<li><ahref="#alternatives-and-paths">Alternatives and Paths</a></li>
<divclass="col-sm-9 doc-styling">
<p>One particularly useful feature of Lektor is the ability to define alternatives
to a content file. This allows you to translate your website into many
different languages or to customize content specifically for some languages
or regions.</p>
<divclass="admonition admonition-warning"><p>Alternatives are a fully functional feature in Lektor but very
underdocumented and lacking in parts. The result of this is that it might not
be working exactly as you expect in parts. In particular one of the limiting
factors is that you need to have at least one alternative at the URL root or
the system will refuse to build the website.</p></div><h2id="enabling-alternatives">Enabling Alternatives</h2><p>To enable alternatives you need to extend your <ahref="../../project/file/"class="ref">Project File</a>. For each alternative a new
section has to be added. It's important that one of the alternatives is
marked as "primary" which informs the system which of the alternatives is
<p>The <code>locale</code> key is used to define the locale that Lektor assumes for the
alternative. This is for instance used for date formatting.</p>
<h2id="content-files-of-alternatives">Content Files of Alternatives</h2><p>Once alternatives are enabled your website will be built multiple times. Once
for each alternative. By default nothing will change as no content files
exist for the non primary alternatives. In the example of above if you
navigate to <code>/fr/</code> you will see the same index page as if you would have
navigated to <code>/</code>.</p>
<p>However you can now start translating your content. Each alternative has
a content file named <code>contents+ALT.lr</code> where <code>ALT</code> is the short code of your
alternative (for instance <code>fr</code> for French). Once a file for an alternative
exists it's loaded instead of the default <code>contents.lr</code> file.</p>
<h2id="what-s-loaded">What's Loaded</h2><p>To make this a bit more concrete: let's go with the example we configured
above. There are two alternatives: English (<code>en</code>) and French (<code>fr</code>) and
English is configured as the primary.</p>
<p>In that case depending on which files exist and which alternative is
targeted, different files will be used. This table visualizes this:</p>
<th>File Used</th>
<h2id="alternatives-and-paths">Alternatives and Paths</h2><p>Alternatives have a special behavior with regards to paths. The alternative
code does not exist in the path! This can be confusing at first, but has the
advantage that they automatically work in most places as the paths are the
same for different alternatives. For more information see
<ahref="../paths/#alternatives-and-paths"class="ref">Alternatives and Paths</a>.</p>
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