CONFIG(1) User Commands CONFIG(1) NAME config - configure the system SYNOPSIS config [PARM] DESCRIPTION The config utility is used to control how information is displayed on the console terminal. The config utility writes the value of PARM to the config location in Spinix. PARM is expressed as a hexadecimal number. The config value indicates the number of display lines, the terminal type and whether a newline sends the line-feed and carriage-return characters to the console. The format of PARM is "NNTL", where "NN" is a 2-digit hex number indicating the number of display lines, "T" is a single hex digit with a value of 0, 1 or 2 for TTY, PST or ANSI terminal mode. "L" is a single hex digit with the following values: 0 - Do not send any characters 1 - Send a LF character 2 - Send a CR character 3 - Send a CR character followed by a LF The "linefeed" command may also be used to enable/disable whether a line-feed character is sent by a newline. EXAMPLES The following shows various examples of terminal configurations: config 2 - TTY terminal with no line specification config 12 - PST terminal with no line specification config 23 - ANSI terminal with no line specification config 1823 - 24-line ANSI terminal with CR and LF config 2812 - 40-line PST terminal with CR AUTHOR Dave Hein COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Dave Hein MIT License (See license.txt in the root directory) This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law. SPINIX utility March 2012 CONFIG(1)