62 lines
1.1 KiB
62 lines
1.1 KiB
# Build the bin apps
./build_bin alias
./build_bin cat
./build_bin chmod
./build_bin config
./build_bin cp
./build_bin date
./build_bin declare
./build_bin diag
./build_bin diff
./build_bin dos2unix
./build_bin ed
./build_bin export
./build_bin ted
./build_bin grep
./build_bin halt
./build_bin head
./build_bin history
./build_bin let
./build_bin linefeed
./build_bin ls
./build_bin man
./build_bin mkdir
./build_bin more
./build_bin mv
./build_bin od
./build_bin printenv
./build_bin rb
./build_bin reboot
./build_bin rm
./build_bin sb
./build_bin set
./build_bin shell
./build_bin spasm
./build_bin spinit
./build_bin splink
./build_bin tail
./build_bin tar
./build_bin test
./build_bin touch
./build_bin unalias
./build_bin unix2dos
./build_bin unset
./build_bin vi
./build_bin vgatdemo
./build_bin wc
# Copy the shell scripts
cp src/spc root/bin
# Copy text files
cp src/*.txt root/bin
# Build files for spasm
cd src
grep PUB clibsd.spin >../root/devel/clibsd.spn
cp ../root/devel/clibsd.spn ../root/devel/clibsd.spa
bstc -b clibsd.spin
cp clibsd.binary ../root/devel/clibsd.bin
rm clibsd.binary
cd ..