\ List the files in the current directory : ls get-file-struct 0= if exit then spi_currdir @ begin dup spi_buf spi_readblock drop 512 0 do i spi_buf + dup c@ if dup c@ 229 = \ Deleted file over 11 + c@ 15 = or \ Long name if drop else dup 11 type bl emit dup 28 + @ . cr drop then else r> r> 2drop 2drop exit then 32 +loop 1+ again ; \ Type the file to the console : cat bl word count 0 open-file if drop ." Could not open file" cr else begin dup pad 100 rot read-line drop 0 = if drop close-file drop exit then pad swap type cr again then ; \ Remove a file : rm bl word count delete-file if ." File does not exist" cr then ; \ Copy a file to another file : cp bl word count 0 open-file if drop ." Could not open input file" cr exit then bl word count 0 create-file if drop ." Could not open output file" cr close-file drop exit then begin over pad 100 rot read-file drop dup while over pad -rot write-file drop repeat drop close-file drop close-file drop ; \ Copy a file to memory and then to another file : cp1 bl word count 0 open-file if drop ." Could not open file" cr else dup here unused rot read-file drop swap close-file drop bl word count 0 create-file drop dup rot here swap rot write-file drop close-file drop then ;