TED(1) User Commands TED(1) NAME ted - tiny text editor SYNOPSIS ted - [FILE] DESCRIPTION Edits the file named FILE. ted is a subset of the ed text editor It uses single letter commands that may be prefixed by a line number or a range of line numbers. The "." character represents the current line, and the "$" character is the last line number. A range is specifed by two line numbers seperated by a comma, such as "1,10" or ".,$". The commands are: q - quit w - write edit buffer to FILE d - delete the current line i - insert lines after the current line a - append lines before the current line p - print lines n - print lines with line number j - join the current line with the next line # - move to line # . - current line $ - move to last line - - move down one line + - move up one line h - print help information LIMITATIONS A file name must be specified when starting ted or it will write a blank file name when using the "w" command. AUTHOR Dave Hein COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Dave Hein MIT License (See license.txt in the root directory) This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law. SPINIX utility March 2012 TED(1)