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Ethernet TCP/IP Socket Layer Driver (IPv4)
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Harrison Pham <harrison@harrisonpham.com>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The latest version of this software can be obtained from
http://hdpham.com/PropTCP and http://obex.parallax.com/
'' NOTICE: All buffer sizes must be a power of 2!
' ***************************************
' ** Versioning Information **
' ***************************************
version = 5 ' major version
release = 2 ' minor version
apiversion = 8 ' api compatibility version
' ***************************************
' ** User Definable Settings **
' ***************************************
sNumSockets = 2 ' max number of concurrent registered sockets (max of 255)
' *** End of user definable settings, don't edit anything below this line!!!
' *** All IP/MAC settings are defined by calling the start(...) method
' ***************************************
' ** Return Codes / Errors **
' ***************************************
RETBUFFEREMPTY = -1 ' no data available
RETBUFFERFULL = -1 ' buffer full
ERRGENERIC = -1 ' generic errors
ERR = -100 ' error codes start at -100
ERRBADHANDLE = ERR - 1 ' bad socket handle
ERROUTOFSOCKETS = ERR - 2 ' no free sockets available
ERRSOCKETCLOSED = ERR - 3 ' socket closed, could not perform operation
nic : "driver_enc28j60"
'ser : "SerialMirror"
'stk : "Stack Length"
' ***************************************
' ** Socket Constants and Offsets **
' ***************************************
' Socket states (user should never touch these)
SCLOSED = 0 ' closed, handle not used
SLISTEN = 1 ' listening, in server mode
SSYNSENT = 2 ' SYN sent, server mode, waits for ACK
SSYNSENTCL = 3 ' SYN sent, client mode, waits for SYN+ACK
SESTABLISHED = 4 ' established connection (either SYN+ACK, or ACK+Data)
SCLOSING = 5 ' connection is being forced closed by code
SCLOSING2 = 6 ' closing, we are waiting for a fin now
SFORCECLOSE = 7 ' force connection close (just RSTs, no waiting for FIN or anything)
SCONNECTINGARP1 = 8 ' connecting, next step: send arp request
SCONNECTINGARP2 = 9 ' connecting, next step: arp request sent, waiting for response
SCONNECTINGARP2G = 10 ' connecting, next step: arp request sent, waiting for response [GATEWAY REQUEST]
SCONNECTING = 11 ' connecting, next step: got mac address, send SYN
' ***************************************
' ** TCP State Management Constants **
' ***************************************
TIMEOUTMS = 500 ' (milliseconds) timeout before a retransmit occurs
RSTTIMEOUTMS = 2000 ' (milliseconds) timeout before a RST is sent to close the connection
WINDOWUPDATEMS = 25 ' (milliseconds) window advertisement frequency
MAXUNACKS = 6 ' max number of unacknowledged retransmits before the stack auto closes the socket
' timeout = TIMEOUTMS * MAXUNACKS (default: 500ms * 5 = 3000ms)
EPHPORTSTART = 49152 ' ephemeral port start
EPHPORTEND = 65535 ' end
MAXPAYLOAD = 1200 ' maximum TCP payload (data) in bytes, this only applies when your txbuffer_length > payload size
' ***************************************
' ** Global Variables **
' ***************************************
cog long 0 ' cog index (for stopping / starting)
stack long 0[128] ' stack for new cog (currently ~74 longs, using 128 for expansion)
mac_ptr long 0 ' mac address pointer
pkt_id long 0 ' packet fragmentation id
pkt_isn long 0 ' packet initial sequence number
ip_ephport word 0 ' packet ephemeral port number (49152 to 65535)
pkt_count byte 0 ' packet count
lock_id byte 0 ' socket handle lock
packet byte 0[nic#MAXFRAME] ' the ethernet frame
' ***************************************
' ** IP Address Defaults **
' ***************************************
' NOTE: All of the MAC/IP variables here contain default values that will
' be used if override values are not provided as parameters in start().
long ' long alignment for addresses
ip_addr byte 10, 10, 1, 4 ' device's ip address
ip_subnet byte 255, 255, 255, 0 ' network subnet
ip_gateway byte 10, 10, 1, 254 ' network gateway (router)
ip_dns byte 10, 10, 1, 254 ' network dns
' ***************************************
' ** Socket Data Arrays **
' ***************************************
lMySeqNum long 0[sNumSockets]
lMyAckNum long 0[sNumSockets]
lSrcIp long 0[sNumSockets]
lTime long 0[sNumSockets]
wSrcPort word 0[sNumSockets]
wDstPort word 0[sNumSockets]
wLastWin word 0[sNumSockets]
wLastTxLen word 0[sNumSockets]
wNotAcked word 0[sNumSockets]
bSrcMac byte 0[sNumSockets * 6]
bConState byte 0[sNumSockets]
' ***************************************
' ** Circular Buffer Arrays **
' ***************************************
rx_head word 0[sNumSockets] ' rx head array
rx_tail word 0[sNumSockets] ' rx tail array
tx_head word 0[sNumSockets] ' tx head array
tx_tail word 0[sNumSockets] ' tx tail array
tx_tailnew word 0[sNumSockets] ' the new tx_tail value (unacked data)
rxbuffer_length word 0[sNumSockets] ' each socket's buffer sizes
txbuffer_length word 0[sNumSockets]
rxbuffer_mask word 0[sNumSockets] ' each socket's buffer masks for capping buffer sizes
txbuffer_mask word 0[sNumSockets]
tx_bufferptr long 0[sNumSockets] ' pointer addresses to each socket's buffer spaces
rx_bufferptr long 0[sNumSockets]
PUB start(cs, sck, si, so, xtalout, macptr, ipconfigptr)
'' Start the TCP/IP Stack (requires 2 cogs)
'' Only call this once, otherwise you will get conflicts
'' macptr = HUB memory pointer (address) to 6 contiguous mac address bytes
'' ipconfigptr = HUB memory pointer (address) to ip configuration block (16 bytes)
'' Must be in order: ip_addr, ip_subnet, ip_gateway, ip_dns
'stk.Init(@stack, 128)
' zero socket data arrays (clean up any dead stuff from previous instance)
bytefill(@SocketArrayStart, 0, @SocketArrayEnd - @SocketArrayStart)
' reset buffer pointers, zeros a contigous set of bytes, starting at rx_head
bytefill(@FifoDataStart, 0, @FifoDataEnd - @FifoDataStart)
' start new cog with tcp stack
cog := cognew(engine(cs, sck, si, so, xtalout, macptr, ipconfigptr), @stack) + 1
PUB stop
'' Stop the driver
if cog
cogstop(cog~ - 1) ' stop the tcp engine
nic.stop ' stop nic driver (kills spi engine)
lockclr(lock_id) ' clear lock before returning it to the pool
lockret(lock_id) ' return the lock to the lock pool
PRI engine(cs, sck, si, so, xtalout, macptr, ipconfigptr) | i
lock_id := locknew ' checkout a lock from the HUB
lockclr(lock_id) ' clear the lock, just in case it was in a bad state
' Start the ENC28J60 driver in a new cog
nic.start(cs, sck, si, so, xtalout, macptr) ' init the nic
if ipconfigptr > -1 ' init ip configuration
bytemove(@ip_addr, ipconfigptr, 16)
mac_ptr := nic.get_mac_pointer ' get the local mac address pointer
ip_ephport := EPHPORTSTART ' set initial ephemeral port number (might want to random seed this later)
i := 0
nic.banksel(nic#EPKTCNT) ' select packet count bank
pkt_count := nic.rd_cntlreg(nic#EPKTCNT)
if pkt_count > 0
service_packet ' handle packet
nic.banksel(nic#EPKTCNT) ' re-select the packet count bank
if i > 10 ' perform send tick
repeat while lockset(lock_id)
tick_tcpsend ' occurs every 10 cycles, since incoming packets more important
i := 0
nic.banksel(nic#EPKTCNT) ' re-select the packet count bank
PRI service_packet
' lets process this frame
' check for arp packet type (highest priority obviously)
if packet[enetpacketType0] == $08 AND packet[enetpacketType1] == $06
if packet[constant(arp_hwtype + 1)] == $01 AND packet[arp_prtype] == $08 AND packet[constant(arp_prtype + 1)] == $00 AND packet[arp_hwlen] == $06 AND packet[arp_prlen] == $04
if packet[arp_tipaddr] == ip_addr[0] AND packet[constant(arp_tipaddr + 1)] == ip_addr[1] AND packet[constant(arp_tipaddr + 2)] == ip_addr[2] AND packet[constant(arp_tipaddr + 3)] == ip_addr[3]
case packet[constant(arp_op + 1)]
$01 : handle_arp
$02 : repeat while lockset(lock_id)
if packet[enetpacketType0] == $08 AND packet[enetpacketType1] == $00
if packet[ip_destaddr] == ip_addr[0] AND packet[constant(ip_destaddr + 1)] == ip_addr[1] AND packet[constant(ip_destaddr + 2)] == ip_addr[2] AND packet[constant(ip_destaddr + 3)] == ip_addr[3]
case packet[ip_proto]
'PROT_ICMP : 'handle_ping
'ser.str(stk.GetLength(0, 0))
'stk.GetLength(30, 19200)
PROT_TCP : repeat while lockset(lock_id)
\handle_tcp ' handles abort out of tcp handlers (no socket found)
'PROT_UDP : ++count_udp
' *******************************
' ** Protocol Receive Handlers **
' *******************************
PRI handle_arp | i
' destination mac address
repeat i from 0 to 5
nic.wr_frame(packet[enetpacketSrc0 + i])
' source mac address
repeat i from 0 to 5
nic.wr_frame($08) ' arp packet
nic.wr_frame($00) ' 10mb ethernet
nic.wr_frame($08) ' ip proto
nic.wr_frame($06) ' mac addr len
nic.wr_frame($04) ' proto addr len
nic.wr_frame($00) ' arp reply
' write ethernet module mac address
repeat i from 0 to 5
' write ethernet module ip address
repeat i from 0 to 3
' write remote mac address
repeat i from 0 to 5
nic.wr_frame(packet[enetpacketSrc0 + i])
' write remote ip address
repeat i from 0 to 3
nic.wr_frame(packet[arp_sipaddr + i])
return nic.send_frame
PRI handle_arpreply | handle, ip, found
' Gets arp reply if it is a response to an ip we have
ip := (packet[constant(arp_sipaddr + 3)] << 24) + (packet[constant(arp_sipaddr + 2)] << 16) + (packet[constant(arp_sipaddr + 1)] << 8) + (packet[arp_sipaddr])
found := false
if ip == LONG[@ip_gateway]
' find a handle that wants gateway mac
repeat handle from 0 to constant(sNumSockets - 1)
if bConState[handle] == SCONNECTINGARP2G
found := true
' find the one that wants this arp
repeat handle from 0 to constant(sNumSockets - 1)
if bConState[handle] == SCONNECTINGARP2
if lSrcIp[handle] == ip
found := true
if found
bytemove(@bSrcMac[handle * 6], @packet + arp_shaddr, 6)
bConState[handle] := SCONNECTING
'PRI handle_ping
' Not implemented yet (save on space!)
PRI handle_tcp | i, ptr, handle, srcip, dstport, srcport, datain_len
' Handles incoming TCP packets
srcip := packet[ip_srcaddr] << 24 + packet[constant(ip_srcaddr + 1)] << 16 + packet[constant(ip_srcaddr + 2)] << 8 + packet[constant(ip_srcaddr + 3)]
dstport := packet[TCP_destport] << 8 + packet[constant(TCP_destport + 1)]
srcport := packet[TCP_srcport] << 8 + packet[constant(TCP_srcport + 1)]
handle := find_socket(srcip, dstport, srcport) ' if no sockets avail, it will abort out of this function
' at this point we assume we have an active socket, or a socket available to be used
datain_len := ((packet[ip_pktlen] << 8) + packet[constant(ip_pktlen + 1)]) - ((packet[ip_vers_len] & $0F) * 4) - (((packet[TCP_hdrlen] & $F0) >> 4) * 4)
if (bConState[handle] == SSYNSENT OR bConState[handle] == SESTABLISHED) AND (packet[TCP_hdrflags] & TCP_ACK) AND datain_len > 0
' ACK, without SYN, with data
' set socket state, established session
bConState[handle] := SESTABLISHED
i := packet[constant(TCP_seqnum + 3)] << 24 + packet[constant(TCP_seqnum + 2)] << 16 + packet[constant(TCP_seqnum + 1)] << 8 + packet[TCP_seqnum]
if lMyAckNum[handle] == i
if datain_len =< (rxbuffer_mask[handle] - ((rx_head[handle] - rx_tail[handle]) & rxbuffer_mask[handle]))
' we have buffer space
ptr := rx_bufferptr[handle]
if (datain_len + rx_head[handle]) > rxbuffer_length[handle]
bytemove(ptr + rx_head[handle], @packet[TCP_data], rxbuffer_length[handle] - rx_head[handle])
bytemove(ptr, @packet[TCP_data] + (rxbuffer_length[handle] - rx_head[handle]), datain_len - (rxbuffer_length[handle] - rx_head[handle]))
bytemove(ptr + rx_head[handle], @packet[TCP_data], datain_len)
rx_head[handle] := (rx_head[handle] + datain_len) & rxbuffer_mask[handle]
datain_len := 0
' we had a bad ack number, meaning lost or out of order packet
' we have to wait for the remote host to retransmit in order
datain_len := 0
' recalculate ack number
lMyAckNum[handle] := conv_endianlong(conv_endianlong(lMyAckNum[handle]) + datain_len)
' ACK response
build_tcpskeleton(handle, TCP_ACK)
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0)
elseif (bConState[handle] == SSYNSENTCL) AND (packet[TCP_hdrflags] & TCP_SYN) AND (packet[TCP_hdrflags] & TCP_ACK)
' We got a server response, so we ACK it
bytemove(@lMySeqNum[handle], @packet + TCP_acknum, 4)
bytemove(@lMyAckNum[handle], @packet + TCP_seqnum, 4)
lMyAckNum[handle] := conv_endianlong(conv_endianlong(lMyAckNum[handle]) + 1)
' ACK response
build_tcpskeleton(handle, TCP_ACK)
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0)
' set socket state, established session
bConState[handle] := SESTABLISHED
elseif (bConState[handle] == SLISTEN) AND (packet[TCP_hdrflags] & TCP_SYN)
' Reply to SYN with SYN + ACK
' copy mac address so we don't have to keep an ARP table
bytemove(@bSrcMac[handle * 6], @packet + enetpacketSrc0, 6)
' copy ip, port data
bytemove(@lSrcIp[handle], @packet + ip_srcaddr, 4)
bytemove(@wSrcPort[handle], @packet + TCP_srcport, 2)
bytemove(@wDstPort[handle], @packet + TCP_destport, 2)
' get updated ack numbers
bytemove(@lMyAckNum[handle], @packet + TCP_seqnum, 4)
lMyAckNum[handle] := conv_endianlong(conv_endianlong(lMyAckNum[handle]) + 1)
lMySeqNum[handle] := conv_endianlong(++pkt_isn) ' Initial seq num (random)
build_tcpskeleton(handle, constant(TCP_SYN | TCP_ACK))
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0)
' incremement the sequence number for the next packet (it will be for an established connection)
lMySeqNum[handle] := conv_endianlong(conv_endianlong(lMySeqNum[handle]) + 1)
' set socket state, waiting for establish
bConState[handle] := SSYNSENT
elseif (bConState[handle] == SESTABLISHED OR bConState[handle] == SCLOSING2) AND (packet[TCP_hdrflags] & TCP_FIN)
' Reply to FIN with RST
' get updated sequence and ack numbers (gaurantee we have correct ones to kill connection with)
bytemove(@lMySeqNum[handle], @packet + TCP_acknum, 4)
bytemove(@lMyAckNum[handle], @packet + TCP_seqnum, 4)
'LONG[handle_addr + sMyAckNum] := conv_endianlong(conv_endianlong(LONG[handle_addr + sMyAckNum]) + 1)
build_tcpskeleton(handle, TCP_RST)
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0)
' set socket state, now free
bConState[handle] := SCLOSED
elseif (bConState[handle] == SSYNSENT) AND (packet[TCP_hdrflags] & TCP_ACK)
' if just an ack, and we sent a syn before, then it's established
' this just gives us the ability to send on connect
bConState[handle] := SESTABLISHED
elseif (packet[TCP_hdrflags] & TCP_RST)
' Reset, reset states
bConState[handle] := SCLOSED
if (bConState[handle] == SESTABLISHED OR bConState[handle] == SCLOSING) AND (packet[TCP_hdrflags] & TCP_ACK)
wNotAcked[handle] := 0 ' reset retransmit counter
' check to see if our last sent data has been ack'd
i := packet[TCP_acknum] << 24 + packet[constant(TCP_acknum + 1)] << 16 + packet[constant(TCP_acknum + 2)] << 8 + packet[constant(TCP_acknum + 3)]
if i == (conv_endianlong(lMySeqNum[handle]) + wLastTxLen[handle])
' we received an ack for our last sent packet, so we update our sequence number and buffer pointers
lMySeqNum[handle] := conv_endianlong(conv_endianlong(lMySeqNum[handle]) + wLastTxLen[handle])
tx_tail[handle] := tx_tailnew[handle]
wLastTxLen[handle] := 0
tcpsend(handle) ' send data
PRI build_ipheaderskeleton(handle) | hdrlen, hdr_chksum
bytemove(@packet + ip_destaddr, @lSrcIp[handle], 4) ' Set destination address
bytemove(@packet + ip_srcaddr, @ip_addr, 4) ' Set source address
bytemove(@packet + enetpacketDest0, @bSrcMac[handle * 6], 6) ' Set destination mac address
bytemove(@packet + enetpacketSrc0, mac_ptr, 6) ' Set source mac address
packet[enetpacketType0] := $08
packet[constant(enetpacketType0 + 1)] := $00
packet[ip_vers_len] := $45
packet[ip_tos] := $00
packet[ip_id] := pkt_id >> 8 ' Used for fragmentation
packet[constant(ip_id + 1)] := pkt_id
packet[ip_frag_offset] := $40 ' Don't fragment
packet[constant(ip_frag_offset + 1)] := 0
packet[ip_ttl] := $80 ' TTL = 128
packet[ip_proto] := $06 ' TCP protocol
PRI build_tcpskeleton(handle, flags) | size
bytemove(@packet + TCP_srcport, @wDstPort[handle], 2) ' Source port
bytemove(@packet + TCP_destport, @wSrcPort[handle], 2) ' Destination port
bytemove(@packet + TCP_seqnum, @lMySeqNum[handle], 4) ' Seq Num
bytemove(@packet + TCP_acknum, @lMyAckNum[handle], 4) ' Ack Num
packet[TCP_hdrlen] := $50 ' Header length
packet[TCP_hdrflags] := flags ' TCP state flags
' we have to recalculate the window size often otherwise our stack
' might explode from too much data :(
size := (rxbuffer_mask[handle] - ((rx_head[handle] - rx_tail[handle]) & rxbuffer_mask[handle]))
wLastWin[handle] := size
packet[TCP_window] := (size & $FF00) >> 8
packet[constant(TCP_window + 1)] := size & $FF
PRI send_tcpfinal(handle, datalen) | i, tcplen, hdrlen, hdr_chksum
tcplen := 40 + datalen ' real length = data + headers
packet[ip_pktlen] := tcplen >> 8
packet[constant(ip_pktlen + 1)] := tcplen
' calc ip header checksum
packet[ip_hdr_cksum] := $00
packet[constant(ip_hdr_cksum + 1)] := $00
hdrlen := (packet[ip_vers_len] & $0F) * 4
hdr_chksum := calc_chksum(@packet[ip_vers_len], hdrlen)
packet[ip_hdr_cksum] := hdr_chksum >> 8
packet[constant(ip_hdr_cksum + 1)] := hdr_chksum
' calc checksum
packet[TCP_cksum] := $00
packet[constant(TCP_cksum + 1)] := $00
hdr_chksum := nic.chksum_add(@packet[ip_srcaddr], 8)
hdr_chksum += packet[ip_proto]
i := tcplen - ((packet[ip_vers_len] & $0F) * 4)
hdr_chksum += i
hdr_chksum += nic.chksum_add(@packet[TCP_srcport], i)
hdr_chksum := calc_chksumfinal(hdr_chksum)
packet[TCP_cksum] := hdr_chksum >> 8
packet[constant(TCP_cksum + 1)] := hdr_chksum
tcplen += 14
if tcplen < 60
tcplen := 60
' protect from buffer overrun
if tcplen => nic#TX_BUFFER_SIZE
' send the packet
nic.wr_block(@packet, tcplen)
lTime[handle] := cnt ' update last sent time (for timeout detection)
PRI find_socket(srcip, dstport, srcport) | handle, free_handle, listen_handle
' Search for socket, matches ip address, port states
' Returns handle address (start memory location of socket)
' If no matches, will abort with -1
' If supplied with srcip = 0 then will return free unused handle, aborts with -1 if none avail
free_handle := -1
listen_handle := -1
repeat handle from 0 to constant(sNumSockets - 1)
if bConState[handle] <> SCLOSED
if (lSrcIp[handle] == 0) OR (lSrcIp[handle] == conv_endianlong(srcip))
' ip match, ip socket srcip = 0, then will try to match dst port (find listening socket)
if (wDstPort[handle] == conv_endianword(dstport)) {AND (WORD[handle_addr + sSrcPort] == 0 OR WORD[handle_addr + sSrcPort] == conv_endianword(srcport))}
if wSrcPort[handle] == conv_endianword(srcport)
' found exact socket match (established socket)
return handle
elseif wSrcPort[handle] == 0
' found a partial match (listening socket with no peer)
listen_handle := handle
elseif srcip == 0
' found a closed (unallocated) socket, save this as a free handle if we are searching for a free handle
free_handle := handle ' we found a free handle, may need this later
if srcip <> 0
' return the listening handle we found
if listen_handle <> -1
return listen_handle
' searched for a free handle
if free_handle <> -1
return free_handle
' could not find a matching socket / free socket...
abort -1
' ******************************
' ** Transmit Buffer Handlers **
' ******************************
PRI tcpsend(handle) | ptr, len
' Check buffers for data to send (called in main loop)
if tx_tail[handle] == tx_head[handle]
' no data in buffer, so just quit
' we have data to send, so send it
ptr := tx_bufferptr[handle]
len := ((tx_head[handle] - tx_tail[handle]) & txbuffer_mask[handle]) <# MAXPAYLOAD
if (len + tx_tail[handle]) > txbuffer_length[handle]
bytemove(@packet[TCP_data], ptr + tx_tail[handle], txbuffer_length[handle] - tx_tail[handle])
bytemove(@packet[TCP_data] + (txbuffer_length[handle] - tx_tail[handle]), ptr, len - (txbuffer_length[handle] - tx_tail[handle]))
bytemove(@packet[TCP_data], ptr + tx_tail[handle], len)
tx_tailnew[handle] := (tx_tail[handle] + len) & txbuffer_mask[handle]
wLastTxLen[handle] := len
build_tcpskeleton(handle, TCP_ACK {constant(TCP_ACK | TCP_PSH)})
send_tcpfinal(handle, len) ' send actual data
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0) ' send an empty packet to force the other side to ACK (hack to get around delayed acks)
wNotAcked[handle]++ ' increment unacked packet counter
PRI tick_tcpsend | handle, state, len
repeat handle from 0 to constant(sNumSockets - 1)
state := bConState[handle]
if state == SESTABLISHED OR state == SCLOSING
len := (rxbuffer_mask[handle] - ((rx_head[handle] - rx_tail[handle]) & rxbuffer_mask[handle]))
if wLastWin[handle] <> len AND len => (rxbuffer_length[handle] / 2) AND ((cnt - lTime[handle]) / (clkfreq / 1000) > WINDOWUPDATEMS)
' update window size
build_tcpskeleton(handle, TCP_ACK)
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0)
if ((cnt - lTime[handle]) / (clkfreq / 1000) > TIMEOUTMS) OR wLastTxLen[handle] == 0
' send new data OR retransmit our last packet since the other side seems to have lost it
' the remote host will respond with another dup ack, and we will get back on track (hopefully)
if (state == SCLOSING)
build_tcpskeleton(handle, constant(TCP_ACK | TCP_FIN))
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0)
' we now wait for the other side to terminate
bConState[handle] := SCLOSING2
elseif state == SCONNECTINGARP1
' We need to send an arp request
elseif state == SCONNECTING
' Yea! We got an arp response previously, so now we can send the SYN
lMySeqNum[handle] := conv_endianlong(++pkt_isn)
lMyAckNum[handle] := 0
build_tcpskeleton(handle, TCP_SYN)
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0)
bConState[handle] := SSYNSENTCL
elseif (state == SFORCECLOSE) OR (state == SESTABLISHED AND wNotAcked[handle] => MAXUNACKS) OR (lookdown(state: SCLOSING2, SSYNSENT, SSYNSENTCL, SCONNECTINGARP2, SCONNECTINGARP2G) {(state == SCLOSING2 OR state == SSYNSENT)} AND ((cnt - lTime[handle]) / (clkfreq / 1000) > RSTTIMEOUTMS))
' Force close (send RST, and say the socket is closed!)
' This is triggered when any of the following happens:
' 1 - we don't get a response to our SSYNSENT state
' 2 - we exceeded MAXUNACKS tcp retransmits (remote host lost)
' 3 - we get stuck in the SSCLOSING2 state
' 4 - we don't get a response to our client SYNSENTCL state
' 5 - we don't get an ARP response state SCONNECTINGARP2 or SCONNECTINGARP2G
build_tcpskeleton(handle, TCP_RST)
send_tcpfinal(handle, 0)
bConState[handle] := SCLOSED
PRI arp_request_checkgateway(handle) | ip_ptr
ip_ptr := @lSrcIp[handle]
if (BYTE[ip_ptr] & ip_subnet[0]) == (ip_addr[0] & ip_subnet[0]) AND (BYTE[ip_ptr + 1] & ip_subnet[1]) == (ip_addr[1] & ip_subnet[1]) AND (BYTE[ip_ptr + 2] & ip_subnet[2]) == (ip_addr[2] & ip_subnet[2]) AND (BYTE[ip_ptr + 3] & ip_subnet[3]) == (ip_addr[3] & ip_subnet[3])
bConState[handle] := SCONNECTINGARP2
bConState[handle] := SCONNECTINGARP2G
lTime[handle] := cnt
PRI arp_request(ip) | i
' destination mac address (broadcast mac)
repeat i from 0 to 5
' source mac address (this device)
repeat i from 0 to 5
nic.wr_frame($08) ' arp packet
nic.wr_frame($00) ' 10mb ethernet
nic.wr_frame($08) ' ip proto
nic.wr_frame($06) ' mac addr len
nic.wr_frame($04) ' proto addr len
nic.wr_frame($00) ' arp request
' source mac address (this device)
repeat i from 0 to 5
' source ip address (this device)
repeat i from 0 to 3
' unknown mac address area
repeat i from 0 to 5
' figure out if we need router arp request or host arp request
' this means some subnet masking
' dest ip address
repeat i from 3 to 0
' send the request
return nic.send_frame
' *******************************
' ** IP Packet Helpers (Calcs) **
' *******************************
PRI calc_chksum(ptr, hdrlen) : chksum
' Calculates IP checksums
' packet = pointer to IP packet
' returns: chksum
' http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2072/bit33.txt
'chksum := calc_chksumhalf(packet, hdrlen)
chksum := nic.chksum_add(ptr, hdrlen)
chksum := calc_chksumfinal(chksum)
PRI calc_chksumfinal(chksumin) : chksum
' Performs the final part of checksums
chksum := (chksumin >> 16) + (chksumin & $FFFF)
chksum := (!chksum) & $FFFF
{PRI calc_chksumhalf(packet, hdrlen) : chksum
' Calculates checksum without doing the final stage of calculations
chksum := 0
repeat while hdrlen > 1
chksum += (BYTE[packet++] << 8) + BYTE[packet++]
chksum := (chksum >> 16) + (chksum & $FFFF)
hdrlen -= 2
if hdrlen > 0
chksum += BYTE[packet] << 8}
' ***************************
' ** Memory Access Helpers **
' ***************************
PRI conv_endianlong(in)
'return (in << 24) + ((in & $FF00) << 8) + ((in & $FF0000) >> 8) + (in >> 24) ' we can sometimes get away with shifting without masking, since shifts kill extra bits anyways
return (in.byte[0] << 24) + (in.byte[1] << 16) + (in.byte[2] << 8) + (in.byte[3])
PRI conv_endianword(in)
'return ((in & $FF) << 8) + ((in & $FF00) >> 8)
return (in.byte[0] << 8) + (in.byte[1])
PRI _handleConvert(userHandle, ptrHandle) | handle
' Checks to see if a handle index is valid
' Aborts if the handle is invalid
handle := userHandle.byte[0] ' extract the handle index from the lower 8 bits
if handle < 0 OR handle > constant(sNumSockets - 1) ' check the handle index to make sure we don't go out of bounds
' check handle to make sure it's the one we want (rid ourselves of bad user handles)
' the current check method is as follows:
' - compare sDstPort
if wDstPort[handle] <> ((userHandle.byte[2] << 8) + userHandle.byte[1])
' if we got here without aborting then we can assume the handle is good
LONG[ptrHandle] := handle
' ************************************
' ** Public Accessors (Thread Safe) **
' ************************************
PUB listen(port, _ptrrxbuff, _rxlen, _ptrtxbuff, _txlen) | handle
'' Sets up a socket for listening on a port
'' port = port number to listen on
'' ptrrxbuff = pointer to the rxbuffer array
'' rxlen = length of the rxbuffer array (must be power of 2)
'' ptrtxbuff = pointer to the txbuffer array
'' txlen = length of the txbuffer array (must be power of 2)
'' Returns handle if available, ERROUTOFSOCKETS if none available
'' Nonblocking
repeat while lockset(lock_id)
' just find any avail closed socket
handle := \find_socket(0, 0, 0)
if handle < 0
rx_bufferptr[handle] := _ptrrxbuff
tx_bufferptr[handle] := _ptrtxbuff
rxbuffer_length[handle] := _rxlen
txbuffer_length[handle] := _txlen
rxbuffer_mask[handle] := _rxlen - 1
txbuffer_mask[handle] := _txlen - 1
lMySeqNum[handle] := 0
lMyAckNum[handle] := 0
lSrcIp[handle] := 0
lTime[handle] := 0
wLastTxLen[handle] := 0
wNotAcked[handle] := 0
bytefill(@bSrcMac[handle * 6], 0, 6)
wSrcPort[handle] := 0 ' no source port yet
wDstPort[handle] := conv_endianword(port) ' we do have a dest port though
wLastWin[handle] := rxbuffer_length[handle]
tx_head[handle] := 0
tx_tail[handle] := 0
tx_tailnew[handle] := 0
rx_head[handle] := 0
rx_tail[handle] := 0
' it's now listening
bConState[handle] := SLISTEN
return ((port.byte[0] << 16) + (port.byte[1] << 8)) + handle
PUB connect(ipaddr, remoteport, _ptrrxbuff, _rxlen, _ptrtxbuff, _txlen) | handle, user_handle
'' Connect to remote host
'' ipaddr = ipv4 address packed into a long (ie: => $01_02_03_04)
'' remoteport = port number to connect to
'' ptrrxbuff = pointer to the rxbuffer array
'' rxlen = length of the rxbuffer array (must be power of 2)
'' ptrtxbuff = pointer to the txbuffer array
'' txlen = length of the txbuffer array (must be power of 2)
'' Returns handle to new socket, ERROUTOFSOCKETS if no socket available
'' Nonblocking
repeat while lockset(lock_id)
' just find any avail closed socket
handle := \find_socket(0, 0, 0)
if handle < 0
rx_bufferptr[handle] := _ptrrxbuff
tx_bufferptr[handle] := _ptrtxbuff
rxbuffer_length[handle] := _rxlen
txbuffer_length[handle] := _txlen
rxbuffer_mask[handle] := _rxlen - 1
txbuffer_mask[handle] := _txlen - 1
lMySeqNum[handle] := 0
lMyAckNum[handle] := 0
lTime[handle] := 0
wLastTxLen[handle] := 0
wNotAcked[handle] := 0
bytefill(@bSrcMac[handle * 6], 0, 6)
if(ip_ephport => EPHPORTEND) ' constrain ephport to specified range
ip_ephport := EPHPORTSTART
user_handle := ((ip_ephport.byte[0] << 16) + (ip_ephport.byte[1] << 8)) + handle
' copy in ip, port data (with respect to the remote host, since we use same code as server)
lSrcIp[handle] := conv_endianlong(ipaddr)
wSrcPort[handle] := conv_endianword(remoteport)
wDstPort[handle] := conv_endianword(ip_ephport++)
wLastWin[handle] := rxbuffer_length[handle]
tx_head[handle] := 0
tx_tail[handle] := 0
tx_tailnew[handle] := 0
rx_head[handle] := 0
rx_tail[handle] := 0
bConState[handle] := SCONNECTINGARP1
return user_handle
PUB close(user_handle) | handle, state
'' Closes a connection
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
repeat while lockset(lock_id)
state := bConState[handle]
if state == SESTABLISHED
' try to gracefully close the connection
bConState[handle] := SCLOSING
elseif state <> SCLOSING AND state <> SCLOSING2
' we only do an ungraceful close if we are not in ESTABLISHED, CLOSING, or CLOSING2
bConState[handle] := SCLOSED
' wait for the socket to close, this is very important to prevent the client app from reusing the buffers
repeat until (bConState[handle] == SCLOSING2) or (bConState[handle] == SCLOSED)
PUB isConnected(user_handle) | handle
'' Returns true if the socket is connected, false otherwise
if \_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle) <> 0
return false
return (bConState[handle] == SESTABLISHED)
PUB isValidHandle(user_handle) | handle
'' Checks to see if the handle is valid, handles will become invalid once they are used
'' In other words, a closed listening socket is now invalid, etc
{if handle < 0 OR handle > constant(sNumSockets - 1)
' obviously the handle index is out of range, so it's not valid!
return false}
if \_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle) < 0
return false
return (bConState[handle] <> SCLOSED)
PUB readDataNonBlocking(user_handle, ptr, maxlen) | handle, len, rxptr
'' Reads bytes from the socket
'' Returns number of read bytes
'' Not blocking (returns RETBUFFEREMPTY if no data)
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
if rx_tail[handle] == rx_head[handle]
len := (rx_head[handle] - rx_tail[handle]) & rxbuffer_mask[handle]
if maxlen < len
len := maxlen
rxptr := rx_bufferptr[handle]
if (len + rx_tail[handle]) > rxbuffer_length[handle]
bytemove(ptr, rxptr + rx_tail[handle], rxbuffer_length[handle] - rx_tail[handle])
bytemove(ptr + (rxbuffer_length[handle] - rx_tail[handle]), rxptr, len - (rxbuffer_length[handle] - rx_tail[handle]))
bytemove(ptr, rxptr + rx_tail[handle], len)
rx_tail[handle] := (rx_tail[handle] + len) & rxbuffer_mask[handle]
return len
PUB readData(user_handle, ptr, maxlen) : len | handle
'' Reads bytes from the socket
'' Returns the number of read bytes
'' Will block until data is received
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
repeat while (len := readDataNonBlocking(user_handle, ptr, maxlen)) < 0
ifnot isConnected(user_handle)
PUB readByteNonBlocking(user_handle) : rxbyte | handle, ptr
'' Read a byte from the specified socket
'' Will not block (returns RETBUFFEREMPTY if no byte avail)
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
if rx_tail[handle] <> rx_head[handle]
ptr := rx_bufferptr[handle]
rxbyte := BYTE[ptr][rx_tail[handle]]
rx_tail[handle] := (rx_tail[handle] + 1) & rxbuffer_mask[handle]
PUB readByte(user_handle) : rxbyte | handle, ptr
'' Read a byte from the specified socket
'' Will block until a byte is received
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
repeat while (rxbyte := readByteNonBlocking(user_handle)) < 0
ifnot isConnected(user_handle)
PUB writeDataNonBlocking(user_handle, ptr, len) | handle, txptr
'' Writes bytes to the socket
'' Will not write anything unless your data fits in the buffer
'' Non blocking (returns RETBUFFERFULL if can't fit data)
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
if (txbuffer_mask[handle] - ((tx_head[handle] - tx_tail[handle]) & txbuffer_mask[handle])) < len
txptr := tx_bufferptr[handle]
if (len + tx_head[handle]) > txbuffer_length[handle]
bytemove(txptr + tx_head[handle], ptr, txbuffer_length[handle] - tx_head[handle])
bytemove(txptr, ptr + (txbuffer_length[handle] - tx_head[handle]), len - (txbuffer_length[handle] - tx_head[handle]))
bytemove(txptr + tx_head[handle], ptr, len)
tx_head[handle] := (tx_head[handle] + len) & txbuffer_mask[handle]
return len
PUB writeData(user_handle, ptr, len) | handle
'' Writes data to the specified socket
'' Will block until all data is queued to be sent
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
repeat while len > txbuffer_mask[handle]
repeat while writeDataNonBlocking(user_handle, ptr, txbuffer_mask[handle]) < 0
ifnot isConnected(user_handle)
len -= txbuffer_mask[handle]
ptr += txbuffer_mask[handle]
repeat while writeDataNonBlocking(user_handle, ptr, len) < 0
ifnot isConnected(user_handle)
PUB writeByteNonBlocking(user_handle, txbyte) | handle, ptr
'' Writes a byte to the specified socket
'' Will not block (returns RETBUFFERFULL if no buffer space available)
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
ifnot (tx_tail[handle] <> (tx_head[handle] + 1) & txbuffer_mask[handle])
ptr := tx_bufferptr[handle]
BYTE[ptr][tx_head[handle]] := txbyte
tx_head[handle] := (tx_head[handle] + 1) & txbuffer_mask[handle]
return txbyte
PUB writeByte(user_handle, txbyte) | handle
'' Write a byte to the specified socket
'' Will block until space is available for byte to be sent
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
repeat while writeByteNonBlocking(user_handle, txbyte) < 0
ifnot isConnected(user_handle)
PUB resetBuffers(user_handle) | handle
'' Resets send/receive buffers for the specified socket
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
rx_tail[handle] := rx_head[handle]
tx_head[handle] := tx_tail[handle]
PUB flush(user_handle) | handle
'' Flushes the send buffer (waits till the buffer is empty)
'' Will block until all tx data is sent
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
repeat while isConnected(user_handle) AND tx_tail[handle] <> tx_head[handle]
PUB getSocketState(user_handle) | handle
'' Gets the socket state (internal state numbers)
'' You can include driver_socket in any object and use the S... state constants for comparison
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
return bConState[handle]
PUB getReceiveBufferCount(user_handle) | handle
'' Returns the number of bytes in the receive buffer
_handleConvert(user_handle, @handle)
return (rx_head[handle] - rx_tail[handle]) & rxbuffer_mask[handle]
'* TCP Flags
TCP_ACK = 16
TCP_URG = 32
TCP_ECE = 64
TCP_CWR = 128
'* Ethernet Header Layout
enetpacketDest0 = $00 'destination mac address
enetpacketDest1 = $01
enetpacketDest2 = $02
enetpacketDest3 = $03
enetpacketDest4 = $04
enetpacketDest5 = $05
enetpacketSrc0 = $06 'source mac address
enetpacketSrc1 = $07
enetpacketSrc2 = $08
enetpacketSrc3 = $09
enetpacketSrc4 = $0A
enetpacketSrc5 = $0B
enetpacketType0 = $0C 'type/length field
enetpacketType1 = $0D
enetpacketData = $0E 'IP data area begins here
'* ARP Layout
arp_hwtype = $0E
arp_prtype = $10
arp_hwlen = $12
arp_prlen = $13
arp_op = $14
arp_shaddr = $16 'arp source mac address
arp_sipaddr = $1C 'arp source ip address
arp_thaddr = $20 'arp target mac address
arp_tipaddr = $26 'arp target ip address
'* IP Header Layout
ip_vers_len = $0E 'IP version and header length 1a19
ip_tos = $0F 'IP type of service
ip_pktlen = $10 'packet length
ip_id = $12 'datagram id
ip_frag_offset = $14 'fragment offset
ip_ttl = $16 'time to live
ip_proto = $17 'protocol (ICMP=1, TCP=6, UDP=11)
ip_hdr_cksum = $18 'header checksum 1a23
ip_srcaddr = $1A 'IP address of source
ip_destaddr = $1E 'IP addess of destination
ip_data = $22 'IP data area
'* TCP Header Layout
TCP_srcport = $22 'TCP source port
TCP_destport = $24 'TCP destination port
TCP_seqnum = $26 'sequence number
TCP_acknum = $2A 'acknowledgement number
TCP_hdrlen = $2E '4-bit header len (upper 4 bits)
TCP_hdrflags = $2F 'TCP flags
TCP_window = $30 'window size
TCP_cksum = $32 'TCP checksum
TCP_urgentptr = $34 'urgent pointer
TCP_data = $36 'option/data
'* IP Protocol Types
PROT_TCP = $06
PROT_UDP = $11
'* ICMP Header
ICMP_type = ip_data
ICMP_code = ICMP_type+1
ICMP_cksum = ICMP_code+1
ICMP_id = ICMP_cksum+2
ICMP_seqnum = ICMP_id+2
ICMP_data = ICMP_seqnum+2
'* UDP Header
UDP_srcport = ip_data
UDP_destport = UDP_srcport+2
UDP_len = UDP_destport+2
UDP_cksum = UDP_len+2
UDP_data = UDP_cksum+2
'* DHCP Message
DHCP_op = UDP_data
DHCP_htype = DHCP_op+1
DHCP_hlen = DHCP_htype+1
DHCP_hops = DHCP_hlen+1
DHCP_xid = DHCP_hops+1
DHCP_secs = DHCP_xid+4
DHCP_flags = DHCP_secs+2
DHCP_ciaddr = DHCP_flags+2
DHCP_yiaddr = DHCP_ciaddr+4
DHCP_siaddr = DHCP_yiaddr+4
DHCP_giaddr = DHCP_siaddr+4
DHCP_chaddr = DHCP_giaddr+4
DHCP_sname = DHCP_chaddr+16
DHCP_file = DHCP_sname+64
DHCP_options = DHCP_file+128
DHCP_message_end = DHCP_options+312