{{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Autor: Ingo Kripahle │ │ Copyright (c) 2010 Ingo Kripahle │ │ See end of file for terms of use. │ │ Die Nutzungsbedingungen befinden sich am Ende der Datei │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Informationen : hive-project.de Kontakt : drohne235@googlemail.com System : TriOS Name : sfxtool Chip : Regnatix Typ : Programm Version : 00 Subversion : 01 Funktion : Einfaches Tool um interaktiv HSS-Soundeffekte zu erstellen und als Spin-Quelltext zu exportieren. Logbuch : 19-04-2010-dr235 - erste version Kommandoliste : sfx-struktur: wav len freq vol grundschwingung lfo lfw fma ama modulation att dec sus rel hüllkurve seq (optional) wav wellenform 0 sinus (0..500hz) 1 schneller sinus (0..1khz) 2 dreieck (0..500hz) 3 rechteck (0..1khz) 4 schnelles rechteck (0..4khz) 5 impulse (0..1,333hz) 6 rauschen len tonlänge $0..$fe, $ff endlos freq frequenz $00..$ff vol lautstärke $00..$0f lfo low frequency oscillator $ff..$01 lfw low frequency waveform $00 sinus (0..8hz) $01 fast sine (0..16hz) $02 ramp up (0..8hz) $03 ramp down (0..8hz) $04 square (0..32hz) $05 random $ff sequencer data fma frequency modulation amount $00 no modulation $01..$ff ama amplitude modulation amount $00 no modulation $01..$ff att attack $00..$ff dec decay $00..$ff sus sustain $00..$ff rel release $00..$ff }} CON _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 OBJ ios: "ios" num: "numbers" CON TIBLEN = 32 FNLEN = 12 VAR byte tib[TIBLEN] 'tastatur-input-buffer byte rows 'aktuelle anzahl der nutzbaren zeilen byte cols 'aktuelle Anzahl der nutzbaren spalten PUB main | a,b,c,key,n ios.start ' ios.startram 'code für test im ram, sollte bei bin-datei auskommentiert werden rows := 23 'zeilenzahl temp. setzen cols := 64 ios.screeninit(@prompt1,4) repeat ios.sfx_setslot(@fx_puffer,15) ios.sfx_fire(15,1) printfx(@fx_puffer) key := ios.keywait case key "1": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Basisschwingung Waveform (0..6): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer] := n "2": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Basisschwingung Länge (0..FE, FF endlos):")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+1] := n "3": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Basisschwingung Frequenz (0..FF): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+2] := n "4": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Basisschwingung Volume (0..F): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+3] := n "5": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Modulation LFO (Speed 01..FF): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+4] := n "6": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Modulation LFW (Waveform 0..5): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+5] := n "7": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Modulation FMa (Stärke der FM 0 - off, 01..FF, 01 - MAX): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+6] := n "8": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Modulation AMa (Stärke der AM 0 - off, 01..FF, 01 - MAX): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+7] := n "9": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Hüllkurve Attack - Anstieg (0 - off, 1..FF, 1 - lansamster Anstieg): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+8] := n "a": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Hüllkurve Decay - Abfall (0 - off, 1..FF, 1 - lansamster Abfall): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+9] := n "b": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Hüllkurve Sustain - Halten Volume (0 - Mute, 1..FF, 1 - Leise): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+10] := n "c": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Hüllkurve Release - Freigabe (0 - off, 1..FF, 1 - Langsamste Freigabe): ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) n := num.FromStr(@tib,num#HEX) byte[@fx_puffer+11] := n "m": menu2 ios.screeninit(@prompt1,4) pub menu2 | key,a ios.screeninit(@prompt2,4) key := ios.keywait case key "s": save "l": load "e": export "r": menu3 "q": ios.stop pub save|i ios.printnl ios.print(string("Effekt speichern - Dateiname : ")) ios.input(@tib,FNLEN) printerr(ios.sdnewfile(@tib)) ifnot printerr(ios.sdopen("W",@tib)) i := 0 repeat 32 ios.sdputc(byte[@fx_puffer + i++]) ios.sdclose pub load|i cmd_dir ios.printnl ios.print(string("Effekt laden - Dateiname : ")) ios.input(@tib,FNLEN) ifnot printerr(ios.sdopen("R",@tib)) i := 0 repeat 32 byte[@fx_puffer + i++] := ios.sdgetc ios.sdclose pub export | i ios.printnl ios.print(string("Effekt exportieren - Dateiname : ")) ios.input(@tib,FNLEN) printerr(ios.sdnewfile(@tib)) ifnot printerr(ios.sdopen("W",@tib)) ios.print(string(" Name : ")) ios.input(@tib,FNLEN) sd_print(@tib) sd_printchar($0d) i := 0 sd_print(string("' Wav Len Fre Vol LFO LFW FMa AMa Att Dec Sus Rel")) sd_printchar($0d) sd_print(string("byte ")) sd_printchar("$") sd_printhex(byte[@fx_puffer + i++],2) repeat 11 sd_printchar(",") sd_printchar("$") sd_printhex(byte[@fx_puffer + i++],2) sd_printchar($0d) sd_print(string("byte ")) sd_printchar("$") sd_printhex(byte[@fx_puffer + i++],2) repeat 20 sd_printchar(",") sd_printchar("$") sd_printhex(byte[@fx_puffer + i++],2) ios.sdclose pub menu3 | key,a,n,c,w ios.screeninit(@prompt3,4) w := 0 c := 32 repeat key := ios.keywait case key "r": repeat c a? a := a & $FF byte[@fx_puffer+2] := a ios.sfx_setslot(@fx_puffer,15) ios.sfx_fire(15,1) printfx(@fx_puffer) if w > 0 waitcnt(clkfreq / w + cnt) "c": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Anzahl = ")) ios.printdec(c) ios.print(string(" : ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) c := num.FromStr(@tib,num#DEC) ios.print(string(" ok",$0d)) "w": ios.printchar($0d) ios.print(string("Wait = ")) ios.printdec(w) ios.print(string(" : ")) ios.input(@tib,TIBLEN) w := num.FromStr(@tib,num#DEC) ios.print(string(" ok",$0d)) "b": quit pub printfx(adr)| i,a ios.printchar(ios#char_nl) repeat i from 0 to 11 a := byte[adr+i] ios.print(string("$")) ios.printhex(a,2) ios.print(string(" ")) PUB printerr(err):error 'sys: fehlerausgabe if err ios.printnl ios.print(@err_s1) ios.printdec(err) ios.print(string(" : $")) ios.printhex(err,2) ios.printnl ios.print(@err_s2) case err 0: ios.print(@err0) 1: ios.print(@err1) 2: ios.print(@err2) 3: ios.print(@err3) 4: ios.print(@err4) 5: ios.print(@err5) 6: ios.print(@err6) 7: ios.print(@err7) 8: ios.print(@err8) 9: ios.print(@err9) 10: ios.print(@err10) 11: ios.print(@err11) 12: ios.print(@err12) 13: ios.print(@err13) 14: ios.print(@err14) 15: ios.print(@err15) 16: ios.print(@err16) 17: ios.print(@err17) 18: ios.print(@err18) 19: ios.print(@err19) 20: ios.print(@err20) OTHER: ios.print(@errx) ios.printnl ios.print(string("")) ios.keywait error := err PUB cmd_dir|fcnt,stradr,hflag 'cmd: verzeichnis anzeigen {{sddir - anzeige verzeichnis}} ifnot printerr(ios.sddir) 'verzeichnis öffnen fcnt := cmd_dir_w(hflag) PRI cmd_dir_w(hflag):fcnt|stradr,lcnt,wcnt fcnt := 0 lcnt := (rows - 2) * 4 wcnt := 3 ios.printnl repeat while (stradr := ios.sdnext) ifnot ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_HIDDEN) & hflag 'versteckte dateien anzeigen? if ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_DIR) 'verzeichnisname ios.setcolor(1) ios.print(string("▶ ")) ios.print(stradr) ios.setcolor(0) elseif ios.sdfattrib(ios#F_HIDDEN) ios.setcolor(3) ios.print(string(" ")) str_LowerCase(stradr) ios.print(stradr) ios.setcolor(0) else 'dateiname ios.print(string(" ")) str_LowerCase(stradr) ios.print(stradr) ifnot wcnt-- wcnt := 3 ios.printnl else ios.printtab fcnt++ ifnot --lcnt lcnt := (rows - 2) * 4 if ios.keywait == "q" return PRI str_lowercase(characters) repeat strsize(characters--) result := byte[++characters] if((result => "A") and (result =< "Z")) byte[characters] := (result + 32) PUB sd_print(stringptr) 'screen: bildschirmausgabe einer zeichenkette (0-terminiert) {{print(stringptr) - screen: bildschirmausgabe einer zeichenkette (0-terminiert)}} repeat strsize(stringptr) ios.sdputc(byte[stringptr++]) PUB sd_printdec(value) | i 'screen: dezimalen zahlenwert auf bildschirm ausgeben {{printdec(value) - screen: dezimale bildschirmausgabe zahlenwertes}} if value < 0 'negativer zahlenwert -value ios.sdputc("-") i := 1_000_000_000 repeat 10 'zahl zerlegen if value => i ios.sdputc(value / i + "0") value //= i result~~ elseif result or i == 1 ios.sdputc("0") i /= 10 'nächste stelle PUB sd_printhex(value, digits) 'screen: hexadezimalen zahlenwert auf bildschirm ausgeben {{hex(value,digits) - screen: hexadezimale bildschirmausgabe eines zahlenwertes}} value <<= (8 - digits) << 2 repeat digits ios.sdputc(lookupz((value <-= 4) & $F : "0".."9", "A".."F")) PUB sd_printchar(c):c2 'screen: einzelnes zeichen auf bildschirm ausgeben {{printchar(c) - screen: bildschirmausgabe eines zeichens}} ios.sdputc(c) c2 := c DAT prompt1 byte "▶Hive: SFX-Tool" byte $0d,"Basisschwingung Modulation Hüllkurve " byte $0d,"Wav Len Fre Vol LFO LFW FMa AMa Att Dec Sus Rel" byte $0d,"[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [0A] [0B] [0C] [M] ",$0 prompt2 byte "▶SFX-Tool - Menü" byte $0d," " byte $0d," " byte $0d,"[S]ave [L]oad [E]xport [R]and [Q]uit",$0 prompt3 byte "▶SFX-Tool - Random Freq" byte $0d," " byte $0d," " byte $0d,"[R]un [C]ount [W]ait [B]ack",$0 mod1 byte "bd1.hss ",0 mod2 byte "bd2.hss ",0 err_s1 byte "Fehlernummer : ",0 err_s2 byte "Fehler : ",0 err0 byte "no error",0 err1 byte "fsys unmounted",0 err2 byte "fsys corrupted",0 err3 byte "fsys unsupported",0 err4 byte "not found",0 err5 byte "file not found",0 err6 byte "dir not found",0 err7 byte "file read only",0 err8 byte "end of file",0 err9 byte "end of directory",0 err10 byte "end of root",0 err11 byte "dir is full",0 err12 byte "dir is not empty",0 err13 byte "checksum error",0 err14 byte "reboot error",0 err15 byte "bpb corrupt",0 err16 byte "fsi corrupt",0 err17 byte "dir already exist",0 err18 byte "file already exist",0 err19 byte "out of disk free space",0 err20 byte "disk io error",0 err21 byte "command not found",0 errx byte "undefined",0 'basisschwingung modulation hüllkurve 'Wav Len Fre Vol LFO LFW FMa AMa Att Dec Sus Rel fx_puffer byte $01, $01, $80, $0F, $00, $00, $00, $00, $FF, $00, $00, $80 byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 DAT 'lizenz {{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ TERMS OF USE: MIT License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, │ │modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software│ │is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: │ │ │ │The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│ │ │ │THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE │ │WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR │ │COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, │ │ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ }}