title: publish --- signature: target_url, credentials=None, **extra --- summary: The method that triggers the deployment --- type: method --- version_added: 2.0 --- body: This method implements the actual publishing process. It's supposed to implement a generator that reports the progress of the publishing. If at any point something happens that would cause an error for the deployment this can be signalled with the [fail :ref](../fail/) method which aborts the execution and reports an error. The parameters to the function are as follows: * `target_url`: a URL object with the parsed URL. This object comes from the Werkzeug library and gives access to the individual parts of a URL by the exposed attributes ([Read about the URL object :ext](http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/0.11/urls/)). * `credentials`: an optional dictionary with command line supplied credentials. Note that these credentials might be completely absent and the keys which are provided might change with future versions of Lektor. * `**extra`: for forwards compatibility publishers are required to ignore extra keyword arguments. ## Example This example implements a simple publisher that just copies all built files into a new location. ```python import os import shutil from lektor.publisher import Publisher class CopyPublisher(Publisher): def publish(self, target_url, credentials=None, **extra): src_path = self.output_path dst_path = target_url.path strip = len(src_path) + 1 for path, folders, filenames in os.walk(src_path): # Ignore the .lektor folder. folders[:] = [x for x in folders if x != '.lektor'] # Copy all files over for filename in filenames: full_path = os.path.join(src_path, path, filename) dst = os.path.join(path, full_path[strip:]) # Make sure the destination folder exists. try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) except (OSError, IOError): pass # Copy the file yield 'Copy %s' % filename shutil.copy(full_path, dst) yield 'Done' class MyPlugin(Plugin): def on_setup_env(self, **extra): self.env.add_publisher('copy', CopyPublisher) ``` This publisher registers with the `copy` scheme and could be used like this: ```ini target_url = copy:///path/to/destination/folder ```