SPINIT(1) User Commands SPINIT(1) NAME spinit - spin compiler SYNOPSIS spinit [-d] FILE DESCRIPTION spinit compiles a Spin program, and generates spasm code. spinit handles a subset of the Spin language. It dese not compile PASM code, and it does not implement the following Spin keywords: CASE, LOOKUP, LOOKUPZ, LOOKDOWN, LOOKDOWNZ, VAR, CONSTANT FROM, TO, STEP, FLOAT, ROUND, TRUNC spinit also does not allow arrays to be defined. If the -d option is specified, spinit will print out debug information as it compiles. AUTHOR Dave Hein COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, 2013, Dave Hein MIT License (See license.txt in the root directory) This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law. SPINIT November 2013 SPINIT(1)