
Lektor is an Open Source Project and freely available to download. It's currently still under heavy development and not all platforms are equally well supported.

Command Line Interface

If you are on Linux or Mac you can install the command line version of Lektor by copy/pasting a command into your terminal.

Scared about copy/pasting this into a terminal? We will not do anything before asking you for confirmation and you can download the script upfront to see what it's doing.


This will install Lektor in your HOME. Running it with sudo will result in a system installation instead.

curl -sf | python3

You might need additional dependencies for this installation. For more information see Installation.


If you are on Windows copy/paste this command into Powershell:

(new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('') | python

or alternatively use this in command prompt:

@powershell -NoProfile -Command "(new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('') | python"

Desktop Application

Lektor supported an installable version of Lektor on OSX. The current build process for these installers is old and in need of refactoring. Temporarily until this is resolved, as of version 3.1, this installer is no longer supported.