LERNER(1) User Commands LERNER(1) NAME lerner - conversational program that learns SYNOPSIS lerner DESCRIPTION Lerner is a stand-alone conversational program that can learn by building a vocabulary. It supports a simple grammatical syntax containing a subject, verb and predicate. The predicate can contain an optional adjective. The syntax is as follows: [article] subject verb [article] [adjective] predicate Each field must consist of a single word. The articles, "a", "an" and "the" are optional. Statements can be made questions by adding a "?" at the end. Questions can also start with the words "who", "what", "does", "do", "is" and "are". The question mark is optional when starting a question with these words. Words must be spelled with the same capitalization as they were defined. One exception is at the beginning of a sentence where the first letter can be capitalized even if the word was defined in lower-case. Lerner supports the following commands: vocab [word] - Print the words I know dump - Print the words as hex codes forget - Remove a word from memory save - Save the words to EEPROM reset - Reset the word table basic - Reset the word table to a basic list history - Print the short term memory goodbye - Exit the program help - Print this list of commands Lerner normally saves its vocabulary to the EEPROM. However, the save function has been disabled in this version. AUTHOR Dave Hein COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Dave Hein MIT License (See license.txt in the root directory) This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law. SPINIX Program March 2012 LERNER(1)