title: include_undiscoverable --- signature: value --- summary: Controls what happens to records that are not discoverable. --- type: method --- version_added: 2.0 --- body: This controls how the query should behave with regards to undiscoverable records. A query (either created from the [children :ref](../../record/children/) attribute or the [query :ref](../../pad/query/) method of the pad) will not include undiscoverable records by default. If undiscoverable records should included this method needs to be used. Set it to `True` to include hidden or `False` to exclude them (default). ## Example Here a basic example of how to filter something in a template: ```html+jinja <ul> {% for item in this.children.include_undiscoverable(true) %} <li>{{ item.title }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> ```