#!/bin/bash # variables LABEL="DATA" DATABASE_PASS="Di1sgPgSQLPw." ADMIN_PASS="tryton" TLD="example.com" HOST="tryton" ORGNAME="Tryton example" # start set -e PGVER=$(eselect postgresql show) [ -e /01firstboot ] && exit 0 [ -e /02firstboot ] || exit 0 systemctl stop postgresql-$PGVER if [ ! -d "/$LABEL/var/lib/postgresql" ]; then echo 'Create tryton database...' mkdir -p "/$LABEL/var/lib" rm -rf "/$LABEL/var/lib/postgresql.orig" cp -a "/var/lib/postgresql" "/$LABEL/var/lib/postgresql.orig" mv "/var/lib/postgresql" "/$LABEL/var/lib/postgresql" ln -s "/$LABEL/var/lib/postgresql" "/var/lib/postgresql" systemctl start postgresql-$PGVER psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "CREATE ROLE trytond WITH LOGIN;" psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "ALTER USER trytond WITH PASSWORD '$DATABASE_PASS';" psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE trytond WITH OWNER trytond;" export TRYTONPASSFILE=/tmp/trytonpassfile echo -n "$ADMIN_PASS" > "$TRYTONPASSFILE" trytond-admin -c /etc/trytond/trytond.conf -d trytond --all --email admin@$TLD rm -f "$TRYTONPASSFILE" else echo 'start PostgreSQL DB...' if [ ! -L /var/lib/postgresql ]; then rm -rf "/$LABEL/var/lib/postgresql.orig" mv "/var/lib/postgresql" "/$LABEL/var/lib/postgresql.orig" ln -s "/$LABEL/var/lib/postgresql" "/var/lib/postgresql" fi systemctl start postgresql-$PGVER fi if [ ! -f "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD-cert.pem" ]; then echo 'Create certificates...' mkdir -p "/$LABEL/CERTS/KEYS/" mkdir -p "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD" echo "FQDN = $HOST.$TLD" > "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD.cnf" echo "ORGNAME = $ORGNAME" >> "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD.cnf" echo "ALTNAMES = DNS:$HOST.$TLD , DNS:$TLD" >> "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD.cnf" echo -e "\n[ req ]\ndefault_bits = 4096\ndefault_md = sha256\nprompt = no\nencrypt_key = no\ndistinguished_name = dn\nreq_extensions = req_ext\ndefault_keyfile = ../KEYS/\$FQDN-key.pem\n" >> "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD.cnf" echo -e "\n[ dn ]\nC = DE\nO = \$ORGNAME\nCN = \$FQDN\n" >> "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD.cnf" echo -e "\n[ req_ext ]\nsubjectAltName = \$ALTNAMES" >> "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD.cnf" openssl req -x509 -new -config "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD.cnf" -out "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD-cert.pem" -keyout "/$LABEL/CERTS/KEYS/$HOST.$TLD-key.pem" cp "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD-cert.pem" "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD-fullchain.pem" touch "/$LABEL/CERTS/$HOST.$TLD/$HOST.$TLD-chain.pem" fi rm -rf /etc/ssl/trytond rm -rf /etc/ssl/nginx mkdir -p /etc/ssl ln -sf "/$LABEL/etc/ssl/trytond" "/etc/ssl/trytond" ln -sf "/$LABEL/etc/ssl/nginx" "/etc/ssl/nginx" /etc/ssl/cert-renew.sh systemctl enable postgresql-$PGVER systemctl enable trytond systemctl enable nginx systemctl restart trytond systemctl restart nginx rm /02firstboot