{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ SIDcog - SID/MOS8580 emulator v1.3 (C) 2012 Johannes Ahlebrand │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ TERMS OF USE: Parallax Object Exchange License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, │ │modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software│ │is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: │ │ │ │The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│ │ │ │THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE │ │WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR │ │COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, │ │ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Revision History v0.7 (December 2009) - Initial release v0.8 (February 2010) - Added support for "combined waveforms" - Optimized code - Fixed bugs v1.0 (May 2011) - First OBEX release - Added convenient API methods v1.2 (August 2011) - Increased ADSR accuracy (Almost perfect now; The famous ADSR bug isn't implemented though) - Increased Noise accuracy (As close as we will get without decreasing the sample rate of SIDcog) - Fixed a bug when no waveform was selected - Decreased the "max cutoff frequency" a bit to fix aliasing issues - Made some small optimizations v1.3 (April 2012) - Fixed a bug when noise + any other waveform was selected at the same time - Calibrated the cutoff frequency to better match a real 8580 - Cycle optimized code to "make room" for the point below  - Increased resonance accuracy (replaced "4 step logaritmic lookup table" with "16 step bit linear multiplication") - Increased ADSR accuracy a little bit more (the ADSR bug is still not implemented) } CON PAL = 985248.0, NTSC = 1022727.0, MAXF = 1031000.0, TRIANGLE = 16, SAW = 32, SQUARE = 64, NOISE = 128 #24, HBEAT C64_CLOCK_FREQ = PAL ' ___ RESONANCE_OFFSET = 6' │ RESONANCE_FACTOR = 5' │ CUTOFF_LIMIT = 1100' │ LP_MAX_CUTOFF = 11' │ Don't alter these constants unless you know what you are doing! BP_MAX_CUTOFF = 10' │ FILTER_OFFSET = 12' │ START_LOG_LEVEL = $5d5d5d5d' │ DECAY_DIVIDE_REF = $6C6C6C6C' │ ENV_CAL_FACTOR = 545014038.181330' │ ENV_CAL_FACTOR = (MaxUint32 / SIDcogSampleFreq) / (1 / SidADSR_1secRomValue) NOISE_ADD = %1010_1010_101<<23'│ ENV_CAL_FACTOR = (4294967295 / 30789 ) / (1 / 3907 ) = 545014038,181330 NOISE_TAP = %100001 << 8' ___│ LED_OPEN = HBEAT PUB start(right, left) ' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ' │ Starts SIDcog in a single cog │ ' ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ' │ Returns a pointer to the first SID register in hub memory │ ' │ on success; otherwise returns 0. │ ' │ │ ' │ right - The pin to output the right channel to. 0 = Not used │ ' │ │ ' │ left - The pin to output the left channel to. 0 = Not used │ ' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ arg1 := $18000000 | left arg2 := $18000000 | right r1 := ((1<>3 PUB setFilterMask(ch1, ch2, ch3) ' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ' │ Enable/Disable filtering on channels │ ' ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ' │ ch1 - Enable/Disable filter on channel 1. (True/False) │ ' │ │ ' │ ch2 - Enable/Disable filter on channel 2. (True/False) │ ' │ │ ' │ ch3 - Enable/Disable filter on channel 3. (True/False) │ ' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ byte[@Filter3] := (byte[@Filter3]&$F0) | (ch1&1) | (ch2&2) | (ch3&4) PUB setFilterType(lp, bp, hp) ' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ' │ Enable/Disable filter types │ ' ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ' │ lp - Enable/Disable lowpass filter. (True/False) │ ' │ │ ' │ bp - Enable/Disable bandpass filter. (True/False) │ ' │ │ ' │ hp - Enable/Disable highpass filter. (True/False) │ ' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ byte[@volume] := (byte[@volume]&$0F) | (lp&16) | (bp&32) | (hp&64) PUB enableRingmod(ch1, ch2, ch3) ' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ' │ Enable/Disable ring modulation on channels │ ' ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ' │ ch1 - Enable/Disable ring modulation on ch 1. (True/False) │ ' │ │ ' │ ch2 - Enable/Disable ring modulation on ch 2. (True/False) │ ' │ │ ' │ ch3 - Enable/Disable ring modulation on ch 3. (True/False) │ ' ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ' │- Channel 3 modulates channel 1 │ ' │ │ ' │- Channel 1 modulates channel 2 │ ' │ │ ' │- Channel 2 modulates channel 3 │ ' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ byte[@ch1_controlRegister] := (byte[@ch1_controlRegister]&$FB) | (ch1&4) byte[@ch2_controlRegister] := (byte[@ch2_controlRegister]&$FB) | (ch2&4) byte[@ch3_controlRegister] := (byte[@ch3_controlRegister]&$FB) | (ch3&4) PUB enableSynchronization(ch1, ch2, ch3) ' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ' │ Enable/Disable oscillator synchronization on channels │ ' ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ' │ ch1 - Enable/Disable synchronization on ch 1. (True/False) │ ' │ │ ' │ ch2 - Enable/Disable synchronization on ch 2. (True/False) │ ' │ │ ' │ ch3 - Enable/Disable synchronization on ch 3. (True/False) │ ' ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ' │- Channel 3 synchronizes channel 1 │ ' │ │ ' │- Channel 1 synchronizes channel 2 │ ' │ │ ' │- Channel 2 synchronizes channel 3 │ ' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ byte[@ch1_controlRegister] := (byte[@ch1_controlRegister]&$FD) | (ch1&2) byte[@ch2_controlRegister] := (byte[@ch2_controlRegister]&$FD) | (ch2&2) byte[@ch3_controlRegister] := (byte[@ch3_controlRegister]&$FD) | (ch3&2) DAT org 0 ' ' Assembly SID emulator ' SIDEMU mov dira, r1 mov ctra, arg1 mov ctrb, arg2 mov waitCounter, cnt add waitCounter, sampleRate ' ' Read all SID-registers from hub memory and convert ' them to more convenient representations. ' getRegisters mov tempValue, par ' Read in first long ( 16bit frequency / 16bit pulse-width ) rdlong frequency1, tempValue mov pulseWidth1, frequency1 shl pulseWidth1, #4 ' Shift in "12 bit" pulse width value( make it 32 bits ) andn pulseWidth1, mask20bit and frequency1, mask16bit ' Mask out 16 bit frequency value shl frequency1, #13 '----------------------------------------------------------- add tempValue, #4 ' Read in next long ( Control register / ADSR ) rdlong selectedWaveform1, tempValue mov controlRegister1, selectedWaveform1 '----------------------------------------------------------- mov arg1, selectedWaveform1 '| shr arg1, #8 '| call #getADSR '| mov decay1, r1 '| call #getADSR '| mov attack1, r1 '| Convert 4bit ADSR "presets" to their corresponding call #getADSR '| 32bit values using attack/decay tables. mov release1, r1 '| mov sustain1, arg1 '| ror sustain1, #4 '| or sustain1, arg1 '| ror sustain1, #4 '| '----------------------------------------------------------- shr selectedWaveform1, #4 ' Mask out waveform selection and selectedWaveform1, #15 '----------------------------------------------------------- test controlRegister1, #1 wc cmp envelopeState1, #2 wz if_z_and_c mov envelopeState1, #0 if_nz_and_nc mov envelopeState1, #2 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Channel 2 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── add tempValue, #4 ' Read in first long ( 16bit frequency / 16bit pulse-width ) rdlong frequency2, tempValue mov pulseWidth2, frequency2 shl pulseWidth2, #4 ' Shift in "12 bit" pulse width value( make it 32 bits ) andn pulseWidth2, mask20bit and frequency2, mask16bit ' Mask out 16 bit frequency value shl frequency2, #13 '----------------------------------------------------------- add tempValue, #4 ' Read in next long ( Control register / ADSR ) rdlong selectedWaveform2, tempValue mov controlRegister2, selectedWaveform2 '----------------------------------------------------------- mov arg1, selectedWaveform2 '| shr arg1, #8 '| call #getADSR '| mov decay2, r1 '| call #getADSR '| mov attack2, r1 '| Convert 4bit ADSR "presets" to their corresponding call #getADSR '| 32bit values using attack/decay tables. mov release2, r1 '| mov sustain2, arg1 '| ror sustain2, #4 '| or sustain2, arg1 '| ror sustain2, #4 '| '----------------------------------------------------------- shr selectedWaveform2, #4 ' Mask out waveform selection and selectedWaveform2, #15 '----------------------------------------------------------- test controlRegister2, #1 wc cmp envelopeState2, #2 wz if_z_and_c mov envelopeState2, #0 if_nz_and_nc mov envelopeState2, #2 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Channel 3 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── add tempValue, #4 ' Read in first long ( 16bit frequency / 16bit pulse-width ) rdlong frequency3, tempValue ' mov pulseWidth3, frequency3 shl pulseWidth3, #4 ' Shift in "12 bit" pulse width value( make it 32 bits ) andn pulseWidth3, mask20bit and frequency3, mask16bit ' Mask out 16 bit frequency value shl frequency3, #13 '----------------------------------------------------------- add tempValue, #4 ' Read in next long ( Control register / ADSR ) rdlong selectedWaveform3, tempValue mov controlRegister3, selectedWaveform3 '----------------------------------------------------------- mov arg1, selectedWaveform3 '| shr arg1, #8 '| call #getADSR '| mov decay3, r1 '| call #getADSR '| mov attack3, r1 '| Convert 4bit ADSR "presets" to their corresponding call #getADSR '| 32bit values using attack/decay tables. mov release3, r1 '| mov sustain3, arg1 '| ror sustain3, #4 '| or sustain3, arg1 '| ror sustain3, #4 '| '----------------------------------------------------------- shr selectedWaveform3, #4 ' Mask out waveform selection and selectedWaveform3, #15 '----------------------------------------------------------- test controlRegister3, #1 wc cmp envelopeState3, #2 wz if_z_and_c mov envelopeState3, #0 if_nz_and_nc mov envelopeState3, #2 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Filter / Volume '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── add tempValue, #4 '| rdlong filterControl, tempValue '| mov filterCutoff, filterControl '| '----------------------------------------------------------- shr filterControl, #16 '| Filter control '----------------------------------------------------------- shr filterCutoff, #5 '| andn filterCutoff, #7 '| mov tempValue, filterControl '| and tempValue, #7 '| Filter cutoff frequency or filterCutoff, tempValue '| and filterCutoff, mask11bit '| add filterCutoff, filterOffset '| '----------------------------------------------------------- mov filterMode_Volume, filterControl '| Main volume and filter mode shr filterMode_Volume, #8 '| '----------------------------------------------------------- mov filterResonance,filterControl '| and filterResonance,#$F0 '| Filter Resonance level shr filterResonance,#4 '| ' ' Calculate sid samples channel 1-3 and store in out1-out3 ' '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Increment phase accumulator 1-3 and handle syncing '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── SID add phaseAccumulator1, frequency1 wc ' Add frequency value to phase accumulator 1 if_nc andn controlRegister2, #2 test controlRegister2, #10 wz ' Sync oscilator 2 to oscillator 1 if sync = on if_nz mov phaseAccumulator2, #0 ' Or reset counter 2 when bit 4 of control register is 1 '----------------------------------------------------------- add phaseAccumulator2, frequency2 wc if_nc andn controlRegister3, #2 test controlRegister3, #10 wz ' Sync oscilator 3 to oscillator 2 if sync = on if_nz mov phaseAccumulator3, #0 ' Or reset oscilator 3 when bit 4 of control register is 1 '----------------------------------------------------------- add phaseAccumulator3, frequency3 wc if_nc andn controlRegister1, #2 test controlRegister1, #10 wz ' Sync oscilator 1 to oscillator 3 if sync = on if_nz mov phaseAccumulator1, #0 ' Or reset oscilator 1 when bit 4 of control register is 1 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Waveform shaping channel 1 -> arg1 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Saw1 cmp selectedWaveform1, #2 wz mov arg1, phaseAccumulator1 if_z jmp #Envelope1 '----------------------------------------------------------- Triangle1 cmp selectedWaveform1, #1 wz, wc if_nz jmp #Square1 shl arg1, #1 wc if_c xor arg1, mask32bit test controlRegister1, #4 wz '| if_nz test phaseAccumulator3, val31bit wz '| These 3 lines handles ring modulation if_nz xor arg1, mask32bit '| jmp #Envelope1 '----------------------------------------------------------- Square1 cmp selectedWaveform1, #4 wz if_z sub pulseWidth1, phaseAccumulator1 wc ' C holds the pulse width modulated square wave if_z muxc arg1, mask32bit if_z jmp #Envelope1 '----------------------------------------------------------- Noise1 cmp selectedWaveform1, #8 wz if_nz jmp #Combined1 and arg1, mask28bit sub arg1, frequency1 wc movi arg1, noiseValue1 add arg1, noiseAddValue if_nc jmp #Envelope1 test noiseValue1, noiseTap wc rcr noiseValue1, #1 jmp #Envelope1 '----------------------------------------------------------- Combined1 test selectedWaveform1, #8 wz sub selectedWaveform1, #4 mins selectedWaveform1, #0 shl selectedWaveform1, #8 mov tempValue, phaseAccumulator1 shr tempValue, #24 add selectedWaveform1, tempValue add selectedWaveform1, combTableAddr if_nc_and_z rdbyte arg1, selectedWaveform1 if_nc_and_z shl arg1, #24 if_c_or_nz mov arg1, val31bit '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Envelope shaping channel 1 -> arg2 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Envelope1 mov tempValue, decayDivideRef shr tempValue, decayDivide1 cmp envelopeLevel1, tempValue wc tjnz envelopeState1, #Env_Dec1 nr '----------------------------------------------------------- Env_At1 if_nc cmpsub decayDivide1, #1 add envelopeLevel1, attack1 wc if_c mov envelopeLevel1, mask32bit if_c mov envelopeState1, #1 jmp #Amplitude1 '----------------------------------------------------------- Env_Dec1 if_c add decayDivide1, #1 cmp startLogLevel, envelopeLevel1 wc cmp envelopeState1, #1 wz if_nz jmp #Rel1 if_nc shr decay1, decayDivide1 sub envelopeLevel1, decay1 min envelopeLevel1, sustain1 wc jmp #Amplitude1 '----------------------------------------------------------- Rel1 if_nc shr release1, decayDivide1 cmpsub envelopeLevel1, release1 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 'Calculate sample out1 = arg1 * arg2 (waveform * amplitude) '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Amplitude1 shr arg1, #14 sub arg1, val17bit mov arg2, envelopeLevel1 shr arg2, #24 call #multiply mov out1, r1 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Waveform shaping channel 2 -> arg1 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Saw2 cmp selectedWaveform2, #2 wz mov arg1, phaseAccumulator2 if_z jmp #Envelope2 '----------------------------------------------------------- Triangle2 cmp selectedWaveform2, #1 wz, wc if_nz jmp #Square2 shl arg1, #1 wc if_c xor arg1, mask32bit test controlRegister2, #4 wz '| if_nz test phaseAccumulator1, val31bit wz '| These 3 lines handles ring modulation if_nz xor arg1, mask32bit '| jmp #Envelope2 '----------------------------------------------------------- Square2 cmp selectedWaveform2, #4 wz if_z sub pulseWidth2, phaseAccumulator2 wc ' C holds the pulse width modulated square wave if_z muxc arg1, mask32bit if_z jmp #Envelope2 '----------------------------------------------------------- Noise2 cmp selectedWaveform2, #8 wz if_nz jmp #Combined2 and arg1, mask28bit sub arg1, frequency2 wc movi arg1, noiseValue2 add arg1, noiseAddValue if_nc jmp #Envelope2 test noiseValue2, noiseTap wc rcr noiseValue2, #1 jmp #Envelope2 '----------------------------------------------------------- Combined2 test selectedWaveform2, #8 wz sub selectedWaveform2, #4 mins selectedWaveform2, #0 shl selectedWaveform2, #8 mov tempValue, phaseAccumulator2 shr tempValue, #24 add selectedWaveform2, tempValue add selectedWaveform2, combTableAddr if_nc_and_z rdbyte arg1, selectedWaveform2 if_nc_and_z shl arg1, #24 if_c_or_nz mov arg1, val31bit '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Envelope shaping channel 2 -> arg2 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Envelope2 mov tempValue, decayDivideRef shr tempValue, decayDivide2 cmp envelopeLevel2, tempValue wc tjnz envelopeState2, #Env_Dec2 nr '----------------------------------------------------------- Env_At2 if_nc cmpsub decayDivide2, #1 add envelopeLevel2, attack2 wc if_c mov envelopeLevel2, mask32bit if_c mov envelopeState2, #1 jmp #Amplitude2 '----------------------------------------------------------- Env_Dec2 if_c add decayDivide2, #1 cmp startLogLevel,envelopeLevel2 wc cmp envelopeState2, #1 wz if_nz jmp #Rel2 if_nc shr decay2, decayDivide2 sub envelopeLevel2, decay2 min envelopeLevel2, sustain2 wc jmp #Amplitude2 '----------------------------------------------------------- Rel2 if_nc shr release2, decayDivide2 cmpsub envelopeLevel2, release2 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 'Calculate sample out2 = arg1 * arg2 (waveform * amplitude) '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Amplitude2 shr arg1, #14 sub arg1, val17bit mov arg2, envelopeLevel2 shr arg2, #24 call #multiply mov out2, r1 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Waveform shaping channel 3 -> arg1 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Saw3 cmp selectedWaveform3, #2 wz mov arg1, phaseAccumulator3 if_z jmp #Envelope3 '----------------------------------------------------------- Triangle3 cmp selectedWaveform3, #1 wz, wc if_nz jmp #Square3 shl arg1, #1 wc if_c xor arg1, mask32bit test controlRegister3, #4 wz '| if_nz test phaseAccumulator2, val31bit wz '| These 3 lines handles ring modulation if_nz xor arg1, mask32bit '| jmp #Envelope3 '----------------------------------------------------------- Square3 cmp selectedWaveform3, #4 wz if_z sub pulseWidth3, phaseAccumulator3 wc ' C holds the pulse width modulated square wave if_z muxc arg1, mask32bit if_z jmp #Envelope3 '----------------------------------------------------------- Noise3 cmp selectedWaveform3, #8 wz if_nz jmp #Combined3 and arg1, mask28bit sub arg1, frequency3 wc movi arg1, noiseValue3 add arg1, noiseAddValue if_nc jmp #Envelope3 test noiseValue3, noiseTap wc rcr noiseValue3, #1 jmp #Envelope3 '----------------------------------------------------------- Combined3 test selectedWaveform3, #8 wz sub selectedWaveform3, #4 mins selectedWaveform3, #0 shl selectedWaveform3, #8 mov tempValue, phaseAccumulator3 shr tempValue, #24 add selectedWaveform3, tempValue add selectedWaveform3, combTableAddr if_nc_and_z rdbyte arg1, selectedWaveform3 if_nc_and_z shl arg1, #24 if_c_or_nz mov arg1, val31bit '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Envelope shaping channel 3 -> arg2 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Envelope3 mov tempValue, decayDivideRef shr tempValue, decayDivide3 cmp envelopeLevel3, tempValue wc tjnz envelopeState3, #Env_Dec3 nr '----------------------------------------------------------- Env_At3 if_nc cmpsub decayDivide3, #1 add envelopeLevel3, attack3 wc if_c mov envelopeLevel3, mask32bit if_c mov envelopeState3, #1 jmp #Amplitude3 '----------------------------------------------------------- Env_Dec3 if_c add decayDivide3, #1 cmp startLogLevel, envelopeLevel3 wc cmp envelopeState3, #1 wz if_nz jmp #Rel3 if_nc shr decay3, decayDivide3 sub envelopeLevel3, decay3 min envelopeLevel3, sustain3 wc jmp #Amplitude3 '----------------------------------------------------------- Rel3 if_nc shr release3, decayDivide3 cmpsub envelopeLevel3, release3 '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 'Calculate sample out3 = arg1 * arg2 (waveform * amplitude) '─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Amplitude3 shr arg1, #14 sub arg1, val17bit mov arg2, envelopeLevel3 shr arg2, #24 call #multiply mov out3, r1 ' ' Handle multi-mode filtering ' filter mov ordinaryOutput, #0 '| mov highPassFilter, #0 '| test filterControl, #1 wc '| if_c add highPassFilter, out1 '| if_nc add ordinaryOutput, out1 '| test filterControl, #2 wc '| Route channels trough the filter if_c add highPassFilter, out2 '| or bypass them if_nc add ordinaryOutput, out2 '| test filterControl, #4 wc '| if_c add highPassFilter, out3 '| if_nc add ordinaryOutput, out3 '| '----------------------------------------------------------- mov arg2, filterResonance '| add arg2, #RESONANCE_OFFSET '| mov arg1, bandPassFilter '| sar arg1, #RESONANCE_FACTOR '| call #multiply '| High pass filter sub highPassFilter, bandPassFilter '| add highPassFilter, r1 '| sub highPassFilter, lowPassFilter '| '----------------------------------------------------------- mov arg1, highPassFilter '| sar arg1, #BP_MAX_CUTOFF '| mov arg2, filterCutoff '| Band pass filter max arg2, maxCutoff '| call #multiply '| add bandPassFilter, r1 '| '----------------------------------------------------------- mov arg1, bandPassFilter '| sar arg1, #LP_MAX_CUTOFF '| mov arg2, filterCutoff '| Low pass filter call #multiply '| add lowPassFilter, r1 '| '----------------------------------------------------------- mov filterOutput, #0 '| test filterMode_Volume, #16 wc '| if_c add filterOutput, lowPassFilter '| test filterMode_Volume, #32 wc '| Enable/Disable if_c add filterOutput, bandPassFilter '| Low/Band/High pass filtering test filterMode_Volume, #64 wc '| if_c add filterOutput, highPassFilter '| ' ' Mix channels and update FRQA/FRQB PWM-values ' mixer mov arg1, filterOutput add arg1, ordinaryOutput '----------------------------------------------------------- maxs arg1, clipLevelHigh '| mins arg1, clipLevelLow '| mov arg2, filterMode_Volume '| Main volume adjustment and arg2, #15 '| call #multiply '| '----------------------------------------------------------- add r1, val31bit ' DC offset waitcnt waitCounter, sampleRate ' Wait until the right time to update mov FRQA, r1 '| Update PWM values in FRQA/FRQB mov FRQB, r1 '| mov tempValue, par add tempValue, #28 wrlong r1, tempValue '| Write the sample to hub ram jmp #getRegisters ' ' Get ADSR value r1 = attackTable[arg1] ' getADSR movs :indexed1, arg1 andn :indexed1, #$1F0 add :indexed1, #ADSRTable shr arg1, #4 :indexed1 mov r1, 0 getADSR_ret ret ' ' Multiplication r1(I32) = arg1(I32) * arg2(I32) ' multiply mov r1, #0 'Clear 32-bit product :multiLoop shr arg2, #1 wc, wz 'Half multiplyer and get LSB of it if_c add r1, arg1 'Add multiplicand to product on C shl arg1, #1 'Double multiplicand if_nz jmp #:multiLoop 'Check nonzero multiplier to continue multiplication multiply_ret ret ' ' Variables, tables, masks and reference values ' ADSRTable long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 9.0 )) '2 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 32.0 )) '8 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 63.0 )) '16 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 95.0 )) '24 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 149.0 )) '38 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 220.0 )) '56 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 267.0 )) '68 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 313.0 )) '80 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 392.0 )) '100 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 977.0 )) '250 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 1954.0 )) '500 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 3126.0 )) '800 ms long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 3907.0 )) '1 s long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 11720.0)) '3 s long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 19532.0)) '5 s long trunc(ENV_CAL_FACTOR * (1.0 / 31251.0)) '8 s 'Masks and reference values startLogLevel long START_LOG_LEVEL sustainAdd long $0f000000 mask32bit long $ffffffff mask31bit long $7fffffff mask28bit long $fffffff mask24bit long $ffffff mask20bit long $fffff mask16bit long $ffff mask11bit long $7ff val31bit long $80000000 val28bit long $10000000 val27bit long $8000000 val17bit long $20000 val16bit long $10000 clipLevelHigh long $8000000 clipLevelLow long-$8000000 filterOffset long FILTER_OFFSET decayDivideRef long DECAY_DIVIDE_REF maxCutoff long CUTOFF_LIMIT sampleRate long 0 'clocks between samples ( ~31.250 khz ) combTableAddr long 0 'Setup and subroutine parameters arg1 long 1 arg2 long 1 r1 long 1 'Sid variables noiseAddValue long NOISE_ADD noiseTap long NOISE_TAP noiseValue1 long $ffffff noiseValue2 long $ffffff noiseValue3 long $ffffff decayDivide1 long 0 decayDivide2 long 0 decayDivide3 long 0 envelopeLevel1 res 1 envelopeLevel2 res 1 envelopeLevel3 res 1 controlRegister1 res 1 controlRegister2 res 1 controlRegister3 res 1 frequency1 res 1 frequency2 res 1 frequency3 res 1 phaseAccumulator1 res 1 phaseAccumulator2 res 1 phaseAccumulator3 res 1 pulseWidth1 res 1 pulseWidth2 res 1 pulseWidth3 res 1 selectedWaveform1 res 1 selectedWaveform2 res 1 selectedWaveform3 res 1 envelopeState1 res 1 envelopeState2 res 1 envelopeState3 res 1 attack1 res 1 attack2 res 1 attack3 res 1 decay1 res 1 decay2 res 1 decay3 res 1 sustain1 res 1 sustain2 res 1 sustain3 res 1 release1 res 1 release2 res 1 release3 res 1 out1 res 1 out2 res 1 out3 res 1 filterResonance res 1 filterCutoff res 1 highPassFilter res 1 bandPassFilter res 1 lowPassFilter res 1 filterMode_Volume res 1 filterControl res 1 filterOutput res 1 ordinaryOutput res 1 'Working variables waitCounter res 1 tempValue res 1 fit DAT combinedWaveforms file "adm-sid-combined-waveforms.bin" VAR byte ch1_frequencyLo byte ch1_frequencyHi byte ch1_pulseWidthLo byte ch1_pulseWidthHi byte ch1_controlRegister byte ch1_attackDecay byte ch1_sustainRelease byte ch1_dummy byte ch2_frequencyLo byte ch2_frequencyHi byte ch2_pulseWidthLo byte ch2_pulseWidthHi byte ch2_controlRegister byte ch2_attackDecay byte ch2_sustainRelease byte ch2_dummy byte ch3_frequencyLo byte ch3_frequencyHi byte ch3_pulseWidthLo byte ch3_pulseWidthHi byte ch3_controlRegister byte ch3_attackDecay byte ch3_sustainRelease byte ch3_dummy byte Filter1 byte Filter2 byte Filter3 byte Volume byte oldVolume long SIDSample long cog