{{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Autor: Jörg Deckert │ │ Copyright (c) 2013 Jörg Deckert │ │ See end of file for terms of use. │ │ Die Nutzungsbedingungen befinden sich am Ende der Datei │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Informationen : hive-project.de Kontakt : joergd@bitquell.de System : TriOS Name : flash Chip : Regnatix Typ : Programm Version : Subversion : Funktion : IRC-Client Komponenten : - COG's : - Logbuch : 27.12.2013-joergd - erste Version Kommandoliste : Notizen : }} OBJ ios: "reg-ios" str: "glob-string" num: "glob-numbers" 'Number Engine gc : "glob-con" led: "led-engine" CON _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 CON W0X_MENU = 8 W0Y_MENU = 0 COL_DEFAULT = 0 'default Schriftfarbe (Mitteilungstext und Eingabe) COL_STDEFAULT = 0 'default Schriftfarbe im Statusfenster COL_FRAME = 0 'Fensterrahmen (nicht ausgewählt) COL_FOCUS = 3 'Fensterrahmen (ausgewählt/Fokus) COL_HEAD = 8 'Titelzeile COL_TIME = 8 'aktuelle Zeit in Message-Zeile COL_STTIME = 8 'aktuelle Zeit im Status-Fenster COL_CHAN = 5 'Channel in Message-Zeile COL_NICK = 4 'Nickname in Message-Zeile COL_MYNICK = 2 'Nickname in selbst geschriebener Message-Zeile COL_PRIVNICK = 7 'Nickname in privater Message-Zeile COL_MSG = 0 'Text der Message-Zeile COL_MYMSG = 6 'Text in selbst geschriebener Message-Zeile COL_PRIVMSG = 7 'Text in privater Message-Zeile LEN_PASS = 32 LEN_NICK = 32 LEN_USER = 32 LEN_CHAN = 32 LEN_IRCLINE = 512 LEN_IRCSRV = 64 MAX_LINES_WIN1 = 1000 ' maximale Zeilenanzahl im Puffer für Fenster 1 (Chat) MAX_LINES_WIN2 = 1000 ' maximale Zeilenanzahl im Puffer für Fenster 2 (Status) MAX_LINES_WIN3 = 100 ' maximale Zeilenanzahl im Puffer für Fenster 3 (Eingabe) CON 'NVRAM Konstanten -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4, NVRAM_IPADDR #8, NVRAM_IPMASK #12, NVRAM_IPGW #16, NVRAM_IPDNS #20, NVRAM_IPBOOT #24, NVRAM_HIVE ' 4 Bytes DAT strNVRAMFile byte "nvram.sav",0 'contains the 56 bytes of NVRAM, if RTC is not available VAR long t1char 'Empfangs-Zeitpunkt des 1. Zeichen einer Zeile long secsrvact 'Sekunden seit letzter Server-Aktivität long ip_addr long hiveid long ledcog long bufstart[4] long ledstack[30] 'Stack für LED-Cog word buflinenr[4] word scrolllinenr[4] word ip_port word readpos word sendpos byte handleidx 'Handle-Nummer IRC Verbindung byte rows,cols,vidmod byte reconnect byte joined byte x0[4], y0[4], xn[4], yn[4], buflinelen, focus byte password[LEN_PASS+1],nickname[LEN_NICK+1],username[LEN_USER+1],channel[LEN_CHAN+1],ircsrv[LEN_IRCSRV+1] byte input_str[64] byte temp_str[256] byte print_str[256] byte print_str_ptr byte send_str[LEN_IRCLINE] byte receive_str[LEN_IRCLINE] byte brightness byte newMsg PUB main | key, t init repeat if ios.keystat > 0 if newMsg 'neue Mitteilung wurde signalisiert newMsg := FALSE ledStop key := ios.key case key gc#KEY_TAB: f_focus gc#KEY_CURUP: f_scrolldown gc#KEY_CURDOWN: f_scrollup gc#KEY_F01: f_help gc#KEY_F02: f_setconf gc#KEY_F03: f_connect gc#KEY_F04: f_join gc#KEY_F05: f_part gc#KEY_F06: f_nick gc#KEY_F07: f_user gc#KEY_F08: f_pass gc#KEY_F09: f_close gc#KEY_F10: f_quit other: if focus == 3 f_input(key) ifnot handleidx == $FF 'bei bestehender Verbindung... if ((cnt - t) / clkfreq) > 1 'nach jeder Sekunde... t := cnt if secsrvact++ > 60 'nach 60 Sekunden Inaktivität sendStr(string("PING HIVE")) sendStr(str.trimCharacters(num.ToStr(hiveid, num#DEC))) sendStr(string(13,10)) secsrvact := 0 'Sekunden seit letzter Serveraktivität zurücksetzen ircGetLine elseif reconnect 'wenn Verbindung unterbrochen wurde if ((cnt - t) / clkfreq) > 1 'nach jeder Sekunde... t := cnt if secsrvact++ > 60 'nach 60 Sekunden handleStatusStr(@strReconnect, 2, TRUE) f_connect secsrvact := 0 'Sekunden zurücksetzen PRI init ip_addr := 0 ip_port := 0 readpos := 0 sendpos := 0 ledcog := 0 handleidx := $FF password[0] := 0 nickname[0] := 0 username[0] := 0 channel[0] := 0 send_str[0] := 0 ircsrv[0] := 0 focus := 3 reconnect := FALSE joined := FALSE newMsg := FALSE ios.start 'ios initialisieren ifnot (ios.belgetspec & (gc#b_key|gc#b_txt|gc#b_win)) 'Wir brauchen Bellatrix mit Keyboard-, Text- und Fensterfunktionen ios.belreset 'Bellatrix neu starten (aus ROM laden) ios.print(@strInitWait) ifnot (ios.belgetspec & (gc#b_key|gc#b_txt|gc#b_win)) ios.print(@strWrongBel) 'Bellatrix-Flash enthält nicht die nötige Version ios.stop 'Ende else ios.print(@strInitWait) ios.sdmount ifnot (ios.admgetspec & gc#A_LAN) 'Administra stellt kein Netzwerk zur Verfügung ios.sddmset(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker setzen ios.sddmact(ios#DM_SYSTEM) 's-marker aktivieren ios.admload(string("admnet.adm")) 'versuche, admnet zu laden ios.sddmact(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker aktivieren ifnot (ios.admgetspec & gc#A_LAN) 'wenn Laden fehlgeschlagen ios.print(@strNoNetwork) ios.stop 'Ende setscreen conf_load if ip_addr == 0 ifnot f_setconf handleStatusStr(@strRestartConf, 2, FALSE) 'sfx-slots setzen ios.sfx_setslot(@soundNewMgs, 0) PRI f_focus if ++focus == 4 focus := 1 scrolllinenr[1] := 0 scrolllinenr[2] := 0 scrolllinenr[3] := 0 win_contentRefresh win_redraw ios.winset(3) if focus == 3 'Eingabefenster ios.curon else ios.curoff PRI f_scrollup | lineAddr, lineNum, lineMax case focus 1: lineMax := MAX_LINES_WIN1 2: lineMax := MAX_LINES_WIN2 if (scrolllinenr[focus] > 0) and (focus <> 3) ios.winset(focus) ios.scrollup ios.curpos1 ios.cursety(yn[focus]) lineNum := buflinenr[focus] - --scrolllinenr[focus] - 1 'Nummer hereinngescrollte neue Zeile if lineNum < 0 lineNum += lineMax lineAddr := bufstart[focus] + (lineNum * buflinelen) 'Adresse im eRAM (Usermode) printBufWin(lineAddr) PRI f_scrolldown | lineAddr, lineNum, lineMax case focus 1: lineMax := MAX_LINES_WIN1 2: lineMax := MAX_LINES_WIN2 if (scrolllinenr[focus] < lineMax - yn[focus] + y0[focus] - 1) and (focus <> 3) ios.winset(focus) ios.scrolldown ios.curhome lineNum := buflinenr[focus] - ++scrolllinenr[focus] - yn[focus] + y0[focus] - 1 'Nummer hereinngescrollte neue Zeile if lineNum < 0 lineNum += lineMax lineAddr := bufstart[focus] + (lineNum * buflinelen) 'Adresse im eRAM (Usermode) printBufWin(lineAddr) PRI f_help ios.winset(5) ios.printcls ios.winoframe ios.curhome ios.curoff ios.setcolor(COL_DEFAULT) ios.print(@strHelp) repeat until ios.keystat > 0 waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq) '1sek warten ios.key win_redraw win_contentRefresh PRI f_setconf | i,n ifnot confServer win_contentRefresh return(FALSE) confPass confNick confUser confChannel win_contentRefresh confSave PRI f_connect ircClose 'Falls bereits eine Verbindung besteht ircConnect ircPass ircReg ircJoin PRI f_join if joined handleStatusStr(@strAlreadyJoined, 2, FALSE) else confChannel win_contentRefresh ircJoin PRI f_part ircPart(0) handleChatStr(@channel, @nickname, string("/part"), 1) PRI f_nick confNick win_contentRefresh ircNick PRI f_user confUser win_contentRefresh handleStatusStr(@strUserChanged, 2, FALSE) PRI f_pass confPass win_contentRefresh handleStatusStr(@strPassChanged, 2, FALSE) PRI f_close ircClose PRI f_quit f_close ios.winset(0) ios.screeninit ios.stop PRI f_input(key) case key $0d: if strsize(@send_str) > 0 'Zeilenende, absenden ircPutLine sendpos := 0 send_str[0] := 0 if yn[3]-y0[3] > 0 'if changed, reset window sizes yn[1] := rows-9 y0[2] := rows-7 yn[2] := rows-4 y0[3] := rows-2 yn[3] := rows-2 ios.windefine(1,x0[1],y0[1],xn[1],yn[1]) ios.windefine(2,x0[2],y0[2],xn[2],yn[2]) ios.windefine(3,x0[3],y0[3],xn[3],yn[3]) win_redraw win_contentRefresh ios.winset(3) ios.printcls ios#CHAR_BS: if sendpos > 0 'backspace sendpos-- send_str[sendpos] := 0 ios.winset(3) if ios.curgetx == 1 'cursor at the beginning of line if yn[1] < rows-9 'chat window is smaller yn[1]++ 'make chat window 1 line higher ios.windefine(1,x0[1],y0[1],xn[1],yn[1]) y0[2]++ yn[2]++ 'move status window 1 line down ios.windefine(2,x0[2],y0[2],xn[2],yn[2]) else yn[2]++ 'make status window 1 line higher ios.windefine(2,x0[2],y0[2],xn[2],yn[2]) y0[3]++ 'make input window 1 line smaller ios.windefine(3,x0[3],y0[3],xn[3],yn[3]) win_redraw win_contentRefresh else ios.winset(3) ios.printbs 9 .. 13, 32 .. 255: if sendpos < LEN_IRCLINE-2 'normales zeichen send_str[sendpos] := key sendpos++ send_str[sendpos] := 0 if ios.curgetx == cols - 2 'cursor at line end if yn[2]-y0[2] > 0 'status window has more than 1 line yn[2]-- 'make status window 1 line smaller ios.windefine(2,x0[2],y0[2],xn[2],yn[2]) else yn[1]-- 'make chat window 1 line smaller ios.windefine(1,x0[1],y0[1],xn[1],yn[1]) y0[2]-- yn[2]-- 'move status window 1 line up ios.windefine(2,x0[2],y0[2],xn[2],yn[2]) y0[3]-- 'make input window 1 line higher ios.windefine(3,x0[3],y0[3],xn[3],yn[3]) win_redraw win_contentRefresh elseif (ios.curgetx == 1) and yn[3]-y0[3] > 0 'first char in next line win_contentRefresh 'word wrap else ios.winset(3) ios.printchar(key) PRI confServer if ip_addr == 0 temp_str[0] := 0 else IpPortToStr(ip_addr, ip_port) input(@strInputSrv,@temp_str ,21) ifnot strToIpPort(@input_str, @ip_addr, @ip_port) handleStatusStr(@strErrorAddr, 2, FALSE) return (FALSE) return(TRUE) PRI confPass | i,n input(@strInputPass,@password,LEN_PASS) n := 1 repeat i from 0 to LEN_PASS if n == 0 password[i] := 0 else n := input_str[i] password[i] := n PRI confNick | i,n input(@strInputNick,@nickname,LEN_NICK) n := 1 repeat i from 0 to LEN_NICK if n == 0 nickname[i] := 0 else n := input_str[i] nickname[i] := n PRI confUser | i,n input(@strInputUser,@username,LEN_USER) n := 1 repeat i from 0 to LEN_USER if n == 0 username[i] := 0 else n := input_str[i] username[i] := n PRI confChannel | i,n input(@strInputChannel,@channel,LEN_CHAN) n := 1 repeat i from 0 to LEN_CHAN if n == 0 channel[i] := 0 else n := input_str[i] channel[i] := n PRI confSave | i ios.sddmset(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker setzen ios.sddmact(ios#DM_SYSTEM) 's-marker aktivieren ios.sdnewfile(@strConfFile) ifnot ios.sdopen("W",@strConfFile) ios.sdputc(ip_addr >> 24) ios.sdputc(ip_addr >> 16) ios.sdputc(ip_addr >> 8) ios.sdputc(ip_addr ) ios.sdputc(ip_port >> 8) ios.sdputc(ip_port ) repeat i from 0 to LEN_PASS ios.sdputc(password[i]) repeat i from 0 to LEN_NICK ios.sdputc(nickname[i]) repeat i from 0 to LEN_USER ios.sdputc(username[i]) repeat i from 0 to LEN_CHAN ios.sdputc(channel[i]) ios.sdclose ios.sddmact(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker aktivieren handleStatusStr(@strConfigSaved, 2, TRUE) PRI conf_load | i ios.sddmset(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker setzen ios.sddmact(ios#DM_SYSTEM) 's-marker aktivieren ifnot ios.sdopen("R",@strConfFile) ip_addr := ios.sdgetc << 24 ip_addr += ios.sdgetc << 16 ip_addr += ios.sdgetc << 8 ip_addr += ios.sdgetc ip_port := ios.sdgetc << 8 ip_port += ios.sdgetc repeat i from 0 to LEN_PASS password[i] := ios.sdgetc repeat i from 0 to LEN_NICK nickname[i] := ios.sdgetc repeat i from 0 to LEN_USER username[i] := ios.sdgetc repeat i from 0 to LEN_CHAN channel[i] := ios.sdgetc ios.sdclose ios.sddmact(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker aktivieren if ios.rtcTest 'RTC chip available? hiveid := ios.getNVSRAM(NVRAM_HIVE) hiveid += ios.getNVSRAM(NVRAM_HIVE+1) << 8 hiveid += ios.getNVSRAM(NVRAM_HIVE+2) << 16 hiveid += ios.getNVSRAM(NVRAM_HIVE+3) << 24 else ios.sddmset(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker setzen ios.sddmact(ios#DM_SYSTEM) 's-marker aktivieren ifnot ios.sdopen("R",@strNVRAMFile) ios.sdseek(NVRAM_HIVE) hiveid := ios.sdgetc hiveid += ios.sdgetc << 8 hiveid += ios.sdgetc << 16 hiveid += ios.sdgetc << 24 ios.sdclose ios.sddmact(ios#DM_USER) 'u-marker aktivieren PRI ircConnect | t joined := FALSE handleStatusStr(@strConnect, 2, TRUE) ios.lanstart if (handleidx := ios.lan_connect(ip_addr, ip_port)) == $FF handleStatusStr(@strErrorNoSocket, 2, TRUE) return(-1) ifnot (ios.lan_waitconntimeout(handleidx, 2000)) handleStatusStr(@@strErrorConnect, 2, TRUE) ircClose return(-1) handleStatusStr(@strWaitConnect, 2, TRUE) t := cnt repeat until (cnt - t) / clkfreq > 1 '1s lang Meldungen des Servers entgegennehmen ircGetline PRI ircClose ifnot handleidx == $FF ios.lan_close(handleidx) handleidx := $FF handleStatusStr(@strDisconnect, 2, TRUE) title_draw PRI ircPass if handleidx == $FF handleStatusStr(@strErrorPassConn, 2, FALSE) return(-1) else handleStatusStr(@strSendPass, 2, TRUE) if sendStr(string("PASS ")) or sendStr(@password) or sendStr(string(13,10)) handleStatusStr(@strErrorSendPass, 2, TRUE) return(-1) PRI ircNick if handleidx == $FF return(-1) if sendStr(string("NICK ")) or sendStr(@nickname) or sendStr(string(13,10)) handleStatusStr(@strErrorSendNick, 2, TRUE) return(-1) PRI ircReg | t if handleidx == $FF handleStatusStr(@strErrorRegConn, 2, FALSE) return(-1) handleStatusStr(@strSendNickReg, 2, TRUE) ircNick if sendStr(string("USER ")) or sendStr(@username) or sendStr(string(" 8 * :Hive #")) or sendStr(str.trimCharacters(num.ToStr(hiveid, num#DEC))) or sendStr(string(13,10)) handleStatusStr(@strErrorSendReg, 2, TRUE) return(-1) t := cnt repeat until (cnt - t) / clkfreq > 3 '3s lang Meldungen des Servers entgegennehmen ircGetline PRI ircJoin if strsize(@channel) > 0 and handleidx <> $FF if sendStr(string("JOIN ")) or sendStr(@channel) or sendStr(string(13,10)) handleStatusStr(@strErrorSendJoin, 2, TRUE) return(-1) joined := TRUE title_draw PRI ircPart(strMsg) if handleidx <> $FF sendStr(string("PART ")) sendStr(@channel) if strMsg sendStr(strMsg) 'optionale Mitteilung (Leerzeichen an erster Stelle) sendStr(string(13,10)) channel[0] := 0 joined := FALSE title_draw PRI ircGetLine | i, x, prefixstr, nickstr, chanstr, msgstr, commandstr if readLine(2000) 'vollständige Zeile empfangen secsrvact := 0 'Sekunden seit letzter Serveraktivität zurücksetzen if receive_str[0] == ":" 'Prefix folgt (sollte jede hereinkommende Message enthalten) prefixstr := @receive_str[1] ifnot (commandstr := str.replaceCharacter(prefixstr, " ", 0)) 'nächstes Leerzeichen ist Ende des Prefix, dann folgt das Kommando return(FALSE) else 'kein Prefix prefixstr := 0 commandstr := @receive_str 'es geht gleich mit dem Kommando los if str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("PRIVMSG ")) 'Chat Message chanstr := commandstr + 8 if (msgstr := str.replaceCharacter(chanstr, " ", 0)) msgstr++ nickstr := @receive_str[1] if str.replaceCharacter(nickstr, "!", 0) ' check for CTCP i := strsize(msgstr) if byte[msgstr] == 1 AND byte[msgstr][i - 1] == 1 ' it's a CTCP msg byte[msgstr][i - 1] := 0 ' move string end up one spot msgstr++ ' seek past the CTCP byte handleCTCPStr(nickstr, msgstr) if strcomp(msgstr, string("VERSION")) 'Versions-Anfrage sendStr(string("NOTICE ")) sendStr(nickstr) sendStr(string(" :VERSION HiveIRC 1.0.0 [P8X32A/80MHz] ",13,10)) else ifnot newMsg 'neue Mitteilung noch nicht signalisiert newMsg := TRUE ledStart ios.sfx_fire($0, 1) 'play phone sound if byte[chanstr] == "#" 'Message an Channel handleChatStr(chanstr, nickstr, msgstr, 0) else 'Message an mich msgstr -= 7 '"[priv] " vor Message schreiben x := string("[priv] ") repeat i from 0 to 6 byte[msgstr][i] := byte[x][i] handleChatStr(string(""), nickstr, msgstr, 2) elseif str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("PING :")) 'PING #ifdef __DEBUG handleStatusStr(@strPingPong, 2, TRUE) #endif byte[commandstr][1] := "O" sendStr(commandstr) sendStr(string(13,10)) elseif str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("JOIN ")) 'JOIN if (str.replaceCharacter(prefixstr, "!", 0)) repeat x from 0 to strsize(prefixstr) - 1 temp_str[x] := byte[prefixstr][x] msgstr := @strJoin repeat i from 0 to strsize(msgstr) - 1 temp_str[x++] := byte[msgstr][i] temp_str[x] := 0 handleStatusStr(@temp_str, 2, TRUE) elseif str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("PART ")) 'PART if (str.replaceCharacter(prefixstr, "!", 0)) repeat x from 0 to strsize(prefixstr) - 1 temp_str[x] := byte[prefixstr][x] msgstr := @strPart repeat i from 0 to strsize(msgstr) - 1 temp_str[x++] := byte[msgstr][i] temp_str[x] := 0 handleStatusStr(@temp_str, 2, TRUE) elseif str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("QUIT :")) 'QUIT if (str.replaceCharacter(prefixstr, "!", 0)) repeat x from 0 to strsize(prefixstr) - 1 temp_str[x] := byte[prefixstr][x] msgstr := @strLeaveServer repeat i from 0 to strsize(msgstr) - 1 temp_str[x++] := byte[msgstr][i] temp_str[x] := 0 handleStatusStr(@temp_str, 2, TRUE) elseif str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("NOTICE ")) 'Notiz #ifdef __DEBUG handleStatusStr(commandstr, 2, FALSE) #endif elseif str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("MODE ")) 'Mode #ifdef __DEBUG handleStatusStr(commandstr, 2, FALSE) #endif elseif str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("PONG ")) 'PONG (Antwort auf eigenes PING) #ifdef __DEBUG handleStatusStr(commandstr, 2, FALSE) #endif elseif str.startsWithCharacters(commandstr, string("NICK ")) 'Nick if (str.replaceCharacter(prefixstr, "!", 0)) repeat x from 0 to strsize(prefixstr) - 1 temp_str[x] := byte[prefixstr][x] msgstr := @strChangeNick repeat i from 0 to strsize(msgstr) - 1 temp_str[x++] := byte[msgstr][i] msgstr := commandstr + 5 if byte[msgstr] == ":" msgstr++ repeat i from 0 to strsize(msgstr) - 1 temp_str[x++] := byte[msgstr][i] temp_str[x] := 0 handleStatusStr(@temp_str, 2, TRUE) elseif byte[commandstr][3] == " " 'Kommando 3 Zeichen lang -> 3stelliger Returncode byte[commandstr][3] := 0 nickstr := commandstr + 4 msgstr := str.replaceCharacter(nickstr, " ", 0) case num.FromStr(commandstr, num#DEC) 1: if prefixstr msgstr := @strConnected repeat x from 0 to strsize(msgstr) - 1 temp_str[x] := byte[msgstr][x] repeat i from 0 to LEN_IRCSRV ircsrv[i] := byte[prefixstr][i] temp_str[x++] := byte[prefixstr][i] if byte[prefixstr][i] == 0 quit ircsrv[LEN_IRCSRV] := 0 handleStatusStr(@temp_str, 2, TRUE) title_draw 372: handleStatusStr(msgstr + 3, 1, FALSE) 'MOTD 375..376: 451: other: repeat x from 0 to strsize(commandstr) - 1 'unbehandelter Return-Code temp_str[x] := byte[commandstr][x] temp_str[x++] := ":" temp_str[x++] := " " repeat i from 0 to strsize(msgstr) - 1 temp_str[x++] := byte[msgstr][i] if x == 127 quit temp_str[x] := 0 handleStatusStr(@temp_str, 2, TRUE) else 'unbekanntes Kommando handleStatusStr(commandstr, 2, FALSE) ios.winset(3) ios.curon PRI ircPutLine | i if str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/set")) 'alle Einstellungen ändern und speichern f_setconf elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/save")) 'Konfiguration speichern confSave elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/srv")) 'mit Server verbinden if send_str[4] == " " and send_str[5] <> " " and send_str[5] <> 0 'Nick als Parameter angegeben ifnot strToIpPort(@send_str[5], @ip_addr, @ip_port) handleStatusStr(@strErrorAddr, 2, TRUE) return (FALSE) else ifnot confServer 'Eingabefenster win_contentRefresh return(FALSE) else win_contentRefresh ircClose 'bei bestehender Verbindung diese beenden ircConnect ircPass ircReg elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/quit")) 'Verbindung mit Server trennen ircClose elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/pass")) 'Paßwort ändern confPass win_contentRefresh handleStatusStr(@strPassChanged, 2, FALSE) elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/nick")) 'Nickname ändern if send_str[5] == " " and send_str[6] <> " " and send_str[6] <> 0 'Nick als Parameter angegeben repeat i from 0 to LEN_NICK nickname[i] := send_str[6+i] if send_str[6+i] == 0 quit channel[LEN_NICK] := 0 else confNick win_contentRefresh ircNick elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/user")) 'User ändern confUser win_contentRefresh handleStatusStr(@strUserChanged, 2, FALSE) elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/join")) 'mit Channel verbinden if joined handleStatusStr(@strAlreadyJoined, 2, FALSE) else if send_str[5] == " " and send_str[6] == "#" 'Channel als Parameter angegeben repeat i from 0 to LEN_CHAN channel[i] := send_str[6+i] if send_str[6+i] == 0 quit channel[LEN_IRCSRV] := 0 else confChannel win_contentRefresh ircJoin elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/part")) 'Channel verlassen if handleidx == $FF handleStatusStr(@strNotConnected, 2, FALSE) else if send_str[5] == " " 'Mitteilung folgt ircPart(@send_str[5]) 'Mitteilung mit Leerzeichen an erster Stelle else ircPart(0) handleChatStr(@channel, @nickname, @send_str, 1) elseif str.startsWithCharacters(@send_str, string("/msg")) 'Message an Nickname if handleidx == $FF handleStatusStr(@strNotConnected, 2, FALSE) else sendStr(string("PRIVMSG ")) if (i := str.replaceCharacter(@send_str[5], " ", 0)) sendStr(@send_str[5]) sendStr(string(" :")) sendStr(i) sendStr(string(13,10)) handleChatStr(@send_str[5], @nickname, i, 1) elseif send_str[0] == "/" 'anderes IRC-Kommando an Server if handleidx == $FF handleStatusStr(@strNotConnected, 2, FALSE) else sendStr(@send_str[1]) sendStr(string(13,10)) handleChatStr(@channel, @nickname, @send_str, 1) else 'Message an Channel if strsize(@channel) == 0 handleStatusStr(@strNotJoined, 2, FALSE) elseif handleidx == $FF handleStatusStr(@strNotConnected, 2, FALSE) else sendStr(string("PRIVMSG ")) sendStr(@channel) sendStr(string(" :")) sendStr(@send_str) sendStr(string(13,10)) handleChatStr(@channel, @nickname, @send_str, 1) PRI title_draw | spaces, i ios.winset(0) ios.curoff ios.cursetx(W0X_MENU) ios.cursety(W0Y_MENU) ios.setcolor(COL_HEAD) spaces := cols-W0X_MENU ios.print(string(" IRC Client")) spaces -= 11 ifnot handleidx == $FF 'wenn verbunden ios.print(string(" (")) spaces -= 2 if joined ios.print(@channel) ios.printchar("@") spaces -= strsize(@channel)+1 i := 0 repeat spaces - 1 if ircsrv[i] == 0 'Ende Servername erreicht ios.printchar(" ") else ios.printchar(ircsrv[i]) if ircsrv[++i] == 0 'Ende Servername folgt ios.printchar(")") else repeat spaces ios.printchar(" ") ios.printlogo(0,0) PRI win_draw | i repeat i from 1 to 3 ios.windefine(i,x0[i],y0[i],xn[i],yn[i]) ios.winset(i) ios.curoff ios.printcls if i == focus ios.setcolor(COL_FOCUS) else ios.setcolor(COL_FRAME) ios.winoframe ios.winset(0) ios.cursetx(2) ios.cursety(y0[i]-1) if i == focus ios.setcolor(COL_FOCUS) else ios.setcolor(COL_FRAME) case i 1: ios.print(@strWin1) 2: ios.print(@strWin2) 3: ios.print(@strWin3) ios.winset(3) ios.curon PRI win_redraw | i repeat i from 1 to 3 ios.winset(i) if i == focus ios.setcolor(COL_FOCUS) else ios.setcolor(COL_FRAME) ios.winoframe ios.winset(0) ios.cursetx(2) ios.cursety(y0[i]-1) if i == focus ios.setcolor(COL_FOCUS) else ios.setcolor(COL_FRAME) case i 1: ios.print(@strWin1) 2: ios.print(@strWin2) 3: ios.print(@strWin3) PRI win_contentRefresh | win, lines, lineNum, linePos, space, i '' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ '' │ Fensterinhalt neu aufbauen │ '' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 'chat and status window repeat win from 1 to 2 lines := yn[win] - y0[win] + 1 '??? if buflinenr[win] => lines lineNum := buflinenr[win] - lines 'Nummer erste anzuzeigende Zeile else case win 1: lineNum := MAX_LINES_WIN1 + buflinenr[win] - lines 2: lineNum := MAX_LINES_WIN2 + buflinenr[win] - lines ios.winset(win) ios.printcls printBufWin(bufstart[win] + (lineNum * buflinelen)) repeat lines - 1 lineNum++ if lineNum == MAX_LINES_WIN1 lineNum := 0 ios.printnl printBufWin(bufstart[win] + (lineNum * buflinelen)) 'input window ios.winset(3) ios.curoff ios.printcls ios.setcolor(COL_FOCUS) if strsize(@send_str) < cols - 1 ios.print(@send_str) else linePos := 0 space := 0 repeat i from 0 to strsize(@send_str) - 1 if send_str[i] == " " space := i 'save position of last space if (i - linePos == cols - 2) 'end of current line repeat while linePos < i ios.printchar(send_str[linePos++]) 'print line if linePos == space 'last space linePos++ 'omit quit 'next line ios.curpos1 ios.printnl space := 0 ios.print(@send_str[linePos]) 'print remaining line ios.curon PRI setscreen | buflen[4], i vidmod := ios.belgetspec & 1 rows := ios.belgetrows 'zeilenzahl bei bella abfragen cols := ios.belgetcols 'spaltenzahl bei bella abfragen buflinelen := cols + 20 'Länge einer Zeile im Fensterpuffer print_str[0] := 0 'leerer print_str (zum Leeren Fensterpuffer) print_str[1] := 0 print_str[2] := 0 'gesamter Bildschirm (Nr. 0) x0[0] := 0 y0[0] := 0 xn[0] := cols-1 yn[0] := rows-1 'Chat-Fenster (Nr. 1) x0[1] := 1 y0[1] := 2 xn[1] := cols-2 yn[1] := rows-9 buflinenr[1] := 0 scrolllinenr[1] := 0 bufstart[1] := 0 buflen[1] := buflinelen * MAX_LINES_WIN1 repeat i from 0 to MAX_LINES_WIN1 - 1 'Fensterpuffer leeren printStrBuf(1) 'Status-Fenster (Nr. 2) x0[2] := 1 y0[2] := rows-7 xn[2] := cols-2 yn[2] := rows-4 buflinenr[2] := 0 scrolllinenr[2] := 0 bufstart[2] := bufstart[1] + buflen[1] buflen[2] := buflinelen * MAX_LINES_WIN2 repeat i from 0 to MAX_LINES_WIN2 - 1 'Fensterpuffer leeren printStrBuf(2) 'Eingabe-Fenster (Nr. 3) x0[3] := 1 y0[3] := rows-2 xn[3] := cols-2 yn[3] := rows-2 buflinenr[3] := 0 scrolllinenr[3] := 0 bufstart[3] := bufstart[2] + buflen[2] buflen[3] := buflinelen * MAX_LINES_WIN3 repeat i from 0 to MAX_LINES_WIN3 - 1 'Fensterpuffer leeren printStrBuf(3) ios.winset(0) ios.printcls title_draw win_draw 'Konfigurations-Fenster (Nr. 4) ios.windefine(4,13,10,47,13) 'Hilfe-Fenster (Nr. 5) ios.windefine(5,1,2,62,22) PRI printTime | timeStr, i '' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ '' │ aktuelle Zeit in print_str schreiben │ '' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ print_str[print_str_ptr++] := "[" timeStr := str.trimCharacters(str.numberToDecimal(ios.getHours, 2)) repeat i from 0 to 1 print_str[print_str_ptr++] := byte[timeStr][i] print_str[print_str_ptr++] := ":" timeStr := str.trimCharacters(str.numberToDecimal(ios.getMinutes, 2)) repeat i from 0 to 1 print_str[print_str_ptr++] := byte[timeStr][i] print_str[print_str_ptr++] := "]" PRI handleChatStr(chanstr, nickstr, msgstr, me) | i, timenicklen, msglineend, ch, space, lastline '' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ '' │ Chat-Zeile erstellen, anzeigen und in Puffer schreiben │ '' | | '' | Aufbau: 00 ... 000 | '' | | '' | me: 0 - nicht von mir / an mich | '' | 1 - von mir | '' | 2 - an mich | '' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ios.winset(1) lastline := FALSE 'letzte der erstellten Zeilen? print_str_ptr := 0 'String neu beginnen '1. Teilstring: Zeit print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_TIME 'Farbbyte printTime print_str[print_str_ptr++] := 0 '2. Teilstring: Nickname case me 0: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_NICK 'Farbbyte 1: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_MYNICK 'Farbbyte 2: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_PRIVNICK 'Farbbyte print_str[print_str_ptr++] := ">" repeat i from 0 to strsize(nickstr) - 1 'Länge Nickname ohne Abschluß-Null print_str[print_str_ptr++] := byte[nickstr][i] print_str[print_str_ptr++] := ":" print_str[print_str_ptr++] := " " print_str[print_str_ptr++] := 0 '3. Teilstring: 1. Teil der Mitteilung case me 0: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_MSG 'Farbbyte 1: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_MYMSG 'Farbbyte 2: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_PRIVMSG 'Farbbyte timenicklen := strsize(nickstr) + 10 msglineend := cols - timenicklen -2 repeat until lastline if strsize(msgstr) =< msglineend 'msgline paßt auf Zeile lastline := TRUE else 'msgline muß umgebrochen werden ch := byte[msgstr][msglineend] 'Zeichen am Zeilenende sichern byte[msgstr][msglineend] := 0 'Messagestring am Zeilenende abschließen if (space := findCharacterBack(msgstr, " ")) 'wenn letztes Leerzeichen in msgstr gefunden byte[msgstr][msglineend] := ch 'Zeichen am Zeilenende wieder einfügen byte[space] := 0 'msgstr am letzten Leerzeichen abschließen repeat i from 0 to strsize(msgstr) 'Länge Mitteilung inkl. Abschluß-Null print_str[print_str_ptr++] := byte[msgstr][i] print_str[print_str_ptr++] := 0 'komplette Chat-Zeile fertig print_str[print_str_ptr] := 0 print_str_ptr := 0 if scrolllinenr[1] == 0 'Chatfenster nicht gescrollt ios.printnl printStrWin(@print_str) 'im Chatfenster anzeigen printStrBuf(1) 'in Fensterpuffer schreiben ifnot lastline 'wenn noch eine zeile folgt, diese bereits beginnen case me 0: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_MSG 'Farbbyte 1: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_MYMSG 'Farbbyte 2: print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_PRIVMSG 'Farbbyte repeat timenicklen '"Tab" bis Ende Anzeige Channel + Nickname print_str[print_str_ptr++] := " " if space msgstr := space + 1 else print_str[print_str_ptr++] := ch 'am Zeilenende entferntes Zeichen hier einfügen msgstr += msglineend + 1 PRI handleCTCPStr(nickstr, msgstr) | i, msglineend ios.winset(1) print_str_ptr := 0 ' String neu beginnen '1. Teilstring: Zeit print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_TIME 'Farbbyte printTime print_str[print_str_ptr++] := 0 '3. Teilstring: Nickname print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_NICK 'Farbbyte print_str[print_str_ptr++] := ">" repeat i from 0 to strsize(nickstr) 'Länge Nickname inkl. Abschluß-Null print_str[print_str_ptr++] := byte[nickstr][i] '3. Teilstring: CTCP Mitteilung print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_DEFAULT 'Farbbyte print_str[print_str_ptr++] := ":" print_str[print_str_ptr++] := " " msglineend := cols - strsize(nickstr) - 8 if strsize(msgstr) =< msglineend msglineend := strsize(msgstr) 'msgline kürzer wie restliche Zeile else byte[msgstr][msglineend] := 0 'länger, abschneiden repeat i from 0 to msglineend print_str[print_str_ptr++] := byte[msgstr][i] print_str[print_str_ptr++] := 0 'komplette Chat-Zeile fertig print_str[print_str_ptr] := 0 print_str_ptr := 0 if scrolllinenr[1] == 0 ios.printnl printStrWin(@print_str) printStrBuf(1) PRI handleStatusStr(statusstr, win, showtime) | i, statlineend '' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ '' │ Status-Zeile erstellen, anzeigen und in Puffer schreiben │ '' | | '' | Aufbau: 00 ... 000 | '' | | '' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ios.winset(win) print_str_ptr := 0 ' String neu beginnen '1. Teilstring: Zeit if showtime print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_STTIME 'Farbbyte printTime print_str[print_str_ptr++] := 0 '2. Teilstring: Status print_str[print_str_ptr++] := COL_STDEFAULT 'Farbbyte if showtime print_str[print_str_ptr++] := " " statlineend := cols - 10 else statlineend := cols - 2 if strsize(statusstr) > statlineend 'statusline länger wie restliche Zeile byte[statusstr][statlineend] := 0 'abschneiden repeat i from 0 to strsize(statusstr) print_str[print_str_ptr++] := byte[statusstr][i] print_str[print_str_ptr++] := 0 'komplette Status-Zeile fertig print_str[print_str_ptr] := 0 print_str_ptr := 0 if scrolllinenr[win] == 0 ios.printnl printStrWin(@print_str) printStrBuf(win) PRI printStrWin(printStr) | i '' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ '' │ Chat-Zeile in aktuellem Fenster zeigen │ '' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ i := 0 repeat if byte[printStr][i] == 0 and byte[printStr][i+1] == 0 'nichts mehr anzuzeigen, Ende quit ios.setcolor(byte[printStr][i++]) 'ersten Byte vom Teilstring ist die Farbe ios.print(printStr + i) 'restlichen String anzeigen i += strsize(printStr + i) + 1 'i zeigt auf nächsten Teilstring ios.curpos1 'ohne diesen befehl wird, wenn letztes Zeichen ganz am Ende steht 'bei einem ios.printnl eine zusätzliche Leerzeile angezeigt PRI printStrBuf(win) | lineAddr, lineMax, i '' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ '' │ Chat-Zeile in Fenster-Puffer schreiben │ '' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ case win 1: lineMax := MAX_LINES_WIN1 2: lineMax := MAX_LINES_WIN2 3: lineMax := MAX_LINES_WIN3 lineAddr := bufstart[win] + (buflinenr[win]++ * buflinelen) 'Adresse Zeilenbeginn im eRAM (Usermode) if buflinenr[win] == lineMax buflinenr[win] := 0 i := 0 repeat ios.ram_wrbyte(1,print_str[i],lineAddr++) if print_str[i] == 0 and print_str[i+1] == 0 and print_str[i+2] == 0 'Ende Teilstring und Ende Komplettstring ios.ram_wrbyte(1,0,lineAddr++) 'auch Abschluß-Nullen in Puffer schreiben ios.ram_wrbyte(1,0,lineAddr) quit i++ PRI printBufWin(lineAddr) | i repeat i from 0 to buflinelen if (temp_str[i] := ios.ram_rdbyte(1,lineAddr++)) == 0 if i > 1 if (temp_str[i-1] == 0) and (temp_str[i-2] == 0) quit printStrWin(@temp_str) PRI strToIpPort(ipstr, ip, port) | octet ' extracts the IP and PORT from a string long[ip] := 0 word[port] := 0 octet := 3 repeat while octet => 0 case byte[ipstr] "0".."9": byte[ip][octet] := (byte[ip][octet] * 10) + (byte[ipstr] - "0") ".": octet-- ":": quit other: return false ipstr++ if octet <> 0 return false if byte[ipstr++] == ":" repeat while byte[ipstr] <> 0 if byte[ipstr] => "0" and byte[ipstr] =< "9" word[port] := (word[port] * 10) + (byte[ipstr] - "0") else return false ipstr++ return true PRI IpPortToStr(ip, port) | i,n,x,stradr ' IP-Adresse und Port stehen dann in temp_str n := 0 repeat i from 3 to 0 stradr := str.trimCharacters(num.ToStr(byte[@ip][i], num#DEC)) x := 0 repeat strsize(stradr) byte[@temp_str][n++] := byte[stradr][x++] if(i) byte[@temp_str][n++] := "." byte[@temp_str][n++] := ":" stradr := str.trimCharacters(num.ToStr(port, num#DEC)) x := 0 repeat strsize(stradr) byte[@temp_str][n++] := byte[stradr][x++] byte[@temp_str][n] := 0 PUB input(strdesc, strdef, input_len) | i,n input_str[0] := 0 ios.winset(4) ios.printcls ios.winoframe ios.curhome ios.curoff ios.setcolor(COL_DEFAULT) ios.printchar(" ") ios.print(strdesc) ios.printnl ios.printnl ios.printchar(" ") repeat input_len ios.printchar("_") ios.curpos1 ios.printchar(" ") i := 0 repeat strsize(strdef) 'Vorgabewert in strdef eintragen n := byte[strdef+i] ios.printchar(n) byte[@input_str][i] := n i++ byte[@input_str][i] := 0 ios.curon repeat 'entspricht ab hier ios.input n := ios.keywait 'auf taste warten case n $0d: quit 'Enter, Eingabe beenden ios#CHAR_BS: if i > 0 'Zurück ios.printbs i-- byte[@input_str][i] := 0 9 .. 13, 32 .. 255: if i < input_len 'normales zeichen ios.printchar(n) byte[@input_str][i] := n i++ byte[@input_str][i] := 0 ios.curoff PRI readLine(timeout) : ch ifnot (ch := ios.lan_rxbyte(handleidx)) == -1 if readpos == 0 '1. Zeichen einer Zeile empfangen t1char := cnt if (ch == 10) and receive_str[readpos-1] == 13 'Zeilenende receive_str[readpos-1] := 0 readpos := 0 return(TRUE) receive_str[readpos++] := ch if readpos == LEN_IRCLINE-1 'max. Zeilenlänge erreicht receive_str[readpos] := 0 readpos := 0 return(TRUE) ifnot ios.lan_isConnected(handleidx) 'Verbindung unterbrochen ircClose reconnect := TRUE 'möglichst neu verbinden return(FALSE) if (readpos <> 0) and ((cnt - t1char) / (clkfreq / 1000) > timeout) 'Timeout seit Empfang 1. Zeichen receive_str[readpos] := 0 readpos := 0 return(TRUE) return(FALSE) PRI sendStr (strSend) : error ' ios.print(string(" > ")) ' ios.print(strSend) ' ios.printnl error := ios.lan_txdata(handleidx, strSend, strsize(strSend)) PUB findCharacterBack(charactersToSearch, characterToFind) | i '' ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ '' │ Searches a string of characters for the last occurence of the specified character. │ '' │ │ '' │ Returns the address of that character if found and zero if not found. │ '' │ │ '' │ CharactersToSearch - A pointer to the string of characters to search. │ '' │ CharacterToFind - The character to find in the string of characters to search. │ '' └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ i := strsize(charactersToSearch) repeat i if(byte[charactersToSearch][--i] == characterToFind) return charactersToSearch + i return 0 PRI ledStart ifnot ledcog ledcog := cognew(ledTwinkle(clkfreq/150), @ledstack) PRI ledStop if ledcog cogstop(ledcog) ledcog := 0 PRI ledTwinkle(rate) repeat repeat brightness from 0 to 100 led.LEDBrightness(brightness, gc#HBEAT) 'Adjust LED brightness waitcnt(rate + cnt) 'Wait a moment repeat brightness from 100 to 0 led.LEDBrightness(brightness,gc#HBEAT) 'Adjust LED brightness waitcnt(rate + cnt) 'Wait a moment DAT 'Sound ' Wav Len Fre Vol LFO LFW FMa AMa Att Dec Sus Rel soundNewMgs byte $00,$03,$FF,$0F,$08,$04,$05,$00,$FF,$00,$50,$11 byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01 DAT 'Locale #ifdef __LANG_EN 'locale: english strConfFile byte "irc.cfg",0 strWin1 byte "Chat",0 strWin2 byte "State",0 strWin3 byte "Input",0 strWrongBel byte 13,"Bellatrix flash doesn't have the expected TriOS code.",13,0 strNoNetwork byte 13,"Administra doesn't provide network functions!",13,"Please load admnet.",13,0 strInitWait byte 13,"Initialiasing, please wait...",13,0 strReconnect byte "Try to reconnect",0 strRestartConf byte "Please restart configuration (F2)",0 strAlreadyJoined byte "Already joined, please leave channel before with F5 (/part)",0 strUserChanged byte "User changed, please reconnect to use it",0 strPassChanged byte "Password changed, please reconnect to use it",0 strInputSrv byte "IRC-Server (ip:port):",0 strErrorAddr byte "Error in ip address or port of server.",0 strInputPass byte "Password:",0 strInputNick byte "Nickname:",0 strInputUser byte "Username:",0 strInputChannel byte "Channel:",0 strConfigSaved byte "Configuration saved.",0 strConnect byte "Connecting to IRC server...",0 strErrorNoSocket byte "No free socket.",0 strErrorConnect byte "Error connecting to IRC server.",0 strWaitConnect byte "Connected, waiting for readyness...",0 strDisconnect byte "Disconnected from IRC server...",0 strErrorPassConn byte "Error setting password (no connection)",0 strSendPass byte "Sending password...",0 strErrorSendPass byte "Error sending password",0 strErrorSendNick byte "Error sending nickname",0 strErrorRegConn byte "No registration possible (no connection)",0 strSendNickReg byte "Sending registration (nick, user, password)...",0 strErrorSendReg byte "Error sending user information",0 strErrorSendJoin byte "Error joining to channel",0 strPingPong byte "PING received, send PONG",0 strJoin byte " has joined the channel",0 strPart byte " has leaved the channel",0 strLeaveServer byte " has leaved the server",0 strChangeNick byte " is now known as ",0 strConnected byte "Connected to ",0 strNotConnected byte "Not connected",0 strNotJoined byte "Not joined to channel",0 ' |------------------------------------------------------------| strHelp byte "Internal commands:" byte $0d,"=================" byte $0d byte $0d,"F1 This Help" byte $0d,"F2 /set Edit and save all settings" byte $0d,"F3 Connect to server, login and join" byte $0d,"F4 /join Join to channel (/join #)" byte $0d,"F5 /part Leave current channel (/part )" byte $0d,"F6 /nick Change nickname (/nick )" byte $0d,"F7 /user Change username" byte $0d,"F8 /pass Change password" byte $0d,"F9 /quit Disconnect from server" byte $0d,"F10 Exit irc client" byte $0d," /msg Private Message (/msg )" byte $0d," /srv connect to server and login (srv )" byte $0d," /save Save settings" byte $0d,"Tab Switch windows, scroll with cursor up/down" byte $0d byte $0d,"All other input beginning with '/' is a direct command to the" byte $0d,"server. All input that doesn't begin with '/' is a public" byte $0d,"message to the current channel",$0 #else 'default locale: german strConfFile byte "irc.cfg",0 strWin1 byte "Chat",0 strWin2 byte "Status",0 strWin3 byte "Eingabe",0 strWrongBel byte 13,"Bellatrix-Flash enthält nicht den erforderlichen TriOS-Code.",13,0 strNoNetwork byte 13,"Administra stellt keine Netzwerk-Funktionen zur Verfügung!",13,"Bitte admnet laden.",13,0 strInitWait byte 13,"Initialisiere, bitte warten...",13,0 strReconnect byte "Versuche Neuverbindung",0 strRestartConf byte "Bitte Konfiguration neu starten (F2)",0 strAlreadyJoined byte "Kanal bereits betreten, vorher mit F5 (/part) verlassen",0 strUserChanged byte "User geändert, zum Anwenden neu verbinden",0 strPassChanged byte "Paßwort geändert, zum Anwenden neu verbinden",0 strInputSrv byte "IRC-Server angeben (IP:Port):",0 strErrorAddr byte "Fehlerhafte Eingabe von IP-Adresse und Port des Servers.",0 strInputPass byte "Paßwort eingeben:",0 strInputNick byte "Nickname eingeben:",0 strInputUser byte "Username eingeben:",0 strInputChannel byte "Channel eingeben:",0 strConfigSaved byte "Konfiguration gespeichert.",0 strConnect byte "Verbinde mit IRC-Server...",0 strErrorNoSocket byte "Kein Socket frei!",0 strErrorConnect byte "Verbindung mit IRC-Server konnte nicht aufgebaut werden.",0 strWaitConnect byte "Verbunden, warte auf Bereitschaft...",0 strDisconnect byte "Verbindung mit IRC-Server getrennt...",0 strErrorPassConn byte "Kann Paßwort nicht setzen (keine Verbindung zum Server)",0 strSendPass byte "Sende Paßwort...",0 strErrorSendPass byte "Fehler beim Senden des Paßwortes",0 strErrorSendNick byte "Fehler beim Senden des Nicknamens",0 strErrorRegConn byte "Anmeldung nicht möglich (keine Verbindung zum Server)",0 strSendNickReg byte "Sende Nickname und Benutzerinformationen...",0 strErrorSendReg byte "Fehler beim Senden der Benutzerinformationen",0 strErrorSendJoin byte "Fehler beim Verbinden mit Channel",0 strPingPong byte "PING erhalten, sende PONG",0 strJoin byte " hat den Kanal betreten",0 strPart byte " hat den Kanal verlassen",0 strLeaveServer byte " hat den Server verlassen",0 strChangeNick byte ":Nickname geändert in ",0 strConnected byte "Verbunden mit ",0 strNotConnected byte "Nicht verbunden",0 strNotJoined byte "Mit keinem Kanal verbunden",0 ' |------------------------------------------------------------| strHelp byte "Interne Befehle:" byte $0d,"================" byte $0d byte $0d,"F1 Diese Hilfe" byte $0d,"F2 /set Alle Einstellungen bearbeiten und abspeichern" byte $0d,"F3 Mit Server verbinden, anmelden und Kanal betreten" byte $0d,"F4 /join Kanal betreten (/join #)" byte $0d,"F5 /part Aktuellen Kanal verlassen (/part )" byte $0d,"F6 /nick Nicknamen ändern (/nick )" byte $0d,"F7 /user Benutzernamen ändern" byte $0d,"F8 /pass Paßwort ändern" byte $0d,"F9 /quit Verbindung zu Server trennen" byte $0d,"F10 Programm beenden" byte $0d," /msg Private Mitteilung (/msg )" byte $0d," /srv Mit Server verbinden und anmelden (srv )" byte $0d," /save Einstellungen speichern" byte $0d,"Tab Fenster umschalten, scrollen mit Cursor hoch/runter" byte $0d byte $0d,"Alle anderen mit '/' beginnenden Eingaben sind Befehle an den" byte $0d,"Server. Alle Eingaben, welche nicht mit '/' beginnen, sind" byte $0d,"eine öffentliche Mitteilung an den aktuellen Kanal.",$0 #endif DAT 'lizenz {{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ TERMS OF USE: MIT License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, │ │modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software│ │is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: │ │ │ │The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│ │ │ │THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE │ │WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR │ │COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, │ │ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ }}