TriOS-alt/demo/VGA_JB_Demo - Archive [Date 2010.11.22 Time 14.53] - Hive/VGA_Rend_JB_001.spin c76e5d2d73
2010-11-26 22:58:06 +00:00

1 line
6.4 KiB

''* VGA Render Driver v1.001 *
''* (C) Jim Bagley *
long cogs[6]
PUB start(params) | i
repeat i from 0 to long[params][12]-1
repeat 1000
PUB stop(params) | i
repeat i from 0 to long[params][12]-1
if cogs[i]
org 0
mov t1,PAR
rdbyte cognum,t1
add t1,#4
rdword imageptr,t1
add t1,#4
rdword pixelbase,t1
add t1,#4
rdword screenptr,t1
add t1,#4
rdword charsptr,t1
add t1,#4
rdword sprptr,t1
add t1,#4
rdword sprchr,t1
add t1,#4
rdword sprnum,t1
add t1,#12
rdword lineptr,t1
add t1,#8
rdbyte cognums,t1
mov linenum,cognum
mov pixelptr,pixelbase
' sub pixelptr,#4 'don't need to subtract 4, as display starts 4 pixels in.
mov chrptr,linenum
and chrptr,#7
shl chrptr,#2
add chrptr,charsptr
mov scrptr,linenum
shr scrptr,#3
shl scrptr,#6+1
add scrptr,screenptr
mov t1,#64
rdword t2,scrptr
add scrptr,#2
add t2,chrptr
rdlong t3,t2
add pixelptr,#4
wrlong t3,pixelptr
djnz t1,#:xlp
mov t2,sprptr
mov t1,sprnum
tjz t1,#:wait
rdword t4,t2
add t2,#2
mov t6,linenum
rdword t3,t2
add t2,#2
add t6,#8
rdword t5,t2
add t2,#2
add t5,sprchr
and t3,#255
sub t6,t3 wc,wz
if_b jmp #:skpspr
cmp t6,#8 wc,wz
if_ae jmp #:skpspr
shl t6,#2
add t6,t5
and t4,#511
' add t4,#4
cmp t4,#256+4 wc,wz
if_ae jmp #:skpspr
rdlong t5,t6
add t4,pixelbase
mov t7,t5
and t7,#255 wz
if_nz wrbyte t5,t4
add t4,#1
shr t5,#8
mov t7,t5
and t7,#255 wz
if_nz wrbyte t5,t4
add t4,#1
shr t5,#8
mov t7,t5
and t7,#255 wz
if_nz wrbyte t5,t4
add t4,#1
shr t5,#8
mov t7,t5
and t7,#255 wz
if_nz wrbyte t5,t4
rdlong t5,lineptr
cmp t5,linenum wz
if_z jmp #:toolate
djnz t1,#:sprlp
:wait rdlong t1,lineptr
cmp t1,linenum wz
if_nz jmp #:wait
:toolate add linenum,cognums
cmp linenum,#240 wc,wz
if_b jmp #:loop
jmp #:restart
xffff long $ffff
pixelbase res 1
pixelptr res 1
cognum res 1
cognums res 1
linenum res 1
lineptr res 1
t1 res 1
t2 res 1
t3 res 1
t4 res 1
t5 res 1
t6 res 1
t7 res 1
imageptr res 1
screenptr res 1
scrptr res 1
charsptr res 1
chrptr res 1
sprptr res 1
sprnum res 1
sprchr res 1
fit 496