeat while (stradr := ios.sdnext) ios.printnl if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_DIR) 'verzeichnisname ios.print(@t4_s5) ios.print(stradr) else 'dateiname ios.print(@t4_S6) ios.print(stradr) ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_SIZE),10)) 'dateigröße ios.printchar(" ") 'attribute if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_READONLY) ios.printchar("r") else ios.printchar("-") if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_HIDDEN) ios.printchar("h") else ios.printchar("-") if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_SYSTEM) ios.printchar("s") else ios.printchar("-") if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_ARCHIV) ios.printchar("a") else ios.printchar("-") ios.printchar(" ") 'änderungsdatum ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CDAY),2)) ios.printchar(".") ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CMONTH),2) + 1) ios.printchar(".") ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CYEAR),4) + 1) ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CHOUR),2)) ios.printchar(":") ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CMIN),2) + 1) ios.printchar(":") ios.print(str.numberToDecimal(ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_CSEC),2) + 1) DAT 'fMount: Medium einbinden i_s1 byte 13,"Medium wird eingebunden...",0 PRI fMount | err ios.print(@i_s1) 'sdmount err := ios.sdmount fError(err) ifnot err fPrintResultStr(@t1_s3,ios.sdvolname) DAT 'fAktion: Aktion abfragen a_s1 byte "nde, ochmal, eiter : ",0 PRI fAktion: aktion ios.printnl ios.print(@a_s1) case ios.keywait "e": abort "w": aktion := 1 "n": aktion := 0 ios.printnl DAT 'fPause: Printausgabe und Pause p_s1 byte "Weiter? <*> :",0 PRI fPause(strptr) ios.print(strptr) ios.printnl ios.print(@p_s1) ios.keywait ios.printnl DAT 'fScreen: Initialisierung neuer Test s_s1 byte "Weiter? <*> :",0 PRI fScreen(strptr) ios.screeninit(strptr,1) ios.print(@s_s1) ios.keywait ios.printnl DAT 'fPrintResultStr: Testanzeige von Stringresultaten PRI fPrintResultStr(strptr1,strptr2) ios.print(strptr1) ios.print(strptr2) ios.printnl DAT 'fPrintResultDec: Testanzeige von Dezimalwerten PRI fPrintResultDec(strptr, wert) ios.print(strptr) ios.printdec(wert) ios.printnl DAT 'fError: Fehler ausgeben f_s1 byte "Fehlernummer : ",0 f_s2 byte "Fehler : ",0 err0 byte "no error",0 err1 byte "fsys unmounted",0 err2 byte "fsys corrupted",0 err3 byte "fsys unsupported",0 err4 byte "not found",0 err5 byte "file not found",0 err6 byte "dir not found",0 err7 byte "file read only",0 err8 byte "end of file",0 err9 byte "end of directory",0 err10 byte "end of root",0 err11 byte "dir is full",0 err12 byte "dir is not empty",0 err13 byte "checksum error",0 err14 byte "reboot error",0 err15 byte "bpb corrupt",0 err16 byte "fsi corrupt",0 err17 byte "dir already exist",0 err18 byte "file already exist",0 err19 byte "out of disk free space",0 err20 byte "disk io error",0 errx byte "undefined",0 PRI fError(err) ios.printnl ios.print(@f_s1) ios.printdec(err) ios.print(string(" : $")) ios.printhex(err,2) ios.printnl ios.print(@f_s2) case err 0: ios.print(@err0) 1: ios.print(@err1) 2: ios.print(@err2) 3: ios.print(@err3) 4: ios.print(@err4) 5: ios.print(@err5) 6: ios.print(@err6) 7: ios.print(@err7) 8: ios.print(@err8) 9: ios.print(@err9) 10: ios.print(@err10) 11: ios.print(@err11) 12: ios.print(@err12) 13: ios.print(@err13) 14: ios.print(@err14) 15: ios.print(@err15) 16: ios.print(@err16) 17: ios.print(@err17) 18: ios.print(@err18) 19: ios.print(@err19) 20: ios.print(@err20) OTHER: ios.print(@errx) ios.printnl DAT DAT {{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ TERMS OF USE: MIT License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, │ │modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software│ │is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: │ │ │ │The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│ │ │ │THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE │ │WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR │ │COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, │ │ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ }}