
207 lines
5.3 KiB

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use Data::Dumper;
use Config::General;
use ZabbixAPI;
our $VERSION = 4.0;
my $conf;
$conf = eval {Config::General->new('/usr/local/etc/zabbix_syslog.cfg')};
if ($@) {
eval {$conf = Config::General->new('/etc/zabbix/zabbix_syslog.cfg')};
if ($@) {die "Please check that config file is available as /usr/local/etc/zabbix_syslog.cfg or /etc/zabbix/zabbix_syslog.cfg\n";}
my %Config = $conf->getall;
#Authenticate yourself
my $url = $Config{'url'} || die "URL is missing in zabbix_syslog.cfg\n";
my $user = $Config{'user'} || die "API user is missing in zabbix_syslog.cfg\n";
my $password = $Config{'password'} || die "API user password is missing in zabbix_syslog.cfg\n";
my $server = $Config{'server'} || die "server hostname is missing in zabbix_syslog.cfg\n";
my $debug = $Config{'debug'};
my ( $authID, $response, $json );
my $zbx = ZabbixAPI->new( { api_url => $url, username => $user, password => $password } );
my $syslog_url_base = 'history.php?action=showvalues';
my @selements;
foreach my $map ( @{ map_get_extended() } ) {
my $mapid=$map->{sysmapid};
#put all map elements into array @selements (so you can update map later!)
@selements = @{ $map->{selements} };
print "INFO: Checking map with mapid $map->{sysmapid}\n";
foreach my $selement (@selements) {
my $syslog_button_exists = 0;
if ( $debug > 0 ) {
print 'Object ID: '
. $selement->{selementid}
. ' Type: '
. $selement->{elementtype}."\n";
# elementtype=0 hosts
if ( $selement->{elementtype} == 0 ) {
my $hostid;
#Zabbix API 3.4+
if (exists($selement->{elements}->[0]->{hostid})) {
$hostid = $selement->{elements}->[0]->{hostid};
#Zabbix API before 3.4
elsif (exists($selement->{elementid})) {
$hostid = $selement->{elementid};
else {
die "Cannot get hostid of selement $selement->{selementid}\n";
my $itemid = get_syslogid_by_hostid($hostid);
if ($itemid) {
#and add urls:
my $syslog_exists = 0;
foreach my $syslog_url ( @{ $selement->{urls} } ) {
$syslog_exists = 0;
if ( $syslog_url->{name} =~ 'Syslog' ) {
$syslog_exists = 1;
$syslog_url->{'name'} = 'Syslog';
$syslog_url->{'url'} =
. '&itemids['
. $itemid . ']='
. $itemid;
if ( $syslog_exists == 0 ) {
#syslog item doesn't exist... add it
push @{ $selement->{urls} },
'name' => 'Syslog',
'url' => $syslog_url_base
. '&itemids['
. $itemid . ']='
. $itemid
sub get_syslogid_by_hostid {
my $hostid = shift;
my $params = {
output => ['itemid'],
hostids => $hostid,
filter => {'key_' => 'syslog' },
limit => 1,
my $result = $zbx->do('item.get',$params);
# Check if response was successful
if ( !$result ) {
die "item.get failed\n";
#return itemid of syslog key (trapper type)
return ${ $result }[0]->{itemid};
sub map_get {
#retrieve all maps
my $params = {
output => ['sysmapid']
my $result = $zbx->do('map.get',$params);
# Check if response was successful
if ( !$result ) {
die "map.get failed\n";
if ( $debug > 1 ) { print Dumper $result; }
return $result;
sub map_get_extended {
my $params = {
selectSelements => 'extend',
#sysmapids => $map,
my $result = $zbx->do('map.get',$params);
# Check if response was successful
if ( !$result ) {
die "map.get failed\n";
if ( $debug > 1 ) {
print Dumper $result;
return $result;
sub map_update {
my $mapid = shift;
my $selements_ref = shift;
my $params = {
selements => [@{$selements_ref}],
sysmapid => $mapid,
my $result;
eval {$result=$zbx->do('map.update',$params);};
warn "Failed to update map with mapid $mapid, check for write permissions for this map\n";
else {
if ( $debug > 0 ) {
print "About to map.update this\n:";
print Dumper $params;
if ( $debug > 0 ) {
print Dumper $result;