first working web server example
This commit is contained in:
@ -2482,6 +2482,21 @@ DAT
strNVRAMFile byte "nvram.sav",0 'contains the 56 bytes of NVRAM, if RTC is not available
PRI lan_txflush | handleidx
''funktionsgruppe : lan
''funktion : Warten, bis Sendepuffer geleert ist
''eingabe : -
''ausgabe : -
''busprotokoll : [070][get.handleidx][put.ok]
'' : handleidx - lfd. Nr. der Verbindung
'' : ok - Sendepuffer leer (Wert egal)
handleidx := bus_getchar
PRI lan_start | hiveid, hivestr, strpos, macpos, i, a
''funktionsgruppe : lan
''funktion : Netzwerk starten
@ -2586,20 +2601,34 @@ PRI lan_connect | ipaddr, remoteport, handle, handleidx, i
PRI lan_listen | port, handle, handleidx, i
''funktionsgruppe : lan
''funktion : Port für eingehende TCP-Verbindung öffnen
'' bei bereits bestehendem Socket nur handleidx zurücksenden
''eingabe : -
''ausgabe : -
''busprotokoll : [074][sub_getword.port][put.handleidx]
''busprotokoll : [074][get.handleidx][sub_getword.port][put.handleidx]
'' : handleidx - lfd. Nr. der bestehenden Verbindung ($FF wenn neu)
'' : port - zu öffnende Portnummer
'' : handleidx - lfd. Nr. der Verbindung (index des kompletten handle)
handleidx := bus_getchar
port := sub_getword
'freien Pufferabschnitt suchen
if handleidx <> $FF 'bestehender (kein neuer) Socket
if sock.isValidHandle(sockhandle[handleidx]) 'Socket gültig
bus_putchar(handleidx) 'alten handleidx zurücksenden
i := 0
repeat sock#sNumSockets
if bufidx[i] == $FF '0xFF: nicht zugewiesen
if handleidx == $FF 'neue Verbindung
repeat sock#sNumSockets
'freien Pufferabschnitt suchen
if bufidx[i] == $FF '0xFF: nicht zugewiesen
else 'bereits aufgebaute, abgebrochende Verbindung
repeat sock#sNumSockets
if bufidx[i] == handleidx 'zum Handle gehörender Buffer
ifnot (handle := sock.listen(port, @bufmain[i*rxlen], rxlen, @buftx[i*txlen], txlen)) == -102
handleidx := handle.byte[0] 'extract the handle index from the lower 8 bits
@ -2642,9 +2671,10 @@ PRI lan_close | handleidx, i
'reservierten Pufferabschnitt freigeben
i := 0
repeat sock#sNumSockets
if bufidx[i++] == handleidx '0xFF: nicht zugewiesen
bufidx[i++] := $FF
if bufidx[i] == handleidx '0xFF: nicht zugewiesen
bufidx[i] := $FF
PRI lan_rxtime | handleidx, timeout, t, rxbyte
@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ A_BLT = %00000000_00000000_00001000_00000000
a_DCF_GetYear '77
' ---------------------------------------------- LAN-FUNKTIONEN
#81, a_lanStart 'Start Network
#80, a_lanTXFlush 'Warten, bis Sendepuffer geleert ist
a_lanStart 'Start Network
a_lanStop 'Stop Network
a_lanConnect 'ausgehende TCP-Verbindung öffnen
a_lanListen 'auf eingehende TCP-Verbindung lauschen
@ -1036,6 +1036,19 @@ PUB rtcTest: available 'Test if RTC Chip is ava
CON ''------------------------------------------------- LAN_FUNKTIONEN
PUB lan_txflush(handleidx)
''funktionsgruppe : lan
''funktion : Warten, bis Sendepuffer geleert ist
''eingabe : -
''ausgabe : -
''busprotokoll : [070][put.handleidx][get.ok]
'' : handleidx - lfd. Nr. der Verbindung
'' : ok - Sendepuffer leer (Wert egal)
PUB lanstart 'LAN starten
''funktionsgruppe : lan
''funktion : Netzwerk starten
@ -1075,16 +1088,18 @@ PUB lan_connect(ipaddr, remoteport): handleidx
handleidx := bus_getchar1
PUB lan_listen(port): handleidx
PUB lan_listen(oldhandleidx, port): handleidx
''funktionsgruppe : lan
''funktion : Port für eingehende TCP-Verbindung öffnen
''eingabe : -
''ausgabe : -
''busprotokoll : [074][sub_putword.port][get.handleidx]
'' : port - zu öffnende Portnummer
'' : handleidx - lfd. Nr. der Verbindung (index des kompletten handle)
''busprotokoll : [074][put.handleidx][sub_putword.port][get.handleidx]
'' : oldhandleidx - lfd. Nr. der bestehenden Verbindung ($FF wenn neu)
'' : port - zu öffnende Portnummer
'' : handleidx - lfd. Nr. der Verbindung (index des kompletten handle)
handleidx := bus_getchar1
@ -33,42 +33,262 @@ Notizen :
ios: "reg-ios"
gc : "glob-con"
str: "glob-string"
num: "glob-numbers"
_XINFREQ = 5_000_000
#define __DEBUG
byte handleidx 'Handle web connection
byte reqstr[32] ' request string
byte webbuff[128] ' incoming header buffer
long cog, random_value
PUB main
ifnot (ios.admgetspec & gc#A_LAN)
ios.sddmset(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker setzen
ios.sddmact(ios#DM_SYSTEM) 's-marker aktivieren
ios.admload(string("admnet.adm")) 'versuche, admnet zu laden
ios.sddmact(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker aktivieren
ifnot (ios.admgetspec & gc#A_LAN) 'wenn Laden fehlgeschlagen
ios.sddmset(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker setzen
ios.sddmact(ios#DM_SYSTEM) 's-marker aktivieren
ios.admload(string("admnet.adm")) 'versuche, admnet zu laden
ios.sddmact(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker aktivieren
ifnot (ios.admgetspec & gc#A_LAN) 'wenn Laden fehlgeschlagen
ios.stop 'Ende
ios.stop 'Ende
ios.lanstart 'LAN-Treiber initialisieren (eigene IP-Adresse usw. setzen)
handleidx := $FF
#ifdef __DEBUG
if (handleidx := ios.lan_listen(handleidx,80)) == $FF 'Empfangs-Socket auf Port 80 öffnen
if ios.lan_isconnected(handleidx) 'bei bestehender Verbindung...
#ifdef __DEBUG
if webThread == 0
handleidx := $FF
PRI webThread | i, j, uri, args
if webReadLine == 0 ' read the first header, quit if it is empty
return 0
bytemove(@reqstr, @webbuff, 32) ' copy the header to a temporary request string for later processing
' obtain get arguments
if (i := indexOf(@reqstr, string(".cgi?"))) <> -1 ' was the request for a *.cgi script with arguments?
args := @reqstr[i + 5] ' extract the argument
if (j := indexOf(args, string("="))) <> -1 ' find the end of the argument
byte[args][j] := 0 ' string termination
' read the rest of the headers
repeat until webReadLine == 0 ' read the rest of the headers, throwing them away
sendStr(string("HTTP/1.0 200 OK",13,10,13,10)) ' print the HTTP header
if indexOf(@reqstr, string("ajax.js")) <> -1 ' ajax.js
elseif indexOf(@reqstr, string("rand.cgi")) <> -1 ' rand.cgi
sendStr(str.trimCharacters(num.ToStr(long[rr_random_ptr], num#DEC)))
elseif indexOf(@reqstr, string("img.bin")) <> -1 ' img.bin
ios.lan_txdata(handleidx, 0, 32768)
' default page
sendStr(string("<html><body><script language=javascript src=ajax.js></script><b>It Works!<br><br>Random Number:</b><div id=a></div><script language=javascript>ajax('rand.cgi', 'a', 10);</script></body></html>"))
return 0
PRI webReadLine | i, ch
repeat i from 0 to 126
ch := ios.lan_rxtime(handleidx, 500)
if ch == 13
ch := ios.lan_rxtime(handleidx, 500)
if ch == -1 or ch == 10
webbuff[i] := ch
webbuff[i] := 0
return i
PRI sendStr (strSend) : error
#ifdef __DEBUG
ios.print(string(" > "))
error := ios.lan_txdata(handleidx, strSend, strsize(strSend))
PRI indexOf(haystack, needle) | i, j
'' Searches for a 'needle' inside a 'haystack'
'' Returns starting index of 'needle' inside 'haystack'
repeat i from 0 to strsize(haystack) - strsize(needle)
repeat j from 0 to strsize(needle) - 1
if byte[haystack][i + j] <> byte[needle][j]
if j == strsize(needle)
return i
return -1
│ Real Random v1.2 │ by Chip Gracey │ (C)2007 Parallax, Inc. │ 23 March 2007 │
│ │
│ This object generates real random numbers by stimulating and tracking CTR PLL jitter. It requires │
│ one cog and at least 20MHz. │
│ │
│ Background and Detail: │
│ │
│ A real random number is impossible to generate within a closed digital system. This is because │
│ there are no reliably-random states within such a system at power-up, and after power-up, it │
│ behaves deterministically. Random values can only be 'earned' by measuring something outside of the │
│ digital system. │
│ │
│ In your programming, you might have used 'var?' to generate a pseudo-random sequence, but found the │
│ same pattern playing every time you ran your program. You might have then used 'cnt' to 'randomly' │
│ seed the 'var'. As long as you kept downloading to RAM, you saw consistently 'random' results. At │
│ some point, you probably downloaded to EEPROM to set your project free. But what happened nearly │
│ every time you powered it up? You were probably dismayed to discover the same sequence playing each │
│ time! The problem was that 'cnt' was always powering-up with the same initial value and you were │
│ then sampling it at a constant offset. This can make you wonder, "Where's the end to this madness? │
│ And will I ever find true randomness?". │
│ │
│ In order to have real random numbers, either some external random signal must be input, or some │
│ analog system must be used to generate random noise which can be measured. We're in luck here, │
│ because it turns out that the Propeller does have sufficiently-analog subsystems which can be │
│ exploited for this purpose -- each cog's CTR PLLs. These can be exercised internally to good │
│ effect, without any I/O activity. │
│ │
│ This object sets up a cog's CTRA PLL to run at the main clock's frequency. It then uses a pseudo- │
│ random sequencer to modulate the PLL's target phase. The PLL responds by speeding up and slowing │
│ down in a an endless effort to lock. This results in very unpredictable frequency jitter which is │
│ fed back into the sequencer to keep the bit salad tossing. The final output is a truly-random │
│ 32-bit unbiased value that is fully updated every ~100us, with new bits rotated in every ~3us. This │
│ value can be sampled by your application whenever a random number is needed. │
│ │
│ Revision History v1.0 released 21 March 2007 │
│ │
│ v1.1 Bias removal has been added to ensure true randomness. Released 22 March 2007. │
│ v1.2 Assembly code made more efficient. Documentation improved. Released 23 March 2007. │
│ │
PUB rr_start : okay
'' Start real random driver - starts a cog
'' returns false if no cog available
'Reset driver
'Launch real random cog
return cog := cognew(@entry, @random_value) + 1
'allow 5ms to launch and randomize
waitcnt(clkfreq / 200 + cnt)
PUB rr_stop
'' Stop real random driver - frees a cog
'If already running, stop real random cog
if cog
cogstop(cog~ - 1)
PUB rr_random_ptr : ptr
'' Returns the address of the long which receives the random value
'' A random bit is rotated into the long every ~3us, resuling in a
'' new long every ~100us, on average, at 80MHz. You may want to double
'' these times, though, to be sure that you are getting new bits. The
'' timing uncertainty comes from the unbiasing algorithm which throws
'' away identical bit pairs, and only outputs the different ones.
return @random_value
' ┌─────────────────────────┐
' │ Real Random Generator │
' └─────────────────────────┘
entry movi ctra,#%00001_111 'set ctra to internal pll mode, select x16 tap
movi frqa,#$020 'set frqa to system clock frequency / 16
movi vcfg,#$040 'set vcfg to discrete output, but without pins
mov vscl,#70 'set vscl to 70 pixel clocks per waitvid
:twobits waitvid 0,0 'wait for next 70-pixel mark ± jitter time
test phsa,#%10111 wc 'pseudo-randomly sequence phase to induce jitter
rcr phsa,#1 '(c holds random bit #1)
add phsa,cnt 'mix PLL jitter back into phase
rcl par,#1 wz, nr 'transfer c into nz (par shadow register = 0)
wrlong _random_value,par 'write random value back to spin variable
waitvid 0,0 'wait for next 70-pixel mark ± jitter time
test phsa,#%10111 wc 'pseudo-randomly sequence phase to induce jitter
rcr phsa,#1 '(c holds random bit #2)
add phsa,cnt 'mix PLL jitter back into phase
if_z_eq_c rcl _random_value,#1 'only allow different bits (removes bias)
jmp #:twobits 'get next two bits
_random_value res 1
ajaxjs byte "var ajaxBusy=false;function ajax(a,b,c){if(ajaxBusy){return}ajaxBusy=true;var d;try{d=new XMLHttpRequest()}catch(e){d=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}var f=function(){if(d.readyState==4){if(b){document.getElementById(b).innerHTML=d.responseText}ajaxBusy=false;if(c>0){setTimeout('ajax(\''+a+'\',\''+b+'\','+c+')',c)}}};'GET',a+'?'+(new Date()).getTime(),true);d.onreadystatechange=f;d.send(null)}"
byte 0
DAT ' Locale
#ifdef __LANG_EN
'locale: english
strNoNetwork byte 13,"Administra doesn't provide network functions!",13,"Please load admnet.",13,0
strNoNetwork byte 13,"Administra doesn't provide network functions!",13,"Please load admnet.",13,0
strWaitConnection byte "Waiting for client connection...",13,0
strConnected byte "Client connected...",13,0
strErrorNoSock byte "No free socket.",13,0
'default locale: german
strNoNetwork byte 13,"Administra stellt keine Netzwerk-Funktionen zur Verfügung!",13,"Bitte admnet laden.",13,0
strNoNetwork byte 13,"Administra stellt keine Netzwerk-Funktionen zur Verfügung!",13,"Bitte admnet laden.",13,0
strWaitConnection byte "Warte auf Client-Verbindung...",13,0
strConnected byte "Client verbunden...",13,0
strErrorNoSock byte "Kein Socket frei...",13,0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user