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Lektor Shortcodes<br>=================<br><br>[](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lektor-shortcodes)<br><br>The Lektor Shortcodes plugin allows you to use shortcodes (shortcodes are<br>something like custom tags) in your fields (not templates), so your content<br>doesn't have to have repetitive snippets over and over.<br><br>For example, my blog has some specific HTML that I add when I want an image with<br>a border and caption to be displayed. The HTML looks like this:<br><br><br>~~~html<br><div class="alignright"><br><a href="image-large.jpg"><br><img src="image.jpg" /><br><span class="caption">The caption</span><br></a><br></div><br>~~~<br><br>Copy-pasting this every time gets tedious, and I have to search and replace it<br>in all the content files every time I want to make a change. With the<br>shortcodes plugin, this can be written as:<br><br>~~~<br>[% image align=right link="image-large.jpg" image=image.jpg caption="The caption" %]<br>~~~<br><br>Much easier, cleaner and less repetitive.<br><br><br>Installation<br>------------<br><br>To install the plugin, just add `lektor-shortcodes` to your plugins from the<br>command line:<br><br>~~~<br>lektor plugins add lektor-shortcodes<br>~~~<br><br><br>Usage<br>-----<br><br>Using the plugin is simple. Just create a config file called `shortcodes.ini` in<br>your `configs` directory and specify some shortcode templates. The templates are<br>full Jinja templates, although (due to some limitations of ini files) they need<br>to be on one line.<br><br>For instance, for the example above, the config file could be:<br><br>~~~ini<br>[global]<br>image = '<div class="align{{ align }}">{% if link %}<a href="{{ link }}"{% if not link.startswith("http") %} data-lightbox="gallery"{% endif %}>{% endif %}<img src="{{ image }}">{% if link %}</a>{% endif %}{% if caption %}<span class="caption">{{ caption }}</span>{% endif %}</div>'<br>~~~<br><br>This will allow you to use shortcodes with optional arguments, like so:<br><br>~~~<br># An image with no caption or link:<br>[% image align=right image=hello.jpg %]<br><br><br># An image with a link:<br>[% image align=right link=http://www.example.com image=hello.jpg %]<br><br># Link and caption:<br>[% image align=right link=http://www.example.com image=hello.jpg caption="Hello!" %]<br>~~~<br><br>Shortcodes defined within the section named `global` will be processed<br>automatically inside any of your site’s Markdown content. It is also possible to<br>define shortcodes which are only expanded when the Jinja2 template for a page<br>explicitly requests it. Shortcodes defined in any section not named `global`<br>will only be applied when the template passed the content through a Jinja2<br>filter named `shortcode`. For example, if your HTML template references a field<br>called `body`, you may request expanding shortcodes defined within the<br>`body-only` section of your config file, like so:<br><br>~~~<br>{{ body|shortcodes(section="body-only") }}<br>~~~<br><br>This will enable all shortcodes from the specified section, in addition to all<br>globally defined shortcodes. If no section is specified, the filter defaults to<br>the section named `main`.<br><br><br>Miscellanea<br>-----------<br><br>If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue or file a PR.<br>Thanks!<br>
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