{{ Bellatrix-Code ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Autor: Ingo Kripahle │ │ Copyright (c) 2012 Ingo Kripahle │ │ See end of file for terms of use. │ │ Die Nutzungsbedingungen befinden sich am Ende der Datei │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Informationen : hive-project.de Kontakt : drohne235@googlemail.com System : trios Name : Chip : global Typ : konstanten }} CON 'Signaldefinitionen -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'signaldefinitionen global #0, D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7 'datenbus #24, HBEAT 'front-led BUSCLK 'bustakt BUS_WR '/wr - schreibsignal BUS_HS ' '/hs - quittungssignal I2C_SCL I2C_SDA SER_TX SER_RX 'signaldefinitionen bellatrix #8, B_VGABASE 'vga-signale (8pin) #16, B_KEYBC,B_KEYBD 'keyboard-signale #18, B_MOUSEC,B_MOUSED 'maus-signale #20, B_VIDBASE 'video-signale(3pin) #23, B_SELECT 'belatrix-auswahlsignal 'signaldefinitionen administra #8, A_SOUNDL,A_SOUNDR 'sound (stereo 2 pin) #10, A_SDD0,A_SDCLK,A_SDCMD,A_SDD3 'sd-cardreader (4 pin) #21, A_Bluetooth_Line 'Key-Line des HC05-Bluetooth-Moduls #23, A_SELECT 'administra-auswahlsignal 'plexbus adm_sda = 19 'i2c-datenpin adm_scl = 20 'i2c-clockpin adm_int1 = 21 'interrupt port 1&2 adm_int2 = 22 'interrupt port 3 CON 'KEY_CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEY_CTRL = 2 KEY_ALT = 4 KEY_OS = 8 KEY_ESC = 27 KEY_TAB = 9 KEY_RETURN = 13 KEY_BS = 8 KEY_POS1 = 6 KEY_CURUP = 04 KEY_CURDOWN = 05 KEY_CURLEFT = 02 KEY_CURRIGHT = 03 KEY_PAGEUP = 160 KEY_PAGEDOWN = 162 KEY_SPACE = 32 KEY_F01 = 208 KEY_F02 = 209 KEY_F03 = 210 KEY_F04 = 211 KEY_F05 = 212 KEY_F06 = 213 KEY_F07 = 214 KEY_F08 = 215 KEY_F09 = 216 KEY_F10 = 217 KEY_F11 = 218 KEY_F12 = 219 CON 'ADMINISTRA-FUNKTIONEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' +------------- bluetooth ' |+------------ dfc77 receiver ' ||+----------- ays ' |||+---------- com ' |||| +-------- plexbus ' |||| |+------- rtc ' |||| ||+------ lan ' |||| |||+----- sid ' |||| ||||+---- wav ' |||| |||||+--- hss ' |||| ||||||+-- chiploader ' |||| |||||||+- dateisystem A_FAT = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000001 A_LDR = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000010 A_HSS = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000100 A_WAV = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00001000 A_SID = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00010000 A_LAN = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00100000 A_RTC = %00000000_00000000_00000000_01000000 A_PLX = %00000000_00000000_00000000_10000000 A_COM = %00000000_00000000_00000001_00000000 A_AYS = %00000000_00000000_00000010_00000000 A_DCF = %00000000_00000000_00000100_00000000 A_BLT = %00000000_00000000_00001000_00000000 ' | ' ym ' ---------------------------------------------- SD-FUNKTIONEN #1, a_sdMount 'sd-card mounten ' a_sdOpenDir 'direktory öffnen a_sdNextFile 'verzeichniseintrag lesen a_sdOpen 'datei öffnen a_sdClose 'datei schließen a_sdGetC 'zeichen lesen a_sdPutC 'zeichen schreiben a_sdGetBlk 'block lesen a_sdPutBlk 'block schreiben a_sdSeek 'zeiger in datei positionieren a_sdFAttrib 'dateiattribute übergeben a_sdVolname 'volumelabel abfragen a_sdCheckMounted 'test ob volume gemounted ist a_sdCheckOpen 'test ob eine datei geöffnet ist a_sdCheckUsed 'test wie viele sektoren benutzt sind a_sdCheckFree 'test wie viele sektoren frei sind a_sdNewFile 'neue datei erzeugen a_sdNewDir 'neues verzeichnis wird erzeugt a_sdDel 'verzeichnis oder datei löschen a_sdRename 'verzeichnis oder datei umbenennen a_sdChAttrib 'attribute ändern a_sdChDir 'verzeichnis wechseln a_sdFormat 'medium formatieren a_sdUnmount 'medium abmelden a_sdDmAct 'dir-marker aktivieren a_sdDmSet 'dir-marker setzen a_sdDmGet 'dir-marker status abfragen a_sdDmClr 'dir-marker löschen a_sdDmPut 'dir-marker status setzen a_sdEOF 'eof abfragen a_sdPos 'zeiger in Datei abfragen a_sdCopy 'Datei kopieren a_sdDirSize '33 'Dateigrösse ->ist quatsch ' ---------------------------------------------- Bluetooth-Funktionen #35, a_bl_Command_On a_bl_Command_Off '36 ' ---------------------------------------------- COM-FUNKTIONEN #37, a_comInit a_comTx a_comRx '39 ' ---------------------------------------------- RTC-FUNKTIONEN #40, a_rtcTest 'Test if RTC Chip is available a_rtcGetSeconds 'Returns the current second (0 - 59) from the real time clock. a_rtcGetMinutes 'Returns the current minute (0 - 59) from the real time clock. a_rtcGetHours 'Returns the current hour (0 - 23) from the real time clock. a_rtcGetDay 'Returns the current day (1 - 7) from the real time clock. a_rtcGetDate 'Returns the current date (1 - 31) from the real time clock. a_rtcGetMonth 'Returns the current month (1 - 12) from the real time clock. a_rtcGetYear 'Returns the current year (2000 - 2099) from the real time clock. a_rtcSetSeconds 'Sets the current real time clock seconds. Seconds - Number to set the seconds to between 0 - 59. a_rtcSetMinutes 'Sets the current real time clock minutes. Minutes - Number to set the minutes to between 0 - 59. a_rtcSetHours 'Sets the current real time clock hours. Hours - Number to set the hours to between 0 - 23. a_rtcSetDay 'Sets the current real time clock day. Day - Number to set the day to between 1 - 7. a_rtcSetDate 'Sets the current real time clock date. Date - Number to set the date to between 1 - 31. a_rtcSetMonth 'Sets the current real time clock month. Month - Number to set the month to between 1 - 12. a_rtcSetYear 'Sets the current real time clock year. Year - Number to set the year to between 2000 - 2099. a_rtcSetNVSRAM 'Sets the NVSRAM to the selected value (0 - 255) at the index (0 - 55). a_rtcGetNVSRAM 'Gets the selected NVSRAM value at the index (0 - 55). a_rtcPauseForSec 'Pauses execution for a number of seconds. Returns a puesdo random value derived from the current clock frequency and the time when called. Number - Number of seconds to pause for between 0 and 2,147,483,647. a_rtcPauseForMSec 'Pauses execution for a number of milliseconds. Returns a puesdo random value derived from the current clock frequency and the time when called. Number - Number of milliseconds to pause for between 0 and 2,147,483,647. a_rtcGetTime '59 'Returns the current hour, minute and second from the real time clock. ' ---------------------------------------------- DCF77-FUNKTIONEN #60, a_DCF_InSync 'Sync-Status senden a_DCF_Update_Clock 'RTC Synchronisieren a_DCF_GetBitError a_DCF_GetDatacount a_DCF_GetBitNumber a_DCF_GetBitLevel a_DCF_GetTimeZone a_DCF_GetActiveSet a_DCF_start 'DCF-Empfang starten a_DCF_stop 'DCF-Empfang stoppen a_DCF_dcfon 'Status des DCF-Empfängers a_DCF_GetSeconds a_DCF_GetMinutes a_DCF_GetHours a_DCF_GetWeekDay a_DCF_GetDay a_DCF_GetMonth a_DCF_GetYear '77 ' ---------------------------------------------- LAN-FUNKTIONEN #81, a_lanStart 'Start Network a_lanStop 'Stop Network a_lanConnect 'ausgehende TCP-Verbindung öffnen a_lanListen 'auf eingehende TCP-Verbindung lauschen a_lanWaitConnTimeout 'bestimmte Zeit auf Verbindung warten a_lanClose 'TCP-Verbindung schließen a_lanRXTime 'bestimmte Zeit warten auf Byte aus Empfangspuffer a_lanRXData 'Daten aus Empfangspuffer lesen a_lanTXData 'Daten senden a_lanRXByte 'wenn vorhanden, Byte aus Empfangspuffer lesen a_lanIsConnected '91 'TRUE, wenn Socket verbunden, sonst FALSE ' ---------------------------------------------- CHIP-MANAGMENT #92, a_mgrSetSound 'soundsubsysteme verwalten a_mgrGetSpec 'spezifikation abfragen a_mgrSetSysSound 'systemsound ein/ausschalten a_mgrGetSoundSys 'abfrage welches soundsystem aktiv ist a_mgrALoad 'neuen code booten a_mgrGetCogs 'freie cogs abfragen a_mgrGetVer 'codeversion abfragen a_mgrReboot '99 'neu starten ' ---------------------------------------------- HSS-FUNKTIONEN #100, a_hssLoad 'hss-datei in puffer laden a_hssPlay 'play a_hssStop 'stop a_hssPause 'pause a_hssPeek 'register lesen a_hssIntReg 'interfaceregister auslesen a_hssVol 'lautstärke setzen a_sfxFire 'sfx abspielen a_sfxSetSlot 'sfx-slot setzen a_sfxKeyOff a_sfxStop '110 ' ---------------------------------------------- PLX-Funktionen #120, a_plxRun 'plx-bus freigeben a_plxHalt 'plx-bus anfordern a_plxIn 'port einlesen a_plxOut 'port ausgeben a_plxCh 'ad-wandler auslesen a_plxGetReg 'poller-register lesen a_plxSetReg 'poller-register setzen a_plxStart 'i2c-dialog starten a_plxStop 'i2c-dialog beenden a_plxWrite 'i2c byte senden a_plxRead 'i2c byte empfangen a_plxPing 'abfrage ob device vorhanden ist a_plxSetAdr 'adressen adda/ports für poller setzen ' ---------------------------------------------- GAMEDEVICES a_Joy 'Joystick abfragen (1 x 8bit Port) a_Paddle 'Paddle abfragen (1 x 8bit Port 1 x Analog) a_Pad 'Pad abfragen (1 x 8bit Port 2 x Analog) a_SetJoy 'Port für Joystick setzen a_SetPad '137 'Chan für Pad setzen ' ---------------------------------------------- Venatrix-Propeller-Slave a_VexPut 'Register im Venatrix-Plexus schreiben a_VexGet '139 'Register im Venatrix-Plexus lesen ' ---------------------------------------------- AY-SOUNDFUNKTIONEN #147, a_ayStart a_ayStop a_ayUpdateRegisters '149 ' ---------------------------------------------- WAV-FUNKTIONEN #150, a_sdwStart 'spielt wav-datei direkt von sd-card ab a_sdwStop 'stopt wav-cog a_sdwStatus 'fragt status des players ab a_sdwLeftVol 'lautstärke links a_sdwRightVol 'lautstärke rechts a_sdwPause 'player pause/weiter-modus a_sdwPosition '156 ' ---------------------------------------------- SIDCog: DMP-Player-Funktionen (SIDCog2) #157, a_s_mdmpplay 'dmp-file mono auf sid2 abspielen a_s_sdmpplay 'dmp-file stereo auf beiden sids abspielen a_s_dmpstop 'dmp-player beenden a_s_dmppause 'dmp-player pausenmodus a_s_dmpstatus 'dmp-player statusabfrage a_s_dmppos 'player-position im dumpfile a_s_mute 'alle register löschen ' ---------------------------------------------- SIDCog1-Funktionen a_s1_setRegister a_s1_updateRegisters a_s1_setVolume a_s1_play a_s1_noteOn a_s1_noteOff a_s1_setFreq a_s1_setWaveform a_s1_setPWM a_s1_setADSR a_s1_setResonance a_s1_setCutoff a_s1_setFilterMask a_s1_setFilterType a_s1_enableRingmod a_s1_enableSynchronization ' ---------------------------------------------- SIDCog2-Funktionen a_s2_setRegister a_s2_updateRegisters a_s2_setVolume a_s2_play a_s2_noteOn a_s2_noteOff a_s2_setFreq a_s2_setWaveform a_s2_setPWM a_s2_setADSR a_s2_setResonance a_s2_setCutoff a_s2_setFilterMask a_s2_setFilterType a_s2_enableRingmod a_s2_enableSynchronization ' ---------------------------------------------- Zusatzfunktionen a_s2_resetRegisters a_s1_resetRegisters a_s_beep a_s_dmpreg '199 'soundinformationen senden ' ---------------------------------------------- Eigene Erweiterungen ' 200 ... 254 frei für eigene Erweiterungen CON 'BELLATRIX-FUNKTIONEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' +---------- ' | +-------- window ' | |+------- vektor ' | ||+------ grafik ' | |||+----- text ' | ||||+---- maus ' | |||||+--- tastatur ' | ||||||+-- vga ' | |||||||+- tv B_TV = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000001 B_VGA = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000010 B_KEY = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000100 B_MOUSE = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00001000 B_TXT = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00010000 B_PIX = %00000000_00000000_00000000_00100000 B_VEC = %00000000_00000000_00000000_01000000 B_WIN = %00000000_00000000_00000000_10000000 #1, B_KEYSTAT 'tastaturstatus senden B_KEYCODE 'tastaturzeichen senden B_PRINTCTRL 'steuerzeichen ($100..$1FF) ausgeben B_KEYSPEC 'statustasten ($100..$1FF) abfragen B_PRINTLOGO 'hive-logo ausgeben B_PRINTQCHAR '6 'zeichen ohne steuerzeichen augeben #80, B_WDEF B_WSET B_WGETCOLS B_WGETROWS B_WOFRAME '84 #87, B_MGRLOAD 'neuen bellatrix-code laden B_MGRWSCR 'setzt screen, in welchen geschrieben wird B_MGRDSCR 'setzt screen, welcher angezeigt wird B_MGRGETCOL 'farbregister auslesen B_MGRSETCOL 'farbregister setzen B_MGRGETRESX 'x-auflösung abfragen B_MGRGETRESY 'y-auflösung abfragen B_MGRGETCOLS 'spaltenanzahl abfragen B_MGRGETROWS 'zeilenanzahl abfragen B_MGRGETCOGS 'freie cogs abfragen B_MGRGETSPEC 'spezifikation abfragen B_MGRGETVER 'codeversion abfragen B_MGRREBOOT '99 'bellatrix neu starten ' steuerzeichen #0, B_CMD 'esc-code für zweizeichen-steuersequenzen B_CLS B_HOME B_POS1 B_CURON B_CUROFF B_SCROLLUP B_SCROLLDOWN B_BACKSPACE B_TAB B_LF B_FREE1 B_FREE2 B_CRLF ' dreizeichen-steuersequenzen ' [B_CMD][B_SCRCMD][...] #01, B_SETCUR B_SETX B_SETY B_GETX B_GETY B_SETCOL B_FREE3 B_FREE4 B_SINIT B_TABSET B_WSETX B_WSETY B_WGETX B_WGETY CON 'G0-FUNKTIONEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #1, G0_KEYSTAT G0_KEYCODE G0_KEYSPEC #10, G0_CLEAR G0_COPY G0_COLOR G0_WIDTH G0_COLORWIDTH G0_PLOT G0_LINE G0_ARC G0_VEC G0_VECARC G0_PIX G0_PIXARC G0_TEXT G0_TEXTARC G0_TEXTMODE G0_BOX G0_QUAD G0_TRI #93, G0_COLORTAB G0_SCREEN G0_DATBLK G0_DATLEN G0_DYNAMIC G0_STATIC G0_REBOOT PUB glob_con_dummy return DAT {{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ TERMS OF USE: MIT License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, │ │modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software│ │is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: │ │ │ │The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│ │ │ │THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE │ │WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR │ │COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, │ │ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ }}