{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %}Showcase{% endblock %} {% block outerbody %} {% set image = site.get('/showcase').attachments.images.first() %} {% if image %} <div class="page-banner page-banner-300" style="background-image: url({{ image|url }})"></div> {% endif %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block body %} <h1>Showcase</h1> <p> Want to see what Lektor is used for? This should give you a brief overview of what projects are built on the basis of Lektor. We take good care of ensuring this list stays up to date by carefully moderating it. <p> Click any of the showcases to learn a bit more about how it uses Lektor. <div class="showcase row"> {% for project in this.children %} <div class="project col-md-6"> <a href="{{ project|url }}"> <h2>{{ project.name }}</h2> {% if project.cover_image %} {% set image = project.attachments.get(project.cover_image) %} <div class="frame"><img src="{{ image.thumbnail(480)|url }}" width="100%" alt=""></div> {% endif %} </a> </div> {% endfor %} </div> <p> <small>You want your own website on here? <a href="https://github.com/lektor/lektor-website/tree/master/content/showcase">Fork the Lektor Website Repository on GitHub</a> to add your own project. Make sure to add screenshots (aspect ratio ~ 1.6:1) and a description about the project. We encourage you to add a link to your source code so that others can learn from your example. </small> {% endblock %}