APPLIANCE=base HOSTNAME=$(APPLIANCE) RAW_IMAGE=$(HOSTNAME).img QCOW_IMAGE=$(HOSTNAME).qcow VMDK_IMAGE=$(HOSTNAME).vmdk VIRTIO=NO TIMEZONE=UTC DISK_SIZE=6.0G SWAP_SIZE=30 CHROOT=chroot ARCH=amd64 MAKEOPTS=-j4 PRUNE_CRITICAL=NO HEADLESS=NO ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64" INSTALL=install M4=m4 M4_DEFS=-D HOSTNAME=$(HOSTNAME) M4C=$(M4) $(M4_DEFS) NBD_DEV=/dev/nbd0 USEPKG=--usepkg --binpkg-respect-use=y PARTED=/usr/sbin/parted PORTAGE=/usr/portage STAGE3=$(ARCH)/autobuilds/current-stage3/stage3-$(ARCH)-*.tar.bz2 KERNEL=gentoo-sources PACKAGE_FILES=$(APPLIANCE)/package.* WORLD=$(APPLIANCE)/world CRITICAL=$(APPLIANCE)/critical include $(APPLIANCE)/ all: image $(RAW_IMAGE): qemu-img create -f raw $(RAW_IMAGE) $(DISK_SIZE) partitions: parted $(RAW_IMAGE) $(PARTED) -s -a optimal $(RAW_IMAGE) mklabel msdos $(PARTED) -s -a optimal $(RAW_IMAGE) mkpart primary ext4 0 $(DISK_SIZE) $(PARTED) -s -a optimal $(RAW_IMAGE) set 1 boot on qemu-nbd -c $(NBD_DEV) $(RAW_IMAGE) sleep 3 mkfs.ext4 $(NBD_DEV)p1 touch partitions parted: emerge -n1 $(USEPKG) parted touch parted $(CHROOT): mkdir -p $(CHROOT) mounts: $(CHROOT) stage3 if [ ! -e mounts ] ; then \ mount -t proc none $(CHROOT)/proc; \ mount -o bind /dev $(CHROOT)/dev; \ mount -o bind /var/tmp $(CHROOT)/var/tmp; \ fi touch mounts portage: stage3 if [ ! -e portage ] ; then \ mkdir -p $(CHROOT)/usr/portage; \ mount -o bind $(PORTAGE) $(CHROOT)/usr/portage; \ fi touch portage preproot: stage3 mounts portage cp -L /etc/resolv.conf $(CHROOT)/etc/ touch preproot stage3: chroot if [ ! -e stage3 ] ; then \ wget -c -q -nc $(STAGE3); \ tar xjpf `/bin/ls -1 stage3-*.tar.bz2|tail -n1` -C $(CHROOT); \ fi # is it me or does the latest stage3 have python3 as the system # default?! chroot $(CHROOT) eselect python set python2.6 touch stage3 compile_options: make.conf locale.gen $(PACKAGE_FILES) cp make.conf $(CHROOT)/etc/make.conf echo ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=$(ACCEPT_KEYWORDS) >> $(CHROOT)/etc/make.conf cp locale.gen $(CHROOT)/etc/locale.gen chroot $(CHROOT) locale-gen mkdir -p $(CHROOT)/etc/portage for f in $(PACKAGE_FILES) ; do \ cp $$f $(CHROOT)/etc/portage/ ; \ done touch compile_options base_system: mounts compile_options touch base_system $(CHROOT)/boot/vmlinuz: base_system kernel.config chroot $(CHROOT) cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(TIMEZONE) /etc/localtime chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -N sys-kernel/$(KERNEL) cp kernel.config $(CHROOT)/usr/src/linux/.config chroot $(CHROOT) gcc-config 1 chroot $(CHROOT) make $(MAKEOPTS) -C /usr/src/linux oldconfig chroot $(CHROOT) make $(MAKEOPTS) -C /usr/src/linux chroot $(CHROOT) make $(MAKEOPTS) -C /usr/src/linux modules_install chroot $(CHROOT) make $(MAKEOPTS) -C /usr/src/linux install cd $(CHROOT)/boot ; \ k=`/bin/ls -1 --sort=time vmlinuz-*|head -n 1` ; \ ln -nsf $$k vmlinuz sysconfig: preproot fstab cp fstab $(CHROOT)/etc/fstab if [ "$(VIRTIO)" == "YES" ] ; then \ sed -i 's/sda/vda/' $(CHROOT)/etc/fstab; \ fi dd if=/dev/zero of=$(CHROOT)/.swap bs=1M count=$(SWAP_SIZE) /sbin/mkswap $(CHROOT)/.swap echo HOSTNAME=$(HOSTNAME) > $(CHROOT)/etc/conf.d/hostname sed -i 's/^#TIMEZONE=.*/TIMEZONE="$(TIMEZONE)"/' $(CHROOT)/etc/conf.d/clock sed -i 's/^#s0:/s0:/' $(CHROOT)/etc/inittab if [ "$(HEADLESS)" == "YES" ] ; then \ sed -i 's/^\(c[0-9]:\)/#\1/' $(CHROOT)/etc/inittab ; \ fi echo 'config_eth0=( "dhcp" )' > $(CHROOT)/etc/conf.d/net chroot $(CHROOT) rc-update add net.eth0 default chroot $(CHROOT) rc-update del consolefont boot touch sysconfig systools: sysconfig compile_options chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -n $(USEPKG) app-admin/syslog-ng chroot $(CHROOT) rc-update add syslog-ng default chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -n $(USEPKG) sys-power/acpid chroot $(CHROOT) rc-update add acpid default chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -n $(USEPKG) net-misc/dhcpcd touch systools grub: systools grub.conf $(CHROOT)/boot/vmlinuz chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -nN $(USEPKG) sys-boot/grub cp grub.conf $(CHROOT)/boot/grub/grub.conf if [ "$(VIRTIO)" == "YES" ] ; then \ sed -i 's/sda/vda/' $(CHROOT)/boot/grub/grub.conf ; \ fi if [ "$(HEADLESS)" == "YES" ] ; then \ sed -i -f grub-headless.sed $(CHROOT)/boot/grub/grub.conf ; \ fi touch grub software: systools issue etc-update.conf $(CRITICAL) $(WORLD) $(preinstall) chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -DN $(USEPKG) system cp etc-update.conf $(CHROOT)/etc/ chroot $(CHROOT) etc-update chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -DNn $(USEPKG) `cat $(WORLD)` chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -1n app-portage/gentoolkit chroot $(CHROOT) revdep-rebuild -i cp issue $(CHROOT)/etc/issue chroot $(CHROOT) emerge --depclean --with-bdeps=n chroot $(CHROOT) gcc-config 1 $(postinstall) chroot $(CHROOT) passwd -d root chroot $(CHROOT) passwd -e root if [ "$(PRUNE_CRITICAL)" = "YES" ] ; then \ chroot $(CHROOT) emerge -C `cat $(CRITICAL)` ; \ fi touch software device-map: $(RAW_IMAGE) echo '(hd0) ' $(RAW_IMAGE) > device-map image: $(RAW_IMAGE) grub partitions device-map systools software mkdir -p loop mount $(NBD_DEV)p1 loop/ mkdir -p gentoo mount -o bind $(CHROOT) gentoo rm -rf gentoo/usr/src/linux-* rm -rf gentoo/tmp/* rm -rf gentoo/var/tmp/* if [ "$(PRUNE_CRITICAL)" = "YES" ] ; then \ rm -rf gentoo/usr/lib/python*/test ; \ rm -rf gentoo/usr/share/gtk-doc ; \ rm -rf gentoo/var/db/pkg ; \ rm -rf gentoo/usr/lib/perl* ; \ fi rsync -ax gentoo/ loop/ loop/sbin/grub --device-map=device-map --no-floppy --batch < umount loop umount gentoo sleep 3 rmdir loop rm -rf gentoo qemu-nbd -d $(NBD_DEV) touch image $(QCOW_IMAGE): $(RAW_IMAGE) image qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 -c $(RAW_IMAGE) $(QCOW_IMAGE) qcow: $(QCOW_IMAGE) $(VMDK_IMAGE): $(RAW_IMAGE) image qemu-img convert -f raw -O vmdk $(RAW_IMAGE) $(VMDK_IMAGE) vmdk: $(VMDK_IMAGE) .PHONY: qcow vmdk clean clean: umount $(CHROOT)/usr/portage $(CHROOT)/var/tmp $(CHROOT)/dev $(CHROOT)/proc || true rm -f mounts compile_options base_system portage rm -f parted grub stage3 software preproot sysconfig systools image partitions device-map rm -rf loop rm -rf gentoo rm -rf $(CHROOT) realclean: clean rm -f $(RAW_IMAGE) $(QCOW_IMAGE) $(VMDK_IMAGE)