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2018-01-30 11:34:07 +01:00
# switch to hardened, build hardened toolchain, rebuild everything
mkdir -p $(CHROOT)/etc/portage/profile
echo "-hardened" >> $(CHROOT)/etc/portage/profile/use.mask
$(inroot) $(EMERGE) $(USEPKG) --oneshot gcc
$(inroot) $(EMERGE) $(USEPKG) --oneshot binutils virtual/libc
$(inroot) $(EMERGE) $(USEPKG) --emptytree @world
$(inroot) bash -c 'yes YES | etc-update --automode -9'
# Unitas-Portage-Overlay einbinden
$(inroot) $(EMERGE) -n $(USEPKG) app-portage/layman
sed -i 's/check_official : Yes/check_official : No/' $(CHROOT)/etc/layman/layman.cfg
wget -P $(CHROOT)/etc/layman/overlays
$(inroot) layman -l | grep -q unitas || $(inroot) layman -La unitas
postinstall: timesyncd.conf firstboot.start
# Konfigurationen anpassen
cp timesyncd.conf $(CHROOT)/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf
mkdir -p $(CHROOT)/etc/local.d
2018-01-30 11:34:07 +01:00
cp firstboot.start $(CHROOT)/etc/local.d/firstboot.start
touch $(CHROOT)/firstboot
sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/' $(CHROOT)/etc/sudoers
sed -i 's#^auth.*$$#auth [success=2 default=ignore] file=~/.ssh/authorized_keys\nauth include system-auth#' $(CHROOT)/etc/pam.d/sudo
echo "Defaults env_keep += SSH_AUTH_SOCK" > $(CHROOT)/etc/sudoers.d/ssh_auth_sock
$(inroot) useradd -m -G users,wheel -s /bin/bash --comment="virtual appliance admin" --uid 2000 admin
2018-01-30 11:34:07 +01:00
$(inroot) passwd -d admin; $(inroot) passwd -e admin
$(inroot) systemctl enable screen@adm.service
# Beispiel feste IP-Adresse
cp $(CHROOT)/
# MariaDB-Konfiguration ($$, weil make ein $ entfernt)
echo "s/^character-set-server.*$$/character-set-server = utf8mb4\ncollation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci\ntransaction_isolation = READ-COMMITTED\nbinlog_format = ROW\nexpire_logs_days = 3/"
sed -i "s/^character-set-server.*$$/character-set-server = utf8mb4\ncollation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci\ntransaction_isolation = READ-COMMITTED\nbinlog_format = ROW\nexpire_logs_days = 3/" $(CHROOT)/etc/mysql/my.cnf
sed -i "s/^innodb_file_per_table.*$$/innodb_file_per_table=1\ninnodb_file_format=barracuda\ninnodb_large_prefix=on/" $(CHROOT)/etc/mysql/my.cnf
sed -i "s/default-character-set=utf8/default-character-set=utf8mb4/" $(CHROOT)/etc/mysql/my.cnf
2018-01-30 11:34:07 +01:00
cp mariadb/my.cnf.root $(CHROOT)/root/.my.cnf
chmod 0600 $(CHROOT)/root/.my.cnf
rm -rf $(CHROOT)/var/lib/mysql/*
$(inroot) bash -c 'yes gentoo | emerge --config dev-db/mariadb'
# Apache-/PHP-Konfiguration
patch $(CHROOT)/etc/php/apache2-*/php.ini < php/php.ini-opcache.diff
2018-01-30 11:34:07 +01:00
find $(CHROOT)/etc/php/apache2-*/ -iname php.ini -print | xargs \sed -i \
-e 's:.*date.timezone =.*:date.timezone = Europe/Berlin:' \
-e 's:.*max_execution_time =.*:max_execution_time = 3600:' \
-e 's:.*max_input_time =.*:max_input_time = 3600:' \
-e 's:.*post_max_size =.*:post_max_size = 8G:' \
-e 's:.*upload_max_filesize =*.:upload_max_filesize = 8G:' \
-e 's:.*always_populate_raw_post_data =.*:always_populate_raw_post_data = -1:'
$(inroot) systemctl enable apache2