\ This program was written by Lennart Benschop and converted to ANS Forth by \ by Jeff Fox. It was further modified by Dave Hein to run under pfth. The \ orignal source is available at http://www.ultatechnology.com/chess.html. HEX : scroll cr ; : cls page ; : key? 1 ; : off false swap ! ; : >defer 2 + w@ 4 - ; 3 constant maxlevel create bp0 maxlevel 1 + c0 * allot variable bpv : bp bpv @ ; : b@ bpv @ + c@ ; : b! bpv @ + c! ; : boardvar create , does> c@ bpv @ + ; 0c boardvar start 0d boardvar castlew 0e boardvar castleb 0f boardvar ep 1c boardvar starting 1d boardvar piece 1e boardvar best 1f boardvar farther? 2c boardvar wlcastle? 2d boardvar blcastle? 2e boardvar check 2f boardvar pawnmove 3c boardvar kingw 3d boardvar kingb 3e boardvar inpassing 3f boardvar advance 4c boardvar valuew 5c boardvar alfa 6c boardvar beta 7c boardvar (eval) 8c boardvar highest 9c boardvar cutoff ac boardvar valueb bc boardvar played variable level variable lastcnt : timeit cnt@ dup lastcnt @ - 80 / space . lastcnt ! ; : +level \ ." +LEVEL" timeit cr bp dup c0 + c0 cmove c0 bpv +! 1 level +! ; : -level \ ." -LEVEL" timeit cr -c0 bpv +! -1 level +! ; create symbols CHAR . , CHAR p , CHAR k , CHAR b , CHAR r , CHAR q , CHAR K , create values 0 , 40 , c0 , c0 , 140 , 240 , 3000 , : .board \ ." .BOARD" timeit cr cls 0 0 at-xy 20 spaces cr 2 spaces [CHAR] H 1 + [CHAR] A do i emit 2 spaces loop bp 20 + 8 0 do cr 20 spaces cr [CHAR] 8 i - emit 0a 2 do space dup i + c@ dup 07 and cells symbols + 1 type dup 80 and if ." W" drop else if ." B" else ." ." then then loop 10 + loop cr drop ; : .pos \ ." .POS" timeit cr 10 /mod swap 2 - [CHAR] A + emit [CHAR] 8 2 + swap - emit ; \ constants that indicate the directions on the board -11 constant nw -0f constant no 0f constant zw 11 constant zo -10 constant n 10 constant z -1 constant w 1 constant o create spring -12 , -21 , -1f , -0e , 12 , 21 , 1f , 0e , defer tmove defer attacktest : mine? \ ." MINE? " depth . timeit cr b@ dup 0= 0= swap 80 and start c@ = and ; variable movits : moveit \ ." MOVEIT" timeit cr starting c@ best c! 1 farther? c! begin best c@ over + dup best c! dup mine? over b@ 87 = or 0= farther? c@ and while tmove b@ 0= farther? c! repeat drop drop 1 movits +! ; : Bishop \ ." BISHOP" timeit cr no nw zo zw moveit moveit moveit moveit ; : Rook \ ." ROOK" timeit cr n o z w moveit moveit moveit moveit ; : Queen \ ." QUEEN" timeit cr n o z w no nw zo zw 8 0 do moveit loop ; : Knight \ ." KNIGHT" timeit cr 8 0 do i cells spring + @ starting c@ + dup best c! dup mine? swap b@ 87 = or 0= if tmove then loop ; : ?castle \ ." ?CASTLE" timeit cr start c@ 80 = if castlew else castleb then c@ check c@ 0= and ; : ?lcastle \ ." ?LCASTLE" timeit cr start c@ 80 = if wlcastle? else blcastle? then c@ check c@ 0= and ; : king \ ." KING" timeit cr n o z w no nw zo zw 8 0 do starting c@ + dup best c! dup mine? swap b@ 87 = or 0= if tmove then loop ?castle if 28 start c@ if 70 + then dup bp + 1- @ 0= if dup 1- attacktest 0= if best c! tmove else drop then else drop then then ?lcastle if 24 start c@ if 70 + then dup bp + @ over bp + 1- @ or 0= if dup 1 + attacktest 0= if best c! tmove else drop then else drop then then ; : Pawnrow \ ." PAWNROW" timeit cr start c@ if negate then ; : Pawnz \ ." PAWNZ" timeit cr dup best c! f0 and start c@ if 20 else 90 then = if 6 2 do i advance c! tmove loop else tmove then 0 pawnmove c! 0 inpassing c! 0 advance c! ; : Pawn \ ." PAWN" timeit cr starting c@ z Pawnrow + dup b@ if drop else dup Pawnz z Pawnrow + dup b@ if drop else starting c@ f0 and start c@ if 80 else 30 then = if starting c@ 0f and pawnmove c! Pawnz else drop then then then zw zo 2 0 do Pawnrow starting c@ + dup f0 and start c@ if 40 else 70 then = over 0f and ep c@ = and if 1 inpassing c! dup Pawnz then dup b@ dup 0= 2 pick mine? or swap 87 = or if drop else Pawnz then loop ; create pieces ' noop , ' Pawn , ' Knight , ' Bishop , ' Rook , ' Queen , ' king , : piecemove \ ." PIECEMOVE" timeit cr \ using above jump table for each type of piece - jump table uses , (CELLS) piece c@ cells pieces + @ execute ; : ?piecemove \ ." ?PIECEMOVE" timeit cr starting c@ dup mine? if b@ 07 and piece c! 0 pawnmove c! 0 inpassing c! 0 advance c! piecemove else drop then ; : allmoves \ ." ALLMOVES" timeit cr [char] . emit start c@ 0= if 22 starting c! 8 0 do 8 0 do ?piecemove starting c@ 1 + starting c! loop starting c@ 8 + starting c! loop else 92 starting c! 8 0 do 8 0 do ?piecemove starting c@ 1 + starting c! loop starting c@ 18 - starting c! loop then ; variable attack : ?attack \ ." ?ATTACK" timeit cr best c@ dup mine? 0= swap b@ 07 and piece c@ = and attack @ or attack ! ; : attacked? \ ." ATTACKED?" timeit cr attack off 0 7 1 do i piece c! piecemove attack @ if drop 1 leave then loop ; variable starting' variable best' variable start' variable tmove' : settest starting c@ starting' c! best c@ best' c! start c@ start' c! ['] tmove >defer tmove' ! ['] ?attack is tmove ; : po@ starting' c@ starting c! best' c@ best c! start' c@ start c! tmove' @ is tmove ; : changecolor start c@ 80 xor start c! ; variable endf variable playlevel variable #legal variable selected variable compcolor variable move# create bp1 c0 allot : endgame? start c@ if valueb else valuew then @ c1 < ; : evalboard valueb @ valuew @ - start c@ if negate then 55 mine? 1 and + 56 mine? 1 and + 65 mine? 1 and + 66 mine? 1 and + changecolor 55 mine? + 56 mine? + 65 mine? + 66 mine? + changecolor endgame? if start c@ if kingb else kingw then c@ dup f0 and dup 20 = swap 90 = or 7 and swap 0f and dup 2 = swap 9 = or 7 and + + then ; : ?check settest start c@ if kingw else kingb then c@ starting c! attacked? check c! po@ ; : (attacktest) ['] tmove >defer ['] ?attack <> if settest starting c! attacked? po@ else drop true then ; ' (attacktest) is attacktest variable seed : rnd seed @ 743 * 43 + dup seed ! ; \ 1 ; : domove best c@ b@ 7 and cells values + @ negate start c@ if valueb else valuew then +! starting c@ b@ best c@ b! 0 starting c@ b! advance c@ if advance c@ dup cells values + @ 40 - start c@ if valueb else valueb then +! start c@ or best c@ b! then piece c@ 4 = if starting c@ 0f and 2 = if 0 start c@ if wlcastle? else blcastle? then c! then starting c@ 0f and 9 = if 0 start c@ if castlew else castleb then c! then then piece c@ 6 = if 0 0 start c@ if castlew else castleb then dup >r c! r> 1f + c! best c@ starting c@ - 2 = if 4 start c@ or best c@ 1- b! 0 best c@ 1 + b! then best c@ starting c@ - -2 = if 4 start c@ or best c@ 1 + b! 0 best c@ 2 - b! then best c@ start c@ if kingw else kingb then c! then inpassing c@ if 0 best c@ n Pawnrow + b! -40 start c@ if valueb else valuew then +! then pawnmove c@ ep c! ; : deeper cutoff @ invert if +level domove ?check check c@ if -level exit then -1 played c0 - ! level @ playlevel @ = if evalboard (eval) c0 - ! else alfa @ highest ! alfa @ negate beta @ negate alfa ! beta ! changecolor 0 played ! allmoves played @ 0= if ?check check c@ if -2000 highest ! else 0 highest ! then then highest @ negate (eval) c0 - ! then -level (eval) @ highest @ max highest ! highest @ beta @ > if TRUE cutoff ! then then ; : analyse +level domove ?check check c@ 0= if 1 #legal +! changecolor ['] tmove >defer ['] deeper is tmove 0 played ! allmoves is tmove played @ 0= if ?check check c@ if -2000 highest ! else 0 highest ! then then highest @ beta c0 - @ = if rnd 2000 > if #legal @ selected ! then then highest @ beta c0 - @ < if #legal @ selected ! highest @ beta c0 - ! then then -level ; : select +level domove ?check check c@ 0= if 1 #legal +! #legal @ selected @ = if bp bp1 c0 cmove starting c@ .pos ." -" best c@ .pos space then then -level ; : against +level domove ?check check c@ 0= if 1 #legal +! then -level ; : compmove .board ['] analyse is tmove 0 #legal ! -4000 alfa ! 4000 beta ! \ 0 18 at-xy cr scroll \ 28 spaces start c@ if 1 move# +! move# @ 3 .r space else 4 spaces then ?check check c@ if ." Check" then 1 selected ! allmoves #legal @ 0= if check c@ if ." mate" else ." Pat" then TRUE endf ! else ['] select is tmove 0 #legal ! allmoves bp1 bp0 c0 cmove changecolor ['] against is tmove 0 #legal ! allmoves ?check check c@ if ." Check" then #legal @ 0= if check c@ if ." mate" else ." Pat" then TRUE endf ! then then .board ; variable startingm variable bestm variable personmove : legal \ ." LEGAL" timeit cr startingm @ starting c@ = bestm @ best c@ = and personmove @ advance c@ = and if \ ." LEGAL 1" timeit cr +level domove ?check check c@ 0= if \ ." LEGAL 2" timeit cr 1 #legal ! bp bp1 c0 cmove then -level \ ." LEGAL 3" timeit cr then ; create inputbuf 6 allot : inpos dup inputbuf + c@ [CHAR] A - dup 8 u< rot inputbuf + 1 + c@ [CHAR] 1 - dup 8 u< rot and swap 7 swap - 10 * rot + 22 + ; : promote 0 6 2 do over symbols i cells + c@ = if drop i then loop ; : person begin .board \ 0 18 at-xy timeit cr scroll \ 28 spaces start c@ if 1 move# +! move# @ 3 .r else 3 spaces then inputbuf 5 expect cr \ [char] X emit inputbuf 5 type [char] X emit inputbuf c@ [CHAR] Q = if quit then 0 inpos startingm ! 2 inputbuf + c@ [CHAR] - = and 3 inpos bestm ! and bestm @ f0 and start c@ if 20 else 90 then = startingm b@ 07 and 1 = and if ." What piece? " 0 0 begin drop drop key promote dup until personmove ! emit else 0 personmove ! then if \ ." Trace 1" timeit cr ['] legal is tmove 0 #legal ! startingm c@ starting c! ?piecemove #legal @ else \ ." Trace 2" timeit cr 0 then \ ." Trace 3" timeit cr dup 0= start c@ and if -1 move# +! then until \ ." Trace 4" timeit cr bp1 bp0 c0 cmove changecolor cr \ ." Trace 5" timeit cr .board ; : setmove compcolor @ 0< start c@ 80 = = if compmove else person then ; variable manVsMachine : askcolor manVSmachine @ if ." Do you want White Y/N" key dup [CHAR] Y = swap [CHAR] y = or if 1 else -1 then compcolor ! then ; : asklevel cr ." Level? 2-" maxlevel . key [CHAR] 0 - 2 max maxlevel min playlevel ! cls ; : init 0 level ! bp0 bpv ! bp c0 87 fill 4 2 3 6 5 3 2 4 8 0 do bp 22 + i + c! loop bp 32 + 8 01 fill bp 42 + 8 00 fill bp 52 + 8 00 fill bp 62 + 8 00 fill bp 72 + 8 00 fill bp 82 + 8 81 fill 84 82 83 86 85 83 82 84 8 0 do bp 92 + i + c! loop 1 castlew c! 1 castleb c! 0 ep c! 1 wlcastle? c! 1 blcastle? c! 0 advance c! 80 start c! 96 kingw c! 26 kingb c! askcolor cr asklevel 0 move# ! 0 endf ! 0 check c! 9c0 valuew ! 9c0 valueb ! ; : play begin setmove endf @ until ; : games begin init play again ; : autoplay begin setmove compcolor @ negate compcolor ! key? if quit then endf @ until ; : auto init -1 compcolor ! autoplay ; : chess cls ." ANS Forth Chess" cr ." Do you want to play against the computer? Y/N" cr begin rnd drop key? until key dup [CHAR] Y = swap [CHAR] y = or dup manVsMachine ! if games else auto then ; decimal