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< h1 > Lektor 2.0 Released< / h1 >
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< a href = "https://twitter.com/mitsuhiko" > Armin Ronacher< / a >
on Monday, April 11, 2016
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< p > After quite a bit of wait, I'm happy to announce the 2.0 release of Lektor.
Some things that previously were supposed to go into this release were pushed
out a bit more because the wait just was too long and quite a few features
were already in this release.< / p >
< p > Here is the changelog of what's in this release:< / p >
< ul >
< li > Added < code > _discoverable< / code > system field which controls if a page should show
up in < code > children< / code > . The default is that a page is discoverable. Setting it
to < code > False< / code > means in practical terms that someone needs to know the URL as
all collection operations will not return it.< / li >
< li > Added < code > for_page< / code > function to pagination that returns the pagiantion for a
specific page.< / li >
< li > Make pagination next_page and prev_page be None on the edges.< / li >
< li > Allow plugins to provide publishers.< / li >
< li > Added < code > |markdown< / code > filter.< / li >
< li > Added French translations.< / li >
< li > Unicode filenames as final build artifacts are now explicitly disallowed.< / li >
< li > Serve up a 404.html as an error page in the dev server.< / li >
< li > Improvements to the path normalization and alt handling. This should support
URL generation in more complex cases between alts now.< / li >
< li > Show a clearer error message when URL generation fails because a source
object is virtual (does not have a path).< / li >
< li > Empty text is now still valid markdown.< / li >
< li > Lektor clean now loads the plugins as well.< / li >
< li > Basic support for type customization.< / li >
< li > Fields that are absent in a content file from an alternative are now pulled
from the primary content file.< / li >
< li > Development server now resolves index.html for assets as well.< / li >
< li > Markdown processing now correctly adjusts links relative to where the
rendered output is rendered.< / li >
< li > Added Dutch translations.< / li >
< li > Added Record.get_siblings()< / li >
< li > Added various utilties: build_url, join_path, parse_path< / li >
< li > Added support for virtual paths and made pagination work with it.< / li >
< li > Added support for Query.distinct< / li >
< li > Add support for pagination url resolving on root URL.< / li >
< li > Server information can now also contain extra key/value pairs that
can be used by publishers to affect the processing.< / li >
< li > The thumbnails will now always have the correct width and height set
as an attribute.< / li >
< li > added datetime type< / li >
< li > added support for the process_image utility functions so that plugins
can use it directly.< / li >
< li > added support for included_assets and excluded_assets in the project file.< / li >
< li > added Spanish translations.< / li >
< li > added Japanese translations.< / li >
< li > added support for discovering existing alts of sources.< / li >
< li > added support for image cropping.< / li >
< li > added preliminary support for publishing on windows.< / li >
< li > children and attachments can now have a hidden flag configured explicitly.
Attachments will also no longer inherit the hidden flag of the parent
record as that is not a sensible default.< / li >
< li > changed internal sqlite consistency mode to improve performance on HDDs.< / li >
< li > allow SVG files to be treated as images. This is something that does not
work in all situations yet (in particular thumbnailing does not actually
do anything for those)< / li >
< / ul >
< p > As always you can install the release as mentioned in the release notes.
If you had a previous version of Lektor the install process should auto
upgrade. If you use the OS X desktop build, just drag the new application over
the already existing one.< / p >
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