title: render_template
type: method
signature: name, pad=None, this=None, values=None, alt=None
summary: Renders a template from the template folder.

Whenever Lektor needs to render a template, it will use this exact
method.  Here are the parameters and what they mean:

* `name`: this is the name of the template that should be rendered.  It's
  the local filename relative to the `templates` folder and uses slashes
  for paths.
* `pad`: when a [Pad :ref](../../db/pad/) is available, it should be provided
  so that the `site` variable can be populated.  If a context is available
  then the pad will also be pulled from the context if needed.
* `this`: the value of the `this` variable in templates.  This should always
  be the closest renderable thing.  Typically this is a [Record
  :ref](../../db/record/) or flow block or something similar.
* `values`: optional additional variables can be provided as a dictionary here.
* `alt`: this can override the default selected `alt`.  If not provided it's
  discovered from `this` and it will default to `_primary` if no other
  information can be found.

## Example

from lektor.project import Project

project = Project.discover()
env = project.make_env(load_plugins=False)
pad = env.new_pad()
rv = env.render_template('hello.html', pad=pad, this={
    'title': 'Demo Object'