title: GitHub Pages
summary: Deploys to github pages.

* `ghpages://username/repository`
* `ghpages+https://username/repository`

A popular way to host websites for Open Source projects is the GitHub pages.
It's a free services provided by [GitHub :ext](http://github.com/) which allows
to host completely static websites through GitHub.

The way this is implemented in Lektor currently is that Lektor will force-push
a website into a repository of choice.  There are two ways to push it up:
`ghpages` (which uses SSH) or `ghpages+https` (which uses HTTPS).  The latter
can also accept `username:password@` in the URL to hold the credentials in
addition to accepting username and password from the command line or
environment variables.


target = ghpages://your-user/your-repository

## Credentials

This deployment method has two implementations: `ghpages` (also known as
`ghpages+ssh`) which uses SSH and `ghpages+https` which uses HTTPS.  They
use different methods for credentials.  For the SSH transport the same
rules apply as for the [rsync deployment method :ref](../rsync/).  The HTTPS
transport on the other hand accepts `--username` and `--password` which
override the values in the URL.

## Behavior

The way this deployment support works is that it commits a new commit into a
temporary location and pushes it into the `gh-pages` or `master` branch
depending on the name of the repository.  If you push to `username.github.io`
then it commits to `master`, otherwise to `gh-pages`.  This is consistent
with behavior for GitHub Pages.

## CNAME Support

If you want to use a [CNAME :ext](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNAME) with
GitHub pages and Lektor you can provide the intended CNAME with the `?cname`

target = ghpages://your-user/your-repository?cname=www.example.com

For more information about how CNAMEs work with GitHub you can read about
the feature in the GitHub help center:
[Adding a CNAME file to your repository

## 404 Pages

Per convenention the file named `404.html` is used as placeholder if a page
cannot be found.  You can create such a page by creating a `404.html/contents.lr`

## Automatic Deployments

If you want to use ghpages it's desirable to have this build automatically.
This is easy to accomplish with the help of Travis-CI.  For more information
see [Deploying with Travis-CI :ref](../travisci/).