{ ############################################################################ # PFTH - This program implements a Forth interpreter. # # Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Dave Hein # MIT Licensed ############################################################################ } con _clkmode = xtal1+pll16x _clkfreq = 80_000_000 ' SD Pin Definitions DO = 10 CLK = 11 DI = 9 CS = 25 Q = 16 ' Object Offset FLAG_IMMEDIATE = 1 FLAG_CORE = $10 | $80 FLAG_LIT = $12 | $80 FLAG_VAR = $20 | $80 FLAG_DEF = $00 | $80 FLAG_JMP = $0A | $80 FLAG_SEMI = FLAG_CORE | FLAG_IMMEDIATE obj spi : "mount" '******************************************************************************* ' This Spin code waits three seconds and then starts the Forth cog '******************************************************************************* pub main(argc, argv) waitcnt(clkfreq+cnt) spi.mount_explicit(@spi_vars, DO, CLK, DI, CS) coginit(cogid, @forth, @pfthconfig) dat pfthconfig long @xboot_1+Q ' Initial word to execute long @stack+Q+16 ' Starting stack pointer long @stack+Q+16 ' Empty stack pointer value long @retstk+Q ' Starting return pointer long @retstk+Q ' Empty return pointer value stack long 0[100] ' Data stack retstk long 0[100] ' Return stack '******************************************************************************* ' pfth cog code '******************************************************************************* org 0 forth parm mov parm, par parm1 rdlong pc, parm parm2 add parm, #4 parm3 rdlong stackptr, parm parm4 add parm, #4 temp rdlong stackptr0, parm temp1 add parm, #4 temp2 rdlong returnptr, parm temp3 add parm, #4 temp4 rdlong returnptr0, parm jmp #innerloop ' Begin execution '******************************************************************************* ' Execute the words contained in the body of a word ' Changes parm, temp1 '******************************************************************************* execlistfunc add parm, #4 ' Get body from XT innerloopcall wrlong pc, returnptr ' Push PC to return stack add returnptr, #4 mov pc, parm ' Set new value for PC '******************************************************************************* ' Get an execution token from the location pointed to by the program counter ' Increment the program counter, fetch the code pointer and jump to it ' Changes parm, temp1, pc '******************************************************************************* innerloop rdword parm, pc wz if_z jmp #exitfunc add pc, #2 rdword temp1, parm jmp temp1 pc long @xboot_1+Q ' Program Counter '******************************************************************************* ' Stop executing the current word, and return to the calling word ' No Changes '******************************************************************************* exitfunc sub returnptr, #4 rdlong pc, returnptr jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Abort or quit execution, and return to the interpreter ' No Changes '******************************************************************************* abortfunc mov stackptr, stackptr0 quitfunc mov returnptr, returnptr0 add returnptr, #4 ' Use second entry return stack rdlong pc, returnptr jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Push the value contained in the word's body onto the stack ' No changes '******************************************************************************* confunc add parm, #4 rdlong parm1, parm jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Push the address of the word's body onto the stack ' Execute the words pointed to by the does pointer, if non-zero ' No changes '******************************************************************************* varfunc mov parm1, parm add parm1, #4 call #push '******************************************************************************* ' Execute the words pointed to by the does pointer, if non-zero ' No changes '******************************************************************************* deferfunc add parm, #2 ' DOES> pointer rdword parm, parm wz if_z jmp #innerloop ' Done with varfunc jmp #innerloopcall ' Execute DOES> code '******************************************************************************* ' Execute the word on the stack ' Changes parm, temp1 '******************************************************************************* executefunc sub stackptr, #4 rdlong parm, stackptr rdlong temp1, parm jmp temp1 ' Execute code '******************************************************************************* ' Execute the PASM instruction on the TOS using the next value on the stack as ' the destination register data. Return the result on the stack. ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* cogx1func call #pop2 mov cogx1instr, parm2 movd cogx1instr, #parm1 nop cogx1instr nop jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Duplicate the top of stack ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* dupfunc call #pop call #push jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Swap the top two items on the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* swapfunc call #pop2 wrlong parm2, stackptr add stackptr, #4 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Get the next word from the input buffer using the delimiter from the stack ' Changes parm, parm1, parm2, temp1, temp2 '******************************************************************************* wordfunc sub stackptr, #4 rdlong parm, stackptr call #word_del mov temp1, #1 shl temp1, #15 sub temp1, parm2 sub temp1, #1 wrlong temp1, stackptr add stackptr, #4 wrbyte parm2, temp1 cmps parm2, #0 wc, wz if_c_or_z jmp #innerloop :loop add temp1, #1 rdbyte temp2, parm1 add parm1, #1 wrbyte temp2, temp1 djnz parm2, #:loop jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Find the word specfied on the stack in the dictionary ' Changes parm1, parm2, temp4 '******************************************************************************* findfunc call #pop mov temp4, parm1 add parm1, #1 rdbyte parm2, temp4 call #findword mov parm1, parm wz if_z jmp #findfunc1 call #link2xt call #push add parm, #2 ' Point to flag byte rdbyte parm1, parm and parm1, #1 ' Check immediate bit shl parm1, #1 sub parm1, #1 ' Return 1 if set, -1 if not call #push jmp #innerloop findfunc1 mov parm1, temp4 call #push mov parm1, #0 call #push jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Send the character from the stack to the output port ' Changes parm '******************************************************************************* emitfunc call #pop mov parm, parm1 call #putch jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Get a character from the input port and put it on the stack ' Changes parm, parm1 '******************************************************************************* getcharfunc call #getch mov parm1, parm jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Get a character from the files stored in memory and put it on the stack ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* getfcharfunc rdbyte parm1, infileptr add infileptr, #1 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Get an address and value from the stack, and store the value at the address ' No changes '******************************************************************************* storefunc call #pop2 wrlong parm1, parm2 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Fetch a value from the address specified on the stack, and put it on the stack ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* fetchfunc call #pop rdlong parm1, parm1 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Get an address and word from the stack, and store the word at the address ' No changes '******************************************************************************* wstorefunc call #pop2 wrword parm1, parm2 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Fetch a word from the address specified on the stack, and put it on the stack ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* wfetchfunc call #pop rdword parm1, parm1 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Get an address and byte from the stack, and store the byte at the address ' No changes '******************************************************************************* cstorefunc call #pop2 wrbyte parm1, parm2 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Fetch a byte from the address specified on the stack, and put it on the stack ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* cfetchfunc call #pop rdbyte parm1, parm1 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Add two values from the stack, and write the result back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* plusfunc call #pop2 add parm1, parm2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Subtract two values from the stack, and write the result back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* minusfunc call #pop2 sub parm1, parm2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Multiply two values from the stack, and write the result back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* multfunc call #pop2 call #multiply jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Divide two values from the stack, and write the result back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* dividefunc call #pop2 call #divide mov parm1, parm2 test parm3, #1 wc if_c neg parm1, parm1 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Compute the modulus from two values from the stack, and write the result back ' to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* modfunc call #pop2 call #divide test parm3, #2 wc if_c neg parm1, parm1 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Compare two values from the stack to determine if the second one is less than ' the first one, and write the result back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* lessfunc call #pop2 cmps parm1, parm2 wc if_c neg parm1, #1 if_nc mov parm1, #0 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Compare two values from the stack to determine if they are equal, and write ' the result back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* equalfunc call #pop2 cmp parm1, parm2 wz if_z neg parm1, #1 if_nz mov parm1, #0 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Compare two values from the stack to determine if the second one is greater ' than the first one, and write the result back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* greaterfunc call #pop2 cmps parm1, parm2 wc, wz if_nz_and_nc neg parm1, #1 if_z_or_c mov parm1, #0 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Compute the logical AND of two values from the stack, and write the result ' back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* andfunc call #pop2 and parm1, parm2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Compute the logical OR of two values from the stack, and write the result ' back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* orfunc call #pop2 or parm1, parm2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Compute the logical XOR of two values from the stack, and write the result ' back to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* xorfunc call #pop2 xor parm1, parm2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Right-shift the second value on the stack by the number of bits specified by ' the first value on the stack, and write the result to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* rshiftfunc call #pop2 shr parm1, parm2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Left-shift the second value on the stack by the number of bits specified by ' the first value on the stack, and write the result to the stack ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* lshiftfunc call #pop2 shl parm1, parm2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Push the stack depth to the stack ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* depthfunc mov parm1, stackptr sub parm1, stackptr0 sar parm1, #2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Drop the top value from the stack ' No changes '******************************************************************************* dropfunc sub stackptr, #4 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Use the value on top of the stack as an index to another value in the stack, ' and write its value to the stack ' No changes '******************************************************************************* pickfunc call #pop call #indexstack jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Use the value on top of the stack as and index to remove another value from ' the stack, and place it at the top of the stack. ' Changes temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4 '******************************************************************************* rollfunc call #pop cmp parm1, #0 wc, wz if_c_or_z jmp #innerloop mov temp3, parm1 call #indexstack mov temp2, temp1 :loop add temp2, #4 rdlong temp4, temp2 wrlong temp4, temp1 add temp1, #4 djnz temp3, #:loop wrlong parm1, temp1 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Pop the value from the top of the stack, and push it onto the return stack. ' No changes '******************************************************************************* torfunc call #pop wrlong parm1, returnptr add returnptr, #4 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Pop the value from the top of the return stack and push it to the stack. ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* fromrfunc sub returnptr, #4 rdlong parm1, returnptr jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Push the value on the stack pointed to by the PC and increment the PC ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* _litfunc rdword parm1, pc add pc, #2 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Convert the string described by the address and length on the top of the ' stack to a hex number, and push it to the stack ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* _gethexfunc call #pop2 call #gethex mov parm1, parm jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Create a variable, and add it to the dictionary ' Changes parm3 '******************************************************************************* createfunc mov parm3, #varfunc mov parm4, #FLAG_VAR call #create jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Create an executable word, and add it to the dictionary. Set the compile ' state to -1 ' Changes parm3, temp1 '******************************************************************************* colonfunc mov parm3, #execlistfunc mov parm4, #FLAG_DEF call #create if_z jmp #innerloop neg temp1, #1 wrlong temp1, a_state jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Compile a zero into memory indicating the end of an executable word, and set ' the compile flag to zero ' Changes temp1, temp2 '******************************************************************************* semicolonfunc mov temp1, #0 wrlong temp1, a_state rdlong temp2, a_dp wrword temp1, temp2 add temp2, #2 wrlong temp2, a_dp jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Fetch a value from the specified cog address, and put it on the stack ' the compile flag to zero ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* cogfetchfunc call #pop movs cogfetch1, parm1 nop cogfetch1 mov parm1, 0-0 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' Get a cog address and value from the stack, and store the value at the address ' the compile flag to zero ' Changes parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* cogstorefunc call #pop2 movd cogstore1, parm2 nop cogstore1 mov 0-0, parm1 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Print out an 8-digit hex number to the output port. ' Changes parm '******************************************************************************* dotxfunc mov parm, #"$" call #putch call #pop call #printhex mov parm, #" " call #putch jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' If top of stack is zero, jump to address contained in location at current PC. ' Otherwise, increment the PC ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* _jzfunc call #pop if_z rdword pc, pc if_nz add pc, #2 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Copy bytes from the source to the destination ' Changes parm1 '******************************************************************************* cmovefunc sub stackptr, #4 rdlong parm3, stackptr call #pop2 cmps parm3, #0 wz, wc if_c_or_z jmp #innerloop :loop rdbyte temp1, parm1 add parm1, #1 wrbyte temp1, parm2 add parm2, #1 djnz parm3, #:loop jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Perform the increment and compare for the loop word ' Changes parm1, parm2, parm3 '******************************************************************************* _loopfunc call #pop ' Get increment sub returnptr, #8 rdlong parm3, returnptr ' Get upper limit add returnptr, #4 rdlong parm2, returnptr ' Get index add parm1, parm2 ' index + increment wrlong parm1, returnptr ' Push index back add returnptr, #4 cmps parm1, parm3 wc if_nc neg parm1, #1 if_c mov parm1, #0 jmp #push_jmp '******************************************************************************* ' The following code implements the basic functions used by the kernel words '******************************************************************************* '******************************************************************************* ' Create a word entry in the dictionary ' Changes parm, parm1, parm2, temp1, temp2 '******************************************************************************* create mov parm, #" " call #word_del if_z jmp create_ret rdlong temp1, a_dp ' Align DP add temp1, #3 and temp1, minus4 rdlong temp2, a_last wrword temp2, temp1 ' Write the link pointer wrlong temp1, a_last ' Update LAST add temp1, #2 wrbyte parm4, temp1 ' Write the flag add temp1, #1 wrbyte parm2, temp1 ' Write the length add temp1, #1 cmps parm2, #0 wc, wz if_c_or_z jmp #create_done :loop rdbyte temp2, parm1 ' Copy the name add parm1, #1 wrbyte temp2, temp1 add temp1, #1 wz djnz parm2, #:loop create_done mov temp2, #0 ' Pad with 0's to align :loop1 test temp1, #3 wz if_z jmp #create_aligned wrbyte temp2, temp1 add temp1, #1 jmp #:loop1 create_aligned wrword parm3, temp1 ' Write the code pointer add temp1, #2 wrword temp2, temp1 ' Write the DOES> pointer add temp1, #2 wz ' Clear zero flag wrlong temp1, a_dp create_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Get one character from the input port. ' Input none ' Changes parm, temp, temp1, temp2 ' Output parm '******************************************************************************* getch mov parm, ina and parm, inbit wz if_nz jmp #getch mov temp2, cnt mov temp, bitcycles shr temp, #1 add temp2, temp mov temp1, #10 :loop waitcnt temp2, bitcycles mov temp, ina and temp, inbit ror parm, #1 or parm, temp djnz temp1, #:loop ror parm, #31 - 8 and parm, #255 getch_ret ret inbit long $80000000 bitcycles long 80_000_000 / 115_200 '******************************************************************************* ' Send one character to the output port. ' Input parm ' Changes parm, temp1, temp2 ' Output none '******************************************************************************* putch rdlong temp1, a_verbose wz if_z jmp putch_ret or parm, #$100 shl parm, #1 rol parm, #30 mov temp1, #10 mov temp2, bitcycles add temp2, cnt :loop mov outa, parm ror parm, #1 waitcnt temp2, bitcycles djnz temp1, #:loop putch_ret ret outbit long $40000000 '******************************************************************************* ' Skip the specified character in the input buffer ' Input parm ' Changes temp, temp1 ' Output none '******************************************************************************* skipchar cmps temp1, temp2 wc if_nc jmp skipchar_ret rdlong temp, a_tib add temp, temp1 rdbyte temp, temp cmp temp, parm wz if_nz jmp skipchar_ret add temp1, #1 jmp #skipchar skipchar_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Find the next occurance of the specified character in the input buffer ' Input parm ' Changes temp, temp1 ' Output none '******************************************************************************* findchar cmps temp1, temp2 wc if_nc jmp findchar_ret rdlong temp, a_tib add temp, temp1 rdbyte temp, temp cmp temp, parm wz if_z jmp findchar_ret add temp1, #1 jmp #findchar findchar_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Find the next word in the input buffer delimited by the specified character ' Input parm ' Changes parm1, parm2, temp1, temp2 ' Output none '******************************************************************************* word_del rdlong temp1, a_inputidx rdlong temp2, a_inputlen call #skipchar mov parm1, temp1 call #findchar mov parm2, temp1 sub parm2, parm1 wz rdlong temp, a_tib add parm1, temp cmps temp1, temp2 wc if_c add temp1, #1 wrlong temp1, a_inputidx word_del_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Find the specified word in the dictionary ' Input parm1, parm2 ' Changes parm, parm3, parm4 ' Output parm '******************************************************************************* findword rdlong parm, a_last wz if_z jmp findword_ret :loop mov parm3, parm add parm3, #3 rdbyte parm4, parm3 add parm3, #1 call #compare if_z jmp findword_ret rdword parm, parm wz if_nz jmp #:loop findword_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Do a case insensitive comparison of two character strings ' Input parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 ' Changes parm3, parm4, temp, temp1, temp2 ' Outut Z '******************************************************************************* compare cmps parm2, #1 wc, wz if_c jmp compare_ret cmp parm2, parm4 wz if_nz jmp compare_ret mov temp, parm1 :loop rdbyte temp1, temp call #toupper mov temp2, temp1 rdbyte temp1, parm3 call #toupper cmp temp1, temp2 wz if_nz jmp compare_ret add temp, #1 add parm3, #1 djnz parm4, #:loop compare_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Convert a character to uppercase ' Input temp1 ' Changes temp1 ' Ouput temp1 '******************************************************************************* toupper cmp temp1, #"a" wc if_c jmp toupper_ret cmp temp1, #"z" wc, wz if_nc_and_nz jmp toupper_ret sub temp1, #"a" - "A" toupper_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Print an 8-digit hex value to the output port ' Input parm1 ' Changes parm, parm1, parm2 ' Output none '******************************************************************************* printhex mov parm2, #8 :loop rol parm1, #4 mov parm, #15 and parm, parm1 add parm, a_hexstr rdbyte parm, parm call #putch djnz parm2, #:loop printhex_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Convert a string to a hex number ' Input parm1, parm2 ' Changes parm, temp, temp1, temp2 ' Output parm '******************************************************************************* gethex mov parm, #0 cmps parm2, #0 wc, wz if_c_or_z jmp gethex_ret mov temp1, parm1 mov temp2, parm2 :loop rdbyte temp, temp1 add temp1, #1 sub temp, #"0" cmps temp, #10 wc if_nc sub temp, #"a"-"0"-10 shl parm, #4 add parm, temp djnz temp2, #:loop gethex_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Push a value onto the data stack ' Input parm1 ' No changes ' Output none '******************************************************************************* push wrlong parm1, stackptr add stackptr, #4 push_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Push a value onto the data stack and jump to the innerloop ' Input parm1 ' No changes ' Output none '******************************************************************************* push_jmp wrlong parm1, stackptr add stackptr, #4 jmp #innerloop '******************************************************************************* ' Pop two values off of the data stack ' Input none ' Changes parm1, parm2 ' Output parm1, parm2 '******************************************************************************* pop2 sub stackptr, #4 rdlong parm2, stackptr '******************************************************************************* ' Pop one value off of the data stack ' Input none ' Changes parm1 ' Ouput parm1 '******************************************************************************* pop sub stackptr, #4 rdlong parm1, stackptr wz pop_ret pop2_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Read a value on the stack based on an index number ' Changes parm1, temp1 '******************************************************************************* indexstack neg temp1, parm1 shl temp1, #2 sub temp1, #4 add temp1, stackptr rdlong parm1, temp1 indexstack_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Compute the XT from the address of the link ' Input: parm1 ' Output: parm1 ' Changes: temp1 '******************************************************************************* link2xt mov temp1, parm1 add temp1, #3 rdbyte parm1, temp1 ' Get name length add parm1, temp1 add parm1, #4 and parm1, minus4 ' Align link2xt_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Multiply two 32-bit numbers ' Changes parm2, temp1, temp2 '******************************************************************************* multiply mov temp1, #0 mov temp2, #32 shr parm1, #1 wc mmul if_c add temp1, parm2 wc rcr temp1, #1 wc rcr parm1, #1 wc djnz temp2, #mmul multiply_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' Divide two 32-bit numbers producing a quotient and a remainder ' Changes parm1, parm2, parm3, temp1, temp2 '******************************************************************************* divide mov temp2, #32 mov temp1, #0 abs parm1, parm1 wc muxc parm3, #%11 abs parm2, parm2 wc,wz if_c xor parm3, #%01 ' if_nz jmp #mdiv ' mov parm1, #0 ' jmp divide_ret mdiv shr parm2, #1 wc,wz rcr temp1, #1 if_nz djnz temp2, #mdiv mdiv2 cmpsub parm1, temp1 wc rcl parm2, #1 shr temp1, #1 djnz temp2, #mdiv2 divide_ret ret '******************************************************************************* ' These are working registers. The parm registers are generally used to pass ' parameters from one routine to another, and the temp registers are used as ' temporary storage within a routine. '******************************************************************************* '******************************************************************************* ' Addresses of variables in the dictionary, and the hex table '******************************************************************************* a_hexstr long @hexstr+Q a_last long @last+Q a_state long @state+Q a_dp long @dp+Q a_tib long @tib+Q a_verbose long @verbose+Q a_inputidx long @greaterin+Q a_inputlen long @poundtib+Q '******************************************************************************* ' The data and return stack pointers, and their base addresses '******************************************************************************* stackptr long 0 stackptr0 long 0 returnptr long 0 returnptr0 long 0 '******************************************************************************* ' The input file pointer used during initialization '******************************************************************************* infileptr long @infile+Q '******************************************************************************* ' Constants '******************************************************************************* minus4 long -4 fit $1f0 '******************************************************************************* ' Input buffer and hex table '******************************************************************************* hexstr byte "0123456789abcdef" inputbuf byte 0[200] '******************************************************************************* ' This is the beginning of the dictionary. The kernel words are specified below '******************************************************************************* exit_L word 0 byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "exit" long exit_X word exitfunc, 0 quit_L word @exit_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "quit" long quit_X word quitfunc, 0 abort_L word @quit_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 5, "abort" long abort_X word abortfunc, 0 execute_L word @abort_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 7, "execute" long execute_X word executefunc, 0 word_L word @execute_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "word" long word_X word wordfunc, 0 find_L word @word_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "find" long find_X word findfunc, 0 getchar_L word @find_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 7, "getchar" long getchar_X word getcharfunc, 0 getfchar_L word @getchar_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 8, "getfchar" long getfchar_X word getfcharfunc, 0 key_L word @getfchar_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 3, "key" long key_X word deferfunc, @key_B+Q key_B word @getfchar_X+Q, 0 create_L word @key_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 6, "create" long create_X word createfunc, 0 _lit_L word @create_L+Q byte FLAG_LIT, 4, "_lit" long _lit_X word _litfunc, 0 _gethex_L word @_lit_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 7, "_gethex" long _gethex_X word _gethexfunc, 0 emit_L word @_gethex_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "emit" long emit_X word emitfunc, 0 store_L word @emit_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, "!" long store_X word storefunc, 0 fetch_L word @store_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, "@" long fetch_X word fetchfunc, 0 wstore_L word @fetch_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 2, "w!" long wstore_X word wstorefunc, 0 wfetch_L word @wstore_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 2, "w@" long wfetch_X word wfetchfunc, 0 cstore_L word @wfetch_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 2, "c!" long cstore_X word cstorefunc, 0 cfetch_L word @cstore_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 2, "c@" long cfetch_X word cfetchfunc, 0 plus_L word @cfetch_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, "+" long plus_X word plusfunc, 0 minus_L word @plus_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, "-" long minus_X word minusfunc, 0 multiply_L word @minus_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, "*" long multiply_X word multfunc, 0 divide_L word @multiply_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, "/" long divide_X word dividefunc, 0 mod_L word @divide_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 3, "mod" long mod_X word modfunc, 0 and_L word @mod_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 3, "and" long and_X word andfunc, 0 or_L word @and_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 2, "or" long or_X word orfunc, 0 xor_L word @or_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 3, "xor" long xor_X word xorfunc, 0 less_L word @xor_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, "<" long less_X word lessfunc, 0 equal_L word @less_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, "=" long equal_X word equalfunc, 0 greater_L word @equal_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, ">" long greater_X word greaterfunc, 0 rshift_L word @greater_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 6, "rshift" long rshift_X word rshiftfunc, 0 lshift_L word @rshift_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 6, "lshift" long lshift_X word lshiftfunc, 0 depth_L word @lshift_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 5, "depth" long depth_X word depthfunc, 0 tib_L word @depth_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 3, "tib" long tib_X word varfunc, @tib+Q+4 tib long @inputbuf+Q word @fetch_X+Q, 0 long poundtib_L word @tib_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 4, "#tib" long poundtib_X word varfunc, 0 poundtib long 0 greaterin_L word @poundtib_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 3, ">in" long greaterin_X word varfunc, 0 greaterin long 0 dp_L word @greaterin_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 2, "dp" long dp_X word varfunc, 0 dp long @_here+Q last_L word @dp_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 4, "last" long last_X word varfunc, 0 last long @_last+Q state_L word @last_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 5, "state" long state_X word varfunc, 0 state long 0 base_L word @state_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 4, "base" long base_X word varfunc, 0 base long 16 verbose_L word @base_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 7, "verbose" long verbose_X word varfunc, 0 verbose long 0 forth_L word @verbose_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 5, "forth" long forth_X word varfunc, 0 long @forth+Q drop_L word @forth_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "drop" long drop_X word dropfunc, 0 dup_L word @drop_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 3, "dup" long dup_X word dupfunc, 0 swap_L word @dup_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "swap" long swap_X word swapfunc, 0 pick_L word @swap_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "pick" long pick_X word pickfunc, 0 roll_L word @pick_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "roll" long roll_X word rollfunc, 0 tor_L word @roll_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 2, ">r" long tor_X word torfunc, 0 fromr_L word @tor_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 2, "r>" long fromr_X word fromrfunc, 0 colon_L word @fromr_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 1, ":" long colon_X word colonfunc, 0 semicolon_L word @colon_L+Q byte FLAG_SEMI, 1, ";" long semicolon_X word semicolonfunc, 0 cogfetch_L word @semicolon_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "cog@" long cogfetch_X word cogfetchfunc, 0 cogstore_L word @cogfetch_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 4, "cog!" long cogstore_X word cogstorefunc, 0 cogx1_L word @cogstore_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 5, "cogx1" long cogx1_X word cogx1func, 0 _jz_L word @cogx1_L+Q byte FLAG_JMP, 3, "_jz" long _jz_X word _jzfunc, 0 cmove_L word @_jz_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 5, "cmove" long cmove_X word cmovefunc, 0 dotx_L word @cmove_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 2, ".x" long dotx_X word dotxfunc, 0 '******************************************************************************* ' SPI/SD Variables '******************************************************************************* spi_vars_L word @dotx_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 8, "spi_vars" long spi_vars_X word varfunc, 0 spi_vars long 0 ' SPI_engine_cog long 0 ' SPI_command long 0 ' SPI_block_index long 0 ' SPI_buffer_address long 0 ' SD_rootdir long 0 ' SD_filesystem long 0 ' SD_clustershift long 0 ' SD_dataregion long 0 ' SD_fat1 long 0 ' SD_sectorsperfat long 0 ' SD_currdir argc_L word @spi_vars_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 4, "argc" long argc_X word confunc, 0 argc_B long 0 argv_L word @argc_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 4, "argv" long argv_X word confunc, 0 argv_B long 0 hostcwd_L word @argv_L+Q byte FLAG_VAR, 7, "hostcwd" long hostcwd_X word confunc, 0 hostcwd_B long 0 '******************************************************************************* ' A small number of compiled words follow below. These are used by the boot ' interpreter. '******************************************************************************* ' : here dp @ ; here_L word @hostcwd_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 4, "here" long here_X word execlistfunc, 0 word @dp_X+Q, @fetch_X+Q, 0 long ' : allot dp @ + dp ! ; allot_L word @here_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 5, "allot" long allot_X word execlistfunc, 0 word @dp_X+Q, @fetch_X+Q, @plus_X+Q, @dp_X+Q, @store_X+Q, 0 long ' : , here ! 4 allot ; comma_L word @allot_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 1, "," long comma_X word execlistfunc, 0 word @here_X+Q, @store_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 4, @allot_X+Q, 0 long ' : _jmp r> @ >r ; _jmp_L word @comma_L+Q byte FLAG_JMP, 4, "_jmp" long _jmp_X word execlistfunc, 0 word @fromr_X+Q, @wfetch_X+Q, @tor_X+Q, 0 long ' : count 0 pick 1 + 1 roll c@ ; count_L word @_jmp_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 5, "count" long count_X word execlistfunc, 0 word @_lit_X+Q, 0, @pick_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @plus_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @roll_X+Q, @cfetch_X+Q, 0 long ' : accept ( addr size -- num ) \ Accept a string from the input source accept_L word @count_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 6, "accept" long accept_X word execlistfunc, 0 ' >r dup word @tor_X+Q, @dup_X+Q ' r> dup 1 < _jz _accept4 accept_1 word @fromr_X+Q, @dup_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @less_X+Q, @_jz_X+Q, @accept_4+Q ' drop swap - exit word @drop_X+Q, @swap_X+Q, @minus_X+Q, @exit_X+Q ' >r key accept_4 word @tor_X+Q, @key_X+Q ' dup 0d = over 0a = or word @dup_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, $0d, @equal_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @pick_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, $0a, @equal_X+Q, @or_X+Q ' _jz _accept2 word @_jz_X+Q, @accept_2+Q ' cr drop swap - word @_lit_X+Q, 13, @emit_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 10, @emit_X+Q, @drop_X+Q, @swap_X+Q, @minus_X+Q ' r> drop exit word @fromr_X+Q, @drop_X+Q, @exit_X+Q ' dup 8 = _jz _accept3 accept_2 word @dup_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 8, @equal_X+Q, @_jz_X+Q, @accept_3+Q ' drop over over - _jz _accept1 word @drop_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @pick_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @pick_X+Q, @minus_X+Q, @_jz_X+Q, @accept_1+Q ' 1 - r> 1 + >r word @_lit_X+Q, 1, @minus_X+Q, @fromr_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @plus_X+Q, @tor_X+Q ' 8 emit bl emit 8 emit _jmp _accept1 word @_lit_X+Q, 8, @emit_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 32, @emit_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 8, @emit_X+Q, @_jmp_X+Q, @accept_1+Q ' dup emit over c! 1 + accept_3 word @dup_X+Q, @emit_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @pick_X+Q, @cstore_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @plus_X+Q ' r> 1 - >r _jmp _accept1 word @fromr_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 1, @minus_X+Q, @tor_X+Q, @_jmp_X+Q, @accept_1+Q, 0 long ' : refill tib 200 accept #tib ! 0 >in ! ; refill_L word @accept_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 6, "refill" long refill_X word execlistfunc, 0 word @tib_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 200, @accept_X+Q, @poundtib_X+Q, @store_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 0, @greaterin_X+Q, @store_X+Q, 0 long ' : compile, here w! 2 allot ; compcomma_L word @refill_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 8, "compile," long compcomma_X word execlistfunc, 0 word @here_X+Q, @wstore_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 2, @allot_X+Q, 0 long '******************************************************************************* ' The boot interpreter follows below. '******************************************************************************* ' : xboot ( This word runs a simple interpreter ) xboot_L word @compcomma_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 5, "xboot" long xboot_X word execlistfunc, 0 ' 20 word 0 pick c@ _jz _xboot2 ( Get word, refill if empty ) xboot_1 word @_lit_X+Q, $20, @word_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 0, @pick_X+Q, @cfetch_X+Q, @_jz_X+Q, @xboot_2+Q ' find 0 pick _jz _xboot3 ( Find word, get number if not found ) word @find_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 0, @pick_X+Q, @_jz_X+Q, @xboot_3+Q ' state @ = _jz _xboot4 ( Go execute if not compile mode or immediate ) word @state_X+Q, @fetch_X+Q, @equal_X+Q, @_jz_X+Q, @xboot_4+Q ' compile, _jmp _xboot1 ( Otherwise, compile and loop again ) word @compcomma_X+Q, @_jmp_X+Q, @xboot_1+Q ' execute _jmp _xboot1 ( Execute and loop again ) xboot_4 word @execute_X+Q, @_jmp_X+Q, @xboot_1+Q ' drop count _gethex ( Get number ) xboot_3 word @drop_X+Q, @count_X+Q, @_gethex_X+Q ' state @ _jz _xboot1 ( Loop again if not compile mode ) word @state_X+Q, @fetch_X+Q, @_jz_X+Q, @xboot_1+Q ' ['] _lit , , _jmp _xboot1 ( Otherwise, compile number and loop again ) word @_lit_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, @compcomma_X+Q, @compcomma_X+Q, @_jmp_X+Q, @xboot_1+Q ' drop refill _jmp _xboot1 ( Refill and loop again ) xboot_2 word @drop_X+Q, @refill_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, 13, @emit_X+Q, @_jmp_X+Q, @xboot_1+Q, 0 long switch_L word @xboot_L+Q byte FLAG_DEF, 6, "switch" long switch_X word execlistfunc, 0 word @_lit_X+Q, @getchar_X+Q, @_lit_X+Q, @key_B+Q, @store_X+Q, 0 long _last long _loop_L word @switch_L+Q byte FLAG_CORE, 5, "_loop" long _loop_X word _loopfunc, 0 _here long '******************************************************************************* ' The Forth source files follow below. They will be compiled into the ' dictionary, which will over-write the source data. Some padding space is ' included to ensure that we don't over-write the source data before it is ' compiled. '******************************************************************************* long 0[100] infile file "init.fth" file "comus.fth" 'file "see.fth" file "propwords.fth" file "sd.fth" 'file "sdutils.fth" file "linux.fth" 'file "cd.fth" 'file "ted.fth" 'file "bufser.fth" 'file "i2c.fth" 'file "fds.fth" 'file "time.fth" 'file "toggle.fth" 'file "primes.fth" 'file "chess.fth" '******************************************************************************* ' Enable serial output, print version string and switch to serial input '******************************************************************************* byte 13 byte " 1 verbose !" byte " pfthversion type cr" byte " switch", 13 { +-------------------------------------------------------------------- | TERMS OF USE: MIT License +-------------------------------------------------------------------- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +------------------------------------------------------------------ }