Albert Hopkins b95132a264 * Add ACCEPT_KEYWORDS Makefile option
* kde: Works now in ~amd64 also
* gnome: (Hopefully) works now in ~amd64 also
* Add xfce virtual appliance
* Add HEADLESS Makefile option that configures grub.conf and /etc/inittab
  to use serial console
2010-09-18 02:43:14 -04:00

22 lines
511 B

app-editors/nano ncurses
dev-lang/python ssl threads xml
sys-kernel/gentoo-sources symlink
# per kde
x11-libs/cairo X svg
x11-libs/qt-gui accessibility dbus mng
x11-libs/qt-qt3support accessibility kde
x11-libs/qt-core exceptions qt3support ssl
x11-libs/qt-sql qt3support mysql
x11-libs/qt-webkit kde
app-misc/strigi dbus qt4
sys-apps/dbus X
media-sound/phonon xcb xine
app-text/poppler utils
dev-libs/xmlrpc-c curl
media-libs/xine-lib xcb
net-misc/curl ssl
# KDE 4.5
>=dev-libs/soprano-2.4.64 raptor redland