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2015-12-19 14:52:17 +01:00
_model: poster
title: Welcome
#### banner ####
image: header.jpg
class: dark
height: 500
<div class="container lektor-intro">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<img src="logo.png" alt="Lektor" class="logo">
a flexible and powerful static content management system for building
complex and beautiful websites out of flat files — for people who do
not want to make a compromise between a CMS and a static blog engine.
<a href="docs/what/">Read about what makes Lektor different</a>.
<div class="col-md-4 visible-md-block visible-lg-block">
<div class="download-btn"><a href="download/"
><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></i> Download</a></div>
<div class="install-row">
<pre>curl -sf https://www.getlektor.com/install.sh | sh</pre>
#### text-block ####
## Full of Features
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-ship"></i> **Deploy Anywhere** Because Lektor
builds out 100% static HTML you can deploy them to any host (including S3,
github pages, any web hoster, etc.)
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-globe"></i> **Cross Platform** it runs on
Linux, OSX and Windows.
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-file-code-o"></i> **100% File Based** All
source data is well structured and can be tracked in a version control
system or cloud storage like Dropbox.
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-database"></i> **Flat-File Database** All
source data is stored in a flat-file tree database and can be freely
queried. The layout of that data is completely configurable.
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-pencil"></i> **Customizable Admin** comes
fully equipped with a flexible and beautiful admin interface so you can
edit your pages without having to touch the raw sources.
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-code-fork"></i> **Dependency Tracking**
The build process intelligently tracks dependencies between pages to only
build the files that need rebuilding due to changes.
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-image"></i> **Image Tools** create
thumbnails and give convenient access to EXIF data.
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-puzzle-piece"></i> **Plugin System** Lektor
supports loading plugins that can customize a wide range of functionality.
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-terminal"></i> **Python API** the build
system is written in Python and provides a documented API to extend it and
integrate into other apps.
* <i class="feature-circle fa fa-language"></i> **Multilingual** We can
speak multiple languages and allows you to easily create localized websites.
class: two-column-list
#### slideshow ####
##### slide #####
Lektor comes with a customizable admin panel that allows anyone to
create and edit pages.
image: edit-post.png
##### slide #####
The project files are neatly laid out in the filesystem and allow tracking
via cloud storage or version control.
image: filesystem.png
##### slide #####
description: Projects can be immediately published to remote servers from the admin panel.
image: publish.png
##### slide #####
Changes become immediately visible as Lektor rebuilds on demand. A preview
is also embedded in the admin interface.
image: preview.png
##### slide #####
The structure of the pages and the templates used to render the page can
be completely customized.
image: structure.png
#### text-block ####
## Open Source
Lektor at it's core is a three clause [BSD licensed
](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lektor/lektor/master/LICENSE) Open Source
project written in Python and Node.js.
class: centered