218 lines
7.7 KiB
218 lines
7.7 KiB
\ ############################################################################
\ # i2c.fth - This program reads and writes EEPROMs using the I2C protocol.
\ # This program is based on Mike Green's basic_i2c_driver, which is found in
\ # the Parallax Object Exchange (OBEX).
\ #
\ # The first parameter for all routines is the pin number of the clock. It
\ # is assumed that the data pin number is one greater than the clock pin
\ # number.
\ #
\ # Copyright (c) 2012 Dave Hein
\ # MIT Licensed
\ ############################################################################
: i2c_dira_sda_high dup dira@ or dira! ;
: i2c_outa_sda_high dup outa@ or outa! ;
: i2c_dira_scl_high over dira@ or dira! ;
: i2c_outa_scl_high over outa@ or outa! ;
: i2c_dira_sda_low dup invert dira@ and dira! ;
: i2c_outa_sda_low dup invert outa@ and outa! ;
: i2c_dira_scl_low over invert dira@ and dira! ;
: i2c_outa_scl_low over invert outa@ and outa! ;
\ This routine should be called before calling any of the other ones to ensure
\ that the EEPROM is in a known ready state.
: i2c_init ( scl ... )
1 swap lshift dup 2* \ sda := scl + 1
i2c_outa_scl_high \ outa[scl] := 1
i2c_dira_scl_high \ dira[scl] := 1
i2c_dira_sda_low \ dira[sda] := 0
9 0 do \ repeat 9
i2c_outa_scl_low \ outa[scl] := 0
i2c_outa_scl_high \ outa[scl[ := 1
dup ina@ and if leave then \ if ina[sda] quit
\ This routine sends a start bit
: i2c_start ( scl ... )
1 swap lshift dup 2* \ sda := scl + 1
i2c_outa_scl_high \ outa[scl]~~
i2c_dira_scl_high \ dira[scl]~~
i2c_outa_sda_high \ outa[sda]~~
i2c_dira_sda_high \ dira[sda]~~
i2c_outa_sda_low \ outa[sda]~
i2c_outa_scl_low \ outa[scl]~
\ This routine sends a stop bit
: i2c_stop ( scl ... )
1 swap lshift dup 2* \ sda := scl + 1
i2c_outa_scl_high \ outa[scl]~~
i2c_outa_sda_high \ outa[sda]~~
i2c_dira_scl_low \ dira[scl]~
i2c_dira_sda_low \ dira[sda]~
\ This routine sends one byte and returns the ACK bit
: i2c_write ( scl data ... ackbit )
23 lshift swap \ data <<= 23
1 swap lshift dup 2* \ sda := scl + 1
8 0 do \ repeat 8
rot 2* dup 0<
rot rot
i2c_outa_sda_high \ outa[sda] := 1
rot rot
i2c_outa_sda_low \ outa[sda] := 0
i2c_outa_scl_high \ outa[scl]~~
i2c_outa_scl_low \ dira[scl]~
i2c_dira_sda_low \ dira[sda]~
i2c_outa_scl_high \ outa[scl]~~
dup ina@ and >r \ ackbit := ina[sda]
i2c_outa_scl_low \ outa[scl]~
i2c_outa_sda_low \ outa[sda]~
i2c_dira_sda_high \ dira[sda]~~
2drop drop
r> \ return ackbit
\ This routine reads one byte from the EEPROM
: i2c_read ( scl ackbit ... data )
>r \ save ackbit
0 swap \ data := 0
1 swap lshift dup 2* \ sda := scl + 1
i2c_dira_sda_low \ dira[sda]~
8 0 do \ repeat 8
i2c_outa_scl_high \ outa[scl]~~
rot 2* \ data <<= 1
over ina@ and if 1 or then \ if ina[sda] data |= 1
rot rot
i2c_outa_scl_low \ outa[scl]~
r> if
i2c_outa_sda_high \ outa[sda]~~
i2c_outa_sda_low \ outa[sda]~
i2c_dira_sda_high \ dira[sda]~~
i2c_outa_scl_high \ outa[scl]~~
i2c_outa_scl_low \ outa[scl]~
i2c_outa_sda_low \ outa[sda]~
2drop \ return data
\ This routine reads up to one page of data from the EEPROM
: i2c_readpage ( scl devsel addrreg dataptr count ... ackbit )
>r >r \ Move count and dataptr to the return stack
dup 15 rshift 14 and rot or \ Assemble the devsel byte
dup >r rot dup dup >r \ Copy devsel and scl to the return stack
i2c_start \ Send a start bit
swap \ Arrange the scl and devsel on the stack
i2c_write drop \ Send the devsel byte
dup 8 rshift 255 and r@ swap \ Extract the second address byte
i2c_write drop \ Send the second address byte
255 and r@ swap \ Extract the third address byte
i2c_write drop \ Send it
r@ \ Get the scl from the return stack
i2c_start \ Send a start bit
r> r> 1 or over >r \ Get the scl and devsel byte and set the LSB
i2c_write drop \ Send the devsel byte
r> r> r> 1 ?do \ Get scl, dataptr and count and start do loop
over 0 i2c_read over c! 1+ \ Read a byte from the EEPROM and save it
over 1 i2c_read swap c! \ Read the last byte from the EEPROM
i2c_stop \ Send a stop bit
0 \ Return the ack bit
variable i2c_var
\ This routine reads a byte from the specified address
: i2c_readbyte ( scl devsel addrreg )
i2c_var 1 i2c_readpage drop i2c_var c@ ;
\ This routine reads a word from the specified address
: i2c_readword ( scl devsel addrreg )
0 i2c_var ! i2c_var 2 i2c_readpage drop i2c_var @ ;
\ This routine reads a long from the specified address
: i2c_readlong ( scl devsel addrreg )
i2c_var 4 i2c_readpage drop i2c_var @ ;
\ This routine writes up to one page of data to the EEPROM
: i2c_writepage ( scl devsel addrreg dataptr count ... ackbit )
>r >r \ ( scl devsel addrreg ) r( count dataptr )
dup 15 rshift 14 and rot or \ ( scl addrreg devsel )
rot dup >r \ ( addrreg devsel scl ) r( count dataptr scl )
i2c_start \ ( addrreg devsel ) r( count dataptr scl )
r@ swap \ ( addrreg slc devsel ) r( count dataptr scl )
i2c_write drop \ ( addrreg ) r( count dataptr scl )
dup 8 rshift 255 and r@ swap
i2c_write drop
255 and r@ swap
i2c_write drop
r> r> r> 0 ?do
2dup c@ i2c_write drop 1+
\ This routine writes a byte to the specified address
: i2c_writebyte ( scl devsel addrreg data )
i2c_var ! i2c_var 1 i2c_writepage drop ;
\ This routine writes a word to the specified address
: i2c_writeword ( scl devsel addrreg data )
i2c_var ! i2c_var 2 i2c_writepage drop ;
\ This routine writes a long to the specified address
: i2c_writelong ( scl devsel addrreg data )
i2c_var ! i2c_var 4 i2c_writepage drop ;
\ This routine returns a zero if the EEPROM is ready after a write
\ Otherwise it returns a non-zero value
: i2c_writewait ( scl devsel addrreg )
15 rshift 14 and or
over i2c_start
over >r i2c_write
r> i2c_stop
\ This word will be run at startup
: startup
1 30 lshift dup outa! dira!
pfthversion type cr
\ Set up the cog config struct
: setupconfig
496 cog@ \ Get config struct address from PAR
dup 16 + @ \ Get the address of the return stack
4 + over 12 + ! \ Add four and set initial address of return stack
['] interpret >body \ Get the address of the Forth interpreter
over 16 + @ ! \ Write it to the return stack
['] startup >body \ Get the address of the startup word
swap ! \ Write it to the intial value of the program counter
\ Save the hub RAM to EEPROM
: eesave
28 i2c_init
512 0
28 160 i 64 * dup 64 i2c_writepage drop
begin 28 160 0 i2c_writewait 0= until
i 7 and 7 = if [char] . emit then