{{ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────┬────────────────────────┬──────────────────┐ │ VGA 1024x768 Tile Driver v0.9 │ by Chip Gracey │ (C)2006 Parallax, Inc. │ 11 November 2006 │ ├────────────────────────────────────────┴────────────────┴────────────────────────┴──────────────────┤ │ │ │ This object generates a 1024x768 VGA display from a 64x48 array of 16x16-pixel 4-color tiles. │ │ It requires two cogs (or three with optional cursor enabled) and at least 80 MHz. │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ }} {{ 01-02-2011-dr235 - erweiterung des treibers, um mit einem parameter den anfangszeiger des bildwiederholspeichers dynamisch zu ändern; wichtig zur verwaltung von mehreren screens }} CON ' 1024 x 768 @ 60Hz settings hp = 1024 'horizontal pixels vp = 768 'vertical pixels hf = 24 'horizontal front porch pixels hs = 136 'horizontal sync pixels hb = 160 'horizontal back porch pixels vf = 3 'vertical front porch lines vs = 6 'vertical sync lines vb = 29 'vertical back porch lines pr = 65 'pixel rate in MHz at 80MHz system clock (5MHz granularity) ht = hp + hf + hs + hb 'total scan line pixels ' Tile array xtiles = hp / 16 ytiles = vp / 16 VAR long cog[3] long dira_ '9 contiguous longs long dirb_ long vcfg_ long cnt_ long array_ptr_ long color_ptr_ long cursor_ptr_ long sync_ptr_ long mode_ long scrind_ 'dr235: screenindex DAT '' Start driver - starts two or three cogs '' returns false if cogs not available '' '' base_pin = First of eight VGA pins, must be a multiple of eight (0, 8, 16, 24, etc): '' '' 240Ω 240Ω 240Ω 240Ω '' +7 ───┳─ Red +5 ───┳─ Green +3 ───┳─ Blue +1 ── H '' 470Ω │ 470Ω │ 470Ω │ 240Ω '' +6 ───┘ +4 ───┘ +2 ───┘ +0 ── V '' '' array_ptr = Pointer to 3,072 long-aligned words, organized as 64 across by 48 down, '' which will serve as the tile array. Each word specifies a tile bitmap and '' a color palette for its tile area. The top 10 bits of each word form the '' base address of a 16-long tile bitmap, while the lower 6 bits select a '' color palette for the bitmap. For example, $B2E5 would specify the tile '' bitmap spanning $B2C0..$B2FF and color palette $25. '' '' color_ptr = Pointer to 64 longs which will define the 64 color palettes. The RGB data '' in each long is arranged as %%RGBx_RGBx_RGBx_RGBx with the sub-bytes 3..0 '' providing the color data for pixel values %11..%00, respectively: '' '' %%3330_0110_0020_3300: %11=white, %10=dark cyan, %01=blue, %00=gold '' '' cursor_ptr = Pointer to 4 longs which will control the cursor, or 0 to disable the '' cursor. If a pointer is given, an extra cog will be started to generate '' the cursor overlay. Here are the 4 longs that control the cursor: '' '' cursor_x - X position of cursor: ..0..1023.. (left to right) '' cursor_y - Y position of cursor: ..0..767.. (bottom to top) '' '' cursor_color - Cursor color to be OR'd to background color as %%RGBx: '' %%3330=white, %%2220 or %%1110=translucent, %%0000=off '' '' cursor_shape - 0 for arrow, 1 for crosshair, or pointer to a cursor '' definition. A cursor definition consists of 32 longs '' containing a 32x32 pixel cursor image, followed by two '' bytes which define the X and Y center-pixel offsets '' within the image. '' '' sync_ptr = Pointer to a long which will be set to -1 after each refresh, or 0 to '' disable this function. This is useful in advanced applications where '' awareness of display timing is important. '' '' mode = 0 for normal 16x16 pixel tiles or 1 for taller 16x32 pixel tiles. Mode 1 '' is useful for displaying the internal font while requiring half the array '' memory; however, the 3-D bevel characters will not be usable because of '' the larger vertical tile granularity of this mode. PUB start(base_pin, array_ptr, color_ptr, cursor_ptr, sync_ptr, mode) : okay | i, j 'If driver is already running, stop it stop 'Ready i/o settings i := $FF << (base_pin & %011000) j := base_pin & %100000 == 0 dira_ := i & j dirb_ := i & !j vcfg_ := $300000FF + (base_pin & %111000) << 6 'Ready cnt value to sync cogs by cnt_ := cnt + $100000 'Ready pointers and mode longmove(@array_ptr_, @array_ptr, 5) scrind_ := array_ptr_ 'Launch cogs, abort if error repeat i from 0 to 2 if i == 2 'cursor cog? ifnot cursor_ptr 'cursor enabled? quit 'if not, quit loop waitcnt($2000 + cnt) 'cursor cog, allow prior cog to launch vcfg_ ^= $10000000 'set two-color mode array_ptr_~ 'flag cursor function ifnot cog[i] := cognew(@entry, @dira_ + i << 15) + 1 stop return {false} 'Successful return true PUB stop | i '' Stop driver - frees cogs 'If already running, stop any VGA cogs repeat i from 0 to 2 if cog[i] cogstop(cog[i]~ - 1) PUB set_scrpointer(array_ptr) ' zeiger auf screenanfang wird neu gesetzt um mehrere screens verwalten zu können scrind_ := array_ptr DAT ' ┌─────────────────────────────┐ ' │ Initialization - all cogs │ ' └─────────────────────────────┘ org ' Move field loop into position entry mov field,field_code add entry,d0s0_ djnz regs,#entry ' Acquire settings mov scrind,par 'dr235: adresse screenindex speichern cmpsub scrind,bit15 'dr235: bit15 ausblenden add scrind,#36 'dr235: adresse in scrind speichern mov regs,par '00 dira_ ─ dira cmpsub regs,bit15 wc '04 dirb_ ─ dirb :next movd :read,sprs '08 vcfg_ ─ vcfg or :read,d8_d4 '12 cnt_ ─ cnt shr sprs,#4 '16 array_ptr_ ─ ctrb :read rdlong dira,regs '20 color_ptr_ ─ frqb add regs,#4 '24 cursor_ptr_ ─ vscl tjnz sprs,#:next '28 sync_ptr_ ─ phsb '32 mode_ '36 scrind_ --> scrind sumc vf_lines,#2 'alter scan line settings by cog sumnc vb_lines,#2 sumnc tile_line,#2 * 4 rdlong regs,regs wz 'if mode not 0, set tile size to 16 x 32 pixels if_nz movs tile_bytes,#32 * 4 if_nz shr array_bytes,#1 mov regs,vscl 'save cursor pointer ' Synchronize all cogs' video circuits so that waitvid's will be pixel-locked movi frqa,#(pr / 5) << 2 'set pixel rate (VCO runs at 2x) mov vscl,#1 'set video shifter to reload on every pixel waitcnt cnt,d8_d4 'wait for sync count, add ~3ms - cogs locked! movi ctra,#%00001_110 'enable PLLs now - NCOs locked! waitcnt cnt,#0 'wait ~3ms for PLLs to stabilize - PLLs locked! mov vscl,#100 'subsequent WAITVIDs will now be pixel-locked! ' Determine if this cog is to perform one of two field functions or the cursor function tjnz ctrb,#vsync 'if array ptr, jump to field function 'else, cursor function follows ' ┌─────────────────────────┐ ' │ Cursor Loop - one cog │ ' └─────────────────────────┘ ' Do vertical sync lines minus three cursor mov par,#vf + vs + vb - 6 :loop mov vscl,vscl_line :vsync waitvid ccolor,#0 djnz par,#:vsync ' Do three lines minus horizontal back porch pixels to buy a big block of time mov vscl,vscl_three_lines_mhb waitvid ccolor,#0 ' Get cursor data rdlong cx,regs 'get cursor x add regs,#4 rdlong cy,regs 'get cursor y add regs,#4 rdlong ccolor,regs 'get cursor color add regs,#4 rdlong cshape,regs 'get cursor shape sub regs,#3 * 4 and ccolor,#$FC 'trim and justify cursor color shl ccolor,#8 ' Build cursor pixels mov par,#32 'ready for 32 cursor segments movd :pix,#cpix mov cnt,cshape :pixloop cmp cnt,#1 wc, wz 'arrow, crosshair, or custom cursor? if_a jmp #:custom if_e jmp #:crosshair cmp par,#32 wz 'arrow cmp par,#32-21 wc if_z mov cseg,h80000000 if_nz_and_nc sar cseg,#1 if_nz_and_c shl cseg,#2 mov coff,#0 jmp #:pix :crosshair cmp par,#32-15 wz 'crosshair if_ne mov cseg,h00010000 if_e neg cseg,#2 cmp par,#1 wz if_e mov cseg,#0 mov coff,h00000F0F jmp #:pix :custom rdlong cseg,cshape 'custom add cshape,#4 rdlong coff,cshape :pix mov cpix,cseg 'save segment into pixels add :pix,d0 djnz par,#:pixloop 'another segment? ' Compute cursor position mov cseg,coff 'apply cursor center-pixel offsets and cseg,#$FF sub cx,cseg shr coff,#8 and coff,#$FF add cy,coff cmps cx,neg31 wc 'if x out of range, hide cursor via y if_nc cmps pixels_m1,cx wc if_c neg cy,#1 mov cshr,#0 'adjust for left-edge clipping cmps cx,#0 wc if_c neg cshr,cx if_c mov cx,#0 mov cshl,#0 'adjust for right-edge clipping cmpsub cx,pixels_m32 wc if_c mov cshl,cx if_c mov cx,pixels_m32 add cx,#hb 'bias x and y for display sub cy,lines_m1 ' Do visible lines with cursor mov par,lines 'ready for visible scan lines :line andn cy,#$1F wz, nr 'check if scan line in cursor range if_z movs :seg,cy 'if in range, get cursor pixels if_z add :seg,#cpix if_nz mov cseg,#0 'if out of range, use blank pixels :seg if_z mov cseg,cpix if_z rev cseg,#0 'reverse pixels so they map sensibly if_z shr cseg,cshr 'perform any edge clipping on pixels if_z shl cseg,cshl mov vscl,cx 'do left blank pixels (hb+cx) waitvid ccolor,#0 mov vscl,vscl_cursor 'do cursor pixels (32) waitvid ccolor,cseg mov vscl,vscl_line_m32 'do right blank pixels (hp+hf+hs-32-cx) sub vscl,cx waitvid ccolor,#0 add cy,#1 'another scan line? djnz par,#:line ' Do horizontal back porch pixels and loop mov vscl,#hb waitvid ccolor,#0 mov par,#vf + vs + vb - 3 'ready to do vertical sync lines jmp #:loop ' Cursor data vscl_line long ht 'total pixels per scan line vscl_three_lines_mhb long ht * 3 - hb 'total pixels per three scan lines minus hb vscl_line_m32 long ht - 32 'total pixels per scan line minus 32 vscl_cursor long 1 << 12 + 32 '32 pixels per cursor with 1 clock per pixel lines long vp 'visible scan lines lines_m1 long vp - 1 'visible scan lines minus 1 pixels_m1 long hp - 1 'visible pixels minus 1 pixels_m32 long hp - 32 'visible pixels minus 32 neg31 long -31 h80000000 long $80000000 'arrow/crosshair cursor data h00010000 long $00010000 h00000F0F long $00000F0F ' Initialization data d0s0_ long 1 << 9 + 1 'd and s field increments regs long $1F0 - field 'number of registers in field loop space sprs long $DFB91E76 'phsb/vscl/frqb/ctrb/cnt/vcfg/dirb/dira nibbles bit15 long $8000 'bit15 mask used to differentiate cogs in par d8_d4 long $0003E000 'bit8..bit4 mask for d field field_code 'field loop code begins at this offset ' Undefined cursor data cx res 1 cy res 1 ccolor res 1 cshape res 1 coff res 1 cseg res 1 cshr res 1 cshl res 1 cpix res 32 ' ┌─────────────────────────┐ ' │ Field Loop - two cogs │ ' └─────────────────────────┘ org ' Allocate buffers palettes res 64 'palettes of colors colors res xtiles 'colors for tile row pixels0 res xtiles 'pixels for tile row line +0 pixels1 res xtiles 'pixels for tile row line +1 pixels2 res xtiles 'pixels for tile row line +2 pixels3 res xtiles 'pixels for tile row line +3 ' Each cog alternately builds and displays four scan lines field mov cnt,#ytiles * 4 / 2 'ready number of four-scan-line builds/displays ' Build four scan lines build_4y movd col0,#colors+0 'reset pointers for scan line buffers movd col1,#colors+1 movd pix0,#pixels0+0 movd pix1,#pixels1+0 movd pix2,#pixels2+0 movd pix3,#pixels3+0 movd pix4,#pixels0+1 movd pix5,#pixels1+1 movd pix6,#pixels2+1 movd pix7,#pixels3+1 mov ina,#2 'four scan lines require two waitvid's build_32x mov vscl,vscl_two_lines 'output lows for two scan lines so other cog :zero waitvid :zero,#0 '..can display while this cog builds (twice) mov inb,#xtiles / 2 / 2 'build four scan lines for half a row build_2x rdlong vscl,ctrb 'get pair of words from the tile array movs col0,vscl 'get color bits from even tile andn col0,#$1C0 andn vscl,#$3F 'strip color bits and add tile line offset add vscl,tile_line col0 mov colors+0,palettes 'get even tile color add col0,d1 pix0 rdlong pixels0+0,vscl 'get line +0 even tile pixels add pix0,d1 add vscl,#4 pix1 rdlong pixels1+0,vscl 'get line +1 even tile pixels add pix1,d1 add vscl,#4 pix2 rdlong pixels2+0,vscl 'get line +2 even tile pixels add pix2,d1 add vscl,#4 pix3 rdlong pixels3+0,vscl 'get line +3 even tile pixels add pix3,d1 add ctrb,#2 * 2 'point to next pair of tile words shr vscl,#16 'shift odd tile word into position movs col1,vscl 'get color bits from odd tile andn col1,#$1C0 andn vscl,#$3F 'strip color bits and add tile line offset add vscl,tile_line col1 mov colors+1,palettes 'get odd tile color add col1,d1 pix4 rdlong pixels0+1,vscl 'get line +0 odd tile pixels add pix4,d1 add vscl,#4 pix5 rdlong pixels1+1,vscl 'get line +1 odd tile pixels add pix5,d1 add vscl,#4 pix6 rdlong pixels2+1,vscl 'get line +2 odd tile pixels add pix6,d1 add vscl,#4 pix7 rdlong pixels3+1,vscl 'get line +3 odd tile pixels add pix7,d1 djnz inb,#build_2x 'loop for next tile pair (48 inst/loop) djnz ina,#build_32x 'if first half done, loop for 2nd waitvid sub ctrb,#xtiles * 2 'back up to start of same row ' Display four scan lines mov inb,#4 'ready for four scan lines movs :waitvid,#pixels0 'reset waitvid pixel pointer :line mov ina,#xtiles 'ready for tiles movd :waitvid,#colors 'reset waitvid color pointer mov vscl,vscl_tile 'set pixel rate for tiles :tile cmp ina,#1 wz 'check if last tile add :waitvid,d0s0 'advance pointers (waitvid already read) :waitvid waitvid colors,pixels0 'do tile slice if_nz djnz ina,#:tile 'strange loop allows hsync timing and ina=1 call #hsync 'do horizontal sync (ina=1) djnz inb,#:line 'another scan line? ' Another four scan lines? add tile_line,#8 * 4 'advance eight scan lines within tile row tile_bytes cmpsub tile_line,#16 * 4 wc 'tile row done? (# doubled for mode 1) if_c add ctrb,#xtiles * 2 'if done, advance array pointer to next row djnz cnt,#build_4y 'another four scan lines? ' hier kann der index eingearbeitet werden 'sub ctrb,array_bytes 'display done, reset array pointer to top row rdlong ctrb,scrind 'dr235: stelle pointer wieder auf screenanfang ' Visible section done, handle sync indicator cmp cnt,phsb wz 'sync enabled? (cnt=0) if_nz wrlong neg1,phsb 'if so, write -1 to sync indicator ' Do vertical sync lines and loop vf_lines mov ina,#vf + 2 'do vertical front porch lines (adjusted ±2) call #blank vsync mov ina,#vs 'do vertical sync lines call #blank_vsync vb_lines mov ina,#vb - 2 'do vertical back porch lines (adjusted ±2) movs blank_vsync_ret,#field '(loop to field, blank_vsync follows) ' Subroutine - do blank lines blank_vsync xor hv_sync,#$0101 'flip vertical sync bits blank mov vscl,vscl_blank 'do horizontal blank pixels waitvid hv_sync,#0 hsync mov vscl,#hf 'do horizontal front porch pixels waitvid hv_sync,#0 mov vscl,#hs 'do horizontal sync pixels waitvid hv_sync,#1 rdlong vscl,frqb 'update another palette and vscl,color_mask :palette mov palettes,vscl add :palette,d0 add frqb,#4 add par,count_64 wc if_c movd :palette,#palettes if_c sub frqb,#64 * 4 mov vscl,#hb 'do horizontal back porch pixels waitvid hv_sync,#0 djnz ina,#blank 'another blank line? hsync_ret blank_ret blank_vsync_ret ret ' Data d0s0 long 1 << 9 + 1 'd and s field increments d0 long 1 << 9 'd field increment d1 long 2 << 9 'd field double increment tile_line long 2 * 4 'tile line offset (adjusted ±2 * 4) array_bytes long xtiles * ytiles * 2 'number of bytes in tile array vscl_two_lines long ht * 2 'total pixels per two scan lines vscl_tile long 1 << 12 + 16 '16 pixels per tile with 1 clock per pixel vscl_blank long hp 'visible pixels per scan line hv_sync long $0200 '+/-H,-V states count_64 long $04000000 'addend that sets carry every 64th addition color_mask long $FCFCFCFC 'mask to isolate R,G,B bits from H,V neg1 long $FFFFFFFF 'negative 1 to be written to sync indicator scrind long 0 'dr235: adresse des screenindex