Albert Hopkins c907bdf048 appliances: new appliance: vabuilder
This appliance hosts the Gentoo Virtual Appliance[1] tool.  Now you can
build the thing that builds the thing that builds the things.

Note that you cannot (yet) run this inside of a systemd (or Docker)
container (without giving it special privs), but I'm working on that.  It
should at least be possible to build stage4s with it.

2015-12-11 04:12:56 +00:00

81 lines
1.5 KiB

user nginx nginx;
worker_processes 1;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error_log info;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
use epoll;
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
log_format main
'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" '
client_header_timeout 10m;
client_body_timeout 10m;
send_timeout 10m;
connection_pool_size 256;
client_header_buffer_size 1k;
large_client_header_buffers 4 2k;
request_pool_size 4k;
gzip on;
gzip_min_length 1100;
gzip_buffers 4 8k;
gzip_types text/plain;
output_buffers 1 32k;
postpone_output 1460;
sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
keepalive_timeout 75 20;
ignore_invalid_headers on;
index index.html;
server {
server_name HOSTNAME;
access_log /var/log/nginx/HOSTNAME.access_log main;
error_log /var/log/nginx/HOSTNAME.error_log info;
root /var/www/localhost/htdocs;
location /images/ {
alias VABUILDER_HOME/images/;
fancyindex on;
fancyindex_exact_size off;
fancyindex_localtime on;
# SSL example
#server {
# listen;
# server_name HOSTNAME;
# ssl on;
# ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx.pem;
# ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx.key;
# access_log /var/log/nginx/HOSTNAME.ssl_access_log main;
# error_log /var/log/nginx/HOSTNAME.ssl_error_log info;
# root /var/www/localhost/htdocs;