TriOS-alt/system/bellatrix/htext-treiber/htext-vid.spin c76e5d2d73
2010-11-26 22:58:06 +00:00

548 lines
56 KiB

''* VGA High-Res Text Driver v1.0 *
''* Author: Chip Gracey *
''* Copyright (c) 2006 Parallax, Inc. *
''* See end of file for terms of use. *
'' This object generates a 1024x768 VGA signal which contains 128 columns x 64
'' rows of 8x12 characters. Each row can have a unique forground/background
'' color combination and each character can be inversed. There are also two
'' cursors which can be independently controlled (ie. mouse and keyboard). A
'' sync indicator signals each time the screen is refreshed (you may ignore).
'' You must provide buffers for the screen, colors, cursors, and sync. Once
'' started, all interfacing is done via memory. To this object, all buffers are
'' read-only, with the exception of the sync indicator which gets written with
'' -1. You may freely write all buffers to affect screen appearance. Have fun!
' 1024 x 768 @ 57Hz settings: 128 x 64 characters
hp = 1024 'horizontal pixels
vp = 768 'vertical pixels
hf = 16 'horizontal front porch pixels
hs = 96 'horizontal sync pixels
hb = 176 'horizontal back porch pixels
vf = 1 'vertical front porch lines
vs = 3 'vertical sync lines
vb = 28 'vertical back porch lines
hn = 1 'horizontal normal sync state (0|1)
vn = 1 'vertical normal sync state (0|1)
pr = 60 'pixel rate in MHz at 80MHz system clock (5MHz granularity)
' 800 x 600 @ 75Hz settings: 100 x 50 characters
hp = 800 'horizontal pixels
vp = 600 'vertical pixels
hf = 40 'horizontal front porch pixels
hs = 128 'horizontal sync pixels
hb = 88 'horizontal back porch pixels
vf = 1 'vertical front porch lines
vs = 4 'vertical sync lines
vb = 23 'vertical back porch lines
hn = 0 'horizontal normal sync state (0|1)
vn = 0 'vertical normal sync state (0|1)
pr = 50 'pixel rate in MHz at 80MHz system clock (5MHz granularity)
' 640 x 480 @ 69Hz settings: 80 x 40 characters
hp = 640 'horizontal pixels
vp = 480 'vertical pixels
hf = 24 'horizontal front porch pixels
hs = 40 'horizontal sync pixels
hb = 128 'horizontal back porch pixels
vf = 9 'vertical front porch lines
vs = 3 'vertical sync lines
vb = 28 'vertical back porch lines
hn = 1 'horizontal normal sync state (0|1)
vn = 1 'vertical normal sync state (0|1)
pr = 30 'pixel rate in MHz at 80MHz system clock (5MHz granularity)
' columns and rows
cols = hp / 8
rows = vp / 12
VAR long cog[2]
PUB start(BasePin, ScreenPtr, ColorPtr, CursorPtr, SyncPtr) : okay | i, j
'' Start VGA driver - starts two COGs
'' returns false if two COGs not available
'' BasePin = VGA starting pin (0, 8, 16, 24, etc.)
'' ScreenPtr = Pointer to 8,192 bytes containing ASCII codes for each of the
'' 128x64 screen characters. Each byte's top bit controls color
'' inversion while the lower seven bits provide the ASCII code.
'' Screen memory is arranged left-to-right, top-to-bottom.
'' screen byte example: %1_1000001 = inverse "A"
'' ColorPtr = Pointer to 64 words which define the foreground and background
'' colors for each row. The lower byte of each word contains the
'' foreground RGB data for that row, while the upper byte
'' contains the background RGB data. The RGB data in each byte is
'' arranged as %RRGGBB00 (4 levels each).
'' color word example: %%0020_3300 = gold on blue
'' CursorPtr = Pointer to 6 bytes which control the cursors:
'' bytes 0,1,2: X, Y, and MODE of cursor 0
'' bytes 3,4,5: X, Y, and MODE of cursor 1
'' X and Y are in terms of screen characters
'' (left-to-right, top-to-bottom)
'' MODE uses three bottom bits:
'' %x00 = cursor off
'' %x01 = cursor on
'' %x10 = cursor on, blink slow
'' %x11 = cursor on, blink fast
'' %0xx = cursor is solid block
'' %1xx = cursor is underscore
'' cursor example: 127, 63, %010 = blinking block in lower-right
'' SyncPtr = Pointer to long which gets written with -1 upon each screen
'' refresh. May be used to time writes/scrolls, so that chopiness
'' can be avoided. You must clear it each time if you want to see
'' it re-trigger.
'if driver is already running, stop it
'implant pin settings
reg_vcfg := $200000FF + (BasePin & %111000) << 6
i := $FF << (BasePin & %011000)
j := BasePin & %100000 == 0
reg_dira := i & j
reg_dirb := i & !j
'implant CNT value to sync COGs to
sync_cnt := cnt + $10000
'implant pointers
longmove(@screen_base, @ScreenPtr, 3)
font_base := @font
'implant unique settings and launch first COG
vf_lines.byte := vf
vb_lines.byte := vb
font_third := 1
cog[1] := cognew(@d0, SyncPtr) + 1
'allow time for first COG to launch
waitcnt($2000 + cnt)
'differentiate settings and launch second COG
vf_lines.byte := vf+4
vb_lines.byte := vb-4
font_third := 0
cog[0] := cognew(@d0, SyncPtr) + 1
'if both COGs launched, return true
if cog[0] and cog[1]
return true
'else, stop any launched COG and return false
PUB stop | i
'' Stop VGA driver - frees two COGs
repeat i from 0 to 1
if cog[i]
cogstop(cog[i]~ - 1)
#1, scanbuff[128], scancode[128*2-1+3], maincode 'enumerate COG RAM usage
main_size = $1F0 - maincode 'size of main program
hv_inactive = (hn << 1 + vn) * $0101 'H,V inactive states
'* Assembly language VGA high-resolution text driver *
' This program runs concurrently in two different COGs.
' Each COG's program has different values implanted for front-porch lines and
' back-porch lines which surround the vertical sync pulse lines. This allows
' timed interleaving of their active display signals during the visible portion
' of the field scan. Also, they are differentiated so that one COG displays
' even four-line groups while the other COG displays odd four-line groups.
' These COGs are launched in the PUB 'start' and are programmed to synchronize
' their PLL-driven video circuits so that they can alternately prepare sets of
' four scan lines and then display them. The COG-to-COG switchover is seemless
' due to two things: exact synchronization of the two video circuits and the
' fact that all COGs' driven output states get OR'd together, allowing one COG
' to output lows during its preparatory state while the other COG effectively
' drives the pins to create the visible and sync portions of its scan lines.
' During non-visible scan lines, both COGs output together in unison.
' COG RAM usage: $000 = d0 - used to inc destination fields for indirection
' $001-$080 = scanbuff - longs which hold 4 scan lines
' $081-$182 = scancode - stacked WAITVID/SHR for fast display
' $183-$1EF = maincode - main program loop which drives display
org 'set origin to $000 for start of program
d0 long 1 << 9 'd0 always resides here at $000, executes as NOP
' Initialization code and data - after execution, space gets reused as scanbuff
'Move main program into maincode area
:move mov $1EF,main_begin+main_size-1
sub :move,d0s0 '(do reverse move to avoid overwrite)
djnz main_ctr,#:move
'Build scanbuff display routine into scancode
:waitvid mov scancode+0,i0 'org scancode
:shr mov scancode+1,i1 'waitvid color,scanbuff+0
add :waitvid,d1 'shr scanbuff+0,#8
add :shr,d1 'waitvid color,scanbuff+1
add i0,#1 'shr scanbuff+1,#8
add i1,d0 '...
djnz scan_ctr,#:waitvid 'waitvid color,scanbuff+cols-1
mov scancode+cols*2-1,i2 'mov vscl,#hf
mov scancode+cols*2+0,i3 'waitvid hvsync,#0
mov scancode+cols*2+1,i4 'jmp #scanret
'Init I/O registers and sync COGs' video circuits
mov dira,reg_dira 'set pin directions
mov dirb,reg_dirb
movi frqa,#(pr / 5) << 2 'set pixel rate
mov vcfg,reg_vcfg 'set video configuration
mov vscl,#1 'set video to reload on every pixel
waitcnt sync_cnt,colormask 'wait for start value in cnt, add ~1ms
movi ctra,#%00001_110 'COGs in sync! enable PLLs now - NCOs locked!
waitcnt sync_cnt,#0 'wait ~1ms for PLLs to stabilize - PLLs locked!
mov vscl,#100 'insure initial WAITVIDs lock cleanly
'Jump to main loop
jmp #vsync 'jump to vsync - WAITVIDs will now be locked!
d0s0 long 1 << 9 + 1
d1 long 1 << 10
main_ctr long main_size
scan_ctr long cols
i0 waitvid x,scanbuff+0
i1 shr scanbuff+0,#8
i2 mov vscl,#hf
i3 waitvid hvsync,#0
i4 jmp #scanret
reg_dira long 0 'set at runtime
reg_dirb long 0 'set at runtime
reg_vcfg long 0 'set at runtime
sync_cnt long 0 'set at runtime
fit scancode 'make sure initialization code and data fit
main_begin org maincode 'main code follows (gets moved into maincode)
' Main loop, display field - each COG alternately builds and displays four scan lines
vsync mov x,#vs 'do vertical sync lines
call #blank_vsync
vb_lines mov x,#vb 'do vertical back porch lines (# set at runtime)
call #blank_vsync
mov screen_ptr,screen_base 'reset screen pointer to upper-left character
mov color_ptr,color_base 'reset color pointer to first row
mov row,#0 'reset row counter for cursor insertion
mov fours,#rows * 3 / 2 'set number of 4-line builds for whole screen
'Build four scan lines into scanbuff
fourline mov font_ptr,font_third 'get address of appropriate font section
shl font_ptr,#7+2
add font_ptr,font_base
movd :pixa,#scanbuff-1 'reset scanbuff address (pre-decremented)
movd :pixb,#scanbuff-1
mov y,#2 'must build scanbuff in two sections because
mov vscl,vscl_line2x '..pixel counter is limited to twelve bits
:halfrow waitvid underscore,#0 'output lows to let other COG drive VGA pins
mov x,#cols/2 '..for 2 scan lines, ready for half a row
:column rdbyte z,screen_ptr 'get character from screen memory
ror z,#7 'get inverse flag into bit 0, keep chr high
shr z,#32-7-2 wc 'get inverse flag into c, chr into bits 8..2
add z,font_ptr 'add font section address to point to 8*4 pixels
add :pixa,d0 'increment scanbuff destination addresses
add :pixb,d0
add screen_ptr,#1 'increment screen memory address
:pixa rdlong scanbuff,z 'read pixel long (8*4) into scanbuff
:pixb if_nc xor scanbuff,longmask 'invert pixels according to inverse flag
djnz x,#:column 'another character in this half-row?
djnz y,#:halfrow 'loop to do 2nd half-row, time for 2nd WAITVID
sub screen_ptr,#cols 'back up to start of same row in screen memory
'Insert cursors into scanbuff
mov z,#2 'ready for two cursors
:cursor rdbyte x,cursor_base 'x in range?
add cursor_base,#1
cmp x,#cols wc
rdbyte y,cursor_base 'y match?
add cursor_base,#1
cmp y,row wz
rdbyte y,cursor_base 'get cursor mode
add cursor_base,#1
if_nc_or_nz jmp #:nocursor 'if cursor not in scanbuff, no cursor
add x,#scanbuff 'cursor in scanbuff, set scanbuff address
movd :xor,x
test y,#%010 wc 'get mode bits into flags
test y,#%001 wz
if_nc_and_z jmp #:nocursor 'if cursor disabled, no cursor
if_c_and_z test slowbit,cnt wc 'if blink mode, get blink state
if_c_and_nz test fastbit,cnt wc
test y,#%100 wz 'get box or underscore cursor piece
if_z mov x,longmask
if_nz mov x,underscore
if_nz cmp font_third,#2 wz 'if underscore, must be last font section
:xor if_nc_and_z xor scanbuff,x 'conditionally xor cursor into scanbuff
:nocursor djnz z,#:cursor 'second cursor?
sub cursor_base,#3*2 'restore cursor base
'Display four scan lines from scanbuff
rdword x,color_ptr 'get color pattern for current row
and x,colormask 'mask away hsync and vsync signal states
or x,hv 'insert inactive hsync and vsync states
mov y,#4 'ready for four scan lines
scanline mov vscl,vscl_chr 'set pixel rate for characters
jmp #scancode 'jump to scanbuff display routine in scancode
scanret mov vscl,#hs 'do horizontal sync pixels
waitvid hvsync,#1 '#1 makes hsync active
mov vscl,#hb 'do horizontal back porch pixels
waitvid hvsync,#0 '#0 makes hsync inactive
shr scanbuff+cols-1,#8 'shift last column's pixels right by 8
djnz y,#scanline 'another scan line?
'Next group of four scan lines
add font_third,#2 'if font_third + 2 => 3, subtract 3 (new row)
cmpsub font_third,#3 wc 'c=0 for same row, c=1 for new row
if_c add screen_ptr,#cols 'if new row, advance screen pointer
if_c add color_ptr,#2 'if new row, advance color pointer
if_c add row,#1 'if new row, increment row counter
djnz fours,#fourline 'another 4-line build/display?
'Visible section done, do vertical sync front porch lines
wrlong longmask,par 'write -1 to refresh indicator
vf_lines mov x,#vf 'do vertical front porch lines (# set at runtime)
call #blank
jmp #vsync 'new field, loop to vsync
'Subroutine - do blank lines
blank_vsync xor hvsync,#$101 'flip vertical sync bits
blank mov vscl,hx 'do blank pixels
waitvid hvsync,#0
mov vscl,#hf 'do horizontal front porch pixels
waitvid hvsync,#0
mov vscl,#hs 'do horizontal sync pixels
waitvid hvsync,#1
mov vscl,#hb 'do horizontal back porch pixels
waitvid hvsync,#0
djnz x,#blank 'another line?
blank_vsync_ret ret
screen_base long 0 'set at runtime (3 contiguous longs)
color_base long 0 'set at runtime
cursor_base long 0 'set at runtime
font_base long 0 'set at runtime
font_third long 0 'set at runtime
hx long hp 'visible pixels per scan line
vscl_line2x long (hp + hf + hs + hb) * 2 'total number of pixels per 2 scan lines
vscl_chr long 1 << 12 + 8 '1 clock per pixel and 8 pixels per set
colormask long $FCFC 'mask to isolate R,G,B bits from H,V
longmask long $FFFFFFFF 'all bits set
slowbit long 1 << 25 'cnt mask for slow cursor blink
fastbit long 1 << 24 'cnt mask for fast cursor blink
underscore long $FFFF0000 'underscore cursor pattern
hv long hv_inactive '-H,-V states
hvsync long hv_inactive ^ $200 '+/-H,-V states
'Uninitialized data
screen_ptr res 1
color_ptr res 1
font_ptr res 1
x res 1
y res 1
z res 1
row res 1
fours res 1
' 8 x 12 font - characters 0..127
' Each long holds four scan lines of a single character. The longs are arranged into
' groups of 128 which represent all characters (0..127). There are three groups which
' each contain a vertical third of all characters. They are ordered top, middle, and
' bottom.
' jedes zeichen besteht aus 3 x 4 zeilen zu je 8 pixeln. in den drei unteren blöcken
' ist je für eines der 128 zeichen ein long, welches 4 scanzeilen enthält. der erste
' long jedes blockes enthält also 3 x 4 zeilen des ersten zeichens.
' damit ergibt sich 1024 / 8 = 128 Zeichen
' 768 / 12 = 64 Zeilen
' erstes zeichen:
' $0C080000 oben
' $080C7E7E mitte
' $00000000 unten
' 0C 00001100
' 08 00001000
' 00 00000000
' 00 00000000
' 08 00001000
' 0C 00001100
' 7E 01111110
' 7E 01111110
' 00 00000000
' 00 00000000
' 00 00000000
' 00 00000000
font long
long $0C080000,$30100000,$7E3C1800,$18181800,$81423C00,$99423C00,$8181FF00,$E7C3FF00 'top
long $1E0E0602,$1C000000,$00000000,$00000000,$18181818,$18181818,$00000000,$18181818
long $00000000,$18181818,$18181818,$18181818,$18181818,$00FFFF00,$CC993366,$66666666
long $AA55AA55,$0F0F0F0F,$0F0F0F0F,$0F0F0F0F,$0F0F0F0F,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000
long $00000000,$3C3C1800,$77666600,$7F363600,$667C1818,$46000000,$1B1B0E00,$1C181800
long $0C183000,$180C0600,$66000000,$18000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$60400000
long $73633E00,$1E181000,$66663C00,$60663C00,$3C383000,$06067E00,$060C3800,$63637F00
long $66663C00,$66663C00,$1C000000,$00000000,$18306000,$00000000,$180C0600,$60663C00
long $63673E00,$66663C00,$66663F00,$63663C00,$66361F00,$06467F00,$06467F00,$63663C00
long $63636300,$18183C00,$30307800,$36666700,$06060F00,$7F776300,$67636300,$63361C00
long $66663F00,$63361C00,$66663F00,$66663C00,$185A7E00,$66666600,$66666600,$63636300
long $66666600,$66666600,$31637F00,$0C0C3C00,$03010000,$30303C00,$361C0800,$00000000
long $0C000000,$00000000,$06060700,$00000000,$30303800,$00000000,$0C6C3800,$00000000
long $06060700,$00181800,$00606000,$06060700,$18181E00,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000
long $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$0C080000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000
long $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$18187000,$18181800,$18180E00,$73DBCE00,$18180000
long $080C7E7E,$10307E7E,$18181818,$7E181818,$81818181,$99BDBDBD,$81818181,$E7BD99BD 'middle
long $1E3E7E3E,$1C3E3E3E,$30F0C000,$0C0F0300,$00C0F030,$00030F0C,$00FFFF00,$18181818
long $18FFFF00,$00FFFF18,$18F8F818,$181F1F18,$18FFFF18,$00FFFF00,$CC993366,$66666666
long $AA55AA55,$FFFF0F0F,$F0F00F0F,$0F0F0F0F,$00000F0F,$FFFF0000,$F0F00000,$0F0F0000
long $00000000,$0018183C,$00000033,$7F363636,$66603C06,$0C183066,$337B5B0E,$0000000C
long $0C060606,$18303030,$663CFF3C,$18187E18,$00000000,$00007E00,$00000000,$060C1830
long $676F6B7B,$18181818,$0C183060,$60603860,$307F3336,$60603E06,$66663E06,$0C183060
long $66763C6E,$60607C66,$1C00001C,$00001C1C,$180C060C,$007E007E,$18306030,$00181830
long $033B7B7B,$66667E66,$66663E66,$63030303,$66666666,$06263E26,$06263E26,$63730303
long $63637F63,$18181818,$33333030,$36361E36,$66460606,$63636B7F,$737B7F6F,$63636363
long $06063E66,$7B636363,$66363E66,$66301C06,$18181818,$66666666,$66666666,$366B6B63
long $663C183C,$18183C66,$43060C18,$0C0C0C0C,$30180C06,$30303030,$00000063,$00000000
long $0030381C,$333E301E,$6666663E,$0606663C,$3333333E,$067E663C,$0C0C3E0C,$3333336E
long $66666E36,$1818181C,$60606070,$361E3666,$18181818,$6B6B6B3F,$6666663E,$6666663C
long $6666663B,$3333336E,$066E7637,$300C663C,$0C0C0C7E,$33333333,$66666666,$6B6B6363
long $1C1C3663,$66666666,$0C30627E,$180C060C,$18181818,$18306030,$00000000,$0018187E
long $00000000,$00000000,$00001818,$0000183C,$00003C42,$00003C42,$0000FF81,$0000FFC3 'bottom
long $0002060E,$00000000,$18181818,$18181818,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$18181818
long $18181818,$00000000,$18181818,$18181818,$18181818,$00FFFF00,$CC993366,$66666666
long $AA55AA55,$FFFFFFFF,$F0F0F0F0,$0F0F0F0F,$00000000,$FFFFFFFF,$F0F0F0F0,$0F0F0F0F
long $00000000,$00001818,$00000000,$00003636,$0018183E,$00006266,$00006E3B,$00000000
long $00003018,$0000060C,$00000000,$00000000,$0C181C1C,$00000000,$00001C1C,$00000103
long $00003E63,$00007E18,$00007E66,$00003C66,$00007830,$00003C66,$00003C66,$00000C0C
long $00003C66,$00001C30,$0000001C,$0C181C1C,$00006030,$00000000,$0000060C,$00001818
long $00003E07,$00006666,$00003F66,$00003C66,$00001F36,$00007F46,$00000F06,$00007C66
long $00006363,$00003C18,$00001E33,$00006766,$00007F66,$00006363,$00006363,$00001C36
long $00000F06,$00603C36,$00006766,$00003C66,$00003C18,$00003C66,$0000183C,$00003636
long $00006666,$00003C18,$00007F63,$00003C0C,$00004060,$00003C30,$00000000,$FFFF0000
long $00000000,$00006E33,$00003B66,$00003C66,$00006E33,$00003C66,$00001E0C,$1E33303E
long $00006766,$00007E18,$3C666660,$00006766,$00007E18,$00006B6B,$00006666,$00003C66
long $0F063E66,$78303E33,$00000F06,$00003C66,$0000386C,$00006E33,$0000183C,$00003636
long $00006336,$1C30607C,$00007E46,$00007018,$00001818,$00000E18,$00000000,$0000007E
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│The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│
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