TriOS-alt/flash/bellatrix/belf-vga.spin c39ffa7d23 g0key.spin - Bug bei horizontaler Textzentrierung beseitigt
belflash.spin - Interface VGA/TV vereinheitlicht, umschaltbar beim Compilieren (siehe make.bat)
belf-tv.spin, belf-vga.spin - treiberspezifische Konstanten und Funktionen für belflash.spin
bel-bus.spin - Auslagerung der Bus-Routinen aus Bellatrix-Sicht
beltest.spin - Anpassung an belflash.spin, auch im TV-Modus nutzbar
make.bat - tv.bel wird jetzt aus belflash.spin erzeugt; Einführung einer Variablen für den Compiler-Aufruf
reg-ios.spin - hmm... habsch vergessen, was da geändert wurde :-(
2013-02-18 22:14:40 +00:00

280 lines
17 KiB

{{ VGA-Spezifika für belflash
COLS = 64
ROWS = 48
DEFAULT_Y0 = TLINES_PER_ROW ' 1 Zeile Platz lassen für HIVE-Logo
SPACETILE = $8000 + $20 << 6
VGA_BASPORT = 8 'vga startport
vga : "bel-vga"
long vid_arr ' Kopie des Pointers auf den "Bildwiederholspeicher"
long ccolor ' aktuelle Anzeigefarbe
PUB start(array)
vid_arr := array
vga.start(VGA_BASPORT, array, @vgacolors, 0, 0, 0) 'vga-treiber starten
PUB set_dscr(scr_ptr)
vga.set_scrpointer(scr_ptr) 'screenpointer für den displaytreiber neu setzen
PUB get_color(cnr)
return long[@vgacolors][cnr]
PUB set_color(cnr, colr)
long[@vgacolors][cnr] := colr
PUB set_ccolor(colr)
ccolor := colr
PUB get_ccolor
return ccolor
PUB schar(offset, c) | i
i := $8000 + (c & $FE) << 6 + (ccolor << 1 + c & 1)
word[vid_arr][offset] := i 'oberes tile setzen
word[vid_arr][offset + cols] := i | $40 'unteres tile setzen
'' array_ptr = Pointer to 3,072 long-aligned words, organized as 64 across by 48 down,
'' which will serve as the tile array. Each word specifies a tile bitmap and
'' a color palette for its tile area. The top 10 bits of each word form the
'' base address of a 16-long tile bitmap, while the lower 6 bits select a
'' color palette for the bitmap. For example, $B2E5 would specify the tile
'' bitmap spanning $B2C0..$B2FF and color palette $25.
'' color_ptr = Pointer to 64 longs which will define the 64 color palettes. The RGB data
'' in each long is arranged as %%RGBx_RGBx_RGBx_RGBx with the sub-bytes 3..0
'' providing the color data for pixel values %11..%00, respectively:
'' %%3330_0110_0020_3300: %11=white, %10=dark cyan, %01=blue, %00=gold
%% ist quaternary-darstellung; jedes digit von 0 bis 3, also 4-wertigkeit
bildaufbau: 24 zeilen zu je 64 zeichen; jedes zeichen wird durch zwei tiles gebildet
die ?bereinander liegen.
jedes tile belegt ein word: 10 bit bitmap und 6 bit color. zwei tiles ein long.
'0 %%RGBx_RGBx_RGBx_RGBx
long %%0330_0010_0330_0010
long %%0330_0330_0010_0010
long $3C043C04 'grau/blau erste - hive-version
long $3C3C0404
For the 1024x768 VGA tile driver:
2 longs are required for each text foreground/background color combo, arranged as:
where 'ff' is the foreground color and 'bb' is the background color
2 longs needed because characters are in an interleaved pair
The first long is the color for the first character in a pair, the second long is for the second character in a pair.
Demo routine "print()" only allows for 8 fore/back combinations (using longs 0 to 15)
1 long required for box colors, arranged as:
where 'tl' is top-left edge, 'br' is bottom-right edge, 'fi' is focus indicators, and 'bb' is background color
The demo "box()" procedure hardwired to add 16 to input color number to pick box color and adds 5 to input
color number to pick text color for box...
So, "box(left,top,clr,str)" uses color number 16+clr for box colors and 5+clr for text color. You probably want
the 'bb' background colors of these two to match! Note that this limits you to 4 box colors.
1 long used for graphics colors, arranged as
where 00,11,22,33 are the selectable graphics colors 0,1,2,3
Demo hardwired to use the 21st long (last one) for the graphics colors
The Propeller's "tile driver" video uses 32-bit (long) values to define a four color palette
The "color_ptr" parameter, given to the tile driver, specifies the location of the data block of up to 64 different
long palette values
Each long palette represents 4 different colors, one byte each. Each color byte uses 2 bits for each primary colors,
RGB, arranged as RGBx. The "x" represents the two least significant bits, which are ignored.
Parallax gives this example of a 32-bit long palette, represented as a 16-digit quaternary (2-bit) number:
%%3330_0110_0020_3300 or $FC1408F0
The first byte, %%3330 (binary %11111100), is the color white
The second byte, %%0110, is the color dark cyan
vgacolors long 'farbpalette
' v h v h ' v=Vordergrund, h=Hintergrund
' long $ 3C 04 3C 04 'Muster
' v v h h
' long $ 3C 3C 04 04 'Muster
'0 %%RGBx_RGBx_RGBx_RGBx
' long %%0330_0010_0330_0010
' long %%0330_0330_0010_0010
'set 1 - grau auf weiß
long $54FC54FC 'grau/weiß
long $5454FCFC
long $58FC58FC 'hellblau/weiß
long $5858FCFC
long $64FC64FC 'hellgrün/weiß
long $6464FCFC
long $94FC94FC 'hellrot/weiß
long $9494FCFC
long $00FC00FC 'schwarz/weiß
long $0000FCFC
long $0CFC0CFC 'blau/weiß
long $0C0CFCFC
long $30FC30FC 'grün/weiß
long $3030FCFC
long $C0FCC0FC 'rot/weiß
long $C0C0FCFC
long $C0408080 'redbox
long $CC440088 'magentabox
long $3C142828 'cyanbox
long $FC54A8A8 'greybox
long $3C14FF28 'cyanbox+underscore
long $F030C050 'graphics colors
long $881430FC
long $8008FCA4
'set 2 - weiß auf schwarz
long $FC00FC00 'schwarz/weiß
long $FCFC0000
long $A800A800 'schwarz/hellgrau
long $A8A80000
long $54005400 'schwarz/dunkelgrau
long $54540000
long $30043004 'grün/blau
long $30300404
long $043C043C 'Color 0 reverse
long $04043C3C
long $FC04FC04 'weiss/blau
long $FCFC0404
long $FF80FF80 'red/white
long $FFFF8080
long $88048804 'magenta/blau
long $88880404
long $C0408080 'redbox
long $CC440088 'magentabox
long $3C142828 'cyanbox
long $FC54A8A8 'greybox
long $3C14FF28 'cyanbox+underscore
long $F030C050 'graphics colors
long $881430FC
long $8008FCA4
'set 3 - hellblau auf dunkelblau
long $3C043C04 'grau/blau erste - hive-version
long $3C3C0404
long $F004F004 'yellow/blue
long $F0F00404
long $C004C004 'rot/blau
long $C0C00404
long $30043004 'grün/blau
long $30300404
long $043C043C 'Color 0 reverse
long $04043C3C
long $FC04FC04 'weiss/blau
long $FCFC0404
long $FF80FF80 'red/white
long $FFFF8080
long $88048804 'magenta/blau
long $88880404
long $C0408080 'redbox
long $CC440088 'magentabox
long $3C142828 'cyanbox
long $FC54A8A8 'greybox
long $3C14FF28 'cyanbox+underscore
long $F030C050 'graphics colors
long $881430FC
long $8008FCA4
'set 4 - chess
'0..1: text color 0:
long $F010F010 '0: Yellow on Green
long $F0F01010
'2..3: text color 1:
long $C0FCC0FC '1: red on white
long $C0C0FCFC
'4..5: text color 2:
long $00FC00FC '2: black on white
long $0000FCFC
'6..7: text color 3:
long $F010F010 '3: Yellow on Green
long $F0F01010
long $043C043C 'Color 0 reverse
long $04043C3C
long $FC04FC04 'weiss/blau
long $FCFC0404
long $FF80FF80 'red/white
long $FFFF8080
long $88048804 'magenta/blau
long $88880404
long $C0408080 'redbox
long $CC440088 'magentabox
long $3C142828 'cyanbox
long $FC54A8A8 'greybox
long $3C14FF28 'cyanbox+underscore
long $F030C050 'graphics colors
long $881430FC
long $8008FCA4
' alte definitionen
long $F010F010 'yellow on dk green
long $F0F01010
long $C000C000 'red
long $C0C00000
long $30003000 'green
long $30300000
long $0C000C00 'blue
long $0C0C0000
long $FC04FC04 'white
long $FCFC0404
long $FF88FF88 'magenta/white
long $FFFF8888
long $C0408080 'redbox
long $CC440088 'magentabox
long $3C142828 'cyanbox
long $FC54A8A8 'greybox
long $3C14FF28 'cyanbox+underscore
long $F030C050 'graphics colors
long $881430FC
long $8008FCA4