<li><p><aclass="github-button"href="https://github.com/chaos-bodensee/lektor-scss"data-icon="octicon-star"data-size="large"data-show-count="true"aria-label="Star lektor-scss on GitHub"target="_blank">Star</a></p></li>
<li>It looks for <code>.scss</code> and <code>.sass</code> files <em>(ignores part files that begin with a underscore e.g. '_testfile.scss') and compiles them as part of the build process.</em></li>
<li>It only rebuilds the css when it's needed (file changed, a file it imports changed or the config changed).</li>
<li>When starting the the development server it watches the files for changes in the background and rebuilds them when needed.</li>
<p>You can install the plugin with Lektor's installer:</p>
<pre>lektor plugins add lektor-scss
<p>Or by hand, adding the plugin to the packages section in your lektorproject file:</p>
<p>To enable the plugin, pass the <code>scss</code> flag when starting the development
server or when running a build:</p>
<pre><spanclass="c1"># build and compile css from scss</span>
lektor build -f scss
<spanclass="c1"># edit site with new generated css</span>
lektor server -f scss
<p>It is highly recommended to use this plugin with a python3 version of lektor.</p>
<p>Since lektor can be used as a python module it is possible to enforce this <em>(after lektor is installed eg. with <code>pip3 install --user --upgrade lektor</code>)</em> with the following command:</p>
<pre><spanclass="c1"># run a python3 lektor server with new generated css</span>
python3 -m lektor server -f scss
<p>The Plugin has the following settings you can adjust to your needs:</p>
<th>default value</th>
<td>the directory in which the plugin searchs for sass files (subdirectories are included)</td>
<td>the directory the compiled css files get place at</td>
<td>coding style of the compiled result. choose one of: 'nested', 'expanded', 'compact', 'compressed'</td>
<td>whether to add comments about source lines</td>
<td>precision for numbers</td>
<td>If you want to include SASS libraries from a different directory, libsass's compile function has a parameter called <code>include_paths</code> to add those directories to the search path.</td>
<p>An example file with the default config can be found at <code>configs/scss.ini</code>. For every parameter that is not specified in the config file the default value is used by the plugin.</p>
<p>To test and/or develop on this plugin in your running lektor installation, simply place it in the <code>packages/</code> Folder and have a look at the <ahref="https://www.getlektor.com/docs/plugins/dev/"rel="nofollow">Lektor Doku</a></p>
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